Substring starting with a combination of digits till the next white space - ruby

I have a very long string of around 2000 chars. The string is a join of segments with first two chars of each segment as the segment indicator.
Eg- '11xxxxx 12yyyy 14ddddd gghgfbddc 0876686589 SANDRA COLINS 201 STMONK CA'
Now I want to extract the segment with indicator 14.
I achieved this using:
str.split(' ').each do |substr|
if substr.starts_with?('14')
key = substr.slice(2,5).to_i
I feel there should be a better way to do this. I am not able to find a more direct and one line solution for string matching in ruby. Please someone suggest a better approach.

It's not entirely clear what you're looking for, because your example string shows letters, but your title says digits. Either way, this is a good task for a regular expression.
foo = '12yyyy 014dddd 14ddddd gghgfbddc'
bar = '12yyyy 014dddd 1499999 gghgfbddc'
baz = '12yyyy 014dddd 14a9B9z gghgfbddc'
foo[/\b14[a-zA-Z]+/] # => "14ddddd"
bar[/\b14\d+/] # => "1499999"
baz[/\b14\w+/] # => "14a9B9z"
foo[/\b14\S+/] # => "14ddddd"
bar[/\b14\S+/] # => "1499999"
baz[/\b14\S+/] # => "14a9B9z"
In the patterns:
\b means word-break, so the pattern has to start at a transition between spaces or punctuation.
[a-zA-Z]+ means one or more letters.
\d+ means one or more digits.
\w+ means one or more of letters, digits and '_'. That is equivalent to the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.
\S+ means non-whitespace, which is useful if you want everything up to a space.
Which of those is appropriate for your use-case is really up to you to decide.


How use match in ruby?

Im trying to get the uppercase words from a text. How i can use .match() for this?
text = "Pediatric stroke (PS) is a relatively rare disease, having an estimated incidence of 2.5–13/100,000/year [1–4], but remains one of the most common causes of death in childhood, with a mortality rate of 0.6/100,000 dead/year [5, 6]"
and I need something like:
r = /[A-Z]/
puts r.match(text)
I never used match and i need a method that gets all uppercase words (Acronym).
If you only want acronyms, you can use something like:
text = "Pediatric stroke (PS) is a relatively rare disease, having an estimated incidence of 2.5–13/100,000/year [1–4], but remains one of the most common causes of death in childhood, with a mortality rate of 0.6/100,000 dead/year [5, 6]"
# => ["PS"]
It's important to match entire words, which is where \b helps, as it marks word boundaries.
The problem is when your text contains single, stand-alone capital letters:
text = "Pediatric stroke (PS) I U.S.A"
# => ["PS", "I", "U", "S", "A"]
At that point we need a bit more intelligence and foreknowledge of the text content being searched. The question is, are single-letter acronyms valid? If not, then a minor modification will help:
# => ["PS"]
{2,} is explained in the Regexp documentation, so read that for more information.
i only want acronym type " (ACRONYM) ", in this case PS
It's not easy to tell what you want by your description. An acronym is defined as:
An acronym is an abbreviation used as a word which is formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. Usually these components are individual letters (as in NATO or laser) or parts of words or names (as in Benelux).
according to Wikipedia. By that definition, lowercase, all caps and mixed case can be valid.
If, you mean you only want all-caps within parenthesis, then you can easily modify the regex to honor that, but you'll fail on other acronyms you could encounter, by either missing ones you should want, or by capturing others you should want to ignore.
text = "(PS) (CT/CAT scan)"
text.scan(/\([A-Z]+\)/) # => ["(PS)"]
text.scan(/\([A-Z]+\)/).map{ |s| s[1..-2] } # => ["PS"]
text.scan(/\(([A-Z]+)\)/) # => [["PS"]]
text.scan(/\(([A-Z]+)\)/).flatten # => ["PS"]
are varying ways grab the text but this only opens a new can of worms when you look at "List of medical abbreviations" and "Medical Acronyms / Abbreviations".
Typically I'd have a table of the ones I'll accept, use a simple pattern to capture anything that looks like something I'd want, check to see if it's in the table then keep it or reject it. How to do that is for you to figure out as it's a completely different question and doesn't belong in this one.
Wrong function for the job. Use String#scan.
To get all words that start with uppercase, use String#scan with \b\p{Lu}\w*\b:
text = "Pediatric stroke (PS) is a relatively rare disease, having an estimated incidence of 2.5–13/100,000/year [1–4], but remains one of the most common causes of death in childhood, with a mortality rate of 0.6/100,000 dead/year [5, 6]"
puts text.scan(/\b\p{Lu}\w*\b/).flatten
See demo
The String.match() will only get you the first match, while scan will return all matches.
The regex \b\p{Lu}\w*\b matches:
\b - word boundary
\p{Lu} - an uppercase Unicode letter
\w* - 0 or more alphanumeric characters
\b - a trailing word boundary
To only match linguistic words (made of letters) you can use
puts text.scan(/\b\p{Lu}\p{M}*+(?>\p{L}\p{M}*+)*\b/).flatten
See another demo
Here, \p{Lu}\p{M}*+ matches any Unicode uppercase letter (even a precomposed one as \p{M} matches diacritics) and (?>\p{L}\p{M}*+)* matches 0 or more letters.
To only get words in ALLCAPS, use
puts text.scan(/\b(?>\p{Lu}\p{M}*+)+\b/).flatten
See the 3rd demo
Yes, you can use String#match for this. It may not be the best way, but you didn't ask if it was. You'd have to do something like this: { |s| s.match(/[A-Z]\w*/) } { |md| md[0] }
#=> ["Pediatric", "PS"]
If you knew in advance that text contained two words beginning with a capital letter, you could write:
#=> ["Pediatric", "PS"]
Note that using a regex is not your only option:
text.delete('.,!?()[]{}') { |str| ('A'..'Z').cover?(str[0]) }
#=> ["Pediatric", "PS"]

Need to extract substrings based on key words

I have a string (a block of cdata from a soap) that looks roughly like:
KEY|^~\&|xxxxx|xxxxx^xxxx xxxxx
KEY|^~\&|xxxxx|xxxxx^xxxx xxxxx
INFO|||xxxxx||||xxxxxxxxx||||||||||xxxxxxxx ]]>"
I am trying to figure how to safely parse out a string for each 'KEY' section using ruby. Basically I need a sting that looks like:
"KEY|^~\&|xxxxx|xxxxx^xxxx xxxxx
For each time there is a 'KEY'. Thoughts on the best way to go about this? Thanks.
Here's one way to do it (with a simplified example):
str =
r = /
^KEY\b # match KEY at beginning of line followed by word boundary
.+? # match any number of any character, lazily
(?=\bKEY\b|\z) # match KEY bracketed by word boundaries or end of
# string, in positive lookahead
/mx # multiline and extended modes
str.scan r
#=> ["KEY|^~&|x\nINFO||x\nINFO|||x\n",
# "KEY|^~&|x\nINFO||xx|x\nINFO|||x\n",
# "KEY|^~&|x\nINFO||x\nINFO|||x"]
Not as relaxed of a regex as like, but this might work for you:

How does this gsub and regex work?

I'm trying to learn ruby and having a hard time figuring out what each individual part of this code is doing. Specifically, how does the global subbing determine whether two sequential numbers are both one of these values [13579] and how does it add a dash (-) in between them?
def DashInsert(num)
num_str = num.to_s
num_str.gsub(/([13579])(?=[13579])/, '\1-')
num_str.gsub(/([13579])(?=[13579])/, '\1-')
() called capturing group, which captures the characters matched by the pattern present inside the capturing group. So the pattern present inside the capturing group is [13579] which matches a single digit from the given set of digits. That corresponding digit was captured and stored inside index 1.
(?=[13579]) Positive lookahead which asserts that the match must be followed by the character or string matched by the pattern inside the lookahead. Replacement will occur only if this condition is satisfied.
\1 refers the characters which are present inside the group index 1.
> "13".gsub(/([13579])(?=[13579])/, '\1-')
=> "1-3"
You may start with some random tests:
def DashInsert(num)
num_str = num.to_s
num_str.gsub(/([13579])(?=[13579])/, '\1-')
x = rand(10000)
puts "%6i: %6s" % [x,DashInsert(x)]
9633: 963-3
7774: 7-7-74
6826: 6826
7386: 7-386
2145: 2145
7806: 7806
9499: 949-9
4117: 41-1-7
4920: 4920
14: 14
And now to check the regex.
([13579]) take any odd number and remember it (it can be used later with \1
(?=[13579]) Check if the next number is also odd, but don't take it (it still remains in the string)
'\1-' Output the first odd num and ab a - to it.
In other word:
Puts a - between each two odds numbers.

Ruby Regex Match Between "foo" and "bar"

I have unfortunately wandered into a situation where I need regex using Ruby. Basically I want to match this string after the underscore and before the first parentheses. So the end result would be 'table salt'.
_____ table salt (1) [F]
As usual I tried to fight this battle on my own and with I got the first part
^_____ (Match the beginning of the string with underscores ).
Then I got bolder,
^_____(.*?) ( Do the first part of the match, then give me any amount of words and letters after it )
Regex had had enough and put an end to that nonsense and crapped out. So I was wondering if anyone on stackoverflow knew or would have any hints on how to say my goal to the Ruby Regex parser.
EDIT: Thanks everyone, this is the pattern I ended up using after creating it with rubular.
ingredientNameRegex = /^_+([^(]*)/;
Everything got better once I took a deep breath, and thought about what I was trying to say.
str = "_____ table salt (1) [F]"
p str[ /_{3}\s(.+?)\s+\(/, 1 ]
#=> "table salt"
That says:
Find at least three underscores
and a whitespace character (\s)
and then one or more (+) of any character (.), but as little as possible (?), up until you find
one or more whitespace characters,
and then a literal (
The parens in the middle save that bit, and the 1 pulls it out.
Try this: ^[_]+([^(]*)\(
It will match lines starting with one or more underscores followed by anything not equal to an opening bracket:
Here's working regex:
str = "_____ table salt (1) [F]"
match = str.match(/_([^_]+?)\(/)
p match[1].strip # => "table salt"
You could use
^_____ match the underscore from the beginning of string
\s* matches any whitespace character
( grouping start
[^(]+ matches all non ( character at least once
? matches the shortest possible string (non greedy)
) grouping end
\s* matches any whitespace character
\( find the (
"_____ table salt (1) [F]".gsub(/[_]\s(.+)\s\(/, ' >>>\1<<< ')
# => "____ >>>table salt<<< 1) [F]"
It seems to me the simplest regex to do what you want is:
/^_____ ([\w\s]+) /
That says:
leading underscores, space, then capture any combination of word chars or spaces, then another space.

How to insert tag every 5 characters in a Ruby String?

I would like to insert a <wbr> tag every 5 characters.
Input: s = 'HelloWorld-Hello guys'
Expected outcome: Hello<wbr>World<wbr>-Hell<wbr>o guys
s = 'HelloWorld-Hello guys'
Scan groups all matches of the regexp into an array. The .{5} matches any 5 characters. If there are characters left at the end of the string, they will be matched by the .+. Join the array with your string
There are several options to do this. If you just want to insert a delimiter string you can use scan followed by join as follows:
s = '12345678901234567'
puts s.scan(/.{1,5}/).join(":")
# 12345:67890:12345:67
.{1,5} matches between 1 and 5 of "any" character, but since it's greedy, it will take 5 if it can. The allowance for taking less is to accomodate the last match, where there may not be enough leftovers.
Another option is to use gsub, which allows for more flexible substitutions:
puts s.gsub(/.{1,5}/, '<\0>')
# <12345><67890><12345><67>
\0 is a backreference to what group 0 matched, i.e. the whole match. So substituting with <\0> effectively puts whatever the regex matched in literal brackets.
If whitespaces are not to be counted, then instead of ., you want to match \s*\S (i.e. a non whitespace, possibly preceded by whitespaces).
s = '123 4 567 890 1 2 3 456 7 '
puts s.gsub(/(\s*\S){1,5}/, '[\0]')
# [123 4 5][67 890][ 1 2 3 45][6 7]
Source code and output on
Finite Repetition, Greediness
Character classes
Grouping and Backreferences
Dot Matches (Almost) Any Character
Here is a solution that is adapted from the answer to a recent question:
class String
def in_groups_of(n, sep = ' ')
p 'HelloWorld-Hello guys'.in_groups_of(5,'<wbr>')
# "Hello<wbr>World<wbr>-Hell<wbr>o guy<wbr>s"
The result differs from your example in that the space counts as a character, leaving the final s in a group of its own. Was your example flawed, or do you mean to exclude spaces (whitespace in general?) from the character count?
To only count non-whitespace (“sticking” trailing whitespace to the last non-whitespace, leaving whitespace-only strings alone):
# count "hard coded" into regexp
# parametric count
