It's dangerous not recognizing URL Root - heroku

I'm using Flask's It's Dangerous to generate encrypted URLs. It's awesome, but I've encountered an issue - I'm running a script daily on Heroku Scheduler. The script lives outside of the app folder, in the directory where the and Procfile are. I create the payload using three variables, the last one being the function assigned to a URL.
payload = reactivate_account_link(candidate.candidate_id,, 'reactivate_account')
reactivate_account_link is the following...
def reactivate_account_link(candidate_id, candidate_email, path):
s = get_serializer()
loads = [candidate_id, candidate_email]
payload = s.dumps(loads)
return url_for(path, payload=payload, _external=True)
The problem is that the URL doesn't have the proper root. It creates...
as opposed to
This is true for both local and prod. I want to avoid hardcoding the URL.

You need to configure the SERVER_NAME for the app, otherwise you get the default of 'localhost'. Wherever you create and configure your app, add:
SERVER_NAME = '' # or whatever the external url should be


Flask with MongoDB using MongoKit to MongoLabs

I am a beginner and I have a simple application I have developed locally which uses mongodb with mongoKit as follows:
app = Flask(__name__)
customerDB = MongoKit(app)
then in views I just use the CustomerDB
I have put everything on heroku cloud but my database connection doesn't work.
I got the link I need to connect by:
heroku config | grep MONGOLAB_URI
but I am not sure how to pull this. I looked at the following post, but I am more confused
How can I use the mongolab add-on to Heroku from python?
Any help would be appreciated.
According to the documentation, Flask-MongoKit supports a set of configuration settings.
The MONGOLAB_URI environment setting needs to be parsed to get each of these. We can use this answer to the question you linked to as a starting point.
import os
from urlparse import urlsplit
from flask import Flask
from flask_mongokit import MongoKit
app = Flask(__name__)
# Get the URL from the Heroku setting.
url = os.environ.get('MONGOLAB_URI', 'mongodb://localhost:27017/some_db_name')
# Parse it.
parsed - urlsplit(url)
# The database name comes from the path, minus the leading /.
app.config['MONGODB_DATABASE'] = parsed.path[1:]
if '#' in parsed.netloc:
# If there are authentication details, split the network locality.
auth, server = parsed.netloc.split('#')
# The username and password are in the first part, separated by a :.
app.config['MONGODB_USERNAME'], app.config['MONGODB_PASSWORD'] = auth.split(':')
# Otherwise the whole thing is the host and port.
server = parsed.netloc
# Split whatever version of netloc we have left to get the host and port.
app.config['MONGODB_HOST'], app.config['MONGODB_PORT'] = server.split(':')
customerDB = MongoKit(app)

How to docpad generate --env static for deployment in a subdirectory

I am sure I am not the only one stuck with having to deploy a static site to a subdirectory.
in fact we have and as well as tablet and mobile are subdirectories of the main hosting... so in fact there is a redirect to and
i am deploying separate docpad-generated sites into each of those subs.
it would be great to be able to specify a 'base directory' for static generation. Is it possible?
LIKE: docpad generate --env static -base_path 'blahblah'
i am on the latest docpad version 6.30.4
You can customise the outPath property in your docpad configuration file to change the directory that the docpad website is outputted to. The property in question is:
# Out Path
# Where should we put our generated website files?
# If it is a relative path, it will have the resolved `rootPath` prepended to it
outPath: 'out' # default
If you're wanting to change the urls that are outputted, you can follow the suggestion in this gist here that will prepend your site url to each url creating an absolute url. You can customise the site url by setting it different in the environment configuration. You can also use multiple environments like so docpad generate --env one,two

MoinMoin seperate theme folder from MoinMoin htdocs folder

I'd like to seperate my custom theme folder from the default MoinMoin htdocs folder. Here is my directory structure of my current installation:
And my custom Git-versioned wiki/data directory:
The contains the following configuration:
class LocalConfig(multiconfig.DefaultConfig):
wikiconfig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
instance_dir = os.path.join(wikiconfig_dir, 'wiki')
data_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'data', '') # path with trailing /
data_underlay_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'underlay', '') # path with trailing /
DesktopEdition = True # give all local users full powers
acl_rights_default = u"All:read,write,delete,revert,admin"
surge_action_limits = None # no surge protection
sitename = u'Foo'
logo_string = u'<span><img src="...">Bar</span>' % url_prefix_static
page_front_page = u'StartPage'
theme_default = 'mytheme'
I would like to move the theme's static files to the /path/to/git-repo folder, because this directory is a Git repository which should contain all custom modifications, and also the theme's static files.
Any ideas how this could be done?
I suggest you just leave the builtin static stuff where it is.
What you can do for custom and separate theme development is to serve your static stuff at some specific URL and catch that URL in the web server before it gets given to moin.wsgi (and ends up being served by MoinMoin's builtin static file server), something like:
Alias /moin_static196/mytheme /path/to/git-repo/static
WSGIScriptAlias / /..../moin.wsgi
/moin_static196 is the url path moin 1.9.6 uses by default, you can modify it in to use anything you like.
You would put the theme python code also into your git repo and just symlink it from the instances data/plugin/theme/ directory.

getting rack mapped directory inside app

Say I have a like:
map '/foo' do
run MyApp
and a Sinatra app like:
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
use Rack::Session::File, key: 'rack.session', domain: '', path: '/foo', expire_after: 86400 * 14, secret: 'mysecret'
How can I make MyApp agnostic to which request directory (/foo in this case) is used to access it? I have found that request.script_name contains this directory, but I cannot use it for the path: parameter of the use Rack::Session::File statement since it is not defined yet when starting the app from passenger, but only when requests are sent to the application later.
Unfortunately it's impossible even with dirty hacks.
So I suppose it's possible to do via two different ways:
External configuration file e.g. routes.yml ( uses it for
map statement, application to discover such prefix in url);
Environment variable (I've chosen this because it's easy to configure on Heroku.

Puppet Server and Client working Good but still manifest file doesn't get executed

I am currently working on puppet using Amazon Fedora EC2 instances. Both Puppet Server and Client are working fine. I am able to create certificate from client and server is able to sign that but still whatever code I have written in manifest files doesn’t get executed.
Below mentioned is my code in Site.pp file :
class test_class {
file { “/tmp/testfile”:
ensure => present,
mode => 644,
owner => root,
group => root
node puppetclient {
include test_class
Here, puppetclient is the hostname of client. But still after signing certificate /tmp/testfile doesn’t get created.
DNS is also working perfectly fine. I can ping puppetserver(named as puppet) from puppet client.
Can you please tell me what must be the possible mistake ??
It's probably just a typo in the question, but the default catalog file is 'site.pp', not 'Site.pp', so try it with 'site.pp' instead.
