Color quantization of an image using K-means clustering (using RGB features) - image

Is it possible to clustering for RGB + spatial features of images with matlab?
NOTE: I want to use kmeans for clustering.
In fact basicly i want to do one thing, i want to get this image
from this

I think you are looking for color quantization.
[imgQ,map]= rgb2ind(img,4,'nodither'); %change this 4 to the number of desired colors
%in quantized image
Using kmeans :
%img is the original image
imgVec=[reshape(img(:,:,1),[],1) reshape(img(:,:,2),[],1) reshape(img(:,:,3),[],1)];
[imgVecQ,imgVecC]=kmeans(double(imgVec),4); %4 colors
imgVecQK=pdist2(imgVec,imgVecC); %choosing the closest centroid to each pixel,
[~,indMin]=min(imgVecQK,[],2); %avoiding double for loop
imgVecNewQ=imgVecC(indMin,:); %quantizing
imgNewQ(:,:,1)=reshape(imgVecNewQ(:,1),size(img(:,:,1))); %arranging back into image
Result of kmeans :
If you want to add distance constraint to kmeans, the code will be slightly different. Basically, you need to concatenate pixel coordinates of corresponding pixel vales too. But remember, while assigning nearest centroid to each pixel, assign only the color i.e. the first 3 dimensions, not the last 2. That doesn't make sense, obviously. The code is very similar to the previous, please note the changes and understand them.
imgVec=[reshape(img(:,:,1),[],1) reshape(img(:,:,2),[],1) reshape(img(:,:,3),[],1) row(:) col(:)];
[imgVecQ,imgVecC]=kmeans(double(imgVec),4); %4 colors
imgVecNewQ=imgVecC(indMin,1:3); %quantizing
imgNewQ(:,:,1)=reshape(imgVecNewQ(:,1),size(img(:,:,1))); %arranging back into image
Result of kmeans with distance constraint:


HIstogram based feature extraction in an Image

I have an image which is subdivided into twelve ROIs. ROI is further divided into 10*10 pixel blocks. Now I want to compute features such as local contrast, minimum brightness ,sharpness, hue and saturation in each of these blocks , and plot 5 histograms(corresponding to each feature) for each of the ROI. I want to finally combine all histograms into one extended descriptor vector and use it for classification. Can someone please help me with a step wise approach?

If we shift the hue by 2*pi/3, what will the R, G, B, histograms change?

If we shift the hue by 2*pi/3, what will the R, G, B, histograms change?
How can I test this? I have access to photoshop, so is there a way to test this and find the answer?
According to HSV into RGB conversion formula (part of it):
Shifting HUE by 120° will swap channel histograms:
+120° : R-->G-->B-->R
-120° : B<--R<--G<--B
To test this in GIMP,- open image histogram in Colors \ Info \ Histogram.
Choose Red,Green or Blue channel to see it's histogram and then open dialog
Colors \ Hue-Saturation and then adjust Hue by +- 120 degrees and see live effect in Histogram window.
I do not think there is an generic answer to this as the result is dependent on the image colors present not just on R,G,B histograms. You need to:
compute histograms
convert RGB to HSV
add hue and clamp it to angular interval
convert back to RGB
compute histograms
I do not use photoshop but I think #1,#2,#4,#5 should be present there. the #3 should be there too (in some filter that manipulates brithness, gama etc) but hard to say if adding to hue will be clamped by only limiting angle or it will handle it as periodic value. In the first case you need to correct the results by:
compute histograms
convert to HSV
clone result A to second image B
add A.hue+=pi/3 and **B.hue-=2*pi/3
the A holds un-clamped colors and B the colors that were clamped in A shifted to the correct hue posititon.
in A recolor all pixels with hue==pi2 with some specified color
the pi2 should be the value your tool clamped hues above pi2 so it can be zero, pi2 or one step less then pi2. This will allow as to ignore clamped values later.
in B recolor all pixels with hue==0 with some specified color
convert A,B to RGB
compute histograms ignoring specified color
merge the A,B histograms
simply add the graph values together.
And now you can compare the histograms to evaluate the change on some sample images.
Anyway you can do all this in any programing language. For example most of the operations needed are present in most image processing and computer vision libs like OpenCV and adding to hue are just 2 nested for loops addition and single if statement like:
for (y=0;y<ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<xs;x++)
if (pixel[y][x].h>=pi2)
of coarse most HSV pixel formats I used does not use floating values so the hue could be represented for example by 8 bit unsigned integer in which case the code would look like:
for (y=0;y<ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<xs;x++)
If you need to implement the RGB/HSV conversions look here:
RGB value base color name
I think this might interests you:
HSV histogram
Looking at it from a mathematical point of view 2×pi/3 with pi = 3.14 you have 2×pi which is the the "scope" of a circle.
Devided by 3 that means you have a third of a circle or simply 120°

matlab find peak images

I have a binary image below:
it's an image of random abstract picture, and by using matlab, what I wanna do is to detect, how many peaks does it have so I'll know that there are roughly 5 objects in it.
As you can see, there are, 5 peaks in it, so it means there are 5 objects in it.
I've tried using imregionalmax(), but I don't find it usefull, since my image already in binary image. I also tried to use regionprops('Area'), but it shows wrong number since there is no exact whitespace between each object. Thanks in advance
An easy way to do this would be to simply sum across the rows for each column and find the peaks of the result using findpeaks. In the example below, I have opted to use the inverse of the image which will result in positive peaks where the columns are.
rowSum = sum(1 - image, 1);
If we plot this, it looks like the bottom plot
We can then use findpeaks to identify the peaks in this plot. We will apply a 5-point moving average to it to help eliminate false peaks.
[peaks, locations, widths, prominences] = findpeaks(smooth(rowSum));
You can then select the "true" peaks by thresholding based on any of these outputs. For this example we can use prominences and find the more prominent peaks.
isPeak = prominences > 50;
nPeaks = sum(isPeak)
Then we can plot the peaks locations to confirm
plot(locations(isPeak), peaks(isPeak), 'r*');
If you have some prior knowledge about the expected widths of the peaks, you could adjust the smooth span to match this expected width and obtain some cleaner peaks when using findpeaks.
Using an expected width of 40 for your image, findpeaks was able to perfectly detect all 5 peaks with no false positive.
findpeaks(smooth(rowSum, 40));
As your they are peaks, they are vertical structures. So in this particular case, you case use projection histograms (also know as histogram projection function): you make all the black pixels fall as if they were effected by gravity. Then you will find a curve of black pixels on the bottom of your image. Then you can count the number of peaks.
Here is the algorithm:
Invert the image (black is normally the absence of information)
Histogram projection
Closing and opening in order to clean the signal and get the final result.
You can add a maxima detection to get the top of the peaks.

Dealing with filters and colour's

I want to make filters like shown here
these are my target filters but can you please guide me how to go for them
how i can make filters like these?
which algorithms i need to follow? and which step i need to take as beginner?
Which is the better and easiest way to get the values of RGB and shades of filters .
copy of image from link above by spektre:
the source image is the first after camera in the first line.
very hard to say from single non test-screen image.
the black and white filter
is easy just convert RGB to intensity i and then instead RGB write iii color. The simplest not precise conversion is
but better way is use of weights
where w0+w1+w2=1 the values can be found by a little google search effort
the rest
some filters seem like over exponated colors or weighted colors like this:
r=w0*r; if (r>255) r=255;
g=w1*g; if (g>255) g=255;
b=w2*b; if (b>255) b=255;
write an app with 3 scrollbars for w0,w1,w2 in range <0-10> and redraw image with above formula. After little experimenting you should find w0,w1,w2 for most of the filters ... The rest can be mix of colors like this:
r=w00*r+w01*g+w02*b; if (r>255) r=255;
g=w10*r+w11*g+w12*b; if (g>255) g=255;
b=w20*r+w21*g+w22*b; if (b>255) b=255;
r=w0*r+w3*i; if (r>255) r=255;
g=w1*g+w3*i; if (g>255) g=255;
b=w2*b+w3*i; if (b>255) b=255;
btw if you want the closest similarity you can:
find test colors in input image
like R shades, G shades , B shades , RG,RB,BG,RGB shades from 0-255. Then get colors from filtered image at the same position and draw depedency graphs for each shade draw R,G,B intensities.
One axis is input image color intensity and the other one is R,G,B intensity of filtered color. Then you should see which formula is used directly and can also compute the weights from it. This is how over-exponation works for Red color
if the lines are not lines but curves
then some kind of gamma correction is used so formulas use polynomial of higher order (power of 2,3,4...) mostly power of 2 suffice. In that case the weights can be also negative !!!
some filters could use different color spaces
for example transform RGB to HSV shift hue and convert back to RGB. That will shift colors a little.

3D-Anaglyph creation algorithm, using depth map image: where to find?

I'm looking for a generic algorithm to calculate a red/cian anaglyph starting from the original image and his b/w depth map (example:
That algorythm are used, for example, in Photoshop but I can't find a readable explanation to reproduce it.
After some researches I found what I was looking for.
First, I've readed some Photoshop/Gimp tutorials that describes how to make anaglyphs from two inputs: an image and its grayscale depth map. The core of the process is the use of "Displace Tool" and the depth map as a displacement map.
One of the several youtube tutorials:
So, I took some documentation about Gimp's Displace Tool by looking at this and directly at the source code of the tool (the method is very similar to the one proposed by Asgeir).
This lets us to produce two stereo images from the input, by looking at the depth map. The red and cyan colors of every image are calculated by reading this page ("Optimized" matrices are the best ones).
Then, the sum of the two images in one will produce the final anaglyph. Thanks everybody.
There are two algorithms involved. The first uses the original image and the depth map to produce a left and a right image. The second combines these images into a red-cyan anaglyph.
There are a couple ways to accomplish the first part. One is to take the original image and texture map it onto a fine mesh that lies flat in the XY plane. Then you tweak the Z values of each vertex in the mesh according to the corresponding value in the depth map. You've basically created a textured bas relief. You then use a 3D rendering algorithm to render the image from two vantage points that are offset horizontally by a small amount (essentially from the vantage point of a person's left and right eyes as they would view the bas relief).
There is probably a way to directly shift the pixels left and right which is a good fast approximation to what I described above.
Once you have the left and right images, you pass one through a cyan filter and one through a red filter. If you have RGB sources, that's as simple as taking the red channel from one image and combing it with the green and blue channels from the other image.
Anaglyphs work best with muted colors. If you have strong primaries, it won't look as good. You can use an algorithm to reduce the color saturation of the original image before you begin.
From the description in the link you provided I would assume that it is something like
for each pixel in depthmap
x_offset = (depthmap[x][y] / 255.0f) * MAX_PIXEL_OFFSET * DIRECTION
output[x + x_offset][y] = color_buffer[x][y]
blend output with color_buffer
Where MAX_PIXEL_OFFSET is the maximum shift in pixels and DIRECTION is -1 for one color and 1 for the other. This is assuming that the depthbuffer is one byte per pixel, range [0..255] and that 0 in the depthbuffer represents maximum distance.
