Dictionary does not have a member named filter - but it should, shouldn't it? - xcode

I'm trying to get code from github for auto-completion to work, but am stuck with an error on line 6 (data.filter) that Dictionary does not have a member named filter. But everything I read in the documentation suggests dictionaries should have a filter method. I've tried every possible combination of unwrapping, self, etc, but the compiler then registers these changes as the error.
Obviously something is going on that I do not understand - any guidance is appreciated.
var data = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
func applyFilterWithSearchQuery(filter : String) -> Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
var lower = (filter as NSString).lowercaseString
if (data.count > 0) {
var filteredData = data.filter ({
if let match : AnyObject = $0["DisplayText"]{
return (match as NSString).lowercaseString.hasPrefix((filter as NSString).lowercaseString)
return false
return filteredData

Never heard of dictionary filters - where have you read about that? Arrays do have a filter method, but not dictionaries. What you can do is filter keys or values (accessible via the respective dictionary properties).
You can implement a custom filter on a dictionary with the following code:
var filtered = dict.keys.filter { $0.hasPrefix("t") }.map { (key: $0, value: dict[$0]) }
var newDict = [String : AnyObject]()
for element in filtered {
newDict[element.key] = element.value
which filter keys, then maps each key to a (key, value) tuple, then add each tuple to a new dictionary.
Note that to filter keys I used hasPrefix("t") - replace that with something more appropriate to your case

var data = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
func applyFilterWithSearchQuery(filter: String) -> [String : AnyObject] {
var lower = filter.lowercaseString
var filteredData = [String : AnyObject]()
if (!data.isEmpty) {
Swift.filter(data) {
(key, value) -> Bool in
if key == "DisplayText" {
filteredData[key] = (value as? String)?.lowercaseString.hasPrefix(lower)
return false
/* use map function works too
map(data) {
(key, value) -> Void in
if key == "DisplayText" {
filteredData[key] = (value as? String)?.lowercaseString.hasPrefix(lower)
return filteredData


How work history of web browser under the hood

I am trying to implement my own web browser history for WKWebView on iOS, but I can't implement this functionality completely, and each time I obtain trouble.
I can create a history where the user did be and then moving forward and backward inside history.
But I have next trouble, and I think it an only one of many problems on my way.
When I have a history with for example 10 elements, and then I am moving back to element number 5 and then go don't forward but try to open the new link I can't remove element 6-10 and put the new link.
I think my problem that I can't fully understand how history work inside all browsers under the hood, this is not a hard task but I am confused inside this algorithm.
My main data structure for holding history
Help me understand how to work this algorithm inside browsers or maybe exist a good theory about it?
I have solved this problem and realize the full algorithm well, the completed project available here: https://github.com/IhorYachmenov/Custom-browser-history-for-WKWebView.
struct PlayerHistory {
static var shared = PlayerHistory()
var historyExist: Bool = false
var historyCurrentPosition: Int = 0
var historyLastPositionBeforeUpdatingHistory: Int!
var userHistoryKey: String!
var backPressed: Bool!
var forwardPressed: Bool!
var urlOfPlayer: String!
// Function only for first loading inside <viewDidLoad or another method from app LifeCycle>.
mutating func getUrlForFirstLoading(initURL: String, key: String) -> String {
urlOfPlayer = initURL
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults() != nil else {
updateFirstElement(key: key, url: initURL)
return initURL
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key] != nil else {
return initURL
let position = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!.count - 1
historyExist = true
historyCurrentPosition = position
userHistoryKey = key
let initUrlFromHistoryStorage = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!.last!.url
return initUrlFromHistoryStorage
// Create new or update exist history, use this method indsede <decidePolicyForNavigation>.
mutating func updatePlayerHistory(backlisk: [String], key: String) {
var history = [WebViewHistory]()
for i in backlisk {
if (historyExist == true) {
// If old history exist need compound both and then to save.
let oldHistory = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]
let oldAndNewHostoryTogether = oldHistory! + history
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(oldAndNewHostoryTogether, forKey: key)
setCurrentPosition(url: backlisk.last!, key: key)
} else {
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(history, forKey: key)
historyExist = true
setCurrentPosition(url: backlisk.last!, key: key)
// Before using this method check if result don't equals nil. Use this method for navigation beetween history
func moveThroughHistory(key: String, direction: Bool) -> String? {
guard historyExist != false else {
return nil
let history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!
if (direction == true) {
let index = historyCurrentPosition + 1
guard index != history.count else { return nil }
return history[index].url
} else {
let index = historyCurrentPosition - 1
guard index > 0 else { return history[0].url }
return history[index].url
// Method <setCurrentPosition> each time set position at history
mutating func setCurrentPosition(url: String, key: String) {
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults() != nil else { return }
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key] != nil else { return }
let history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]
let index = history?.firstIndex(of: WebViewHistory(url))
guard index != nil else {
historyCurrentPosition = 0
historyCurrentPosition = index!
// <removeUnusedPeaceOfHistory> need use when user want open new page staying inside the middle of history
mutating func removeUnusedPeaceOfHistory(key: String) {
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults() != nil else {
guard HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key] != nil else {
var history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!
let startIndex = historyCurrentPosition + 1
let endIndex = history.endIndex - 1
let countOfAllElements = history.count
guard startIndex != countOfAllElements else { return }
let range = startIndex...endIndex
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(history, forKey: key)
// Use <updateFirstElement> inside <getUrlForFirstLoading> if history doesn't exist
private mutating func updateFirstElement(key: String, url: String) {
var history = [WebViewHistory]()
history.insert(WebViewHistory(url), at: 0)
var keyValuePair = Dictionary<String, [WebViewHistory]>()
keyValuePair.updateValue(history, forKey: key)
historyExist = true
historyCurrentPosition = 0
// Use <webViewWillBeClosedSaveHistory> when WKWebView should be closed, if the user moves through history new position will be saved.
mutating func webViewWillBeClosedSaveHistory(key: String) {
let history = HistoryStorage.shared.getHistoryFromUserDefaults()![key]!
let currentPosition = historyCurrentPosition + 1
guard currentPosition != history.count else { return }
removeUnusedPeaceOfHistory(key: key)

How to create a sorted merged list from two diffrent ArrayList of Objects based on a common value field in Kotlin?

I have two ArrayLists of different Data classes as given below:
class Record{
var id: Long = 0
var RecordId: Int = 0
var Record: String? = null
var title: String? = null
var description: String? = null
var longDate: Long = 0
class Type{
var id: Long = 0
var typeId: Int = 0
var subTypeId: Int = 0
var typeString: String? = null
var longDate: Long = 0
var recordsList: ArrayList<Record>
var typesList: ArrayList<Type>
Now, I want a merged list of these two which will be sorted based on a common field in both the Objects i.e. longDate. I have tried .associate , sortedBy, sortedWith(compareBy<>) etc. but could not achieve the desired result.
Here, also there is one point to note is that while comparing the two lists it is possible that one on them may be empty.
This will produce a List<Any> with all items sorted by longDate:
(recordsList + typesList)
.sortedBy {
when (it) {
is Record -> it.longDate
is Type -> it.longDate
else -> error("")
Or you might consider creating an interface that has val longDate: Long that both of these classes implement. Then you wouldn't need the when expression, and your List would be of the type of the interface.
Something like this should work, but I personally think that it is quite the code smell. There is no guarantee that Record.longDate is truly the same type as Type.longDate (we know that it is, since we create the model, but the compiler would never know).
val result = (recordsList + typesList).sortedBy {
is Record -> it.longDate
is Type -> it.longDate
else -> error("incompatible list element $it")
And it would work something like this: (I've removed some parameters from the models as they don't really count here)
fun main() {
val recordsList = listOf(Record().apply { longDate = 5 }, Record().apply { longDate = 3})
val typesList = listOf(Type().apply { longDate = 3 }, Type().apply { longDate = 2 })
val result = (recordsList + typesList).sortedBy {
is Record -> it.longDate
is Type -> it.longDate
else -> error("incompatible list element $it")
class Record{
var longDate: Long = 0
override fun toString(): String {
return "Record(longDate=$longDate)"
class Type{
var longDate: Long = 0
override fun toString(): String {
return "Type(longDate=$longDate)"
This will output:
Doing it in a more generic way, so that you can create a fun where you state which property to be used from each object type would most likely use reflection, which I'd avoid at all costs.
So I would definitely consider if one object can inherit the other, or create an interface, or anything else.
I'll end with 2 questions: why no constructors? why ArrayList and not list?

Filtering multiple times on one dictionary

I currently run this code:
searchterm = "test"
results = resultsArray.filter { $0.description.contains (searchterm!) }
My question is how do I search in company_name or place or any other field in my model and add it to the results.
Do I need to use filters together and then append the results to a new variable instance of my model?
If "test" is in company_name, place and description. I want all three results returned. However, if "test" is only in place, I need only place to be returned.
This is an example of my model return. Is this a dictionary or an array? I'm sorry I dont 100% percent know the difference. I know ' "this": is ' what a dictionary looks like, however because there were [] brackets around them, I thought that made it an array...
struct GraphData {
var description: String
var company_name: String
var places: String
init(description: String, company_name: String, places: String){
self.description = description
self.company_name = company_name
self.places = places
func toAnyObject() -> Any {
return [
"description": description,
"company_name": company_name,
"places": places,
The easiest way to do this would be to create a custom contains method in your model which can you can use to match the search term against any property in the model:
class YourModel {
var company_name: String
var description: String
var place: String
// ...
func contains(_ searchTerm: String) -> Bool {
return self.company_name.contains(searchTerm)
|| self.description.contains(searchTerm)
|| self.place.contains(searchTerm)
You can then simply filter using your custom method:
let searchTerm = "test"
let results = resultsArray.filter { $0.contains(searchTerm) }
Is this resultsArray a dictionary or an array?
You can do something like this
let searchTerm = "test"
let filter = resultsArray.filter{ $0.company_name!.contains(searchTerm) || $0.place!.contains(searchTerm) }
class TestClass: NSObject {
var place: String?
var company_name: String?
func contain(searchTerm: String) -> [String] {
var result = [String]()
if let placeVal = place, placeVal.contains(searchTerm) {
if let companyVal = company_name, companyVal.contains(searchTerm) {
return result
let searchTerm = "test"
let filter = resultsArray.map { $0.contain(searchTerm: searchTerm) }

Replacing NSNulls inside NSDictionary

this question is similar to Replace occurrences of NSNull in nested NSDictionary
In swift I am getting an error (I believe because of NSNull's) I don't really care if the NSNull becomes an empty string or a nil. I am just wanting to get the code to work.
I have a large data structure coming in from JSON as an NSDictionary. Then I am saving that to a temporary file. Here is the code:
var jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .MutableContainers, error: &err) as! NSDictionary
let json = JSON(jsonResult)
if (json["errors"].array?.count > 0) {
println("could not load stuff")
} else {
println("retrieving the stuff")
let file = "file.txt"
let file_path = NSTemporaryDirectory() + file
let dict:NSDictionary = jsonResult
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
if dict.writeToFile(file_path, atomically: true) {
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
//--- need to handle the NSNull junk here
if let dict = readDict {
println("Temp file created, here are the contents: \(dict)")
} else {
println("!!!Failed to READ the dictionary data back from disk.")
else {
println("!!!Failed to WRITE the dictionary to disk.")
Here's an example of what jsonResult looks like
things = (
"one" = one;
two = "<null>";
"three" = three;
"four" = "<null>";
"five" = five;
"six" = "six-6";
seven = 7;
eight = eight;
nine = "<null>";
ten = "<null>";
eleven = "<null>";
"twelve" = "<null>";
Problem: I have a very large amount of JSON (roughly 600kb as text) Within that JSON data there are nulls. The problem I was having is that when you NSJSONSerialization as NSDictionary, it converts the nulls into NSNull objects (it looks funky if you print this out because they appear as a string, this is wrong.
Solution: You need to have a "pruned" or "sanitized" dictionary. What this means is to throw out the key and value entirely. To do this, I added a sanitized_dict function. Here is the function:
func sanitize_dict(obj: AnyObject) -> AnyObject {
if obj.isKindOfClass(NSDictionary) {
var saveableObject = obj as! NSMutableDictionary
for (key, value) in obj as! NSDictionary {
if (value.isKindOfClass(NSNull)) {
//println("Removing NSNull for: \(key)")
if (value.isKindOfClass(NSArray)) {
let tmpArray: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(value as! NSArray)
saveableObject.setValue(tmpArray, forKey: key as! String)
if (value.isKindOfClass(NSDictionary)) {
let tmpDict: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(value as! NSDictionary)
saveableObject.setValue(tmpDict, forKey: key as! String)
return saveableObject
//--- because arrays are handled differently,
//--- you basically need to do the same thing, but for an array
//--- if the object is an array
} else if obj.isKindOfClass(NSArray) {
var saveableObject = [AnyObject]()
for (index, ele) in enumerate(obj as! NSArray) {
if (ele.isKindOfClass(NSNull)) {
// simply don't add element to saveableobject and we're good
if (ele.isKindOfClass(NSArray)) {
let tmpArray: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(ele as! NSArray)
if (ele.isKindOfClass(NSDictionary)) {
let tmpDict: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(ele as! NSDictionary)
return saveableObject
// this shouldn't happen, but makes code work
var saveableObject = [AnyObject]()
return saveableObject
So your other code needs to call that function, it should look something like this:
var err: NSError?
var jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .MutableContainers, error: &err) as! NSDictionary
//--- right now jsonResult is not actual json, and actually has the NSNulls
//--- get that result into the sanitized function above
let saveableDict: (AnyObject) = self.sanitize_dict(jsonResult)
let json = JSON(saveableDict)
if (json["errors"].array?.count > 0) {
println("!!!Failed to load.")
} else {
println("Load json successful. Attempting to save file...")
//--- set up basic structure for reading/writing temp file
let file = "file.txt"
let file_path = NSTemporaryDirectory() + file
let dict:NSDictionary = jsonResult
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
if dict.writeToFile(file_path, atomically: true) {
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
if let dict = readDict {
println("Temp file created, here are the contents: \(dict)")
} else {
println("!!!Failed to READ the dictionary data back from disk.")
else {
println("!!!Failed to WRITE the dictionary to disk.")
Hope this helps somebody out there with a big JSON dataset and nulls. It is all about that sanitize function!

Swift: How to declare a 2d array (grid or matrix) in Swift to allow random insert

I need to be able to store information about cells in a 2d matrix or grid. Data is not contiguous so I may need to store data at 5,5 when there is no data at lower rows and columns.
My first thought was an array of arrays dynamically sized. But Swift arrays have bounds that do not grow automatically. If I attempt to place something at index 5 and thats beyond its current size it fails with out of bounds exception.
Is there a collection class in Swift or Cocoa which supports random access to a grid. NSArray doesn't support it either.
Another thought was to store the elements in a dictionary and use a tuple of row, column as the key. However, tuples are not hashable and can't be used as the key to a dictionary.
My current approach is to preinitialize the array with a set size filled with nulls.
Is there a better way?
Here is a very basic implementation, using Dictionary as backend storage:
struct Matrix2D<KeyElem:Hashable, Value> {
var _storage:[KeyElem:[KeyElem:Value]] = [:]
subscript(x:KeyElem, y:KeyElem) -> Value? {
get {
return _storage[x]?[y]
set(val) {
if _storage[x] == nil {
_storage[x] = [:]
_storage[x]![y] = val
var matrix = Matrix2D<Int, String>()
matrix[1,2] = "foo"
as DictionaryLiteralConvertible:
extension Matrix2D:DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
typealias Key = (x:KeyElem, y:KeyElem)
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
for (key, val) in elements {
self[key.x, key.y] = val
var matrix:Matrix2D = [(1,2):"foo", (2,3):"bar"]
Array backend version
struct Matrix2D<T> {
var _storage:[[T?]] = []
subscript(x:Int, y:Int) -> T? {
get {
if _storage.count <= x {
return nil
if _storage[x].count <= y {
return nil
return _storage[x][y]
set(val) {
if _storage.count <= x {
let cols = [[T?]](count: x - _storage.count + 1, repeatedValue: [])
if _storage[x].count <= y {
let rows = [T?](count: y - _storage[x].count + 1, repeatedValue: nil)
_storage[x][y] = val
