how to do AND and multiple OR parameters method in spring data JPA - spring

I am trying to formulate a method name for this query :
#Query("from Employees where department = ?1 and (fullTime = true or contractor = true or subContractor = true)")
I thought this method will do the trick, but it does an and on dept and full time
public List<Employees> findByDepartmentAndfullTimeTrueOrContractorTrueOrSubContractorTrue(String dept);
This is a related question : Spring JPA Data "OR" query but was asked in 2012. Is there a way to achieve this without having to use #Query ?

This is currently not supported and probably never will be for a very simple reason:
Derived queries are considered a means to define very simple queries. I admit this is blurry but if you get to findByDepartmentAndfullTimeTrueOrContractorTrueOrSubContractorTrue it's time to rethink whether that's actually what you want to expose to clients. It's awkward to write, awkward to read and probably actually more than a collection of predicates but conveying a higher-level meaning and thus should be named in amore descriptive way.
The solution - as you already discovered - is to use #Query or Querydsl predicates.


Spring JPA Derived query method groupBy

Hi I was building an app and was wondering on how I can convert this query into a derived query method without using the annotation #Query:
SELECT address, COUNT(*) address FROM `employee` GROUP BY address ORDER BY address DESC LIMIT 5
I have tried it here is how I did it
List<Employee> countByAddressGroupByAddressByOrderByAddressDescLimit5();
This throws the following error
Invalid derived query! No property groupByAddressBy found for type String! Traversed path: Employee.address.
I was wondering if what am I doing wrong here thank you in advance.
I don't think query derivation supports group by.
You can't.
Derived queries don't support GROUP BY.
Derived queries are intended only for simple queries, where the mapping between a normal method name that you might choose independently from Spring Data and the query needed for implementation is obvious.
For more complex cases like the one you describe other mechanisms are available, like annotated or named queries. Nobody wants to use a method name like countByAddressGroupByAddressByOrderByAddressDescLimit5 anyway.
As others said, derived queries do not support this. There might be other reasons besides simply not being a 'practical' solution.
AFAIK derived query methods are restricted to retrieving instances just for the entity type managed by the repository (you can retrieve MyEntity, Optional<MyEntity>, Collection<MyEntity>, etcetera) or projections that match the fields/columns used for the managed entity.
When you use 'Group By', you break with this resultset structure, you usually have to explicitly indicate which columns you want to retrieve or which operations you want to perform on the grouped columns (which would be impossible using just a method name).
You can't easily indicate the columns you want to include in a 'Grouped By' query result, so no, I don't think there is a way to use this technique with 'Group By'.

Spring boot search a word in all columns

I have a table User. A User entity has firstName, LastName, middleName. I want to get all rows that contain a word loe (LIKE %loe%) in one of these columns. I believe it narrow downs to :
Page<User> findBy<columnName>Or<ColumnName>Or(...)Contains(...)...
That should work, but what if I want to match word loe to all columns (fe. 9)? is that a proper way ? or maybe I should create a #Query for that reason ?
You could use #Query and meet your requirement. But you may want to consider using Spring Data JPA with Specifications and might be a better fit as this will reduce number of query methods in you repo and allows for reusable Predicates.
You just need to implement Specification interface and implement the method toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery query, CriteriaBuilder cb) to construct and return the Predicate that satisfies your criteria. Make the repo extend JpaSpecificationExecutor. The good thing is these Predicates are reusable and you can compose them further as you want.
You can go through Advanced Spring Data JPA - Specifications and Querydsl to get an overview.
To simplify the code further, to avoid coding Specification, you may want to check Spring data JPA QueryDsl as well.

Using referencing class field as filter in Spring Data Repository

Context: I have three models, Owner, Property and Community. Property has a reference to its Owner, and another one to the Community.
I need to make the following query: find all the owners in a community which meet some criteria (floor number, property letter, etc, all the fields of the criteria are inside the Property class)
Is there any way to implement this in a repository without creating a bidirectional relationship or writing a native query? Something like:
Set<Owners> findAllByCommunityAndProperty_floorNumberAndProperty_letter(Community community, Property property);
(I would need a bidirectional relationship to make the query above)
You can use a query like this
FROM Property p
INNER JOIN property.owners o
WHERE p. ...
See for various examples of join syntax.
In Spring Data JPA you will probably use the #Query annotation to bind that query to a method.

Database specific queries in a Spring Hibernate application

In a dao class implementation,I want to use different sql query depending upon the underlying database. Since my SQL query is complex which selects from a database view and uses "UNION" key word and uses database specific functions, I can not use JPQL (or HQL). I did some search on Stackoverflow and threads suggest the good way would be to find out the dialect used in the application. Can anyone provide some code example?
EDIT : My apologies, I did not explain my question well enough. In my dao class implementation , I want to determine the database ( say mysql or oracle) on which my application is running and then execute the appropriate query. I need the code like jdbcTemplate.findOutTheDialect().
JPA have the native queries for that.
An example you can find here.
You can use spring JdbcTemplate to connect and query from your database.
For Example..
jdbcTemplate.query(query, new ObjectRowMapper());
Where "ObjectRowMapper" will be a class to map return resultset to list of Objects.

preventing OpenJPA N+1 select performance problem on maps

When I have an entity that contains a Map, e.g.
public class TestEntity {
#ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
Map<String, String> strings = new HashMap<String, String>();
and I select multiple entities (SELECT z FROM TestEntity z), OpenJPA 2.0 performs one query for each TestEntity to fetch the map, even though I used FetchType.EAGER. This also happens when the Map value is an entity and I use #OneToMany instead of #ElementCollection. In principle this can be done more efficiently with one query that selects all the map entries for all returned TestEntities. For Collection-valued fields OpenJPA already does this by default (openjpa.jdbc.EagerFetchMode" value="parallel") but it seems to fail on this simple entity. (Same problem with value="join").
Could I be doing something wrong? Is there an easy way to tell OpenJPA to not perform a query per entity but only one?
Or is there already any work planned on improving this (I filed it under
It is a problem for us because we wish to fetch (and detach) a list of about 1900 products which takes almost 15 seconds with OpenJPA. It takes less than a second with my own native query.
Having to write only one native query wouldn't be much of a problem but the map we use is inside a reusable StringI18N entity which is referenced from several different entities (and can be deep in the object graph), so native queries are a maintenance headache.
Any help getting performance up is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: explicitly using JOIN FETCH does not help either:
"SELECT z FROM TestEntity z JOIN FETCH z.strings"
OpenJPA's TRACE still shows that it executes one SQL statement for each individual TestEntity.
It might be a pain (correction: I know it'll be a pain) but have you tried actually mapping your 2-field TestEntity as a full JPA-persisted #Entity?
I know that Hibernate used to treat #ElementCollections rather differently to #OneToManys for example - OpenJPA could well be doing something similar.
