bash read inputs (1 mandatory and 1 optional) and grep these two variables then redirect result - bash

read inputs (1 mandatory and 1 optional)
and grep these two variables from abc.txt
then redirect result to a new txt
read c d
while [ $# -ne 1 ]; do #why -ne not -ge as grep c when there is at least 1 argument
echo "Search result :"
grep "$c" abc.txt
else grep "$c" "$d" abc.txt
Tried lots of times, will either take c, d as one argument or just ignore my d argument. Do I need to use shift in this case?

$# is the number of command line arguments for your shell script. read doesn't change this value.
What you want is:
if [[ -z "$d" ]]; then
# one argument
# two or more arguments
Alternatively, you call your with the arguments on the command line (i.e. ./script c d).
For this, replace read c d with:

You can use ${d+value_if_set} to fill in a value to use when $d is present.
grep -e "$c" ${d+-e "$d"} abc.txt >new.txt
This adds a second -e argument after the first if $d is set. So you end up running grep -e "$c" -e "$d" abc.txt in this scenario.
I have read (long ago) some advice against using multiple -e arguments to grep but it works with GNU grep and OSX (*BSD) grep at least.
Alternatively, you could use grep -E and modify the regex:
grep -E "$c${d+|$d}" abc.txt >new.txt
Here, the regex is either $c or $c|$d. But you should note that the -E syntax also changes the semantics of what you put in $c and $d.


bash for loop with same order as GNU "ls -v" ("version-number" sort)

In a bash script I want to do a typical "for file in somedir" but I want the files to be processed in the same order that "ls -v" returns them. I know the downfalls of using "ls" as a function. Is there some way to replicate "-v" without using "ls"? Thanks.
Assuming that this is "version number" sort order, this is also implemented by GNU sort. Thus, on a GNU platform:
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
printf 'Processing file: %q\n' "$filename"
done < <(set -- "$somedir"/*; [[ -e $1 || -L $1 ]] && printf '%s\0' "$#" | sort -z -V)
If you really want to use a for loop rather than a while loop, parse into an array and iterate over that:
files=( )
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
files+=( "$filename" )
done < <(set -- "$somedir"/*; [[ -e $1 || -L $1 ]] && printf '%s\0' "$#" | sort -z -V)
for filename in "${files[#]}"; do
printf 'Processing file: %q\n' "$filename"
To explain some of the magic above:
In < <(...), <(...) is a process substitution. It's replaced with a filename which, when read from, will return the output of the code enclosed. Thus, < <(...) will put that process substitution's output as the input to the while read loop. This loop form is described in BashFAQ #1. The reasons to use this kind of redirection instead of piping into the loop are given in BashFAQ #24.
set -- "$somedir"/* replaces the argument list within the current context (that context being the subshell running the process substitution!) with the results of "$somedir"/*; thus, (non-hidden, by default) contents of the directory named in the variable somedir.
[[ -e $1 || -L $1 ]] is true only if that glob expanded to at least one item; if it remained * (and no actual filesystem object exists by that name), gating output on this condition prevents the process substitution from emitting any output.
sort -z tells sort to delimit elements in both input and output with NULs -- a character that isn't allowed to exist in filenames.

How to match a folder name and use it in an if condition using grep in bash?

for d in */ ; do
cd $d
NUM = $(echo ${PWD##*/} | grep -q "*abc*");
if [[ "$NUM" -ne "0" ]]; then
cd ..
Here I'm trying to match a folder name to some substring 'abc' in the name of the folder and check if the output of the grep is not 0. But it gives me an error which reads that NUM: command not found
An error was addressed in comments.
NUM = $(echo ${PWD##*/} | grep -q "*abc*"); should be NUM=$(echo ${PWD##*/} | grep -q "*abc*");.
To clarify, the core problem would be to be able to match current directory name to a pattern.
You can probably simply the code to just
if grep -q "*abc*" <<< "${PWD##*/}" 2>/dev/null; then
echo "$PWD"
# Your rest of the code goes here
You can use the exit code of the grep directly in a if-conditional without using a temporary variable here ($NUM here). The condition will pass if grep was able to find a match. The here-string <<<, will pass the input to grep similar to echo with a pipeline. The part 2>/dev/null is to just suppress any errors (stderr - file descriptor 2) if grep throws!
As an additional requirement asked by OP, to negate the conditional check just do
if ! grep -q "*abc*" <<< "${PWD##*/}" 2>/dev/null; then

omit passing an empty quoted argument

I have some variables in a bash script that may contain a file name or be unset. Their content should be passed as an additional argument to a program. But this leaves an empty argument when the variable is unset.
$ afile=/dev/null
$ anotherfile=/dev/null
$ unset empty
$ cat "$afile" "$empty" "$anotherfile"
cat: : No such file or directory
Without quotes, it works just fine as the additional argument is simply omitted. But as the variables may contain spaces, they have to be quoted here.
I understand that I could simply wrap the whole line in a test on emptiness.
if [ -z "$empty" ]; then
cat "$afile" "$anotherfile"
cat "$afile" "$empty" "$anotherfile"
But one test for each variable would lead to a huge and convoluted decision tree.
Is there a more compact solution to this? Can bash made to omit a quoted empty variable?
You can use an alternate value parameter expansion (${var+altvalue}) to include the quoted variable IF it's set:
cat ${afile+"$afile"} ${empty+"$empty"} ${anotherfile+"$anotherfile"}
Since the double-quotes are in the alternate value string (not around the entire parameter expression), they only take effect if the variable is set. Note that you can use either + (which uses the alternate value if the variable is set) or :+ (which uses the alternate value if the variable is set AND not empty).
A pure bash solution is possible using arrays. While "$empty" will evaluate to an empty argument, "${empty[#]}" will expand to all the array fields, quoted, which are, in this case, none.
$ afile=(/dev/null)
$ unset empty
$ alsoempty=()
$ cat "${afile[#]}" "${empty[#]}" "${alsoempty[#]}"
In situations where arrays are not an option, refer to pasaba por aqui's more versatile answer.
Try with:
printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" "$afile" "$empty" "$anotherfile" | egrep -v '^$' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 cat
In the case of a command like cat where you could replace an empty argument with an empty file, you can use the standard shell default replacement syntax:
cat "${file1:-/dev/null}" "${file2:-/dev/null}" "${file3:-/dev/null}"
Alternatively, you could create a concatenated output stream from the arguments which exist, either by piping (as shown below) or through process substitution:
{ [[ -n "$file1" ]] && cat "$file1";
[[ -n "$file2" ]] && cat "$file2";
[[ -n "$file3" ]] && cat "$file3"; } | awk ...
This could be simplified with a utility function:
cat_if_named() { [[ -n "$1" ]] && cat "$1"; }
In the particular case of cat to build up a new file, you could just do a series of appends:
# Start by emptying or creating the output file.
. > output_file
cat_if_named "$file1" >> output_file
cat_if_named "$file2" >> output_file
cat_if_named "$file3" >> output_file
If you need to retain the individual arguments -- for example, if you want to pass the list to grep, which will print the filename along with the matches -- you could build up an array of arguments, choosing only the arguments which exist:
[[ -n "$file1" ]] && args+=("$file1")
[[ -n "$file2" ]] && args+=("$file2")
[[ -n "$file3" ]] && args+=("$file3")
With bash 4.3 or better, you can use a nameref to make a utility function to do the above, which is almost certainly the most compact and general solution to the problem:
non_empty() {
declare -n _args="$1"
for arg; do [[ -n "$arg" ]] && _args+=("$arg"); done
non_empty my_args "$file1" "$file2" "$file3"
grep "$pattern" "${my_args[#]}"

How to check that a file has more than 1 line in a BASH conditional?

I need to check if a file has more than 1 line. I tried this:
if [ `wc -l file.txt` -ge "2" ]
echo "This has more than 1 line."
if [ `wc -l file.txt` >= 2 ]
echo "This has more than 1 line."
These just report errors. How can I check if a file has more than 1 line in a BASH conditional?
The command:
wc -l file.txt
will generate output like:
42 file.txt
with wc helpfully telling you the file name as well. It does this in case you're checking out a lot of files at once and want individual as well as total stats:
pax> wc -l *.txt
973 list_of_people_i_must_kill_if_i_find_out_i_have_cancer.txt
2 major_acheivements_of_my_life.txt
975 total
You can stop wc from doing this by providing its data on standard input, so it doesn't know the file name:
if [[ $(wc -l <file.txt) -ge 2 ]]
The following transcript shows this in action:
pax> wc -l qq.c
26 qq.c
pax> wc -l <qq.c
As an aside, you'll notice I've also switched to using [[ ]] and $().
I prefer the former because it has less issues due to backward compatibility (mostly to do with with string splitting) and the latter because it's far easier to nest executables.
A pure bash (≥4) possibility using mapfile:
mapfile -n 2 < file.txt
if ((${#MAPFILE[#]}>1)); then
echo "This file has more than 1 line."
The mapfile builtin stores what it reads from stdin in an array (MAPFILE by default), one line per field. Using -n 2 makes it read at most two lines (for efficiency). After that, you only need to check whether the array MAPFILE has more that one field. This method is very efficient.
As a byproduct, the first line of the file is stored in ${MAPFILE[0]}, in case you need it. You'll find out that the trailing newline character is not trimmed. If you need to remove the trailing newline character, use the -t option:
mapfile -t -n 2 < file.txt
if [ `wc -l file.txt | awk '{print $1}'` -ge "2" ]
You should always check what each subcommand returns. Command wc -l file.txt returns output in the following format:
12 file.txt
You need first column - you can extract it with awk or cut or any other utility of your choice.
How about:
if read -r && read -r
echo "This has more than 1 line."
fi < file.txt
The -r flag is needed to ensure line continuation characters don't fold two lines into one, which would cause the following file to report one line only:
This is a file with _two_ lines, \
but will be seen as one.
if [ `wc -l file.txt` -ge "2" ]
if [ `cat file.tex | wc -l` -ge "2" ]
If you're dealing with large files, this awk command is much faster than using wc:
awk 'BEGIN{x=0}{if(NR>1){x=1;exit}}END{if(x>0){print FILENAME,"has more than one line"}else{print FILENAME,"has one or less lines"}}' file.txt

sh shell script of working with for loop

I am using sh shell script to read the files of a folder and display on the screen:
for d in `ls -1 $IMAGE_DIR | egrep "jpg$"`
pgm_file=$IMAGE_DIR/`echo $d | sed 's/jpg$/pgm/'`
echo "file $pgm_file";
the output result is reading line by line:
file file1.jpg
file file2.jpg
file file3.jpg
file file4.jpg
Because I am not familiar with this language, I would like to have the result that print first 2 results in the same row like this:
file file1.jpg; file file2.jpg;
file file3.jpg; file file4.jpg;
In other languages, I just put d++ but it does not work with this case.
Would this be doable? I will be happy if you would provide me sample code.
thanks in advance.
Let the shell do more work for you:
for d in "$IMAGE_DIR"/*.jpg
file=$( basename "$d" )
printf "file %s; %s" "$file" "$end_of_line"
if [[ -z "$end_of_line" ]]; then
# do something with "$pgm_file"
for d in "$IMAGE_DIR"/*jpg; do
printf '%s;\n' "$d"
done |
awk 'END {
if (ORS != RS)
print RS
ORS = NR % n ? FS : RS
' n=2
Set n to whatever value you need.
If you're on Solaris, use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk
(do not use /usr/bin/awk).
Note also that I'm trying to use a standard shell syntax,
given your question is sh related (i.e. you didn't mention bash or ksh,
for example).
Something like this inside the loop:
echo -n "something; "
[[ -n "$oddeven" ]] && oddeven= || { echo;oddeven=x;}
should do.
Three per line would be something like
[[ "$((n++%3))" = 0 ]] && echo
(with n=1) before entering the loop.
Why use a loop at all? How about:
ls $IMAGE_DIR | egrep 'jpg$' |
sed -e 's/$/;/' -e 's/^/file /' -e 's/jpg$/pgm/' |
perl -pe '$. % 2 && chomp'
(The perl just deletes every other newline. You may want to insert a space and add a trailing newline if the last line is an odd number.)
