Accessing a file that is being written - hadoop

You use the hadoop fs –put command to write a 300 MB file using and HDFS block size of 64 MB. Just after this command has finished writing 200 MB of this file, what would another user see when trying to access this file?
a.) They would see Hadoop throw an ConcurrentFileAccessException when they try to access this file.
b.) They would see the current state of the file, up to the last bit written by the command.
c.) They would see the current of the file through the last completed block.
d.) They would see no content until the whole file written and closed.
From what I understand about the hadoop fs -put command the answer is D, however some say it is C.
Could anyone provide a constructive explanation for either of the options?
Thanks xx

The reason why the the file will not be accessible until the whole file is written and closed (option D) is because, in order to access a file, the request is first sent to the NameNode, to obtain metadata relating to the different blocks that compose the file. This metadata will be written by the NameNode only after it receives confirmation that all blocks of the file were written successfully.
Therefore, even though the blocks are available, the user can't see the file until the metadata is updated, which is done after all blocks are written.

As soon as a file is created, it is visible in the filesystem namespace. Any content written to the file is not guaranteed to be visible, however:
Once more than a block's worth of data has been written, the first block will be visible to new readers. This is true of subsequent blocks, too: it is always the current block being written that is not visible to other readers. (From Hadoop Definitive Guide, Coherency Model).
So, I would go with Option C.
Also, take a look at this related question.

Seems both D and C are true as detailed by Chaos and Ashrith, respectively. I documented their results at when playing with a 7.5 GB file.
In a nutshell, yes, the exact file name is NOT present until completed... AND... yes, you can actually read the file up to the last block written iF you realize the filename is temporarily suffixed with ._COPYING_.


How to process an open file using MapReduce framework

I have a file that get aggregated and written into HDFS. This file will be opened for an hour before it is closed. Is it possible to compute this file using MapReduce framework, while it is open? I tried it but it's not picking up all appended data. I could query the data in HDFS and it available but not when done by MapReduce. Is there anyway I could force MapReduce to read an open file? Perhaps customize the FileInputFormat class?
You can read what was physically flushed. Since close() makes the final flush of the data, your reads may miss some of the most recent data regardless how you access it (mapreduce or command line).
As a solution I would recommend periodically close the current file, and then open a new one (with some incremented index suffix). You can run you map reduce on multiple files. You would still end up with some data missing in the most recent file, but at least you can control it by frequency of of your file "rotation".

Reading contents of blocks directly in a datanode

In HDFS , the blocks are distributed among the active nodes/slaves. The content of the blocks are simple text so is there any way to see read or access the blocks present in each data node ?
As an entire file or to read a single block (say block number 3) out of sequence?
You can read the file via various mechanisms including the Java API but you cannot start reading in the middle of the file (for example at the start of block 3).
Hadoop reads a block of data and feeds each line to the mapper for further processing. Also, the Hadoop clients gets the blocks related to a file from different Data Nodes before concatenating them. So, it should be possible to get the data from a particular block.
Hadoop Client might be a good place to start with to look at the code. But, HDFS provides file system abstraction. Not sure what the requirement would be for reading the data from a particular block.
Assuming you have ssh access (and appropriate permissions) to the datanodes, you can cd to the path where the blocks are stored and read the blocks stored on that node (e.g., do a cat BLOCK_XXXX). The configuration parameter that tells you where the blocks are stored is, which defaults to file://${hadoop.tmp.dir}/dfs/data. More details here.
Caveat: the block names are coded by HDFS depending on their internal block ID. Just by looking at their names, you cannot know to which file a block belongs.
Finally, I assume you want to do this for debugging purposes or just to satisfy your curiosity. Normally, there is no reason to do this and you should just use the HDFS web-UI or command-line tools to look at the contents of your files.

atomic hadoop fs move

While building an infrastructure for one of my current projects I've faced the problem of replacement of already existing HDFS files. More precisely, I want to do the following:
We have a few machines (log-servers) which are continuously generating logs. We have a dedicated machine (log-preprocessor) which is responsible for receiving log chunks (each chunk is about 30 minutes in length and 500-800 mb in size) from log-servers, preprocessing them and uploading to HDFS of our Hadoop-cluster.
Preprocessing is done in 3 steps:
for each logserver: filter (in parallel) received log chunk (output file is about 60-80mb)
combine (merge-sort) all output files from the step1 and do some minor filtering (additionally, 30-min files are combined together into 1-hour files)
using current mapping from external DB, process the file from step#2 to obtain the final logfile and put this file to HDFS.
Final logfiles are to be used as input for several periodoc HADOOP-applications which are running on a HADOOP-cluster. In HDFS logfiles are stored as follows:
Problem description:
The mapping which is used on step 3 changes over time and we need to reflect these changes by recalculating step3 and replacing old HDFS files with new ones. This update is performed with some periodicity (e.g. every 10-15 minutes) at least for last 12 hours. Please note that, if the mapping has changed, the result of applying step3 on the same input file may be significantly different (it will not be just a superset/subset of previous result). So we need to overwrite existing files in HDFS.
However, we can't just do hadoop fs -rm and then hadoop fs -copyToLocal because if some HADOOP-application is using the file which is temporary removed the app may fail. The solution I use -- put a new file near the old one, the files have the same name but different suffixes denoting files` version. Now the layout is the following:
Any Hadoop-application during it's start (setup) chooses the files with the most up-to-date versions and works with them. So even if some update is going on, the application will not experience any problems because no input file is removed.
Do you know some easier approach to this problem which does not use this complicated/ugly file versioning?
Some applications may start using a HDFS-file which is currently uploading, but not yet uploaded (applications see this file in HDFS but don't know if it consistent). In case of gzip files this may lead to failed mappers. Could you please advice how could I handle this issue? I know that for local file systems I can do something like:
cp infile /finaldir/outfile.tmp && mv /finaldir/output.tmp /finaldir/output
This works because mv is an atomic operation, however I'm not sure that this is the case for HDFS. Could you please advice if HDFS has some atomic operation like mv in conventional local file systems?
Thanks in advance!
IMO, the file rename approach is absolutely fine to go with.
HDFS, upto 1.x, lacks atomic renames (they are dirty updates IIRC) - but the operation has usually been considered 'atomic-like' and never given problems to the specific scenario you have in mind here. You could rely on this without worrying about a partial state since the source file is already created and closed.
HDFS 2.x onwards supports proper atomic renames (via a new API call) that has replaced the earlier version's dirty one. It is also the default behavior of rename if you use the FileContext APIs.

How does HDFS with append works

Let's assume one is using default block size (128 MB), and there is a file using 130 MB ; so using one full size block and one block with 2 MB. Then 20 MB needs to be appended to the file (total should be now of 150 MB). What happens?
Does HDFS actually resize the size of the last block from 2MB to 22MB? Or create a new block?
How does appending to a file in HDFS deal with conccurency?
Is there risk of dataloss ?
Does HDFS create a third block put the 20+2 MB in it, and delete the block with 2MB. If yes, how does this work concurrently?
According to the latest design document in the Jira issue mentioned before, we find the following answers to your question:
HDFS will append to the last block, not create a new block and copy the data from the old last block. This is not difficult because HDFS just uses a normal filesystem to write these block-files as normal files. Normal file systems have mechanisms for appending new data. Of course, if you fill up the last block, you will create a new block.
Only one single write or append to any file is allowed at the same time in HDFS, so there is no concurrency to handle. This is managed by the namenode. You need to close a file if you want someone else to begin writing to it.
If the last block in a file is not replicated, the append will fail. The append is written to a single replica, who pipelines it to the replicas, similar to a normal write. It seems to me like there is no extra risk of dataloss as compared to a normal write.
Here is a very comprehensive design document about append and it contains concurrency issues.
Current HDFS docs gives a link to that document, so we can assume that it is the recent one. (Document date is 2009)
And the related issue.
Hadoop Distributed File System supports appends to files, and in this case it should add the 20 MB to the 2nd block in your example (the one with 2 MB in it initially). That way you will end up with two blocks, one with 128 MB and one with 22 MB.
This is the reference to the append java docs for HDFS.

Programmatically empty out large text file when in use by another process

I am running a batch job that has been going for many many hours, and the log file it is generating is increasing in size very fast and I am worried about disk space.
Is there any way through the command line, or otherwise, that I could hollow out that text file (set its contents back to nothing) with the utility still having a handle on the file?
I do not wish to stop the job and am only looking to free up disk space via this file.
Im on Vista, 64 bit.
Thanks for the help,
Well, it depends on how the job actually works. If it's a good little boy and it pipes it's log info out to stdout or stderr, you could redirect the output to a program that you write, which could then write the contents out to disk and manage the sizes.
If you have access to the job's code, you could essentially tell it to close the file after each write (hopefully it's an append) operation, and then you would have a timeslice in which you could actually wipe the file.
If you don't have either one, it's going to be a bit tough. If someone has an open handle to the file, there's not much you can do, IMO, without asking the developer of the application to find you a better solution, or just plain clearing out disk space.
Depends on how it is writing the log file. You can not just delete the start of the file, because the file handle has a offset of where to write next. It will still be writing at 100mb into the file even though you just deleted the first 50mb.
You could try renaming the file and hoping it just creates a new one. This is usually how rolling logs work.
You can use a rolling log class, which will wrap the regular file class but silently seek back to the beginning of the file when the file reaches a maximum designated size.
It is a very simple wrap, either write it yourself or try finding an implementation online.
