How to invalidate OAuth token when password is changed? -

We use ASP.NET Identity in a Web Api project with SimpleAuthorizationServerProvider, we use OAuth-tokens to authorize each request coming from the client. (Tokens have and expire timespan, we don't use refresh tokens.)
When users change their password, I would like to invalidate the tokens they may have, possibly on other devices. Is there any way to explicitly do that? I experimented and saw that the existing tokens work without any problem after a password change, which should be prevented.
I thought about putting the password hash, or part of the hash in the OAuth token as a claim, and validating that in the OnAuthorization method of our derived AuthorizeAttribute filter.
Would this be a correct way to solve the problem?

I've based my approach on Taiseer's suggestion. The gist of the solution is the following. Every time a user changes their password (and when registers), a new GUID is generated and saved in the database in the User table. I call this GUID the password stamp, and store it in a property called LatestPasswordStamp.
This stamp has to be sent down to the client as part of the token as a claim. This can be achieved with the following code in the GrantResourceOwnerCredentials method of the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider-implementation.
identity.AddClaim( new Claim( "PasswordTokenClaim", user.LatestPasswordStamp.ToString() ) );
This stamp is going to be sent from the client to the server in every request, and it is verified that the stamp has not been changed in the database. If it was, it means that the user changed their password, possibly from another device. The verification is done in our custom authorization filter like this.
public class AuthorizeAndCheckStampAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization( HttpActionContext actionContext )
var claimsIdentity = actionContext.RequestContext.Principal.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
if( claimsIdentity == null )
this.HandleUnauthorizedRequest( actionContext );
// Check if the password has been changed. If it was, this token should be not accepted any more.
// We generate a GUID stamp upon registration and every password change, and put it in every token issued.
var passwordTokenClaim = claimsIdentity.Claims.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Type == "PasswordTokenClaim" );
if( passwordTokenClaim == null )
// There was no stamp in the token.
this.HandleUnauthorizedRequest( actionContext );
MyContext ctx = (MyContext)System.Web.Mvc.DependencyResolver.Current.GetService( typeof( MyContext ) );
var userName = claimsIdentity.Claims.First( c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Name ).Value;
if( ctx.Users.First( u => u.UserName == userName ).LatestPasswordStamp.ToString() != passwordTokenClaim.Value )
// The stamp has been changed in the DB.
this.HandleUnauthorizedRequest( actionContext );
base.OnAuthorization( actionContext );
This way the client gets an authorization error if it tries to authorize itself with a token which was issued before the password has been changed.

I do not recommend putting the hash of the password as claim, and I believe there is no direct way to invalidate token when password is changed.
But if you are Ok with hitting the DB with each request send from the client app to a protected API end point, then you need to store Token Identifier (Guid maybe) for each token granted to the resource owner requested it. Then you assign the token Identifier as a custom claim for this token, after this you need to check this table with each request by looking for the token identifier and the user name for the resource owner.
Once the password is changed you delete this token identifier record for this resource owner (user) and the next time the token sent from the client it will get rejected because the record for this token identifier and resource owner has been deleted.


Migrating User to Cognito on Sign In

I am trying to migrate users to Cognito when they sign in the first time. For this I wrote a lambda function that does call an API to check if the users exist in db or not ? if the user exists, it will be created in cognito but I am not sure how do I tell the application that user is created and it should allow the user to login .
Here is the code in c#:
public async Task<Stream> FunctionHandlerAsync(Stream stream, ILambdaContext context)
RootObject rootObj = DeserializeStream(stream);
User user = new User(rootObj.userName, rootObj.request.password);
ApiResponse apiResponse = await MobileAuthenticateAsync(user.UserName, user.Password);
// Considering apiResponse returns "user authenticated", we create the user in //cognito. This is working.
// How do I send response back to Application so it knows that user is // //created and authenticated and should be allowed to login.
//Before returning stream, I am setting following 2 status.
rootObj.response.finalUserStatus = "CONFIRMED"; // is this correct ?
rootObj.response.messageAction = "SUPPRESS";
return SerializeToStream(rootObj);;
You're pretty close.
You can see the full documentation on the Migrate User Lambda Trigger page, however in short you need your response to look like:
response: {
userAttributes: {
email: '',
email_verified: true,
custom:myAttribute: 123,
finalUserStatus: 'CONFIRMED',
messageAction: 'SUPPRESS',
forceAliasCreation: false,
userAttribute: this is a dictionary/map of the user's attributes keys in cognito (note that any custom attributes need to be prefixed with custom:), to the values from the system you're migrating from. You do not need to provide all of these, although if you're using an email alias you may want to set email_verified: true to prevent the user having to re-verify their e-mail address.
finalUserStatus: if you set this to CONFIRMED then the user will not have to re-confirm their email address/phone number, which is probably a sensible default. If you are concerned that the password is given as plain-text to cognito this first-time, you can instead use RESET_REQUIRED to force them to change their password on first sign-in.
messageAction: should probably be SUPPRESS unless you want to send them a welcome email on migration.
forceAliasCreation: is important only if you're using email aliases, as it stops users who manage to sign-up into cognito being replaced on migration.
If you respond with this (keeping the rest of the original rootObj is convenient but not required then the user will migrated with attributes as specified.
If you throw (or fail to respond with the correct event shape) then the migration lambda fails and the user is told that they couldn't migrated. For example, because they do not exist in your old user database, or they haven't provided the right credentials.

What is a good way to pass additional information to the http response when issuing access token with Owin middleware in Asp Net Web Api?

I am using Owin middleware to implement token-based security for my application. When issuing the access token to the client I would also like to pass User Id along with the token, so that, the client application will know the User Id and will be able to call GetUserById (one of the methods inside UserController) in order to show the user his starting page. The best solution I could come up with so far is just adding User Id to the response header. Take a look at my OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider class, in GrantResourceOwnerCredentialsmethod I am adding User Id to the header, using context.Response.Headers.Add("User-Id", new string[] { "1" })
Here is the implementation of my OAuthAuthorizationServerProviderclass
public class AuthorizationServerProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
public override async Task ValidateClientAuthentication(OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
//The actual credential check will be added later
if (context.UserName=="user" && context.Password=="user")
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("Id", "1"));
//Here I am adding User Id to the response header
context.Response.Headers.Add("User-Id", new string[] { "1" });
context.SetError("invalid_grant","The credentials provided are not valid");
Basically the client then will have to read User-Id from the header. Is this a good solution I came up with or there is a better one? Also what if I want to pass the whole User object with all its properties to the response is it possible and how to do this?
Since you store the ID already in the claims, why don't you just decode your token on the client and read out the user id like that? Passing it through the headers could allow tampering with it (security).
Have a look on how you could achieve to decode your token and read the claims. This is a c# example but this could also be done even through javascript.
This, assuming you use the JWT-format as token (was not specified in your initial question).
Bad way to store UserID as a response header back to client side. This is a huge security concern.
The best way would be to store it as a Claims.
It is very easy to achieve this and get back the claims in the client side.
In your controller, call this and remember to reference
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

Should I store the ID token persistently in Google sign in?

I am using Google sign-in in my app, and I will send the ID token to my backhand server as soon as the user signed in and the ID token is retrieved. For now I will add the ID token to the header of each HTTP request, and I validate it, get user's ID and respond data back to my app. I am wondering if it is OK to store the ID token persistently and use it for all the future request. Will the ID token change or expire some time? If so, how to get new ID token? I can't find any approach other than asking user to sign in again. Or should I only validate the ID token for once and use ID directly in the future requests?
Don't store an ID token. Google ID tokens are issued for one hour validity and will expire, you can simply use silentSignIn in your app to get a new one without any user interaction. If your existing token hasn't expired yet, you will get the (cached) version back (OptionalPendingResult returned will have isDone() == true); if it expired already, you will get a refreshed one (but it will take a little longer and thus OptionalPendingResult isDone() will be false).
Here is sample code (UI thread, see note below about a worker thread):
GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.enableAutoManage(this /* FragmentActivity */, this /* OnConnectionFailedListener */)
.addApi(Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API, gso)
OptionalPendingResult<GoogleSignInResult> opr = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.silentSignIn(mGoogleApiClient);
if (opr.isDone()) {
// If the user's cached credentials are valid, the OptionalPendingResult will be "done"
// and the GoogleSignInResult will be available instantly.
Log.d(TAG, "Got cached sign-in");
GoogleSignInResult result = opr.get();
handleSignInResult(result); // result.getSignInAccount().getIdToken(), etc.
} else {
// If the user has not previously signed in on this device or the sign-in has expired,
// this asynchronous branch will attempt to sign in the user silently. Cross-device
// single sign-on will occur in this branch.
opr.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<GoogleSignInResult>() {
public void onResult(GoogleSignInResult googleSignInResult) {
handleSignInResult(googleSignInResult); // result.getSignInAccount().getIdToken(), etc.
Keep in mind whether you call silentSignIn on a UI thread or worker thread. If you call it on worker thread, take a look at this post with blockingConnect() + await() which simplifies the code a lot:
Silent sign in to retrieve token with GoogleApiClient

Optemizing basic auth: Save user authentification for follow up requests

I'm using the this tutorial to secure my Web-API calls with basic auth. Basically it checks if there is a auth header on the request and then proves this header against a database:
public static bool CheckPassword(string user, string password)
//Do a Database checkup
if(CheckDB(user,password)) {
//if true, set the principal
var identity = new GenericIdentity(user);
SetPrincipal(new GenericPrincipal(identity,null));
else {
//return 401...
private static void SetPrincipal(IPrincipal principal)
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
This is working fine. But it queries the database for every request I do. Even when I just request a JavaScript file.
I like to optimize this process and just call CheckDB() on the first request. All following request should not need another database request. Is it possible to save the Principal? I tried to check Thread.CurrentPrincipal but it seams to reinitialize on every request.
You have a couple of options:
If you have a simple topology with only a single machine handling requests for a relatively small number of users you could implement an in memory cache of usernames and passwords that you can use to efficiently validate subsequent calls. You could implement this using something like ConcurrentDictionary that keys off the username and gives the password, although there are security considerations to such an approach (do you really want passwords to be in memory all the time?).
Set a cookie after a username/password pair has been validated. The cookie could contain something like the timestamp after which the username/password should be revalidated, along with some kind of hash that's generated by a means that only the server knows (and that it can use to validate that it set the timestamp).
With either of these approaches the "CheckPassword" method would either compare the password with the one from the cache, or checking the cookie, and if the result is satisfactory directly create a new principal without calling the database.

MVC 3 FormsAuthentication and disabled user accounts

I have noticed that if a user is still logged in or has a persistent cookie, even if he gets "banned", or disabled in the database (Users Table flags), the user can still access everything until that cookie goes away or the user logs out of the site. Great security right.
So I am putting together a ActionFilterAttribute that checks for this, the disturbing thing for me is I have to hit the database for every controller that his ActionFilterAttribute is applied to. There has to be a better way of doing this but I have not found one yet.
Any ideas would be awesome..
There has to be a better way of doing this but I have not found one yet.
No there isn't. Sorry. If the notion of disabled/banned user exists only in your database there is no other way but hitting your database. ASP.NET only verifies the validity of the authentication cookie which is sent on each request. It doesn't even know what a disabled user means so you cannot expect it do more than it already does.
There are a few options:
1) You can validate whether the user authentication is valid by hooking session start. This way if the user has a persistent cookie, you can validate the username and expire the cookie if needed.
2) You can use a time based mechanism to check the user auth status every few requests (every 5mins or whatever). You could store the lastChecked timestamp value in the user session or in the auth cookie itself using the UserData field. This allows you recheck if the user auth cookie needs to be expired more frequently, but keeps database calls to a minimum.
MyThis is the solution I came up with:
In the User Account Membership service add a function to return whether the user's account is still active.
public class UserAccountMembershipService : IMembershipService
public bool UserIsActive(Guid userId)
if (userId == new Guid()) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "userName");
MembershipUser user = _provider.GetUser(userId, true);
return user.IsApproved;
Override the AuthorizeAttribute as follows:
public class MyAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
IMembershipService membershipService = new UserAccountMembershipService();
//Check to see if the user's account is still active
bool isActive = false;
if (httpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
Guid userId = (Guid)Membership.GetUser(httpContext.User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey;
isActive = membershipService.UserIsActive(userId);
if (!isActive)
//If the user's account is no longer active log him/her out
IFormsAuthenticationService FormsService = new FormsAuthenticationService();
//Call the base AuthorizationCore method
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext) && isActive;
