How to connect Mindstorms EV3 to AppInventor? - app-inventor

AI2 apps can connect to NXT brick over bluetooth using the NXT* blocks but the same do not work with EV3. Does anyone know how to connect EV3 to AI2?

There's an app in the App Inventor Gallery that uses the BluetoothClient component to control an EV3.

You will have to create your own program to exchange data by Bluetooth using the EV3 mailbox. Once you are able to send and receive text messages between ai2 and ev3 it's easy to program the ev3 to perform actions according to the received text.


Is it possible to create a virtual Windows mic driver to replace trigger word

I want to develop my driver based on this Microsoft base code:
My idea is:
(1) when user says to computer: robert, what is weather today?
(2) Then the voice is captured by mic array driver A and send to my application.
(3) My application will change the voice to: Alexa, what is weather today. And send it to a virtual driver.
(4) The virtual driver captures the voice and send it to Alexa application.
(5) Alexa responses.
Is it possible?
I think so,
you will need to also develop your own digital assistant using bot framework
also in your driver, you will need to support MVA

Tizen WebSockets: can access Internet WebSocket server but cannot acces LAN WebSocket server

last week I started to develop apps for a Samsung Smartwatch with the Tizen SDK 2.4.0. My sample web application connects to a remote Websocket server (a simple echo server) and sends some random requests and prints the received messages (Server is This works fine on an emulated devices as well as on the real Gear S2 Smartwatch (Example was taken from
But as soon as I start a Websocket server in my home LAN I run into problems. The server is launched via a simple Python example I found on Github ( The emulator device from the SDK connects to this server without any problems using the local IPv4. But the real device, which is logged in to the same WiFi access point, doesn't.
Note that the connection between my PC and my watch device works fine, since the SDK flashes the developed apps via WiFi to the device.
In my config.xml all connections are allowed
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"></access>
and the privilege for "Internet" is available.
The logs show that the watch tries to open a connection, but is then stuck. No error message is printed - the watch just does not go beyond the initial creation of the websocket.
Do you have any hints or thoughts about how I could debug this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I found the solution - my virus scanner has an integrated software firewall that blocked incoming connections...
Try with higher ports maybe ? I got WS working fine on SamsungZ1 on Tizen:2.3:Mobile
Maybe I could try your code on Tizen:2.4:Mobile too ?

Using Sony Camera API on AndroidWear

I want to create an app that can start and stop recording from a Sony AS100VR camera using camera remote API.
I can get the same working from my nexus using a direct Wifi connection, but when I establish a direct wifi connection from my Sony smartwatch, it fails at the SSDP detection stage.
It's definitely connected to the camera, SSID over Wifi, but it can't detect it.
I have tried playing with retries and timeout values, but I have sort of run out of ideas.
it's falling into the catch catch (InterruptedIOException e) with a
Any suggestions gratefully appreciated!
UDP Mulitcast is not available on smartwatch, so SSDP discovery fails.
There is a fail-safe choice for any UPnP based application, that is:
As in most case, the resource URL structure keeps unchanged except IP Address, so when SSDP discovery failed, let user directly input the IP Address (maybe in form of UI Picker) and get "DeviceDescription.xml" or something else then setup services.
Have you taken a look at the CameraRemoteSampleApp that comes with the Camera Remote API SDK? I assume when you say Smartwatch you mean you are using a Sony SmartWatch 3 that supports a direct WiFi connection? If so, you should be able to modify the sample app with minimal changes and run it on the SW3.

Connecting Arduino Uno with Ethernet shield to database

Hey I'm new to Arduino programming, I was wondering how i can connect my device to store data to
I know the REST API Key but not sure one what to do. Any help would be appreciated, and if possible can you provide source code or examples.
This is now possible. An Arduino Uno + ethernet shied still can't make HTTP requests, and still needs HTTPs, but Temboo makes it possible. Here's what you need to do:
Create an account at
Go to the Parse bundle
Find the Choreo you're interested in e.g., UploadFile, and test it out from the Temboo website
Turn on IoT Mode, set up your shield, and use the generated Arduino sketch code to connect your board to Parse.
Here's a blog post about Temboo's Iot Mode - the feature makes all of this possible:
I hope this helps.

P2P network on windows phone 7.1

I am trying to connect two windows phone emulators without router to form p2p network, is there any solution to connect them with access point without router and internet. and can be a possibility of using IP address of emulator.
answer plz
To the best of my knowledge no it is not possible in Mango - but is in WP8. You could however use a wireless network to perform create a UDP multicast socket and and then "connect" to one another that way.
Have a look at it's got some pretty good pointers.
