Error with cast operator and std::string in a class - xcode

I broke down a problem I already tried to explain here in following problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class atest
operator std::string()
return std::string("Huhuhu");
operator int()
return 42;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
atest tst;
std::string astr;
int i=0;
return 0;
std::string seems to have several constructors which even cover int. I got a class which need to be cast able to std::string but also to an integral type. As the assign (=) operator is not overide able outside a class definition I got no Idea how to get the above program running.
It is bad design but it is worth noting that VS2013 has no problem with above code.

You can use explicit conversion
explicit operator std::string()
return std::string("Huhuhu");


Compile error in calling a function with std::function argument

The minimal code below gives me a compile error:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<typename ActionType, typename... Cols>
void print_action(function<ActionType*(Cols..., ActionType)> action_factory)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
print_action<string, uint8_t>(function<string*(uint8_t, string)>());
return 0;
The error is: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: error: no matching function for call to ‘print_action(std::function<std::basic_string<char>*(unsigned char, std::basic_string<char>)>)’
print_action<string, uint8_t>(function<string*(uint8_t, string)>());
^ note: candidate is: note: template<class ActionType, class ... Cols> void print_action(std::function<ActionType*(Cols ..., ActionType)>)
void print_action(function<ActionType*(Cols..., ActionType)> action_factory)
^ note: template argument deduction/substitution failed: note: mismatched types ‘std::basic_string<char>’ and ‘unsigned char’
print_action<string, uint8_t>(function<string*(uint8_t, string)>());
^ note: ‘std::function<std::basic_string<char>*(unsigned char, std::basic_string<char>)>’ is not derived from ‘std::function<std::basic_string<char>*(Cols ..., std::basic_string<char>)>’
I also try to change the input parameter to a simple pointer function by below code:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<typename ActionType, typename... Cols>
void print_action(ActionType*(*action_factory)(Cols..., ActionType))
string* foo_factory(uint8_t cols, string act)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
print_action<string, uint8_t>(foo_factory);
return 0;
It gives me the same error. After some works my last guess is that it is a bug of g++ because if I change the variadic template parameter to a simple parameter no errors happen.
Am I right or I missed some syntax of c++?
I use g++-4.8.4 with c++11 flag(I checked it using clang-3.4 and g++-4.9.2).
If I change the code to this:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<typename ActionType, typename... Cols>
struct Foo
void print_action(function<ActionType*(Cols..., ActionType)> action_factory)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Foo<string, uint8_t> f;
f.print_action(function<string*(uint8_t, string)>());
return 0;
I get no error. I don`t understand this behavior because in both situations I defined the template parameters explicitly and I did not expect any deduction, but It seems that compiler does some deduction when it is a template function but not when it is a member function of a template class.
The issue is that you have (Cols..., ActionType). One might think that the compiler should notice that Cols... should be all the arguments before the end so long as the end is the same as ActionType, but this is not how the language works.
A simple solution would to just deduce the entire argument list. Compilation will fail anyway if you happen to use the final argument as in a way the type doesn't support, and you could always add in a static_assert to ensure that the final parameter is the same as ActionType if you really wanted.
template<typename ActionType, typename... Cols>
void print_action(function<ActionType*(Cols...)> action_factory)
//Maybe with a static_assert like this
using LastArg = typename std::tuple_element<
sizeof...(Cols)-1, //number of args - 1
static_assert(std::is_same<LastArg, ActionType>::value,
"The final argument must be the same type as ActionType");
Live Demo
Usually variadic templates are written thus
template<typename First, typename... Rest> class test;
The compiler matches the first argument and leaves the rest (empty or more) to variadic part. The behaviour when reversed is not as expected. Variadic template arguments are greedy, in that, all arguments are eaten-up by it, leaving none to the last.
Your example code compiles fine, when the order is reversed:
template<typename ActionType, typename... Cols>
void print_action(function<ActionType*(ActionType, Cols...)>) {
int main()
print_action(function<string*(string, uint8_t)>());
Live example.
There's a difference between argument type deduction and instantiation. Quote from C++ Templates: The Complete Guide:
The process of replacing template parameters by concrete types is called instantiation. It results in an instance of a template.
When a function template is instantiated, we get a function out of it; same for class/struct.
It seems that compiler does some deduction when it is a template function but not when it is a member function of a template class.
There is no type deduction or instantiation happening for the function call. It is not a function template, but just a function. The call is just another ordinary function call.
However, the struct is really a struct template and a struct is created out of the template, when an object was created. For this struct template instantiation
template<typename ActionType, typename... Cols>
struct Foo;
the order is correct (the variadic argument is the last) and so it works.

Static assert on size of static const member

I'm trying to put a static assert on the size of static const unordered_map member. But I get an error saying non-const condition for static assertion. Could someone help?
using namespace std;
class A{
static const unordered_map<string,string> strMap;
const unordered_map<string,string> A::strMap ={{"key","value"}};
int main() {
static_assert(A::strMap.size() == 1, "sizes don't match");
EDIT: Based on the comments, I want to clarify, the following code works fine (it uses an array instead of a map):
using namespace std;
class A{
static const pair<string,string> strMap[];
const pair<string,string> A::strMap[] ={{"key","value"}};
int main() {
//static_assert(sizeof(A::strMap)/sizeof(A::strMap[0]) == 2, "sizes don't match"); Fails to compile
static_assert(sizeof(A::strMap)/sizeof(A::strMap[0]) == 1, "sizes don't match"); //Compiles fine
Can't do this. You'd need constexpr std::unordered_map for this, and this is not possible, since it's constructor is not constexpr. And of course, no class which allocates memory (unordered_map being of this kind) can declare it's constructor constexpr.

Error during cast of an object to std::string with proper operator-overloading

Follwing short programm will run perfect with VS 2013 and reach the marked point. But in XCode the compiler will show an error due ambiguous constructor. How to work around?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class atest
explicit operator const char *()
return "";
template<class T> operator T()
operator std::string()
return std::string("Huhuhu");
template<class T> atest &operator =(T value)
atest &operator =(const std::string &value)
return *this; // I want to reach this point
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
atest tst;
// auto a = (std::string)tst;
std::string astr;
// do some stuff
astr=tst; // I wanna keep this line
return 0;
Clang is not able to distinguish between different constructor where VS2013 is taking the right one. I search now for a way to exclude the "const char *" template of the assignment operator.
std::string have multiple constructors taking single arguments, and since you provide both a conversion operator for std::string and a generic any-type conversion operator, the compiler simply don't know which constructor to pick.
I think you have written far too many overloaded functions. The only function you need is this:
operator std::string()
return std::string("Huhuhu");
Comment rest all and your code would work just fine.

Why is Visual Studio using std::iterator<> instead of mine::iterator<>

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a couple days now and finally figured it out after striping everything down to the code below. You'll see in the code below three different attempts at a constructor for const_iterator, along with the errors I get on two of them. It appears to me that the compiler is trying to use std::iterator instead of the locally declared mine::iterator. Is it supposed to be that way?
Other tidbits that have given clues:
If I name mine::iterator something else, like mine::B, then const_iterator(const B &rhs) works.
If I derive const_iterator from a class other than std::iterator, then const_iterator(const iterator<T> &rhs) works.
Thanks for any info. Here's the code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iterator>
namespace mine
template <class T>
class iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, ptrdiff_t, T*, T&>
iterator() {}
template <class T>
class const_iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, ptrdiff_t, const T*, const T&>
const_iterator() {}
const_iterator(const mine::iterator<T> &rhs) {} // works
//const_iterator(const iterator &rhs) {} // error C2440: initializing: cannot convert from 'mine::iterator<T>' to 'mine::const_iterator<T>'
//const_iterator(const iterator<T> &rhs) {} // error C2976: std::iterator: too few template arguments
}// namespace mine
using namespace mine;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
iterator<int> y;
const_iterator<int> x = y;
return 0;
First of all 'using namespace' is evil, use typedef for ease of use. for example instead of saying iterator use mine::iterator.
Also your second point gives the answer of your question. "If I derive const_iterator from a class other than std::iterator, then const_iterator(const iterator<T> &rhs) works."
Here the nearest iterator belongs to std not mine, as std::iterator is the base class of your const_iterator.

How to remove unique_ptr by pointer from a container?

Creating an object and giving ownership to a container using a unique_ptr is no problem. How would one remove an element by raw pointer?
std::set<std::unique_ptr<MyClass>> mySet;
MyClass *myClass = new MyClass();
// remove myClass from mySet?
You will need to find the iterator corresponding to the myClass element and then pass that iterator to mySet.erase(). The iterator may be found using the std::find_if algorithm with a custom Predicate functor that understands how to dereference unique_ptr and compare it to the raw pointer myClass.
You can not use the overloaded size_t set::erase ( const key_type& x ); since the raw pointer (even if wrapped in a temporary unique_ptr) will not be found in mySet.
Not as pretty as I would've liked. But the following does the job:
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
struct do_nothing
void operator()(const void*) const {}
struct MyClass
MyClass() {std::cout << "MyClass()\n";}
MyClass(const MyClass&) {std::cout << "MyClass(const MyClass&)\n";}
~MyClass() {std::cout << "~MyClass()\n";}
int main()
std::set<std::unique_ptr<MyClass>> mySet;
MyClass *myClass = new MyClass();
// remove myClass from mySet?
std::set<std::unique_ptr<MyClass>>::iterator i =
lower_bound(mySet.begin(), mySet.end(),
std::unique_ptr<MyClass, do_nothing>(myClass));
if (i != mySet.end() && *i == std::unique_ptr<MyClass, do_nothing>(myClass))
It seems i am able to retrieve an iterator using a custom Predicate with lower_bound. Since std::set is an ordered container, lower_bound should perform logarithmically.
std::set<std::unique_ptr<MyClass>>::iterator i =
std::lower_bound(mySet.begin(), mySet.end(), myClass, MyPredicate<MyClass>());
template<class Type>
struct MyPredicate
bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr<Type>& left, const Type* right) const
return left.get() < right;
Still not the best solution but for the moment i go with:
PointerMap<MyFoo>::Type myFoos;
MyFoo * myFoo = new MyFoo();
The header is:
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
template<typename T>
struct PointerMap
typedef std::map<T *, std::unique_ptr<T>> Type;
struct Item : std::pair<T *, std::unique_ptr<T>>
Item(T * pointer)
: std::pair<T *, std::unique_ptr<T>>(pointer, std::unique_ptr<T>(pointer))
You might like the answer over here: Efficiently erase a unique_ptr from an unordered_set
That's for C++14, but I think applies to C++11 as well.
It is not pretty, but does the efficient thing — no scanning the container, but using proper hash-based lookup.
