Build Configuration - Build checkbox not checked by default - visual-studio-2013

I've recently noticed that when I add projects to an existing solution, the Build checkbox is not checked automatically. Consequently, when I try to run my application, it fails because I forgot to modify the build configuration.
I'm sure that my projects were automatically building before, and I don't remember changing any settings.
My google-fu has failed to find a solution to this minor, but annoying, issue. Is there a setting to tell Visual Studio to automatically check the Build checkbox when I add a project?


TeamCity continues to build projects that have been excluded from my Visual Studio solution configuration

My Visual Studio 2019 solution contains several projects, some of which I don't want to be built as part of continuous integration. Specifically, I'm trying to exclude tooling and unit tests.
In Visual Studio, I have created a new solution configuration and unchecked the "Build" box for each project I don't want to be built.
In TeamCity, I have specified the name of the new solution configuration to use. However, TeamCity continues to attempt to build all projects within the solution.
[I had included screenshots of my solution configuration, TeamCity build configuration, and resulting TeamCity log but I do not have enough reputation to post images apparently.]
From everything I could find so far, unchecking "Build" from the solution configuration used by TeamCity is supposed to exclude that project from building.
I figured it out by finally noticing that the TeamCity log was showing the build configuration as "ReleaseCI|Mixed Platforms" instead of "ReleaseCI|Any CPU". On other projects, I only needed to specify the configuration. For this project, I apparently have to specify the platform as well.

Visual Studio database project no longer deploys on build actions

I recently had a PC failure and reinstalled the Windows OS and all my development software. After re-installation, my Visual Studio 2012 Database Projects seems to work differently and I cannot figure it out. My database projects no longer "automatically deploys" to the LocalDB when I press F5 or CTRL+F5. I am using VS2012 Professional version with the default installation settings.
On my old installation, if I changed a column name in the project and pressed F5, the table in LocalDB would be updated immediately without any sort of publishing actions or anything. The Visual Studio output window would also indicate that changes are being applied. This "automatic deployment" is no longer happening, I have to resort to right clicking on the project & clicking publish, which works, but is inconvenient.
What can I do to re-enable this "auto deployment" feature?
So far, I tried:
I looked thru every database related setting in Tools > Options.
I confirmed the Configuration Manager is set to both "Build" and "Deploy" for my database projects.
I confirmed that the LocalDB is installed and working.
I applied all Windows updates & updated VS2012 to the latest version, 2012v4.
I tried all combinations of Clean, Build and Rebuild at the project & solution level.
I checked "Always Re-create Database", and even this doesn't work.
I suspect that this feature might be dependent upon other software or patches that I had on my old installation.
I figured this one out myself.
There is an option that controls how dependent projects are built under the "Projects and Solutions > Build and Run" section. I overlooked this option at first, but eventually came back around to it when I was testing each setting one at a time.
The description of the check box might be incomplete or perhaps I'm just misunderstanding it. This setting appears that it does not affect the build action of the database project, but it does affect the deploy action. When this is checked, my database project, which is not the startup project builds but does not deploy on Run/Debug. When this is unchecked, my database project builds and deploys as I expect with no additional steps required.
I found two alternatives from the accepted answer:
Right-click the solution, select "Startup Project", "Multiple startup projects", and make the database project one of them.
Right-click the solution, select "Project Dependencies", and make the database project a dependency on one of the other projects that will be built.

Build process template always empty - VS2012 & MS TFS repository

I'm trying to define a new build on TFS using VS2012. When I go to New Build Definition -> Processes I'm seeing "Build process template" and an empty drop down.
I click on the "New..." button selects the default template from
$/<My Project Name>/BuildProcessTemplates/DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml
and click OK but then I'm getting the error:
TF277000: A build process template for '$/<My Project Name>/BuildProcessTemplates/DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml' already exists for team project <Project Name>. You cannot create another build process template for the same file. Use the existing one instead.
the drop down always stay empty. I tried to clean cache(AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0) and other sort brilliant tricks like close and open but nothing helped - the drop down stays empty.
I would really appreciate aמy help.
I had a similar issue crop up recently.
Background: TFS 2012 Project with multiple solutions under 1 Project Collection project. The 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder did exist in the Project collection project and did contain the standard templates. The solution was created in TFS 2012 and being coded using VS 2012 ultimate.
Symptoms: Any attempts to create a Build Definition failed due to a lack of Templates.
Actions - unsuccessful: I created a copy of the default template and used that for a template. I wasn't able to create a Build Definition since even with that, the dropdown was still empty. Also tried creating a custom template with the same lack of success.
Actions - successful: I separated the solutions into their own Project Collections projects. That put the solution at the same level as the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder. Once that was accomplished, I was able to create a Build Definition for those solutions.
Comments: I'm not sure if this is a bug in TFS 2012 or not. I would like to think if it is a bug in TFS 2012, it is corrected in TFS 2013.
Your thoughts?
I recently ran into the same problem with not being able to see build process templates when trying to add a new build definition. We are in TFS 2012. This team project also appeared not to have any build definitions. That was expected though because we had not yet used the TFS builds on this team project.
The problem was caused by someone with admin rights setting the "View build definition" and the "View Builds" access rights to Deny for everyone.
By just setting that back to allow on the TFS group, we suddenly could see the build definitions and also were able to select build process templates.
It was really strange that it let us add new build process templates, but we couldn't select them.

Configuration With Same Name Already Exists

I have a solution with 10+ projects (VS2010 SP1). I have the following configurations defined in the solution:
This allows me to easily setup specific settings for each deployment scenario. However, for some reason I can't get things setup as I'd like. Please see this screenshot:
Notice the highlighted projects/configurations. I am unable to create a "Debug-QA" configuration for these projects (by selecting <New> in the cell for that particular project). When I try to add a new "Debug-QA" configuration to the DataUtility project, for instance, Visual Studio yells at me:
This configuration could not be created because a solution configuration of the same name already exists.
I know it does! I'm trying to add the configuration to the project! What am I missing here? I want all projects to have all 5 configuration. I have the same problem when trying to match up (create) platforms (for instance, adding an "Any CPU" platform to the DataUtility project).
Make sure you're using the drop down list from the grid (not the one at the top of the dialog), and do not check the "Create new solution configurations" checkbox when adding your new project configuration.
Here's a workaround if already checked the Create new solution configurations checkbox:
Open Explorer and navigate to the location of the solution for the project that is missing platforms.
Move the solution .sln file to a temorary location where Visual Studio won't locate it.
Open the .csproj file for the project that is missing platforms.
Click the Solutions Platform dropdown.
Click Configuration Manager...
In the table, Click the dropdown in the Platform column for the project and select , to add a new platform.
Click OK.
Repeat adding new platforms as needed.
Save the project.
Return the previously moved solution file back to where it was.
Reopen the combined project solution.
The above solution didn't quite work, but I did find a solution on a forum that worked. Described below is to set the builds to x64 for each project that was set to "Any CPU", but the steps would also work for x86.
Open the main solution. Unload each project with a conflict (not
Leave the solution open.
In Explorer, navigate to the
project folders and open the csproj file in Visual Studio.
In this
screwed up project, navigate to Build->Configuration Manager.
needed, "Add New" and set it to x64 and save.
Right-click the
project and set the build architecture to the new x64.
Save this,
but when you close the project in VS, do not save to the solution.
That's unnecessary.
Repeat for each project with a misaligned architecture.
Finally, in the original solution with all the offending projects,
reload each project.
Open the Build->Configuration Manager for the solution. Then, one by
one, reset "Any CPU" to the desired platform, in my case x64.
Save the changes for the solution and rebuild all. You should be OK,

Start Debugging F5 doesn't automatically build

I used to have the environment optimized for c# but recently I have been doing a mostly c++ work. So after a format, I selected c++ instead. Once in a while I still do some c#/xna stuff so I installed xna as well. Problem is that visual studio does not behave anything like I remember it behaving when I had the environment optimized for c#. The run button no longer compiles the solution. Hell, compiling the solution does nearly nothing... I need to recompile for my changes to take effect. What the hell?
I have tried Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings, reinstalling xna and visual studio and still the F5 does not compile.
edit: Turns out that the projects were set to not compile under the configuration options. I never set this though. I found a forum with several people who had the same issue:
If you have a number of configurations, it's possible that the currently selected configuration doesn't have the project (you want to auto-build) in it.
For example.
The default configurations are DEBUG and RELEASE and all the projects (in the solution) are ticked against this.
But if you've manually un-ticked a project against one of these configurations OR you've manually added a new project and then un-ticked that project in the configuration .. Visual Studio won't compile those un-ticked projects.
So double check your configuration. (Right Click on the Solution name => Configuration Manager).
I hope this will fix your problem: Start debugging F5 does not build automatically, Visual Studio.
First check what should happen when you run a project. To do this, open Tools > Options, Projects and Solutions, Build and Run, and check that you have selected for the On Run, when projects are out of date option:
Make sure you have selected Always Build...
To change you settings:
Tools -> Import and Export Settings
Choose: Import selected environment settings
Save you settings if you want
You are then presented with a set of default settings to choose from (General, C++, C#)
