Rake Cannot Load Such File - ruby

I have installed the state_machine gem. "gem list" reports it installed locally. I am actually using the gem successfully.
$ ruby peer_state_machine_test.rb
runs great. However when I try to rake, I hit a failure to load that gem.
peer_state_machine.rb:1:in `require': cannot load such file state_machine (LoadError)
The line of the file in question is:
require 'state_machine'
I'm confused as to how there is any difference in the way ruby loads this file and rake loads it. There are many other test files which are running without any problems. This is on OS X if it matters.

I was writing a gem and forgot to add the state_mahine gem as a development dependency to my gemspec. Adding
spec.add_development_dependency "state_machine", "~> 1.2.0"
resolved the problem.


Ruby script cannot load a gem installed via bundler

I am trying to include the ruby-mysql gem in my ruby script. I have installed the gem using bundler but when I run bundle exec ./mysql_connector, I receive the error ./mysql_connector:4:in ``require': cannot load such file -- ruby-mysql (LoadError). Can you please help me troubleshoot what the problem is?
What I did
Installed rails in my home directory.
I do not have root access to the server so I have installed rails in my local directory by following the instructions here:
Created a directory for my application.
My application resides in my home directory in a folder called connector. It has a Gemfile that looks like this:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'ruby-mysql'
Call bundle install.
Using ruby-mysql 2.9.14
Using bundler 1.11.2
Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.
Add dependencies to my script. My script is in connector/mysql_connector and it reads:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'ruby-mysql'
Make script executable. I saw that you need to run bundle exec using an executable file, so I followed the instructions here to make my script executable: http://commandercoriander.net/blog/2013/02/16/making-a-ruby-script-executable/
Run the script. I execute using bundle exec mysql_connector and see:
/home/dcox/bin/mysql_connector:4:in `require': cannot load such file -- ruby-mysql (LoadError)
from /home/dcox/bin/mysql_connector:4:in `<main>'
Is it the $LOAD_PATH? After searching around for answers, I discovered a lot of SO answers as well as a blog post (https://codedecoder.wordpress.com/2013/09/23/require-and-load-in-ruby-loaderror-cannot-load-such-file/) that seem to suggest the problem is that the gem is not installed in a directory on the $LOAD_PATH. Here is what I see when I run $LOAD_PATH from IRB:
irb(main):002:0> $LOAD_PATH
=> ["/home/dcox/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0",
"/home/dcox/lib/ruby/site_ruby", "/home/dcox/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/2.1.0",
"/home/dcox/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby", "/home/dcox/lib/ruby/2.1.0",
Next I checked to see the location of ruby-mysql:
dcox#analytics1:~/connector$ bundle show ruby-mysql
Obviously my connector/vendor/bundle path is not on the $LOAD_PATH. I could add it, but I have a feeling I am missing something simple here because bundler is supposed to work as long as you follow the instructions, right?
Any advice or help is very much appreciated! Thanks!!
If you just want to require this specific gem, require 'mysql' should work (e.g., https://github.com/tmtm/ruby-mysql/blob/master/test/test_mysql.rb#L10).
Your file should call Bundler.setup http://bundler.io/bundler_setup.html
Better yet, if you instead call Bundler.require(:default) it will setup and require all the gems in your Gemfile for you.

Ruby Gem not install dependency

I created a Ruby Gem and published it. I tried downloading it and I keep getting cannot require my dependent gem. The code is at https://github.com/wallerjake/toolshed and the gem in question is httparty. The error that I am getting is
~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353#sullivan_cotter/bundler/gems/toolshed-46404c5af06d/lib/toolshed.rb:2:in `require': cannot load such file -- httparty (LoadError)
I have updated my https://github.com/wallerjake/toolshed/blob/master/toolshed.gemspec to use add_dependency instead but that doesn't seem to be helping. Could it be conflicting with other Gems?
The version on rubygems is still the old one with only development dependencies. Worked fine when I downloaded and built you gem from Github.
Yes sorry I solved this by adding them as a dependency not a development dependency.
spec.add_dependency "httparty"
spec.add_dependency "json"
spec.add_dependency "pivotal-tracker"
You have specified development dependency, but call the rake form binary, just put rake gem dependency into usual add_dependency, and remove ::gem call to:
require 'rubygems'
require 'toolshed'
require 'rake'
One again question: for what do you need the binary?
The toolshed.gemspec seems correct. How do you call it? Remove the installed gem with gem uninstall toolshed including binary. Make sure that the bundle install, and then call to bundle exec bin/toolshed.rb is correct after patching the dependencies.
After that generate the gem with gem build toolshed.gemspec, and install the gem with gem install toolshed-0.0.4.gem. Make sure that binary works. Only then publish the gem.

Ruby: require downloaded gems

I have finished writing a ruby script which I would like to share with others, but I am having trouble getting the user to install the necessary gems. I have tried 2 approaches, and a fix for either of them would be greatly appreciated! I require the following gems:
require 'rubygems'
require 'highline/import'
require 'mechanize'
I have tried the following:
1) Generate a stand-alone app with Platypus. I created the Gemfile:
source "https://rubygems.org"
gem "highline", "~> 1.6.20"
gem "mechanize", "~> 2.7.3"
and bundle installed it and included require 'bundler/setup'. I uploaded Gemfile.lock and the ruby script but I receive this error when I run it:
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in require': cannot load such file -- highline/import (LoadError)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:inrequire'
from /Users/jonathanli/Documents/CS_projects/iSites/Isites.app/Contents/Resources/script:5:in `'
2) I downloaded the gem files and placed them directly in my host folder. I am unsure of how to modify my require statements, but it is not working as it stands right now.
Thanks in advance everyone! Hope this was enough detail.

How to install, require, and use a gem in ruby

I'm trying to use rake in my ruby script...(Ruby 1.8.6, JRuby 1.6.5)
Downloaded rake using gem install --remote rake, looks ok on install...
Fetching: rake- (100%)
Successfully installed rake-
1 gem installed
I've got a simple ruby script which works fine, but when I import rake to using any of the following requires, it starts complaining....
require 'rake'
LoadError: no such file to load -- rake
require '/lib/rake'
LoadError: no such file to load -- lib/rake
After some searching, I found that adding require 'rubygems' just before rakefixes the issue....
require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
Even though it's working, I've got some questions...
The gem spec on rake shows the require_path as lib, so why
doesn't require '/lib/rake' work? Am I misunderstanding the significance of require_path?
Why is it necessary to place require 'rubygems' before require
Yes, you are misunderstanding the significance. The require_paths in the specification is an array of subdirectories of that gem's installation directory that should be searched for files belonging to the gem.
To find out where rake really is, try this:
$ gem which rake
You'll see that it is actually installed somewhere completely unrelated to /lib; on my system, it's under /var/lib/gems. Ruby gems, in general, live in their own directory structure; the only file in the standard Ruby include path ($:) is rubygems itself, which you used to have to explicitly require in order to make any actual gems visible. (Since Ruby 1.9, that has not been necessary.)
Gems are more complex than just libraries to load; you can have multiple versions of the same gem installed, and specify which one you want at a time, and do other things that wouldn't work if the gems were just dumped into the standard Ruby include path.
The require_path in the gemspec tells ruby where the files of this gem are located within the gem. It makes you able to type require 'rake', and ruby then knows it needs to look for /lib/rake within the gem installation folder.
In Ruby 1.8, rubygems (the mechanism responsible for making gems available to your app) is not loaded by default, and the default ruby isn't aware of any gem on your system. You need to load rubygems before being able to require any other gem. This is not the case anymore with Ruby 1.9.

Including gems in ubuntu 11.04

I've got a problem with running an additional gem under ubuntu 11.04. I installed spiceweasel via gem install - which put it in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/spiceweasel. When I try to run it, I get:
`require': no such file to load -- spiceweasel/version (LoadError)
The file is in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/spiceweasel-0.7.1/lib/spiceweasel/version.rb but cannot be loaded. This happens both with and without -rubygems.
How do I fix this?
It seems to be the same problem like here: Ruby: require 'irbtools' raises LoadError
The gem author published the gem with wrong permissions. You should contact the gem author.
