C++ Ensuring that user input value is int only [duplicate] - c++11

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I am a little new to C++ and would really appreciate any input or suggestions! So with our intro course projects I have been looking for a way to ensure that when the prog. is asking for int values it correctly responds! That is it states its invalid in cases of both a double as well as string being entered! So if cin >> intVariable ... intVariable will not accept cin entry of "abdf" or 20.01.
So to achieve this I wrote the following function...It works but I am looking for your thoughts on how this process can be further improved!
void getIntegerOnly(int& intVariable, string coutStatement)
bool isInteger; // Check if value entered by user is int form or not
string tmpValue; // Variable to store temp value enetered by user
cout << coutStatement; // Output the msg for the cin statement
cin >> tmpValue; // Ask user to input their value
try // Use try to catch any exception caused by what user enetered
/* Ex. if user enters 20.01 then the if statement converts the
string to a form of int anf float to compare. that is int value
will be 20 and float will be 20.01. And if values do not match
then user input is not integer else it is. Keep looping untill
user enters a proper int value. Exception is 20 = 20.00 */
if (stoi(tmpValue) != stof(tmpValue))
isInteger = false; // Set to false!
clear_response(); // Clear response to state invalid
isInteger = true; //Set to true!
clear_cin(); // Clear cin to ignore all text and space in cin!
catch (...) // If the exception is trigured!
isInteger = false; // Set to false!
clear_response(); // Clear response to state invalid
} while (!isInteger); //Request user to input untill int clause met
//Store the int value to the variable passed by reference
intVariable = stoi(tmpValue);
This is simply an example of getting users age and age is greater than zero when running a Win32 console based application! Thank you for the feedback :)

One way would be something like the following:
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
bool are_digits = std::all_of(
str.begin(), str.end(),
[](char c) { return isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); }
return are_digits ? std::stoi(str) : throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid input"};
and catch the exceptions on the calling side (stoi can also throw std::out_of_range).

You can leverage the second parameter of stoi().
string tmpValue;
size_t readChars;
stoi(tmpValue, &readChars);
if(readChars == tmpValue.length())
// input was integer
EDIT: this will not work for strings containing "." (for example integers passed in scientific notation).

This is not my work, but the answer to this question is what you want. Pass the string to it as a reference. It will return true is your string is an integer.
How do I check if a C++ string is an int?


Pointer not printing char[] array

I'm writing some code to take in a string, turn it into a char array and then print back to the user (before passing to another function).
Currently the code works up to dat.toCharArray(DatTim,datsize); however, the pointer does not seem to be working as the wile loop never fires
String input = "Test String for Foo";
void InputParse (String dat)
//Write Data
datsize = dat.length()+1;
const char DatTim[datsize];
//Debug print back
for(int i=0;i<datsize;i++)
//Debug pointer print back
const char *b;
while (*b)
I can't figure out the difference between what I have above vs the template code provided by Majenko
void PrintString(const char *str)
const char *p;
p = str;
while (*p)
The expression *DatTim is the same as DatTim[0], i.e. it gets the first character in the array and then assigns it to the pointer b (something the compiler should have warned you about).
Arrays naturally decays to pointers to their first element, that is DatTim is equal to &DatTim[0].
The simple solution is to simply do
const char *b = DatTim;

Distance edit array output

I am doing an edit distance with the user input. I am storing my values in array. then the edit distance will compare the user input with my array of strings. I am doing a loop that if the edit distance is more than 2 it will display invalid else valid.
The only problem I've got is that although the program is working out fine, the output is the result of all the '28' strings that I have in my array. I would like to display only invalid or valid once.
Test is my array of strings and user is - String user - the user input.
void testingLD()
for (int i=0; i<test.length; i++)
if(getLevenshteinDistance(test[i],user) > 2)
println ("Invalid re-input");
println ("Valid");
You have your print line functions inside your loop so they get printed once per iteration.
Try this.
void testingLD()
boolean isValid = true; // assume true, check each and update
// begin loop
for (int i=0; i<test.length; i++)
if(getLevenshteinDistance(test[i],user) > 2)
isValid = false;
break; // don't need to test the rest of the loop if we already found a false
// end loop
println("Invalid re-input");
Similarly you could count the number of valid int validCount = 0; validCount++ and then display stats about how many were valid, the percentage etc. Or keep an array of the invalid strings and display those as the ones that fail etc!
Wrap up:
When you want to check an entire collection or array for some condition and output one answer make sure to have your output outside of the loop!

Extract trailing int from string containing other characters

I have a problem in regards of extracting signed int from string in c++.
Assuming that i have a string of images1234, how can i extract the 1234 from the string without knowing the position of the last non numeric character in C++.
FYI, i have try stringstream as well as lexical_cast as suggested by others through the post but stringstream returns 0 while lexical_cast stopped working.
int main()
string virtuallive("Images1234");
//stringstream output(virtuallive.c_str());
//int i = stoi(virtuallive);
//stringstream output(virtuallive);
int i;
i = boost::lexical_cast<int>(virtuallive.c_str());
//output >> i;
cout << i << endl;
return 0;
How can i extract the 1234 from the string without knowing the position of the last non numeric character in C++?
You can't. But the position is not hard to find:
auto last_non_numeric = input.find_last_not_of("1234567890");
char* endp = &input[0];
if (last_non_numeric != std::string::npos)
endp += last_non_numeric + 1;
if (*endp) { /* FAILURE, no number on the end */ }
auto i = strtol(endp, &endp, 10);
if (*endp) {/* weird FAILURE, maybe the number was really HUGE and couldn't convert */}
Another possibility would be to put the string into a stringstream, then read the number from the stream (after imbuing the stream with a locale that classifies everything except digits as white space).
// First the desired facet:
struct digits_only: std::ctype<char> {
digits_only(): std::ctype<char>(get_table()) {}
static std::ctype_base::mask const* get_table() {
// everything is white-space:
static std::vector<std::ctype_base::mask>
// except digits, which are digits
std::fill(&rc['0'], &rc['9'], std::ctype_base::digit);
// and '.', which we'll call punctuation:
rc['.'] = std::ctype_base::punct;
return &rc[0];
Then the code to read the data:
std::istringstream virtuallive("Images1234");
virtuallive.imbue(locale(locale(), new digits_only);
int number;
// Since we classify the letters as white space, the stream will ignore them.
// We can just read the number as if nothing else were there:
virtuallive >> number;
This technique is useful primarily when the stream contains a substantial amount of data, and you want all the data in that stream to be interpreted in the same way (e.g., only read numbers, regardless of what else it might contain).

Methods, more than one return?

I have the following method:
From what I learned methods which are not voids need a return. For the following examples I can see two returns, once after if(), and one at the end.
For this example if String s is not a digit it will return the boolean as false. Which makes sense. If it is a digit then it will check whether it is in the interval. I guess I am confused regarding whether we can have multiple returns in such cases and what the limitations are, if there are any. thank you.
private boolean ElementBienFormat(String s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) {
return false;
int n = Integer.valueOf(s);
return (n>=0 && n <=255);
A method will "quit" (return) when control reaches a return. So in this case as soon as a character is not a digit in the input String control will go back to the caller (with the appropriate value).
boolean success = ElementBienFormat( "a" ); // <-- control would go back here with the value of false.
Another quick note is that a void method can have multiple return statements as well
private void Method( int n )
if( n < 0 )

scanf_s throws exception

Why does the following code throw an exception when getting to the second scanf_s after entering an number to put into the struct.
This by no means represents a complete linked list implementation.
Not sure how to get onto the next scanf_s when having entered the value? Any ideas?
EDIT: Updated code with suggested solution, but still get an AccessViolationException after first scanf_s
struct node
char name[20];
int age;
float height;
node *nxt;
int FillInLinkedList(node* temp)
int result;
temp = new node;
printf("Please enter name of the person");
result = scanf_s("%s", temp->name);
printf("Please enter persons age");
result = scanf_s("%d", &temp->age); // Exception here...
printf("Please enter persons height");
result = scanf_s("%f", &temp->height);
temp->nxt = NULL;
if (result >0)
return 1;
else return 0;
// calling code
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
node temp;
You are using scanf_s with incorrect parameters. Take a look at the examples in the MSDN documentation for the function. It requires that you pass in the size of the buffer after the buffer for all string or character parameters. So
result = scanf_s("%s", temp->name);
should be:
result = scanf_s("%s", temp->name, 20);
The first call to scanf_s is reading garbage off the stack because it is looking for another parameter and possibly corrupting memory.
There is no compiler error because scanf_s uses a variable argument list - the function doesn't have a fixed number of parameters so the compiler has no idea what scanf_s is expecting.
You need
result = scanf_s("%d", &temp->age);
result = scanf_s("%f", &temp->height);
Reason is that sscanf (and friends) requires a pointer to the output variable so it can store the result there.
BTW, you have a similar problem with the parameter temp of your function. Since you're changing the pointer (and not just the contents of what it points to), you need to pass a double pointer so that the changes will be visible outside your function:
int FillInLinkedList(node** temp)
And then of course you'll have to make the necessary changes inside the function.
scanf() stores data into variables, so you need to pass the address of the variable (or its pointer)Example:
char string[10];
int n;
scanf("%s", string); //string actually points to address of
//first element of string array
scanf("%d", &n); // &n is the address of the variable 'n'
%19c should be %s
temp->age should be &temp-age
temp->height should be &temp->height
Your compiler should be warning you
about these errors
I believe you need to pass parameters to scanf() functions by address. i.e. &temp->age
otherwise temp-age will be interpreted as a pointer, which will most likely crash your program.
