Public Read and Write ACL despite all permissions being disabled - parse-platform

I have a class with all the permissions disabled, so it's available only to my cloud code while using the master key. But I looked at it today and I'm seeing that suddenly each of my objects has a Public Read and Write ACL.
What does it mean? I do not want anyone writing to, or reading from this class. Do I have to now set this in two different places?
I should add that this class contains information that I've added myself through the data browser. No app is writing to it.

I also found this a bit confusing and here's what I think is happening:
There appears to be the same notion of undefined for ACL's as for other cells. I think that is the default security ACL (non) value. However, when the ACL is undefined, it gets reported in the Data table viewer, under the ACL column, as "Public Read and Write". I suspect that someone at Parse decided that showing (undefined) for the ACL wouldn't do justice to informing the developers of the security risk of having no ACL for the row.
As evidence of what I'm thinking, I have noticed that when you click on an ACL cell (as if to edit), and it brings up the security dialog box for the ACL of the row, then, in the original cell itself (where you clicked, now in the background), it shows the text (in JSON) of the old ACL, if there is one actually defined, and shows (undefined) if there isn't one defined yet.
My observation is that class-specified security overrides what I'm calling the undefined ACL security setting.
IMHO, it would be better in this case if the Data view page showed something more illustrative: instead of "Public Read and Write", for example, "(undefined: see class security...).
Also, it is not yet clear to me how class security combines with row-defined ACLs (i.e. when present). If I find out one way or the other, I'll update...
(Also, fyi, sometimes it seems to me that you may have to give a few minutes before seeing security setting changes take effect.)


swift : display info to a users (first use) and then disappear

I would like to display some info on the screen ... which will disappear.
Example : an Uiview is displayed for the first time to an user (or feature never used by the user). I would like to display on a screen a label or an image to explain how to use this new feature. After that it will disappear ...
If this functionality has already been used by the user, the message is ofcourse not displayed.
example of message --> to add a gamer, press +
How to do that ? a lot of apps have this kind of help.
What you have to do is actually very simple : have a persistent variable, and change its value. Each time the user could see the help popup, you check the value of the variable you stored persistently. If this variable indicates that the user have already seen the help, you don't display it again. Otherwise, you show it. Simple example:
let helpSeen: Bool = getVarFromPersistent()
if helpSeen == false {
Where getVarFromPersistent() and setHelpSeenVar() are function you could create to respectively retrieve the variable from the persistent data and set the variable in the persistent data.
Now, you have to figure out how to use persistent data. You can have a look at CoreData, that is provided by Apple and "ready to use" in Xcode. You've probably already seen the use core data tickbox when you create a project.
Third party libraries exists as well like RealmSwift, who reached version 1.0 recently.
I'm not an expert, but I think Realm is simpler to use than Core Data. The technology used by the two libraries could be different though, maybe someone else could tell you more about it. Anyway, you will find a lot of article about Realm and Core Data on Google.

Google Drive API Folder/Child ID

Does anyone knows if the google folder id changes over time? Assuming, obviously, the folder is not deleted and recreated.
I'm trying to be limit the quota usage as much as possible, by storing the ID on our side.
UPDATE (2015/09/01) Per 'BSEs' comment below.
Sorry, I assumed it is Android (being professionally distorted).
Anyway, to make sure, look at the ID string in question and compare it with the ID you get from > right click > Get link. You should see something like:
If the id= string matches your resource ID, you're cool. Sorry for the confusion.
ORIGINAL (incorrect for .NET, applies to GooPlaySvcs/GDAA on Android)
I believe it does.
When testing the ResourceId availability here, I remember getting DriveId in one form immediately in the 'onResult()' callback. Later, when the 'onCompletion()' event occured, the DriveId of the same object looked very different (applies to both file and folder) .
Also, look at Daniel's comment here, it suggests that you should not rely on the value of the DriveId in any moment and use 'equals()'.
The ResourceId would be more appropriate ID to store, shuttle around, etc... DriveId is useless outside the GooPlaySvcs instance. And, based on some hints from Drive-Involved-Googlers, relying on a concrete value of DriveId is dangerous. That makes existence of 'encodeToString() / decodeFromString()' somewhat questionable, right?
Good Luck

Get a list of Active Directory Users along with their Full Name and Email

I need to retrieve a list of Active Directory users and their attributes using Delphi 2010.
I've seen a few similar questions on SO (e.g. Delphi - Find primary email address for an Active Directory user), but they all seem to require the user name before any additional information can be retrieved.
I had written an article for [The Delphi Magazine] way back when..... if you have access to a backlog of those magazines, it's in issue no. 62 (October 2000) - unfortunately, it seems those back issues aren't available for purchase anymore :-(
It's too long of an article and a code sample to post here.... basically it's about wrapping the IDirectorySearch interface in a nicer Delphi-like shell. You pass in a base container where to search, you define an LDAP filter, and you define a set of attributes you're interested in - then you search and get back basically an enumerator for the results, which you can get one by one.
In the end, I discovered TJvObjectPickerDialog, part of JVCL. It wraps the Windows Select Object dialog and does everything I need with very little coding. Just set the required properties and call execute. The selected user objects are returned along with the attributes that you set in the 'Attributes' property.

Partial caching dependencies in Kentico

How do I use the partial dependency caching in Kentico CMS?
Here's a very common example need I have but can't figure how to set up partial caching with dependencies correctly (in Portal mode, though I think this should apply to the other development modes too):
/Home (with a Repeater)
Item 1 (so path = /News/Item-1)
Item 2 (so path = /News/Item-2)
The Home page has a Repeater web part that lists the most recent news items. It has a Path of "/%" and Document Types filter set to "CMS.News"; obviously also a "Partial cache minutes" value > 0. There is no custom code; just Portal web parts and standard document types.
What is the exact "Partial cache dependencies" string I should use so that when a third news item it is immediately reflected on the Home page, but otherwise uses the cache?
Kentico did release several blog posts including Deep dive: Cache dependencies, but I'm having difficulty applying the theory discussed there to a site. I even asked in comments there some questions, but the answers by the Kentico support there weren't really helpful.
From what I could tell in that post, they said to use node|%CurrentSite.SiteName%}|/News|childnodes which seems to have some magic keywords like node and some macro elements like {%CurrentSite.SiteName%}. (I know that all items need to be lowercase, so already I know their advice isn't real consistent. It should at least be node|%CurrentSite.SiteName%}|/news|childnodes instead. And do I need to force lowercase on the macros?) First of all, that string didn't work for me--it was still caching the Home page Top News repeater (yes, full page caching was turned off); second, how do I build a string like that and debug what it should be? The linked post does have a grid of examples, but it is confusing (to me) and not exhaustive.
Can anyone provide a good example or better blog post reference anywhere that explains this in another way?
EDIT: I realized I asked this question fairly broadly. How about if we narrow it to just answer the question: How do I determine what settings to use to cache a repeater with a dependency to changes in another folder?
The magic words you mentioned in your post are basically the keywords for particular objects. You can see them listed in the caching options description - the "node", "nodes", "nodeid" are listed there as most common for working with nodes. But below then is described the syntax for any object, where you will use that object class name.
Regarding the blog post from the Kentico's CTO and his answers in the comments, it looks like he overlooked or misunderstood your question. you are talking about partial caching and he was giving you examples on the "normal" caching settings. Macros in the touch keys are resolved (lower case or upper case does not matter) in all other caching settings but not in the partial caching. This feature will be available in the upcoming version 6.0.
So, right now you have to hard-code the site name in the touch key cache setting.
I turned on the cache debugging and looked at what cache names were being generated. I saw mine being set to...
...which was obviously incorrect and would never work!
It looks like macros do not get resolved within the Partial Cache Dependencies property. So you can't use "{%CurrentSite.SiteName%}" in place of the site name. Here is an example of a partial cache dependency that worked for me...
Using the above partial cache dependecy, the cache was refreshed as soon as I deleted a sub-item.

Cheating traversal

I'm developing a plone4 site on which every user have a sortable inventory of items. The ATFolder's folder_content view is ideal for this. The only problem is that instead of an URL like this:
or this
the url should be:
I've thought in several solution, but each one have its own doubts.
Make the inventory content dynamic, depending on the authenticated user. I don't even know if this is possible on plone.
Somehow to cheat the transversal mechanism, so /site/inventory render /site/inventory/user.
Change the context before rendering the view. Again, don't know if possible.
Make inventory a subclass of ATCTContent, store the inventory data as annotation on the user and develop the ordering code all by myself. This is the option I'm trying to avoid.
What would you do?
Well, it'll be easy to define a inventory view that then uses the Authenticated User to render it's contents, which could be a simple delegation to an ordered folder that is stored at /site/users/user/folder.
The one thing that you have to remember is that user authentication happens after traversal. This means that when a view is instantiated (it's __init__ method is called) there is no user determined yet because that happens during traversal. Look up your user in the view __call__ or from it's template instead.
Having folder contents show contents that are not the contents of the folder is crraaaaAAAAzytalk. :) Don't do it. Either have a folder per user ( /inventory/user ) or make a custom view called inventory.html. You can make /inventory sho /inventory user but that is one step towards trying to make Plone to non-ploneish things, and that way lies a world of pain.
I don't know why you couldn't just call it /inventory/user? Seems easy enough. Then stick an action in the user viewlet, by the dashboard link, and your done! :-)
Plone is a content management system. Use it for that, as it's supposed to be used, and you'll be happy. Trying to force it to do things it doesn't want is like trying to build a sportscar out of a art deco sculpture. It might end up looking awesome, but it won't run very well. :-)
