OpenFrameworks setting for latest xcode_How can I make a new project? - xcode

I started OpenFrameworks for fun :D
However, setting OF in Xcode is little bit confusing.
According to web search, just copy and paste Example and edit that project.
It is little bit uncomfortable since workspace location is restricted.
Now I am curious is there any tutorial which start with xcode - [new project]?(I mean xcode UI)
So I can make OF Xcode workspace anywhere I wanted.
A Link can be very granted.
Thanks for answer:D
PS. If you do not mind please attach answer as answer section, not in reply, so I can close this question.

I'm a bit confused on what you mean with workspace location is restricted, do you mean that the location where you can put your project is limited?
Generally all projects in openframeworks are being put inside the apps folder of openFrameworks. Technically it is possible to take a project out, but it's not recommended.
You can both have a structure like this:
Copying the example is one way of creating a new project, but a easier way (sometimes) is to use the project generator that you find in projectGenerator_osx
You do not want to create an empty project in xcode and, then add openframeworks to it. The projects that are generated with the project generator (or the examples) have a lot of settings that are needed in the xcode project for them to compile with openframeworks. It's not something that you easily can add to an empty xcode project.


Configure Eclipse as Go IDE

I've decided to use Eclipse (with the goClipse plugin) as my editor for go projects.
I already had go installed and (before choosing Eclipse) I had designated c:\go-workspace as my workspace.
I now want to configure Eclipse to use that workspace as my location for go work.
I plan to import various projects from github and create my own github account where I can commit changes, etc. All those imports will be under the src/directory, and this is in accordance with this article that seems to indicate it is best to have one go workspace with everything under the src/ directory:
I'm having issues creating a go project in Eclipse.
I choose File > New Go Project and browse to c:\go-workspace.
I enter a project name in the dialog but I get a message saying that a directory already exists at the specified location and my only choice is to cancel.
I then tried creating a new Eclipse workspace but when Eclipse was finished it indicated it is a Java project.
How do I accomplish what I want to do? Or perhaps the "best practice" for what I want to do is something else.
Ok, you already decided to go for IntelliJ but maybe someone else might be interested in an answer though ...
I also had some fights with GoClipse but finally I got it working. The solution is to input the whole path (including the project name). So for example your GOPATH is (on Linux) /home/username/go and you want to create a project named "gopro" and want to place it in "/home/username/go/src/" you need to type in the Eclipse window: "/home/username/go/src/". Everything should work without any problems afterwards.
I could not find an answer to this question. I've decided to use IntelliJ with the golang plugin and this solution works wonderfully.

Moving Xcode project onto another machine - How do I handle files referenced from outside the project folder?

thanks for taking a look.
I had bought the cheapest Mac Mini I could so that I could do some iOS dev, and my project has outgrown it. So I bought a MacBook Pro! It's awesome, uploading my parse cloud code took 15-20 minutes on the mini, and is instantaneous on the MBP.
However, I'm having trouble getting my Xcode project to build. Some of my frameworks are red in the Project Navigator, and I notice that their paths are /Users/[account name]/Documents/Downloads/[framework files]. It looks like on my mini I had created references instead of copying the files into my project.
I know it's against protocol here, but I haven't attempted much out of fear of breaking something. I have tried some googling, but I haven't found any relevant info. I may just be searching the wrong stuff, so feel free to mark this as duplicate and send me on the right path.
I'm using github to host a private repo for the project. What steps should I take to properly move the necessary files into my project folder, re-push the project to github, and pull back onto the other machine?
I am not going to be working from the mini anymore, at least on this project, so if it's easier to copy the file over the the MBP, put it in the project folder, and change the reference or something similar, I can do that. And I haven't made any changes to the code on the MBP, just worked on resetting up signing identities / provisioning profiles. I can always pull the project again if something gets mucked up there, but I'm nervous about changing stuff on the mini, breaking stuff, and not being able to build out my project at all.
Any tips on moving forward before I try stuff myself? Again, sorry that this breaks protocol for posting, I just want to avoid breaking my project... this isn't something a simple undo could fix, and I can't risk losing the entire project because of something stupid.
I would do this:
make sure all your projects are in source code control and committed -- good practice.
backup MacBook Pro (time machine), just in case.
copy the external dependencies over to new MacBook Pro in a way that makes sense.
one by one, delete the red frameworks and re-add them to the projects. Your choice as to copy vs reference.
Afterwards, I'd consider migration to something like Cocoapods for management of dependencies. I say consider because that's exactly the state I'm in - considering this option.
This should move you forward fairly safely. Best of luck!

PipBuilder with Ocean 2013

I'm working with Petrel and Ocean 2013 and am trying to use the PipBuilder in Visual Studio 2010 to build a PIP file for a plug-in I'm working on. Right now, all I'm trying to do is figure out how to get the "New PipBuilder" option in VS to accept a project, so I've just thrown together the "Make your first Plug-in" project found in Schlumberger's documentation to see if I can just get the process down for setting this up before I start to change my actual plug-in.
My problem is that I always get the, "The wizard did not find any Plug-in assemblies..." error, even though I've pointed the wizard at all sorts of places--the project directory, the project bin directory (which is where I assume the "assemblies" it's talking about would be). There's not a whole lot of documentation or help I can find online for this Ocean/Petrel stuff, so I was wondering if anyone knew exactly where this wizard is supposed to be pointing in order to allow it to accept a project.
Thanks in advance.
Make sure you build the VS project that contains your plug-in before you run the PIPBuilder wizard.
Also, make sure that your VS project for the plug-in has a class that derives from the Plugin class that defines your plug-in. It will have a Modules property that refers to your class that implements IModule where the real work of your plug-in begins.
So what needs to happen is you make a new PipBuilder project using the same solution as the plug-in you're working on. That is to say, you make a new plug-in, do all the things you need to do, build said plugin, then, instead of using a whole new VS instance to make a PipBuilder, with your plugin project up, you do File->New->Project->PipBuilder.
I thought you had to do what you do for every other kind of project: make a new one and point it at the location of the code.

Can Xcode ask / react to file changes outside of the IDE?

Is there are means whereby if files are altered outside of Xcode, that a warning in can be shown to ask if you want to refresh the file? This feature is available in Visual Studio, for example.
As a temporary solution, were working on source files in a Dropbox folder.
Although growl notifies us that some files has changed, Xcode doesn't know about these changes.
No, Xcode won't do that, and since there's no support for plugins you're pretty much stuck with that behavior. Some suggestions:
Create a local git repository (Xcode can do this for you when you create the project, I don't know if you can do it once it is created.
Use another IDE, like AppCode (this isn't even a solution, just came to me and I decided to add it).
With a version control system you can see the little 'M' on edited files, browse changes, etc. But since you wrote that this is a temporary solution I bet you already know this.

Some generic and working Xcode project settings which lead to successful Mac App store submission?

I built a simple app that I'd like to submit to the Apple store, but I am not sure whether my project Release settings are set correctly. I adjust a few things, based on what I could find online, but I might've created more problems than I solved.
I would very much appreciate if somebody could provide a copy of working Release settings which would sure work for my project. I don't store/read any files, the application just runs a few commands. Basically, I just need it to run and install in that /Applications folder so the user could trigger a launch.
Basically use default settings, move your source code to a new project, read up the guidelines and see if anything is told to change, otherwise it's just fine. Cheers.
