In Bash test if associative array is declared - bash

How can I test if an associative array is declared in Bash? I can test for a variable like:
[ -z $FOO ] && echo nope
but I doesn't seem to work for associative arrays:
$ unset FOO
$ declare -A FOO
$ [ -z $FOO ] && echo nope
$ FOO=([1]=foo)
$ [ -z $FOO ] && echo nope
$ echo ${FOO[#]}
Thank you for your answers, both seem to work so I let the speed decide:
$ cat
for i in {1..100000}; do
[ "$size" -lt 1 ] && :
$ time bash #best of five
real 0m1.377s
user 0m1.357s
sys 0m0.020s
and the other:
$ cat
for i in {1..100000}; do
declare -p FOO >/dev/null 2>&1 && :
$ time bash #again, the best of five
real 0m2.214s
user 0m1.587s
sys 0m0.617s
Let's speed compare Chepner's solution against the previous ones:
for i in {1..100000}; do
[[ -v FOO[#] ]] && :
$ time bash #again, the best of five
real 0m0.409s
user 0m0.383s
sys 0m0.023s
Well that was fast.
Thanks again, guys.

In bash 4.2 or later, you can use the -v option:
[[ -v FOO[#] ]] && echo "FOO set"
Note that in any version, using
declare -A FOO
doesn't actually create an associative array immediately; it just sets an attribute on the name FOO which allows you to assign to the name as an associative array. The array itself doesn't exist until the first assignment.

You can use declare -p to check if a variable has been declared:
declare -p FOO >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "exists" || echo "nope"
And to check specifically associative array:
[[ "$(declare -p FOO 2>/dev/null)" == "declare -A"* ]] &&
echo "array exists" || echo "nope"

This is a Community Wiki version of an excellent answer by #user15483624 on a question which is now closed as duplicate. Should that user choose to add their own answer here, this should be deleted in favor of the one with their name on it.
The prior answers on this question should be used only when compatibility with bash 4.x and prior is required. With bash 5.0 and later, an expansion to check variable type is directly available; its use is far more efficient than parsing the output of declare -p, and it avoids some of the unintended side effects of other proposals as well..
The following can be used to test whether a bash variable is an associative array.
[[ ${x#a} = A ]]
${x#a} can be used to test whether it is a variable and an array as well.
$ declare x; echo "${x#a}"
$ declare -a y; echo "${y#a}"
$ declare -A z; echo "${z#a}"

One of the easiest ways is to the check the size of the array:
[ "$size" -lt 1 ] && echo "array is empty or undeclared"
You can easily test this on the command line:
$ declare -A ar=( [key1]=val1 [key2]=val2 ); echo "szar: ${#ar[#]}"
szar: 2
This method allow you to test whether the array is declared and empty or undeclared altogether. Both the empty array and undeclared array will return 0 size.


multi dimensional array (not real) variable name in bash 4.1.2

i want to use a manual created (fake multidimensinal) array in bash script but when using the array in conditions i want to use the array name from a variable.
Using bash version 4.1.2 so declare -n doesn't exist.
I guess my example will be more helpfull to see what i want to do:
declare -A test
echo "this works: ${test[bc,action2]}"
#but if i want to use a variable name, bad substitution error
echo "01 this works: ${$name[bc,action2]}"
#another test doesn't work also
echo "02 test2 : ${!name[bc,action2]}"
#final goal is to do something like this:
if [[ "${!name[bc,action2]}" == "doelse" ]]; then
echo "mission completed"
checked other posts with "eval" but can't get it working.
also tested this and could work but i lost the index name in that way... i need that also.
echo "works, a list of items : ${!all_elems_indirection}"
echo "test3 works : ${!test3}"
echo "test 3 works: ${!second_elem_indirection}"
#but when i want to loop through the indexes from the array with the linked values, it doesn't work, i lost the indexes.
for i in "${!all_elems_indirection}"; do
echo "index name: $i"
With eval, would you please try the following:
declare -A test
if [[ $(eval echo '$'{"$name"'[bc,action2]}') == "doelse" ]]; then
echo "mission completed"
As eval allows execution of arbitrary code, we need to pay maximum
attention so that the codes, variables, and relevant files are under
full control and there is no room of alternation or injection.
It's just data. It's just text. Don't restrict yourself to Bash data structures. You can build your abstractions upon any underlying storage.
mydata_init() {
printf -v "$1" ""
mydata_put() {
printf -v "$1" "%s\n%s\n" "${!1}" "${*:2}"
mydata_get2() {
local IFS
unset IFS
while read -r a b v; do
if [[ "$a" == "$2" && "$b" == "$3" ]]; then
printf -v "$4" "%s" "$v"
return 0
done <<<"${!1}"
return 1
mydata_init test
mydata_put test ar action dosomething
mydata_put test bc action2 doelse
mydata_put test bc resolv dotest
if mydata_get2 test bc action2 var && [[ "$var" == "doelse" ]]; then
echo "mission completed"
When the built-in features of the language are not enough for you, you can: enhance the language, build your own abstractions, or use another language. Use Perl or Python, in which representing such data structures will be trivial.

Bash how to parse asscoiative array from argument?

I am trying to read a string into an associative array.
The string is being properly escaped and read into .sh file:
./ "[\"el1\"]=\"val1\" [\"el2\"]=\"val2\""
within the script
#!/bin/bash -e
declare -A myArr=( "${1}" ) #it doesn't work either with or without quotes
All I get is:
line 2: myArr: "${1}": must use subscript when assigning associative array
Googling the error only results in "your array is not properly formatted" results.
You could read key/value pairs from variable inputs in series:
$ cat > example.bash <<'EOF'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -A key_values
while true
shift 2
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]
for key in "${!key_values[#]}"
echo "${key} = ${key_values[$key]}"
$ chmod u+x example.bash
$ ./example.bash el1 val1 el2 val2
el2 = val2
el1 = val1
This should be safe no matter what the keys and values are.
Instead of caring about proper double escaping, set the variables on caller side, and use bash declare -p. That way you will always get properly escaped string.
declare -A temp=([el1]=val1 [el2]=val2)
./ "$(declare -p temp)"
Then do:
# ./
# a safer version of `eval "$1"`
declare -A myarr="${1#*=}"
./ "( [\"el1\"]=\"val1\" [\"el2\"]=\"val2\" )"
and within the script:
#!/bin/bash -e
declare -A myArr="${1}"
declare -p myArr
for i in "${!myArr[#]}"
echo "key : $i"
echo "value: ${myArr[$i]}"
> ./ "( [\"el1\"]=\"val1\" [\"el2\"]=\"val2\" )"
declare -A myArr=([el2]="val2" [el1]="val1" )
key : el2
value: val2
key : el1
value: val1
I can't explain why this works, or why the order changes though.
Test it yourself here

how to echo out associative part of associative array bash [duplicate]

set -o nounset
Having an indexed array like:
myArray=( "red" "black" "blue" )
What is the shortest way to check if element 1 is set?
I sometimes use the following:
test "${#myArray[#]}" -gt "1" && echo "1 exists" || echo "1 doesn't exist"
I would like to know if there's a preferred one.
How to deal with non-consecutive indexes?
How to quick check that 51 is already set for example?
How to deal with associative arrays?
declare -A myArray
How to quick check that key2 is already used for example?
To check if the element is set (applies to both indexed and associative array)
[ "${array[key]+abc}" ] && echo "exists"
Basically what ${array[key]+abc} does is
if array[key] is set, return abc
if array[key] is not set, return nothing
See Parameter Expansion in Bash manual and the little note
if the colon is omitted, the operator tests only for existence [of parameter]
This answer is actually adapted from the answers for this SO question: How to tell if a string is not defined in a bash shell script?
A wrapper function:
if [ "$2" != in ]; then
echo "Incorrect usage."
echo "Correct usage: exists {key} in {array}"
eval '[ ${'$3'[$1]+muahaha} ]'
For example
if ! exists key in array; then echo "No such array element"; fi
From man bash, conditional expressions:
-v varname
True if the shell variable varname is set (has been assigned a value).
declare -A foo
foo[bar]="this is bar"
if [[ -v "foo[bar]" ]] ; then
echo "foo[bar] is set"
if [[ -v "foo[baz]" ]] ; then
echo "foo[baz] is set"
if [[ -v "foo[quux]" ]] ; then
echo "foo[quux] is set"
This will show that both foo[bar] and foo[baz] are set (even though the latter is set to an empty value) and foo[quux] is not.
New answer
From version 4.2 of bash (and newer), there is a new -v option to built-in test command.
From version 4.3, this test could address element of arrays.
array=([12]="red" [51]="black" [129]="blue")
for i in 10 12 30 {50..52} {128..131};do
if [ -v 'array[i]' ];then
echo "Variable 'array[$i]' is defined"
echo "Variable 'array[$i]' not exist"
Variable 'array[10]' not exist
Variable 'array[12]' is defined
Variable 'array[30]' not exist
Variable 'array[50]' not exist
Variable 'array[51]' is defined
Variable 'array[52]' not exist
Variable 'array[128]' not exist
Variable 'array[129]' is defined
Variable 'array[130]' not exist
Variable 'array[131]' not exist
Note: regarding ssc's comment, I've single quoted 'array[i]' in -v test, in order to satisfy shellcheck's error SC2208. This seem not really required here, because there is no glob character in array[i], anyway...
This work with associative arrays in same way:
declare -A aArray=([foo]="bar" [bar]="baz" [baz]=$'Hello world\041')
for i in alpha bar baz dummy foo test;do
if [ -v 'aArray[$i]' ];then
echo "Variable 'aArray[$i]' is defined"
echo "Variable 'aArray[$i]' not exist"
Variable 'aArray[alpha]' not exist
Variable 'aArray[bar]' is defined
Variable 'aArray[baz]' is defined
Variable 'aArray[dummy]' not exist
Variable 'aArray[foo]' is defined
Variable 'aArray[test]' not exist
With a little difference:In regular arrays, variable between brackets ([i]) is integer, so dollar symbol ($) is not required, but for associative array, as key is a word, $ is required ([$i])!
Old answer for bash prior to V4.2
Unfortunately, bash give no way to make difference betwen empty and undefined variable.
But there is some ways:
$ array=()
$ array[12]="red"
$ array[51]="black"
$ array[129]="blue"
$ echo ${array[#]}
red black blue
$ echo ${!array[#]}
12 51 129
$ echo "${#array[#]}"
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^51$ && echo 51 exist
51 exist
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^52$ && echo 52 exist
(give no answer)
And for associative array, you could use the same:
$ unset array
$ declare -A array
$ array["key1"]="red"
$ array["key2"]="black"
$ array["key3"]="blue"
$ echo ${array[#]}
blue black red
$ echo ${!array[#]}
key3 key2 key1
$ echo ${#array[#]}
$ set | grep ^array=
array=([key3]="blue" [key2]="black" [key1]="red" )
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^key2$ && echo key2 exist || echo key2 not exist
key2 exist
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^key5$ && echo key5 exist || echo key5 not exist
key5 not exist
You could do the job without the need of externals tools (no printf|grep as pure bash), and why not, build checkIfExist() as a new bash function:
$ checkIfExist() {
eval 'local keys=${!'$1'[#]}';
eval "case '$2' in
${keys// /|}) return 0 ;;
* ) return 1 ;;
$ checkIfExist array key2 && echo exist || echo don\'t
$ checkIfExist array key5 && echo exist || echo don\'t
or even create a new getIfExist bash function that return the desired value and exit with false result-code if desired value not exist:
$ getIfExist() {
eval 'local keys=${!'$1'[#]}';
eval "case '$2' in
${keys// /|}) echo \${$1[$2]};return 0 ;;
* ) return 1 ;;
$ getIfExist array key1
$ echo $?
$ # now with an empty defined value
$ array["key4"]=""
$ getIfExist array key4
$ echo $?
$ getIfExist array key5
$ echo $?
What about a -n test and the :- operator?
For example, this script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -u
declare -A sample
if [[ -n "${sample['ABC']:-}" ]]; then
echo "ABC is set"
if [[ -n "${sample['DEF']:-}" ]]; then
echo "DEF is set"
if [[ -n "${sample['GHI']:-}" ]]; then
echo "GHI is set"
ABC is set
DEF is set
tested in bash 4.3.39(1)-release
declare -A fmap
# should echo foo is set to 'boo'
if [[ -z "${fmap[${key}]}" ]]; then echo "$key is unset in fmap"; else echo "${key} is set to '${fmap[${key}]}'"; fi
# should echo blah is unset in fmap
if [[ -z "${fmap[${key}]}" ]]; then echo "$key is unset in fmap"; else echo "${key} is set to '${fmap[${key}]}'"; fi
Reiterating this from Thamme:
[[ ${array[key]+Y} ]] && echo Y || echo N
This tests if the variable/array element exists, including if it is set to a null value. This works with a wider range of bash versions than -v and doesn't appear sensitive to things like set -u. If you see a "bad array subscript" using this method please post an example.
This is the easiest way I found for scripts.
<search> is the string you want to find, ASSOC_ARRAY the name of the variable holding your associative array.
Dependign on what you want to achieve:
key exists:
if grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${!ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo key is present; fi
key exists not:
if ! grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${!ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo key not present; fi
value exists:
if grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo value is present; fi
value exists not:
if ! grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo value not present; fi
I wrote a function to check if a key exists in an array in Bash:
# Check if array key exists
# Usage: array_key_exists $array_name $key
# Returns: 0 = key exists, 1 = key does NOT exist
function array_key_exists() {
local _array_name="$1"
local _key="$2"
local _cmd='echo ${!'$_array_name'[#]}'
local _array_keys=($(eval $_cmd))
local _key_exists=$(echo " ${_array_keys[#]} " | grep " $_key " &>/dev/null; echo $?)
[[ "$_key_exists" = "0" ]] && return 0 || return 1
declare -A my_array
if [[ "$(array_key_exists 'my_array' 'foo'; echo $?)" = "0" ]]; then
echo "OK"
echo "ERROR"
Tested with GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
For all time people, once and for all.
There's a "clean code" long way, and there is a shorter, more concise, bash centered way.
$1 = The index or key you are looking for.
$2 = The array / map passed in by reference.
function hasKey ()
local -r needle="${1:?}"
local -nr haystack=${2:?}
for key in "${!haystack[#]}"; do
if [[ $key == $needle ]] ;
return 0
return 1
A linear search can be replaced by a binary search, which would perform better with larger data sets. Simply count and sort the keys first, then do a classic binary halving of of the haystack as you get closer and closer to the answer.
Now, for the purist out there that is like "No, I want the more performant version because I may have to deal with large arrays in bash," lets look at a more bash centered solution, but one that maintains clean code and the flexibility to deal with arrays or maps.
function hasKey ()
local -r needle="${1:?}"
local -nr haystack=${2:?}
[ -n ${haystack["$needle"]+found} ]
The line [ -n ${haystack["$needle"]+found} ]uses the ${parameter+word} form of bash variable expansion, not the ${parameter:+word} form, which attempts to test the value of a key, too, which is not the matter at hand.
local -A person=(firstname Anthony lastname Rutledge)
if hasMapKey "firstname" person; then
# Do something
When not performing substring expansion, using the form described
below (e.g., ‘:-’), Bash tests for a parameter that is unset or null.
Omitting the colon results in a test only for a parameter that is
unset. Put another way, if the colon is included, the operator tests
for both parameter’s existence and that its value is not null; if the
colon is omitted, the operator tests only for existence.
If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.
If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter. The value of parameter is then substituted. Positional
parameters and special parameters may not be assigned to in this way.
If parameter is null or unset, the expansion of word (or a message to that effect if word is not present) is written to the standard
error and the shell, if it is not interactive, exits. Otherwise, the
value of parameter is substituted. ${parameter:+word}
If parameter is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.
If $needle does not exist expand to nothing, otherwise expand to the non-zero length string, "found". This will make the -n test succeed if the $needle in fact does exist (as I say "found"), and fail otherwise.
Both in the case of arrays and hash maps I find the easiest and more straightforward solution is to use the matching operator =~.
For arrays:
myArray=("red" "black" "blue")
if [[ " ${myArray[#]} " =~ " blue " ]]; then
echo "blue exists in myArray"
echo "blue does not exist in myArray"
NOTE: The spaces around the array guarantee the first and last element can match. The spaces around the value guarantee an exact match.
For hash maps, it's actually the same solution since printing a hash map as a string gives you a list of its values.
declare -A myMap
if [[ " ${myMap[#]} " =~ " blue " ]]; then
echo "blue exists in myMap"
echo "blue does not exist in myMap"
But what if you would like to check whether a key exists in a hash map? In the case you can use the ! operator which gives you the list of keys in a hash map.
if [[ " ${!myMap[#]} " =~ " key3 " ]]; then
echo "key3 exists in myMap"
echo "key3 does not exist in myMap"
I get bad array subscript error when the key I'm checking is not set. So, I wrote a function that loops over the keys:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -A helpList
function get_help(){
for key in "${!helpList[#]}";do
if [[ "$key" == "$target" ]];then
echo "${helpList["$target"]}"
targetValue="$(get_help command_name)"
if [[ -z "$targetvalue" ]];then
echo "command_name is not set"
It echos the value when it is found & echos nothing when not found. All the other solutions I tried gave me that error.

wildcard expansion in bash function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Assign results of globbing to a variable in Bash
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Please, don't take this the wrong way, but before someone answers and tells me I should use an array, I'm looking for the reason why the following code doesn't work, not 'how to do it correctly'.
I've searched the internet for the reason for this.
Given in bash:
function fn1 {
echo $file
touch $HOME/abc-def.cfg
fn1 abc
returns /home/user/abc*.cfg
Why doesn't the * expand to give /home/user/abc-def.cfg?
A workaround:
file=$HOME/$(ls -1 $HOME|grep $1)
is not elegant.
Background: I know there will be only one file that begins 'abc', but the rest of the filename can vary, I don't care about that, just the initial identifier (abc in the case above).
Lastly, great forum, use it a lot, but this is the first time I didn't find an answer, so my first posting - be kind :-)
Works for me.
$ function fn1 {
> file=$HOME/$1*.cfg
> echo $file
> }
$ touch $HOME/abc-def.cfg
$ fn1 abc
However, if I disable filename expansion, I see your results:
$ set -f
$ fn1 abc
Have you done set -f beforehand? If you want to account for that in your function:
function fn1 {
local filename_expansion_disabled
[[ $- == *f* ]]; filename_expansion_disabled=$?
local file=$HOME/"$1"*.cfg
[[ $filename_expansion_disabled -eq 0 ]] && set +f
echo $file
[[ $filename_expansion_disabled -eq 0 ]] && set -f || true
$ set +f
$ fn1 abc
$ set -f
$ fn1 abc
Running the function in a subshell has the same effect, and is simpler at the expense of an insignificant performance penalty:
fn1() (
set +f
echo $file

Loading variables from a text file into bash script

Is it possible to load new lines from a text file to variables in bash?
Text file looks like?
Variables become
$1 = EXAMPLEfoo
$2 = EXAMPLEbar
ans so on?
$ s=$(<file)
$ set -- $s
$ echo $1
$ echo $2
$ echo $#
I would improve the above by getting rid of temporary variable s:
$ set -- $(<file)
And if you have as input a file like this
variable1 = value
variable2 = value
You can use following construct to get named variables.
input=`cat filename|grep -v "^#"|grep "\c"`
set -- $input
while [ $1 ]
eval $1=$3
shift 3
cat somefile.txt| xargs will receive these lines as arguments
echo ${array[0]} # output: EXAMPLEfoo
echo ${array[1]} # output: EXAMPLEbar
for i in "${array[#]}"; do echo "$i"; done # iterate over the array
The loop in your pastebin has a few problems. Here it is as you've posted it:
for i in "${array[#]}"; do echo " "AD"$count = "$i""; $((count=count+1)); done
Here it is as it should be:
for i in "${array[#]}"; do declare AD$count="$i"; ((count=count+1)); done
for i in "${array[#]}"; do declare AD$count="$i"; ((count++)); done
But why not use the array directly? You could call it AD instead of array and instead of accessing a variable called "AD4" you'd access an array element "${AD[4]}".
echo "${AD[4]}"
if [[ ${AD[9]} == "EXAMPLE value" ]]; then do_something; fi
This can be done be with an array if you don't require these variables as inputs to a script. push() function lifted from the Advanced Scripting Guide
push() # Push item on stack.
if [ -z "$1" ] # Nothing to push?
let "SP += 1" # Bump stack pointer.
The contents of /tmp/test
[root#x~]# cat /tmp/test
SP=0; for i in `cat /tmp/test`; do push $i ; done
[root#x~]# echo ${stack[3]}
None of the above will work, if your values are quoted with spaces.
However, not everythinf is lost.
Try this:
eval "$(VBoxManage showvminfo "$VMname" --details --machinereadable | egrep "^(name|UUID|CfgFile|VMState)")"
echo "$name {$UUID} $VMState ($VMStateChangeTime) CfgFile=$CfgFile"
Nothing will ever work, if your names are quoted or contain dashes.
If you have something like that, as is the case with VBoxManage output ("IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" and so on), either egrep only specific values, as shown in my example, or silence the errors.
However, silencing erors is always dangerous. You never know, when the next value will have unquoted "*" in it, thus you must treat values loaded this way very careful, with all due precaution.
