IBM Domino Designer Creating a sample application - lotus

I'm new to IBM Domino Designer. I'm trying to create an IBM Domino Designer application which has 2 fields and a button. Once click on the button the data has to be stored in DB.
Now the problem is how to store the data in DB and where to write this code?
Should it be either in Button click or do we need to write any agent for it?

Create an application via "File" - "Application" "New"
Click "Create" - "Design" - "Form" in a designer client.
Name the Form, "Test" for example.
Insert a field in the form via "Create" - "Field" , name that field, for example "field1".
Insert some button via create - hotspot - button.
Paste this code in the action section:
#If(#Command([FileSave]);#Command([FileCloseWindow]);#Prompt([Ok];"Attention!";"Error saving document"))
Save the form
Go to the Notes Client, Open your Application, click Create menu, choose the form name, "Test" in our example and you will get a new document created by form "Test".
You should see a white form with a brackets in it and a button.
You can type some text inside brackets and can push the button. Formula action will try to save and close the document When you press the button.
Thats it. You have got an application with the form where you can put some data into the field and save it to DB.

Designing Lotus Notes Databases is nothing, that you can learn from scratch without having any clue or a good teacher.
You could start with the help and click through starting at "IBM Domino Designer Basic User Guide and Reference > Application Design", but I doubt that you will ever be successful.
As long as you do not understand, what Lotus Notes Databases are all about, you will not be able to create even the most simple application.
To give you at least a starting point: Lotus Notes Databases are simple "unstructured" containers for everything you throw in there. Data is presented as "Notes Document" and can contain Structured Data, Images, Attachments, Tables, whatever...
To create a document the easiest way is to create a "Form" in Lotus Notes Designer, create some fields in that form and then use the "Preview in Notes"- Button to show the Form in Lotus Notes. Using Ctrl + S you can save the document, that you created with the form.
Then you use "Views" to show the "documents" that you created.
Now I explained 2 Design- Elements out of 20 "Base"- Design elements, and you might already got lost...
Take my advice: Let someone teach you, how to do this, there is no other sensible way to learn developing applications in Lotus Notes (now Known as IBM Notes)


CRM 2013 Onprem: logged in users accessed area in CRM

We want to check what areas are used by user when they login to CRM. I have tried the recentlyvieweditems.
Is there any other way we can achieve this.
I do not think there is any solution or way to find out what area are clicked unless you login as that user and check what that user clicked.
The closest you can reach to get some insight for users and which entites they are accessing.
Organization insight solution
You have to capture those user telemetry data like - pages navigated, opened entity records, clicked ribbon buttons, etc using Application Insights or your own Database through your own API for all the breadcrumbs.
There is no other native solution other than Org Insights, that too available from 2016 onwards IIRC. Later they took different diversions during CRM online version upgrades.
You may try the EnableRule of application level command bar button to run your custom JS code to log user navigation. I haven't used it ever, but this is what I would try in your given scenario and I don't see any reason if it wouldn't work.
Create new custom entity/table with User ID/Name and URL attributes/columns
Create a application level command bar button
How do I add a global button (for all entities) on the CRM 2013 Command Bar
In button's enable rule, Add user id/name and document.location.href values as a new record to the custom table.
Create entity record through Javascript , CRM 2013 , SDK.Rest.CreateRecord
Don't forget to return false from the code in 'enable rule' so that the button should not actually be shown anywhere in the application.

Microsoft USD - Open different entities in a different tab

I have a Phonecall hosted control opened inside unified service desk as one of the tab and i have a few grids on that page.
On click of any grid inside my phone call page the respective entity is displayed on the same page.
Like for example if I click on customer product grid entity then that grid is opened similarly, there are other grids on which the user can click and it will load that entity on the same tab.
Now, the issue is as i said earlier that my new entity is being loaded on the same hosted control that is my phone call page. I want to prevent this from happening.
I want to display a different tab for whatever record is clicked within my PhoneCall Hosted control so this way my Phone Call Page is still there.
I know i can do this using Windows Navigation Rule but I will have to create different navigation rules for my different entities and then in future if any other grid is added in my phone call page then i will need to add another navigation rule to cater it. This is not the best approach, I want it to be dynamic. Is there any other way where I can open a different tab if a record is clicked from my phonecall page?
Create a new windows navigation rule. The "From" field should be your Phone Call Page. Leave the Entity, From search, and URL fields in the "Route Logic" section blank. Windows Nav Rules get executed in order, and once they find a match it stops executing. So make the order low enough so that it gets executed where you want it to.
The "Target Tab" and "Show Tab" fields should be a new hosted control that you want the popup to open in. The action is "Route Window".
As far as route type, you are going to have to play with this a bit. I think opening stuff from a subgrid is Route Type "Popup", but you might need to create 2 very similar rules (one with route type "popup" and the other with route type "in place") to account for all scenarios.
See the example screenshot below:

Dynamics CRM 365 seems to ignore default values for entity fields in quick create forms

For the contact entity I have set the default values for some build in fields to specific values. For example I set the default value for the field "Contact -> donotemail" to the value "Do not Allow".
In the "normal" web browser forms it seems to be working as expected.
But if I create a new contact using a quick create form and select the save and then "view created record" button the view switches to the new created contact.
If I then scroll down to the "donotemail" - field the field does not have the default value I selected in the field settings.
I googled the problem, the nearest community post I could find is
Unfortunately the post is from 2016 and it describes how to workaround the problem using custom business rules. But due to this is build in funtionality there is no business rule I could edit and creating some new to achive the goal of setting a default value seems odd.
Did someone encounter this problem too and could find a solution?
One possible reason I could think of: you might have not refreshed the main window after publish all, maybe cached QC form didn’t work as expected bcoz “customize the system” will open a separate popup to edit & publish all.
Still technically server side should not be cached with old customizations. But QC might have rendered from cached Metadata in browser.
But publish all should reflect immediately & no delays expected. Make sure to refresh the main window next time :)

Dynamics CRM - Custom development

I'm completely new to the Dynamics CRM environment.
Within our current implementation, there is a grid which displays a list of current sales opportunities. Within this grid, there is a column for the user which is a link to another part of Dynamics. We want to instead be able to open a new window to another system. How can I customize how that link gets rendered out so that the client "onclick" function can link to a javascript function which will open a new window with the URL we need?
Please see attached:
Snapshot of Dynamics grid
Im afraid that this is not possible with supported customization.
My understanding is that you will keep URL to external system on entity and you would like to be able to open with single click from grid displaying this record?
However, Im not sure if you add this fields as single line of text with format option URL won`t work as expected. If this does not work, you would need a custom grid to display this data.
You can store url in text field with format URL, click on such field will open link in new window/tab.

Not Storing the value of silver light control in MS CRM 2011

I have used the silverlight control in CRM 2011.It also published on form but the problem is i am not able to store its value in CRM.In general if we create any field and publish that field in Form then its value will be stored after clicking on Save button.and after that when we open that record,we can see control value that was stored previously.but in my case i published that silver light control on form but after save the record when i click on Record i cant see its value again.means silverlight control value was not going to stored in CRM.I have just simply used the textbox of silverlight...
You will need to call a JavaScript function on your form from Silverlight. Take a look at the HTML Bridge for communicating between the page and Silverlight. There's an example in the MSDN of registering and calling a JavaScript function from Silverlight.
In Silverlight it looks like:
HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("myJSMethod", myParam);
