Visual Studio 2013 - turning off indenting does not work? - visual-studio

Ok - I want indenting turned off in Visual Studio Pro 2013, so...
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Tabs -> Indenting (set to None) -> Click OK
Now, no matter what type of file I edit I get indented text, code, comments; I have indents coming out of my ears !
It's a cruel joke right? Or am I the only person who thought setting Tabs -> Indenting to None meant none?
What magic am I missing? -- and yes, I have found similar posts and NONE (sorry for the pun) of the solutions have worked yet ...
Seriously though -- I know I missed some setting -- but for the life of me I cannot disable this behavior.


Visual Studio code folding not working properly

does someone already has experienced this "issue" on visual studio?
it did not fold the code on the brackets, just on the function header, should have a - on line 32,35 like on the line 25
I had the same problem with python code.
For me this helped:
File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Text Editor -> Folding Strategy -> Set to "indentation"
"Folding Strategy - Controls the strategy for computing folding ranges"
This was set to "auto" for me, after changing to "indentation" it works.
I suspect the "auto" setting uses something smarter which may break depending on system, environment and used imports.
There is a setting in the VS.Code : "Settings / Editor: Folding Strategy" I set this to "indentation" while other option is only "auto".
I guess there sometimes problems with other extensions.
Well that's strange.
You can try a couple things:
Re-opening the IDE.
Try that piece of code somewhere else (to discard a more general issue).
Does it happen anywhere else? If it does, it could be an editor option.
Visual Studio -> Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C\C++- > View and set Outline Statement Blocks to true
I dont know how, but i had this option as false.

VS2015 CodeLens missing after update

Only just noticed it. The 'heading' that showed how many references a method has had gone missing. I assume after the last update that I installed. I didn't even know it was called Codelens but now I am wiser.
As per other answer in S.O. It is an option under Tool-> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> CodeLens. The update (I assume) had disabled it)
HTH someone else.
Go to the option Tool-> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> CodeLens and enable it.

How to prevent Visual Studio 2015 reformatting on uncommenting a block

If I comment out a block of code using the comment comment (Ctrl+E,C) and then uncomment (Ctrl+E,U) then the code is reformatted based on whatever options are set for things like braces in new lines, spacing around brackets, etc.
Is there any way to disable this behaviour and just leave the code as it was?
I don't recall seeing this behaviour prior to Visual Studio 2015.
OK I just found the relevant setting:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Basic -> Advanced -> Pretty listing (reformatting) of code

javascript visual studio 2013 indentation

I started playing around with javascript on Visual Studio 2013 and I couldn't figure out why it is not automatically positioning the cursor to the correct indentation level, instead always resetting back to the head. For example:
function foo(y) {
var f = function bar(x) {
|<-- cursor should be here, but ends up
|<-- over here
Does anyone else see this and how do you change it?
I have the typescript, nodejs plugin installed and that's about it.
With a bit of research, things started working for me. First check that, Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Javascript -> Tabs -> Indenting is set to 'Smart'. Next restart VS. For me restarting was important since, apparently, my file had some mixed line-endings and that was throwing off the indentation engine. Hope this helps someone.
In my case, the whole javascript formatting stopped working for every file, I could play with language options and restart VS, nothing helped, until I unchecked:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> JavaScript/TypeScript -> Language Service -> Enable the new JavaScript language service
The editor returned to old school javascript formatting, which is sufficient for me.
I'm not sure if this applies to Visual Studio 2013 (the original question), but in 2015 at least, you can select the text in your JavaScript file you want to format, right-click, and then choose "Format Selection". There's a keyboard short-cut as well (Ctrl-K, Ctrl-F).
If you already have Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Javascript -> Tabs -> Indenting set to 'Smart', then try setting this option (the Indenting setting) to 'None' and click OK.
Open the Options back up and, set Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Javascript -> Tabs -> Indenting back to 'Smart', click OK.
Close and reopen the file you were working on.

How do I turn off intellisense for javascript?

While editing javascript content VisualStudio is starting to bug me with how it keeps inserting highlighted suggestions. For example it keeps inserting valueOf( if I type val(. This is really annoying.
I want to invoke intellisense manually just like I can with C#, is there any way of turning off the auto-complete suggestion or at least preventing it from selecting an entry for me?
In Visual Studio Tools > Options > Text Editor > JScript
In corresponding panel as Statement completion
Uncheck Autolist members & Parameter Information
I think that should do the trick
I realize resharper isn't mentioned in the question, however there is an easy solution if you're using it.
Navigate to Resharper -> Options -> Intellisense -> Completing Character. Once there, add ".val(" to the "Do not complete on" text field beside the JavaScript row.
Like so:
I tried Myra's solution but it didn't solve it completely for me due to ReSharper. Turned out it was the ReSharper intellisense that autocompleted whatever I was writing to the current/top option in the intellisense list, not the VS default intellisense.
I fixed this by turning off ReSharper's JavaScript support completely by going to ReSharper -> Options -> Products & Features -> Uncheck JavaScript and TypeScript.
This might not be a good solution if you depend on any other JavaScript- or TypeScript-related features in ReSharper but I finally got control of the intellisense. Peace, at last...
(Just to be clear, I still have the "Autolist members" and "Parameter Information" options as described in Myra's post above checked/activated, and the "Only use Tab or Enter to commit" option as described in Brett Ryan's comment above also checked/activated)
for me it was also resharper (replacing my .each with .forEach), and what I did is go to
Resharper -> Options
Environment -> IntelliSense -> Autopopup
select JavaScript tab
"After dot" -> select "Display but do not preselect" in the dropdown
