C++ builder indy intercept IdHTTPProxyServer to insert header - proxy

I want to insert header of external script over https inside browser. For those purpose i use C++ builder with IdHTTPProxyServer component. I read Document from Response event but dont know how to just insert one simple .js. -> cause Document property is read only, on the other side BeforeCommandHandler want append with script (in code under i use just text to insert for simplicity)
How to insert .js external script in C++ builder?
Here is what i done so far.
void __fastcall TForm5::IdHTTPProxyServer1HTTPResponse
(TIdHTTPProxyServerContext *AContext)
Memo1->Lines->Append("\nOn Response!!!\n" + AContext->Document);
void __fastcall TForm5::IdHTTPProxyServer1BeforeCommandHandler
(TIdCmdTCPServer *ASender, UnicodeString &AData, TIdContext *AContext) {
try {
UnicodeString sa = AData;
AData = L"<html>Something</html>" + sa;
catch (int e) {

The TIdHTTPProxyServer::OnBeforeCommandHandler event is triggered before a client's request is processed. The AData parameter is the original request. This event is meant for logging/altering commands before they are parsed.
The TIdHTTPProxyServer::OnHTTPBeforeCommand event is triggered after a client's request headers have been received but before a connection is established to the target server and the client's request body is read and sent to the server.
The TIdHTTPProxyServer::OnHTTPResponse event is triggered after a server's response headers have been received but before the response body is read and sent to the client.
So none of those events will help you.
Neither will the TIdHTTPProxyServerContext::Document property, for that matter. That property does not contain the document data, as you are assuming. It contains the server-relative URL of the document being requested instead.
To do what you are asking for, set the TIdHTTPProxyServer::DefaultTransferMode property to tmFullDocument and use the OnHTTPDocument event. The TIdHTTPProxyServerContext::TransferSource property will tell you if the data is coming from the client or the server.
You will have full access to the headers and body data and you can modify them as needed. Just make sure you update the TIdHTTPProxyServerContext.Headers, in particular the Content-Length header, if you modify the body data. The body data is provided as a TStream object (specifically, a TMemoryStream). So you can either modify the stream's content directly, or you can create a new TStream object with your desired content (the VStream parameter of the event is passed by reference so you can re-assign it).
For example:
void __fastcall TForm5::IdHTTPProxyServer1HTTPDocument(TIdHTTPProxyServerContext* AContext, TStream* &VStream)
if (AContext->TransferSource == tsServer)
String s = ReadStringAsContentType(VStream, AContext->Headers->Values[L"Content-Type"], QuoteHTTP);
// this is NOT thread-safe! TIdHTTPProxyServer is multi-threaded,
// you must synchronize with the main thread in order to safely
// update UI controls...
// Memo1->Text = s;
s = L"<html>Something</html>" + s;
delete VStream;
VStream = new TStringStream(s, Sysutils::TEncoding::UTF8);
AContext->Headers->Values[L"Content-Length"] = VStream->Size;
AContext->Headers->Params[L"Content-Type"][L"charset"] = L"utf-8";


Is there a way to map local in proxyman based off of parameters attached to the body of a url?

I have a url:
and want to have a different map local depending on the request coming with a different parameter in the body (i.e. it is NOT attached to the url like https://cn.company.com/appv2/search?cursor=abc. Instead it is in the body of the request { cursor: abc }.
Any idea on if this can be done in proxyman?
I basically want to be able to stub pagination through the proxy without waiting on a server implementation. So I'd have no cursor on the first request, server would return a cursor and then use that on the next request and get a different response from server on the request so that I can test out the full pagination flow.
Yes, it can be solved with the Scripting from Proxyman app.
Use Scripting to get the value of the request body
If it's matched, use Scripting to mimic the Map Local (Mock API also supports)
Here is the sample code and how to do it:
Firstly, call your request and make sure you can see the HTTPS Response
Right-Click on the request -> Tools -> Scripting
Select the Mock API checkbox if you'd like a Mock API
Use this code
/// This func is called if the Response Checkbox is Enabled. You can modify the Response Data here before it goes to the client
/// e.g. Add/Update/Remove: headers, statusCode, comment, color and body (json, plain-text, base64 encoded string)
async function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
// get the value from the body request
var cursorValue = request.body["cursor"];
// Use if to provide a map local file
if (cursorValue === "abc") {
// Set Content Type as a JSON
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
// Set a Map Local File
response.bodyFilePath = "~/Desktop/my_response_A.json";
} else if (cursorValue === "def") {
// Set Content Type as a JSON
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
// Set a Map Local File
response.bodyFilePath = "~/Desktop/my_response_B.json";
// Done
return response;
Map Local with Scripting: https://docs.proxyman.io/scripting/snippet-code#map-a-local-file-to-responses-body-like-map-local-tool-proxyman-2.25.0+

How to get query sys_id of current.sys_id Service Portal (ServiceNow)

I have a question regarding a small issue that I'm having. I've created a widget that will live on the Service Portal to allow an admin to Accept or Reject requests.
The data for the widget is pulling from the Approvals (approval_approver) table. Under my GlideRecord, I have a query that checks for the state as requested. (Ex. addQuery('state', 'requested'))
To narrow down the search, I tried entering addQuery('sys_id', current.sys_id). When I use this query, my script breaks and I get an error on the Service Portal end.
Here's a sample of the GlideRecord script I've written to Accept.
[//Accept Request
if(input && input.action=="acceptApproval") {
var inRec1 = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_approver');
inRec1.addQuery('state', 'requested');
//inRec1.get('sys_id', current.sys_id);
if(inRec1.next()) {
inRec1.setValue('state', 'Approved');
inRec1.setValue('approver', gs.getUserID());
gs.addInfoMessage("Accept Approval Processed");
I've research the web, tried using $sp.getParameter() as a work-around and no change.
I would really appreciate any help or insight on what I can do different to get script to work and filter the right records.
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking how to get the sysId of the sysapproval_approver record from the client-side in a widget.
Unless you have defined current elsewhere in your server script, current is undefined. Secondly, $sp.getParameter() is used to retrieve URL parameters. So unless you've included the sysId as a URL parameter, that will not get you what you are looking for.
One pattern that I've used is to pass an object to the client after the initial query that gets the list of requests.
When you're ready to send input to the server from the client, you can add relevant information to the input object. See the simplified example below. For the sake of brevity, the code below does not include error handling.
// Client-side function
approveRequest = function(sysId) {
action: "requestApproval",
sysId: sysId
.then(function(response) {
console.log("Request approved");
// Server-side
var requestGr = new GlideRecord();
requestGr.query(); // Retrieve initial list of requests to display in the template
data.requests = []; // Add array of requests to data object to be passed to the client via the controller
while(requestsGr.next()) {
"number": requestsGr.getValue("number");
"state" : requestsGr.getValue("state");
"sysId" : requestsGr.getValue("sys_id");
if(input && input.action=="acceptApproval") {
var sysapprovalGr = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_approver');
if(sysapprovalGr.get(input.sysId)) {
sysapprovalGr.setValue('state', 'Approved');
sysapprovalGr.setValue('approver', gs.getUserID());
gs.addInfoMessage("Accept Approval Processed");

Using HtmlUnit, is there a way to pause execution of Javascript, then resume?

In HtmlUnit for testing, I'm coming across a case where, on page load, it'd be useful to NOT execute the Javascript automatically, and instead wait for me to initiate and tell the Javascript to start executing?
My specific use-case is testing something which the Javascript does some tests, and then does a location replace to send the user on to another page. I want to check some headers which I'm returning for testing/validation, and then let the JS execute as usual.
My current thought is to have a flag I pass to the page when testing which will cause the JS to not automatically run, and wait until I call a JS function from within the Java code via webClient.getJavaScriptEngine().execute().
While not specifically being able to pause JavaScript before invoking, it may be worthwhile to use the WebConnectionWrapper class to inspect/modify the response data or outgoing requests, effectively giving you a chance to execute your own code before the JavaScript is invoked.
An example usage of this is as follows:
try (final WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) {
// set more options
// create a WebConnectionWrapper with an (subclassed) getResponse() impl
new WebConnectionWrapper(webClient) {
public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequest request) throws IOException {
WebResponse response = super.getResponse(request);
if (request.getUrl().toExternalForm().contains("my_url")) {
String content = response.getContentAsString();
// intercept and/or change content
WebResponseData data = new WebResponseData(content.getBytes(),
response.getStatusCode(), response.getStatusMessage(), response.getResponseHeaders());
response = new WebResponse(data, request, response.getLoadTime());
return response;
// use the client as usual
HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(uri);
The above code is from the official documentation here:
How to modify the outgoing request or incoming response?
The getResponse() method that you would override is called before each request is made and also allows you to modify the WebResponse object that is passed back to WebClient for its continued processing.
Sorry but at the moment (version 2.43.0) we have no such option. Feel free to open a issue on github for this.
I guess other test tools might also benefit from this function.

Writing an equivalent to Chrome's onBeforeRequest in a Safari extension

Chrome extensions have the ability to intercept all web requests to specified URLs using chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest. This includes not only static asset requests, but requests for AJAX, PJAX, favicons, and everything in between.
Apple provides a few close approximations to this functionality, such as the beforeLoad (handles images, CSS, and JS) and beforeNavigate (handles full page loads) event handlers, but neither catch AJAX requests. I've tried overloading XMLHttpRequest in an attempt to catch AJAX loads to no avail (I might be doing something wrong). Here's a brief example of how I'm doing this:
var originalOpen = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, username, password) {
return originalOpen.apply(this, arguments);
How can I catch all web requests (AJAX, CSS, JS, etc.) in a Safari extension?
Update: You can check entire code flow on my first Safari Extension I've wrote for TimeCamp tracker: https://github.com/qdevro/timecamp.safariextz
I have succeeded to intercept all AJAX calls (actually the responses were interesting for me, because there all the magic happens), but unfortunately I couldn't find (yet) a solution to send it back to my injected script (I still work on this) now fully working - getting the xhr to the injected script:
I've done it like this:
1) on the injected START script, I've added into the DOM another script (the one which does the interception):
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = safari.extension.baseURI + 'path/to/your/script/bellow.js';
2) the interception code uses this repository as override of the XMLHttpRequest object, that I've tweaked a little bit as well in order to attach the method, url and sent data to it in order to be easily available when the response get's back.
Basically, I've overriden the open() method of the XMLHttpsRequest to attach those values that I might need in my script, and added the sentData in the send() method as well:
var RealXHROpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
// Override open method of all XHR requests (inside wire() method
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass) {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
RealXHROpen.apply(this, arguments);
// Override send method of all XHR requests
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(sentData) {
this.sentData = sentData;
Then, I've added a callback on the response, which get's a modified XMLHttpRequest object WHEN the data comes back, and cotains everything: url, method, sentData and responseText with the retrieved data:
AjaxInterceptor.addResponseCallback(function(xhr) {
// xhr.method - contains the method used by the call
// xhr.url - contains the URL was sent to
// xhr.sentData - contains all the sent data (if any)
// xhr.responseText - contains the data sent back to the request
// Send XHR object back to injected script using DOM events
var event = new CustomEvent("ajaxResponse", {
detail: xhr
For sending the XHR object from the intercept script back to the injected script, I just had to use DOM events like #Xan has suggested (thanks for that):
window.addEventListener("ajaxResponse", function(evt) {
console.debug('xhr response', evt.detail);
// do whatever you want with the XHR details ...
}, false);
Some extra hints / (workflow) optimisations that I've used in my project:
I've cleaned the GET url's and moved all the parameters (? &) into the dataSent property;
I've merged this dataSent property if there's the case (in send(data) method)
I've added an identifier on request send (timestamp) in order to match it later (see point bellow and get the idea);
I've sent a custom event to the script called "ajaxRequest" in order to prepare / optimise load times (I had to request some other data to some external API using CORS - by passing the call / response back and forth to the global.html which is capable of handling CORS), so I didn't had to wait for the original request to come back before sending my API call, but just matching the responses based on timestamp above;

Compression response filter fails on breeze.js Metadata call

I have an http module where I'm adding a response filter below for compression. This works for all API calls except for 1, the call to MetaData. If I remove the [BreezeController] decoration it works fine. I think it has to do with action filter attribute that converts the string return type into an HttpResponse return type with string content.
The error I'm getting is " Exception message: The stream state of the underlying compression routine is inconsistent."
I've done some testing where a method thats defined to return an HttpResponse works fine. So I think its the scenario where the method is defined to return string, and then the action filter changes it to HttpResponse at runtime.
Any ideas how I can get this to work?
Here's the response filter being added in BeginRequest:
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;
// Check the header to see if it can accept compressed output
string encodings = app.Request.Headers.Get("Accept-Encoding");
if (encodings == null)
Stream s = app.Response.Filter;
encodings = encodings.ToLower();
if (encodings.Contains("gzip"))
app.Response.Filter = new GZipStream(s, CompressionMode.Compress);
app.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
Don't know the specifics of what you're doing but I know that the [BreezeController] attribute strips out filters and adds back just the ones that breeze wants.
One approach might be to define a separate controller (ModelMetadataController) that only serves the metadata. This controller doesn't have the [BreezeController] attribute; it's a plain old Web API controller.
Then you create a "Breeze controller" (ModelController) with all of the usual methods except the Metadata method.
You call the metadata controller from the client during app launch via MetadataStore.fetchMetadata just to get metadata.
Once you have populated a metadataStore in this fashion, you use it in your EntityManager which sends query and save requests to the "real" Web API data controller.
The client code might look something like this:
var ds = new breeze.DataService({
serviceName: 'breeze/Model' // the breeze query & save controller
var ms = new MetadataStore({
namingConvention: breeze.NamingConvention.camelCase, // assuming that's what you want
ms.addDataService(ds); // associate the metadata-to-come with the "real" dataService
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager({
dataService: ds,
metadataStore: ms
// the fun bit: fetch the metadata from a different controller
var promise = ms.fetchMetadata('breeze/ModelMetadata') // the metadata-only controller!
return promise; // wait on it appropriately
