How can I clean this code up better? - magento

I have a script inserted into Magento and it does not seem to be behaving properly. Whenever it runs it actually feeds the contents of the html document back into the text box rather than the autosuggestion. Can anyone tell me what the issue seems to be? I think it might be the two functions conflicting, is there a good way to clean this up?
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.autocomplete.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
$j = jQuery.noConflict();
var tag= $j(this).val();
type: "GET",
url: "autocomplete.php",
data: "q=" + tag,
cache: true,
success: function(result)
return false;
<script type="text/javascript" >
$j = jQuery.noConflict();
function calculate()
var values = [
var percent_value = $j("#our_markup").val();
if (percent_value == 285)
var percent_value = 0;
var sub_total = eval( values.join('+') );
var total = eval("sub_total+(sub_total * percent_value)");
var shortened_total = total.toFixed(2);
$j( document ).ready(function() {
$j(document).on('input', 'input', calculate);
$j(document).on('change', 'select,input', calculate);
and it hooks up with this
$mysqli=mysqli_connect('localhost','XXXXXXX','XXXXXXX','XXXXXXX') or die("Database Error");
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT auto_complete_suggestions FROM auto_complete WHERE auto_complete_suggestions LIKE '%$my_data%'
ORDER BY CASE WHEN auto_complete_suggestions = '$mydata' THEN 0
WHEN auto_complete_suggestions LIKE '$mydata%' THEN 1
WHEN auto_complete_suggestions LIKE '%$mydata%' THEN 2
WHEN auto_complete_suggestions LIKE '%$mydata' THEN 3
END, auto_complete_suggestions LIMIT 0,1";
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$sql) or die(mysqli_error());
echo $row['auto_complete_suggestions']."\n";
It works fine in isolation without the noConflict but then when I put it in Magento it seems to need some help and I'm sure that since it's feeding the html file back into it that something's wrong.
Thoughts? Thanks!

This is just a quick guess, but try using the word "jQuery" instead of "$". I had to change a few plugin scripts that interfered with prototype since it too uses the "$". Once I replaced all instanced of $ with the word jQuery, things started working as I expected.


How to add live search function into Laravel

I have Japan postal zip code live search function. It works at my xampp. I tried to add this into Laravel app but the search doesn't work.
Here is my whole code which works at XAMPP.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).ready( function() {
postcode : [
address : {
'#address1' : '%3',
'#address2' : '%4',
'#address3' : '%5',
'#address1_kana' : '%8',
'#address2_kana' : '%9',
'#address3_kana' : '%10'
trigger : {
'#address1_kana' : true,
'#address2_kana' : true,
'#address3_kana' : false
$("#address1_kana").on("change", function() {
var val = $("#address1_kana").val();
val = "onchange_" + val;
$("#address2_kana").on("change", function() {
var val = $("#address2_kana").val();
val = "onchange_" + val;
$("#address3_kana").on("change", function() {
var val = $("#address3_kana").val();
val = "onchange_" + val;
What I tried is ...
First I save all js into public/js folder but it didn't work. So
I simple save js file app.blade.php which is header.
Then I save html code into index.blade.php.
I'm wondering why it works at xampp only?
Could you teach me what I missing please?
You can do it like so (depending on your Laravel version, mine is 5.7) :
First, create a route in the "routes" folder like this :
Route::get('test', 'TestController#test')->name('test');
You will be able to access to this road in the /test URL.
In your TestController.php file (usually in app/Http/Controllers), create a method :
public function test(){
return view('test');
Then, in resources/views, create a file named test.blade.php
In this file, put the HTML part of this fiddle:
After that, you can split header, footer, scripts parts in other files to use them elsewhere.
Useful resources

Bootstrap Typeahead with AJAX source (not working)

I'm trying to implement a search bar dropdown using bootstrap v3.0.0 with typeahead.js.
My search bar will take a student's firstname and lastname. I'm using a MYSQL database which consists of a table called practice with afirstname, alastname, aid as columns. The search bar should not only contain the firstname and lastname in the dropdown, but also the id associated with it in a second row. I've read all the examples on the typeahead.js page and I'm unable to do it with ajax call.
Below is the code of my index.php
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
source: header: '<h3>Select</h3>',
name: 'accounts',
source: function (query, process) {
return $.getJSON(
{ query: query },
function (data) {
return process(data);
<div class="container">
<input type="text" name="query" class="form-control cr typeahead" id="firstname" />
Code for source.php : This should return the firstname and lastname from my database in the form of a json string or object?
$query = $_POST['query'];
try {
$conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=practice','root','');
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM actualtable WHERE afirstname LIKE '%($query)%'");
catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR:' . $e->getMessage();
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
$afirstname[] = $row['afirstname'];
$alastname[] = $row['alastname'];
echo json_encode($afirstname);
echo json_encode($alastname);
Nothing shows up. I've tried adding a prefetch:
prefetch: {
url: 'localhost/resultly/source.php',
filter: function(data) {
r1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
value: data[i].afirstname,
tokens: [data[i].afirstname, data[i]alastname],
afirstname: data[i].afirstname,
alastname: data[i].alastname,
template: '<p>{{afirstname}} - {{alastname}}</p>',
return r1;
Please do provide a solution or an example which I could refer.
The source.php should return a list of json encoded data. I debugged by looking at the output that the source.pho created. What I did wrong was whenever I was supposed to put a url I did localhost/source.php instead of just source.php.
Solution provided by Bass Jobsen works and now I have run into another problem.
I'm using
{ $q_uery = $_POST['query'];
$query = ucfirst(strtolower($q_uery))};
to take the user's data and use it for searching logic
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM actualtable WHERE afirstname LIKE '%($query)%'");
The updated source.php is
I get an error on this line saying Notice: Undefined variable: stmt I guess the $query is not being initialized. How do I get this to work. Thanks.
Update 3
I used prefetch: instead of 'remote:' that did all the matching.
Your return is not correct:
echo json_encode($afirstname);
echo json_encode($alastname);
See for example Twitter TypeAhead.js not updating input
Try echo json_encode((object)$stmt);, see: typeahead.js search from beginng
I tried echo json_encode((object)$stmt);still doesn't work.
Do you use any kind of debugging? What does? source.php return? Try to follow the steps from
typeahead.js search from beginng without the filter.
<div class="demo">
<input class="typeahead" value="" type="text" spellcheck="off" autocomplete="off" placeholder="countries">
remote: 'http://testdrive/source.php?q=%QUERY',
limit: 10
php (source.php):
$people = array();
$people[] = array("lastname"=>"Inaw",
$people[] = array("lastname"=>"Dsahjk",
$people[] = array("lastname"=>"Dasjhdsjka",
$datums = array();
foreach($people as $human)
echo json_encode((object)$datums);
This should work
Thanks, it worked. How do I display 2 or more 'value'?
add some values to your datums in source.php:
foreach($people as $human)
firstname and lastname now are field you csn use in your templates
Add a template and template engine to your javascript declaration:
remote: 'http://testdrive/source.php?q=%QUERY',
limit: 10,
template: [
'<p>{{firstname}} - {{lastname}}</p>'
engine: Hogan
The above make use of You will have to include the template engine by javascript, for example:
<script src=""></script>
It is working for me. please follow below step.
Please add below Js and give proper reference.
--- Ajax Call ----
$("#cityId").keyup(function () {
var al = $(this).val();
source: function (valuequery, process) {
var states = [];
return $.ajax({
url: http://localhost:4000/GetcityList,
type: 'POST',
data: { valueType: "", valueFilter: valuequery },
dataType: 'JSON',
success: function (result) {
var resultList = (item) {
"name": item.Value,
"value": item.Key
return process(states);
---- Cs Code ---
public JsonResult SearchKeyValuesByValue(string valueType, string valueFilter)
List<KeyValueType> returnValue = SearchKeyValuesByValue(valueType, valueFilter);
return Json(returnValue);
Auto suggest of Bootstrap typehead will get accept only "name" and "value" so create reponse accordinly

AngularJS update View after Model loaded from Ajax

I'm newbie of angularjs developing and i wrote this simple app, but don't understand how i can update view, after the model il loaded from ajax request on startup!
This code don't work when I add delay into photos.php, using:
for simulate remote server delay! instead if search.php is speedy it work!!
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="photoApp">
<title>Photo Gallery</title>
<div ng-view></div>
<script src="../angular.min.js"></script>
'use strict';
var photos = []; //model
var photoAppModule = angular.module('photoApp', []);
photoAppModule.config(function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/photos', {
templateUrl: 'photo-list.html',
controller: 'listCtrl' });
$routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/photos'});
.run(function($http) {
$http.get('photos.php')//load model with delay
.success(function(json) {
photos = json; ///THE PROBLEM HERE!! if photos.php is slow DON'T update the view!
.controller('listCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = photos;
output of photos.php
[{"file": "cat.jpg", "description": "my cat in my house"},
{"file": "house.jpg", "description": "my house"},
{"file": "sky.jpg", "description": "sky over my house"}]
<li ng-repeat="photo in photos ">
<a href="#/photos/{{ $index }}">
<img ng-src="images/thumb/{{photo.file}}" alt="{{photo.description}}" />
EDIT 1, Defer solution:
.run(function($http, $q) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get('photos.php')//load model with delay
.success(function(json) {
photos = json; ///THE PROBLEM!! if photos.php is slow DON'T update the view!
deferred.resolve(json);//THE SOLUTION!
photos = deferred.promise;
EDIT 2, Service solution:
//require angular-resource.min.js
angular.module('photoApp.service', ['ngResource']).factory('photoList', function($resource) {
var Res = $resource('photos.php', {},
query: {method:'GET', params:{}, isArray:true}
return Res;
var photoAppModule = angular.module('photoApp', ['photoApp.service']);
.run(function($http, photoList) {
photos = photoList.query();
The short answer is this:
.controller('listCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout) {
$timeout(function () {
$ = photos;
}, 0);
The long answer is: Please don't mix regular javascript and angular like this. Re-write your code so that angular knows what's going on at all times.
var photoAppModule = angular.module('photoApp', []);
photoAppModule.config(function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/photos', {
templateUrl: 'photo-list.html',
controller: 'listCtrl'
$routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/photos'});
photoAppModule.controller('listCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$ = {};
$http.get('photos.php') // load model with delay
.success(function(json) {
$ = json; // No more problems
use broadcast
var mydata = [];
this.update = function(){
mydata = data;
this.broadcastMe = function(){
$scope.$on('mybroadcast', function(){
$scope.mydata = service.mydata;
EDIT:couple of days ago i've learned the best practice
I think you're better off using high level angular services for data transfer, also look into promises and services:$q
You need to bind an element in your view to a property (simple or object) of your $scope object. Once the $scope object is updated the view should be updated on its own. That is the beauty of AngularJS.
Please register your controller as
photoAppModule.controller('listCtrl', function($scope){
$ = photos;
If photos variable is not available, then you might have to create a service with the variable and inject in the controller.

Load JavaScript when partial is called via ColorBox?

It seems when loading a Razor partial view via ColorBox (not using an iframe), the JavaScript libraries do not initialize properly or it is an artifacte of the partial. If I include the libraries in the parent page, the JavaScript function runs inside the partial jsut fine. I don't see any errors coming from the browser when the library is in the partial, but it is not working. If I move the library (in this case fileuploader.js) outside of the partial and keep the function in the partial it works fine.
<script src="#Url.ContentArea("~/Scripts/plugins/ajaxUpload/fileuploader.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="file-uploader">
Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>
$(function () {
var fileCount = 0;
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
action: '/Admin/Avatar/AvatarUpload',
debug: true,
params: {
'userId': '#ViewBag.UserId'
onSubmit: function (id, fileName) {
onComplete: function (id, fileName, responseJson) {
if (responseJson.success) {
if (createAvatar(responseJson.file, responseJson.imageId)) {
} else {
} else {
$("span.qq-upload-file:contains(" + fileName + ")").text(responseJson.errorMessage);
if (fileCount == 0) {
onCancel: function (id, fileName) {
if (fileCount == 0) {
You may want to check whether there are duplicate references to the JavaScript libraries you are using (one in the parent and one in the partial).
This is a common issue and it will not raise any errors whatsoever, but will stop your JavaScript code from executing.
I think this is a time line problem.Before the "Partial View" load(or appending the div) JavaScript try to bind it and fail.So it cannot find a element which is in your Partial View document.I had a problem with like this with "ColorBox".I have found a solution for this problem.For example : When you call GET or POST method ,after the query put a control point like this .For example for binding "colorbox" :
function getMyPartial(partialname) {
var resultDiv = document.getElementById("content");
type: "GET",
url: partialname,
async: false,
success: function (data) {
resultDiv.innerHTML = "";
resultDiv.innerHTML = data.toString();
var indd = 0; //This is Control Point
if (partialname == "YourPartialName") {
var yourelementinpartial= document.getElementById("example");
while (!yourelementinpartial) {
$(".group4").colorbox({ rel: 'group4' }); //binding point
At the control point, if any of the element in your PartialView document has found it will bind.

Ajax.request not working

I am sorting a list using scriptaculous, i can't get the ajax request part to work.
This is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
Sortable.create("images_list", {
onUpdate: function() {
var list = Sortable.serialize("images_list");
new Ajax.Request('processor.php', {
method: 'post',
parameters: { data: list }
I Have alerted out the serialize string, this part is working fine:
So the sorting is working fine, however the data string doesn't seem to be available in the processor.php
//Connect to DB
for ($i = 0; $i < count($images_list); $i++) {
$id = $images_list[$i];
mysql_query("UPDATE images SET ranking = '$i' WHERE id = '$id'");
Any ideas why the data is not getting posted? I have tested to see if the processor.php page is actualy being invoked, and it is.
Thank you
When method = 'post', you need to use "postBody" instead of "parameters" for having parameters posted to your server side script
