Javascript load and post - ajax

I have this function in javascript
function save(){
//Complex List
var proofer_filter = document.getElementById('proofer').value;
var proofer_filter = proofer_filter.split(' ').join('_')
var status_filter = document.getElementById('status_filter').value;
var status_filter = status_filter.split(' ').join('_');
var cstart = document.getElementById('cstart').value;
var cstart = cstart.split(' ').join('_');
var cend = document.getElementById('cend').value;
var cend = cend.split(' ').join('_');
$("#complex_list").load("pages/complexlist.php?proofer="+proofer_filter+"&status_filter="+status_filter+"&start="+cstart+"&end="+cend+"&dept=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$department)?>");
//Complex Form
var account_type = document.getElementById('account_type').value;
var account_type = account_type.split(' ').join('_');
var log_id = document.getElementById('complexid').value;
$("#show_form").load("pages/complexform.php?refno="+log_id+"&dept="+account_type+"&user=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$user)?>&save=y");
It is a page with two divs wherein each div loads a remote page. One of this divs is a form which has a submit button. When clicking it the form values does not post. Thus I could not use it as a php variable. Can anyone help?

split out your javascript into 2 sections
$("#complex_list").load("pages/complexlist.php?proofer="+proofer_filter+"&status_filter="+status_filter+"&start="+cstart+"&end="+cend+"&dept=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$department)?>");
$("#show_form").load("pages/complexform.php?refno="+log_id+"&dept="+account_type+"&user=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$user)?>&save=y");
you will also need to create the function to save the form and an event listener for when someone clicks on your save button.
var saveForm= {
init: function () {
$('#submit-button').on('click', function () {
//only set all of your values if you are planning to submit an ajax form otherwise just submit the form with the last line of the event listener.
var proofer_filter = document.getElementById('proofer').value;
var proofer_filter = proofer_filter.split(' ').join('_')
var status_filter = document.getElementById('status_filter').value;
//make sure to put your submit form in here too.
$( "#form" ).submit();
//if you are using ajax to submit the form, use the variables above to pass into the ajax call.
If you do not know where you are going wrong, use the Developer tools (F12) in Chrome when you are developing


Packery not arranging additional divs when loaded via AJAX

I am using packery to arrange blog posts in a masonry format. This works fine for posts that are initially displayed on the page but when I load new posts - when the pagination links are clicked - via AJAX the posts just get added to the container but do no 'repack' or re-arrange in a masonry format.
I am using WordPress and using my own AJAX call, see code below:
// For jQuery noConflict
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
// Find out the page number
var pageNumber;
$('.custom-pagination').click(function() {
pageNumber = $(this).html();
// AJAX call to load more posts when pagination links are clicked
$(document).on( 'click', '.custom-pagination', function( event ) {
page = pageNumber;
url: ajaxpagination.ajaxurl,
type: 'post',
data: {
action: 'ajax_pagination',
query_vars: ajaxpagination.query_vars,
page: page
success: function( html ) {
var $container = $('#all-posts').packery();
$container.append( html );
$container.packery( 'appended', html );
// End jQuery noConflict
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to call packery again to re-arrange my posts in a masonry format after they are loaded via AJAX?
I had the same issue, and took care of it server-side (web2py/python), in accordance with the instructions here:
# this function is called via ajax
def function_that_loads_the_new_content():
new_divs = #generate new content
new_divs_as_string = ''.join([str(x) for x in new_divs])
# this script runs when the new content is appended to the container
update_results = \
"var $items = $('%s');$pack.append($items).packery( 'appended', $items );" \
% new_divs_as_string
return update_results
The idea is to use packery's appending functionality after the new elements have been added to the container element. The above script is essentially equivalent to this template offered in the packery page:
$('.append-button').on( 'click', function() {
// create new item elements
var $items = $('<div class="grid-item">...</div>');
// append items to grid
$grid.append( $items )
// add and lay out newly appended items
.packery( 'appended', $items );

"Load More Posts" with Ajax in wordpress

I am trying to create ajax pagination on Blog Page..
What I need to do is to display 5 posts initially and then load 5 more when "load more posts" link is clicked.
Below is the javascript I am using:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// ajax pagination
jQuery('.nextPage a').live('click', function() {
// if not using wp_pagination, change this to correct ID
var link = jQuery(this).attr('href');
// #main is the ID of the outer div wrapping your posts
// #entries is the ID of the inner div wrapping your posts
jQuery('.blogPostsWrapper').load(link+' .post')
}); // end ready function
The problem is that when I click the link the old posts get replaced by the new ones, I need to show old posts as well as the new posts...
Here is the Updated jQuery Code which enables the ajax pagination.
jQuery('.nextPage a').live('click', function(e){
var link = jQuery(this).attr('href');
jQuery('.blogPostsWrapper').load(link+' .post');
The only problem now is the old posts get removed, i need to keep both old and new posts..
Here is the final code I used and now everything works perfectly...
// Ajax Pagination
$('.nextPage a').live('click', function(e) {
$('.blogPostsWrapper').append("<div class=\"loader\"> </div>");
var link = jQuery(this).attr('href');
var $content = '.blogPostsWrapper';
var $nav_wrap = '.blogPaging';
var $anchor = '.blogPaging .nextPage a';
var $next_href = $($anchor).attr('href'); // Get URL for the next set of posts
$.get(link+'', function(data){
var $timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var $new_content = $($content, data).wrapInner('').html(); // Grab just the content
$('.blogPostsWrapper .loader').remove();
$next_href = $($anchor, data).attr('href'); // Get the new href
$($nav_wrap).before($new_content); // Append the new content
$('#rtz-' + $timestamp).hide().fadeIn('slow'); // Animate load
$('.netxPage a').attr('href', $next_href); // Change the next URL
$('.blogPostsWrapper .blogPaging:last').remove(); // Remove the original navigation
}); // end ready function
Could you maybe try the following code? This is how I got this working on my own site.
jQuery('.blogPostsWrapper').load(link+' .post')
$.get(link+' .post', function(data){
You should use jQuery append() to add the new posts without using the old ones.
jQuery load() Will replace the data found in your element . Quoted from jQuery API:
.load() sets the HTML contents of the matched element to the returned
data. This means that most uses of the method can be quite simple:

jQuery stops working after ajax request that adds fields to a form in Drupal 7

I don't think this is a Drupal-specific question, but more of a general jquery/ajax issue:
Basically, I'm trying to use javascript to add up form fields and display the result in a "subtotal" field within the same form. Everything is working fine until i click the option to add another field (via ajax), which then changes my "subtotal" field to zero, and won't work again until I remove the field.
Here is the function that adds up the fields:
function calculateInvoiceFields(){
var total = 0;
var rate = 0;
var quantity = 0;
var i = 0;
var $ = jQuery;
$("#field-aminvoice-data-values tr").each(function(){
// quantity field number
quantity = $("#edit-field-aminvoice-data-und-"+i+"-field-aminvoice-quantity-und-0-value").val();
// rate field as number
rate = $("#edit-field-aminvoice-data-und-"+i+"-field-aminvoice-rate-und-0-value").val();
if(!isNaN(quantity) && !isNaN(rate)){
total += quantity*rate;
return total;
And here are the functions that get fired for .ready and .live:
var $ = jQuery;
$(".field-type-commerce-price input").val(calculateInvoiceFields());
var $ = jQuery;
$(".form-text").live('change', function(){
$(".field-type-commerce-price input").val(calculateInvoiceFields());
Any ideas would be a big help. Thanks in advance!
I recommend using 'on' for any binding statement. and 'off' for unbinding.
The reason it doesn't work after an AJAX call, is because you need to be watching for that element to be added to the DOM, and an event attached to it after it gets loaded. If you load a new element in, and there is nothing watching for it, it won't add the event watch to that new DOM element.
As below:
function calculateInvoiceFields(){
return total;
$(".field-type-commerce-price input").val(calculateInvoiceFields());
$("body").on('change', ".form-text", function(){
$(".field-type-commerce-price input").val(calculateInvoiceFields());
usually it stops working when an error has been thrown. did you check out your javascript console (firefox firebug, or built in for chrome) for any indication of an error?

Two ajax function calls on single click

I've some folders in a div and contents of those folders are shown in tree view(when small plus button is clicked) using following code:
echo '<span class="toggle" onclick="getchildren(\''.$objectnode["fid"].'\', \'childdiv'.$objectnode["fid"].'\');" ></span>';
when folder is clicked,its contents are shown in another div,parallel to it using following code:
<span><?php echo $objectnode["object_name"]; ?></span>
Now what i want to do is, when i click on folder name,its contents should be load in div parallel to it as well as its child nodes should also be visible or expand at the same time. Any help will be appreciated
Just make two ajax calls. Ajax calls are asynchronous and you can make as many as you like. For example, you could do something like this:
function ajax(){
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'yourpage.php', true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
// Your callback code goes here
xmlhttp.responseXML; // this is the response data
var xmlhttp2 = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'yourpage.php', true);
xmlhttp2.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp2.readyState == 4) {
// Your callback code goes here
xmlhttp2.responseXML; // this is the response data
Call this function from your onclick function and that should do the trick. You can also nest the function calls. For example, if you're waiting on data from the first call, put the second ajax call in the callback from the first and do all of the updating. You won't need to wait for the second ajax call to return to update the DOM.
You could also make a separate ajax call for each child node, and if you want to do that for all of the child nodes, you'll have to do some recursion, such as:
function ajax(parentNode){
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'yourpage.php', true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
// Your callback code goes here
xmlhttp.responseXML; // this is the response data
// do stuff with responseXML
var i;
for(i = 0; i < parentNode.childNodes.length; i++){
There are already plugins made for this. I know jQuery has one for it's framework. I built my own because it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I hope this helps!

jQuery monitoring form field created by AJAX query

Preface: I am sure this is incredibly simple, but I have searched this site & the jQuery site and can't figure out the right search term to get an answer - please excuse my ignorance!
I am adding additional form fields using jQuery's ajax function and need to then apply additional ajax functions to those fields but can't seem to get jQuery to monitor these on the fly form fields.
How can I get jQuery to use these new fields?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t =;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
//This works fine if the field is already present
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
var t = this;
if (this.value != this.lastValue) {
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
url: 'loader.php',
data: 'action=getUser&uid=' + t.value,
type: 'get',
success: function (j) {
va = j.split("|");
displayname = va[1];
mail = va[2];
}, 200);
this.lastValue = this.value;
So if the is present in the basic html page the function works, but if it arrives by the $.load function it doesn't - presumably because $(document).ready has already started.
I did try:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t =;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
function prepUid(){
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
But it didn't seem to work...
I think you are close. You need to add your keyup handler once the .load call is complete. Try changing this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
To this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t, null, prepUid);
What you are looking for is the jquery live function.
Attach a handler to the event for all elements which match the current selector, now or in the future
You can do something like this:
$('.clickme').live('click', function() {// Live handler called.});
and then add something using the DOM
$('body').append('<div class="clickme">Another target</div>');
When you click the div added above it will trigger the click handler as you expect with statically loaded dom nodes.
You can read more here:
