Saving custom Word document using FilePicker in Windows Store app - windows

I am making a Windows Store application and I want to allow users that press an "Export To Word" button to have all the data that they have input into the app to be displayed in a Word document and saved to a desired location on their computer. The code below is a test segment of code that almost does what I am after, however after saving the document and opening it using Word rather than the app, it cannot open the file due to it being corrupted apparently. However when you open it in Notepad the text is displayed as I want.
private async void exportToWord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
await ExportToWord();
private async Task ExportToWord()
// Create the picker object and set options
Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker savePicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary;
// Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Word", newList<string>{".docx"});
// Default file name if the user does not type one in or select a file to replace
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Test";
Windows.Storage.StorageFile file = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
MessageDialog mD;
if (file != null)
// Prevent updates to the remote version of the file until we finish
// making changes and call CompleteUpdatesAsync.
// write to file
await Windows.Storage.FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, createContentsOfFile());
// Let Windows know that we're finished changing the file so the other
// app can update the remote version of the file.
// Completing updates may require Windows to ask for user input.
Windows.Storage.Provider.FileUpdateStatus updateStatus = await Windows.Storage.CachedFileManager.CompleteUpdatesAsync(file);
if (updateStatus == Windows.Storage.Provider.FileUpdateStatus.Complete)
mD = newMessageDialog("Connect exported to:" + file, "Export Successful");
mD = newMessageDialog("Could not save file. Try again", "Export Unsuccessful");
mD = newMessageDialog("Operation canceled because the file could not be found. Try again", "Export Unsuccessful");
await mD.ShowAsync();
private string createContentsOfFile()
return "Testing...";
I believe the issue is that I am outputting plain text to the Word document but it needs to be in a certain format to be output correctly and be displayed in a Word doc. Is there any way of doing this in Windows Store apps?
Any help would be appreciated.

I'm not aware of any Word doc components available for Windows Runtime apps (Microsoft doesn't provide one, but there could be a third party component I'm not aware of).
You can get documentation on the docx format and for simple text it may not be too complex (I'm not sure), or you can use another format which Word can open.
If you don't need formatting I'd probably stick with txt.
If you need small amounts of formatting then rtf is a good option. It is fairly simple to generate yourself or the RichEditBox can export RTF format text which you can then save into a .doc file and open in Word.


How to open Files in flutter windows with default app

I am able to open PDF file with the below code in flutter windows platform,
'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Acrobat\\Acrobat.exe', [_path]);
My problem is specifying the path to the app, it can be different!
Is there a way to open the file automatically with the Windows Standard App?
For example: .pdf files with Acrobath Reader, .txt files with Notepad, .csv with Excel ....etc
Thx for Help!
The Win32 API for this is ShellExecute
final verb = 'open'.toNativeUtf16();
final file = 'yourfile.pdf'.toNativeUtf16();
final params = ''.toNativeUtf16();
final path = 'C:\yourfolder\'.toNativeUtf16();
ShellExecute(0, verb, file, params, path, SW_SHOW);
The new answer is (I only care about Windows):
// incoming path uses forward slashes
Future<void> launchFile(String path, String file) async {
if (file.isEmpty) {
path = path.replaceAll("/", "\\"); // necessary for Windows
await Process.start('explorer', [path]);
else {
ProcessResult result = await'cmd', ['/c', 'start', '', '$path/$file']);
if (result.exitCode == 0) {
// good
else {
// bad
The /c will close the cmd window after launch. Explorer seems to prefer backslashes.
I asked ChatGPT to tell me how to deal with spaces in filenames because I could not figure it out. Apparently I needed an empty parameter after 'start'.
Code is minimal to show the basics; add your own error detection/handling, etc.

Is it possible to drag and drop a UWP StorageFile to desktop, created using CreateStreamedFileFromUriAsyc

The goal:
What I want to do is drag a GridViewItem from a GridView in a UWP app outside of the app to the desktop explorer. During the drop event, I want to download a file from the internet and create a StorageFile that will be used to populate the DataPackage. I want this StorageFile to be copied to the desktop. Unfortunately, when a deferral is used for UWP Drag&Drop (using SetDataProvider), as soon as you leave the app window, the request is activated and you have to populate the DataPackage with the object to be transferred. So, it seemed to me that I would need to use a deferred type of StorageFile created with CreateStreamedFileFromUriAsyc.
I do not want to pre-download the data every time I start to do a drag and drop operation. I only want to download the data when I'm actually dropping it somewhere legitimate to copy.
I know how to drag and drop a pre-existing StorageFile from UWP to Explorer (desktop) using a deferred request.
I also know how to create a StorageFile using CreateStreamedFileFromUriAsyc that will gives you a StorageFile that downloads data only when the data is requested.
When I try to combine these two ideas, windows Explorer gives me the error 'interface is not supported.'.
If I use the exact same code, but just get the file contents by calling something like GetBasicPropertiesAsync during the deferred drag handler, it works only if I hold the drag over the desktop until the file is downloaded. I can see it finishing when the drag icon changes from the 'prohibited' icon to 'copy'. If I let go of the mouse button before it is done, no copy will occur and no errors are raised.
Obviously, I would like the drag and drop to download without having to manually start it on the deferred handler. Any ideas? Is this possible?
(Yes, I realize the code to create the correct file extension is wrong/incomplete, but that's irrelevant here...)
//DragStarted Handler in constructor
DragItemsStartedCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<DragItemsStartingEventArgs>((e) =>
_dragItems = e.Items.Cast<ItemViewModel>();
e.Data.Properties.Title = "Transfer file";
e.Data.Properties.Description = "desscription of transfering a file";
e.Data.SetDataProvider(Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.StandardDataFormats.StorageItems, OnDeferredStorageFileRequestedHandler);
e.Data.RequestedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Copy;
//Deferred request handler
async void OnDeferredStorageFileRequestedHandler(DataProviderRequest request)
DataProviderDeferral deferral = request.GetDeferral();
Task<IEnumerable<StorageFile>> task = null;
await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
task = DownloadStorageFiles();
var result = await task;
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle the exception
Debug.WriteLine("deferral complete!!!");
//Create StorageFile with deferred loading Task
async Task<IEnumerable<StorageFile>> DownloadStorageFiles()
List<StorageFile> storageItems = new List<StorageFile>();
foreach (var item in _dragItems)
var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest();
var defaultItemType = ItemType.MSWord;
switch (item.MimeTypeTranslated)
case ItemType.GoogleDocument:
case ItemType.GoogleSpreadsheet:
case ItemType.GooglePresentation:
case ItemType.GoogleDrawing:
case ItemType.GoogleScript:
request.Resource = $"files/{}/export";
request.AddParameter("mimeType", Statics.ItemTypeDictionary.First(x => x.Value == defaultItemType).Key);
request.Resource = $"files/{}";
request.AddParameter("alt", "media");
string fileName = "";
if ($".{Statics.ItemExtensionDictionary[defaultItemType]}"))
fileName = $"{}";
fileName = $"{}.{Statics.ItemExtensionDictionary[defaultItemType]}";
var uri = account.Client.GetAuthorizedUriForDownload(request);
var thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///StoreLogo.png")));
var storageFileDeferred = await StorageFile.CreateStreamedFileFromUriAsync(fileName, uri , thumbnail);
//var props = await storageFileDeferred.GetBasicPropertiesAsync();
return storageItems;
GitHub repro of this problem:
First page is a regular drag to desktop that works because StorageFile (+ underlying data) is already in assets folder
Second page shows the error generated when using a StorageFile that is created with CreateStreamedFileFromUriAsync.
Third page uses the same type of StorageFile, but with a hack to force the retrieval of data synchronously. Desktop freezes for a second until data is ready.
As of the recent Windows updates the drag n' drop of storage files on UWP apps is automatically handled by the system.
example gif.

Where are files saved while debugging a Silverlight 5 Application in Internet Explorer 10?

I have some code that saves an xml file to the file system.
public static void Save(T obj, string FileName)
if (Application.Current.HasElevatedPermissions)
string myDocuments = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(myDocuments, FileName);
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path))
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
serializer.Serialize(writer, obj);
throw new Exception("Cannot Save File. Application Requires Elevated permissions.");
While debugging using Internet Explorer 10 the file is not saved to the listed path in the path variable "C:\Users\Travis\Documents\Save.xml"
I call load with the exact same path "C:\Users\Travis\Documents\Save.xml" and the file loads correctly but the file still does not exist at the listed location.
I searched the file system with no results for Save.xml but it has to exist since it is able to load after application exit.
If I access the same page using Chrome the file is created successfully at the location.
I am wondering where Internet Explorer saves the file?
I found that if I uncheck "Enable Protected Mode" in IE's Security tab then the file is created in the location as expected.

NotifyFilter of FileSystemWatcher not working

I have a windows service (and verified the code by creating a similar WinForms application) where the NotifyFilter doesn't work. As soon as I remove that line of code, the service works fine and I can see the event-handler fire in the WinForms application.
All I'm doing is dropping a text file into the input directory for the FileSystemWatcher to kick off the watcher_FileChanged delegate. When I have the _watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime; in there, it doesn't work. When I pull it out, it works fine.
Can anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong with this filter?
Here is the FSW code for the OnStart event.
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
_watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(#"C:\Projects\Data\Test1");
_watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(watcher_FileChanged);
_watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime;
_watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false;
_watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
_watcher.Error += new ErrorEventHandler(OnError);
private void watcher_FileChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
// Folder with new files - one or more files
string folder = #"C:\Projects\Data\Test1";
// Folder to delete old files - one or more files
string output = #"C:\Temp\Test1\";
// Create name to call new zip file by date
string outputFilename = Path.Combine(output, string.Format("Archive{0}.zip", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy")));
// Save new files into a zip file
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
// Add all files in directory
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folder))
// Save to output filename
DirectoryInfo source = new DirectoryInfo(output);
// Get info of each file into the output directory to see whether or not to delete
foreach (FileInfo fi in source.GetFiles())
if (fi.CreationTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))
I've been having trouble with this behavior too. If you step through the code (and if you look at MSDN documenation, you'll find that NotifyFilter starts off with a default value of:
NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite
So when you say .NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime, you're wiping out those other values, which explains the difference in behavior. I'm not sure why NotifyFilters.CreationTime is not catching the new file... seems like it should, shouldn't it!
You can probably just use the default value for NotifyFilter if it's working for you. If you want to add NotifyFilters.CreationTime, I'd recommend doing something like this to add the new value and not replace the existing ones:
_watcher.NotifyFilter = _watcher.NotifyFilter | NotifyFilters.CreationTime;
I know this is an old post but File Creation time is not always reliable. I came across a problem where a Log file was being moved to an archive folder and a new file of the same name was created in it's place however the file creation date did not change, in fact the meta data was retained from the previous file (the one that was moved to the archive) .
Windows has this cache on certain attributes of a file, file creation date is included. You can read the article on here:

Clicking Open Word Document tries to reconnect to Controller action while downloading

I have a requirement to download a file from the server, but open inline if possible. I'm currently doing;
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("inline; filename={0}", documentFileName));
result = new FileStreamResult(new FileStream(documentFilePath, FileMode.Open), "application/msword");
I've put application/msword in there right now, because that's what I'm having a problem with. When I click Open on the word document, it's as if the document makes multiple calls back to the action, but there is no session and no database so it crashes. When the user is running this, they see a long hang, the "Downloading" dialog finally appears in word and they have to cancel it. The document is there and is valid but this is not desirable.
Pdfs, pngs etc. download fine. Can anybody explain this behavior, and give me some hints as to how I fix it?
The action basically looks like;
public FileResult View(int id, int source)
var document = GetDocumentFromDatabase(id, source);
documentFilePath = Path.Combine( documentsDirectory, document.Name);
documentName = document.Name;
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("inline; filename={0}", documentFileName));
result = new FileStreamResult(new FileStream(documentFilePath, FileMode.Open), "application/msword");
return result;
I've trimmed it down, as I can't share the specifics, but the full idea is there.
I have a lookup of available content-types, in there I have defined whether the file is inline or attachment, and when I detect a word document, I set it to attachment. No more error. PDF opens in the browser still because I set it to inline.
I use:
public ActionResult GetAttachment(int id)
var attachment = _repository.GetAttachByID(id);
if (attachment != null)
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition",string.Format("inline; filename={0}",attachment.FileName));
return File(attachment.File, attachment.MimeType, attachment.FileName);
return null;
