SDL Linker error on mingw/msys: ld.exe cannot find -lSDL - windows

Problem is actually that my compiler doesn't find the SDL library files. I rounded down possible errors by removing all SDL files, reinstalling SDL and compiling without SDL_image. No help.
Files I copied from SDL-devel-1.2.15-mingw32.tar.gz package:
sdl\include to mingw\include\sdl (I later copied files to mingw\include root as well)
sdl\lib to mingw\lib (3 files: libSDL.dll.a libSDLmain.a and
sdl.dll and sdl-config to mingw\bin
I installed it via msys, and later manually just to make sure, and also copied same files to corresponding places in msys folder.
The error message:
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.7.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lSDL
I have been using a simple make command in msys console, I moved the options for build into makefile to make things easier.
I'm using WinXP, MinGW/MSYS, SDL 1.2.15 and trying to compile fheroes2 source code.


Linking libxml with MinGW using OMNETPP shell on windows 10

How can I link libxml on MinGW when using an omnetpp shell?
I am using omnetpp on a windows 10 machine.
My problem happens when I am trying to install the 3rd party package from here
I think that there is a problem in the Makefile failing to locate the libxml library
Following Rudi's answer (following the question) I changed the Makefile libxml path to I/mingw64/include/libxml2 but I still
get a undefined reference to 'xmlFunctionName' error (for many function names)
I tried to isolate the problem and to compile a sample of code from libxml2
Following the compilation guide: using gcc `xml2-config --cflags --libs` -o tree2 tree2.c
I got a fatal error: 'libxml/parser.h' file not found
When I replaced xml2-config --cflags --libs with -I/mingw64/include/libxml2
I got the same error as before undefined reference to 'xmlFunctionName'
what can I do to resolve that issue?
To this specific problem: libxml2 is actually already present as OMNET 5.x also uses it. All dependencies and tools are available in the tools/win64/mingw64 directory. The problem is that (for unknown reasons) the include file of the include/libxml2/libxml folder. The configure script correctly detects this and makes it available in the as XML_CFLAGS= = -I/mingw64/include/libxml2
This must be added to the compiler flags for each file where you want to use the XML parser. (the library files are in the /mingw64/lib folder) so those are detected and can be used without additional config.
Generally, third party libraries should be available in the /mingw64/include and /mingw64/lib folders. You can either copy them manually there or try to install it with the mingw package manager (however that will most likely ruin your omnet installation as mingw64 is not particularly consistent and it is a rolling release - i.e. this is highly not recommended).

compiling SFML with cmake and mingw under windows

When i try to run cmake to build a project where i include the SFML library i get the following Error: SFML found but version too low (requested: 2.4, found: 1.x.x)
I downloaded only the source of the newest Version of the library (SFML-2.4.2). I than run cmake (with MinGW Makefiles) And build the binaries into the same folder.
I copied the FindSFML into an subfolder of my project.
After that i had the following folder structure
My CMakeLists.txt contains the following stuff:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
Find_package(SFML 2 REQUIRED system window graphics network audio)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_LIST})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SFML_LIBRARY})
I found that in cmake the entry CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (which i dont get) is set to C:\Program Files (x86)\SFML so i put the library and the lib of SFML into C:\Program Files (x86)\SFML. (what is that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and should i realy always copy the library and lib folders into my C:\Program Files (x86)\ ??). Now my cmake runs through but when i try to compile the code i get a lot of undifined references to '_imp__....'
By the way on linux i just installed SFML via sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev and it works out of the box.
You're confusing things. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is the default location where to put SFML when you build the install target (i.e. running make install). This has nothing to do with your other issues.
You don't have to install SFML (or any other library) somewhere under C:\Program Files. That's completely up to you.
What I found to be rather neat is installing MinGW to C:\usr (or creating a symlink to your installation folder) and also use that path for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when building SFML.
This way MinGW should behave pretty much the way you're used to from Linux (i.e. not having to specify paths for include dir or libraries etc.).
As for your undefined reference errors, you should create a new question only asking for these (and then include at least a few of them), as they have nothing to do with the installation directory.
Right now I can only guess, but it's most likely due to you using the wrong CMake variables for the linker. You won't notice this on Linux, since SFML will be in the default search path (which will also happen if you use C:\usr as described above).
To try fixing this, use this line:

mingw32 make: ***no rule to make target 'win32' stop

I am installing glfw forcodeblocks, when I try to execute the makefile through command prompt in order to compil glfw using this command:mingw32-make win32-mingw I get the following error mingw32 make: ***no rule to make target 'win32'. stop.
I am running a 64 bit version of windows 8
For newer versions of glfw you can not use compile.bat or command mingw32-make win32-mingw
You must use CMake to create makefiles under the source folder e.g. build folder.
Then you can run mingw32-make .
For older versions :
Try it with the command described on the glfw side.
Unzip the archive anywhere you like (I will assume C:\glfw for simplicity).
For Windows users, there is a batch file which allows to compile using a variety of compilers.
Open a DOS window, cd to the directory where GLFW lives (e.g. C:\glfw), and type
compile make mgw
Building the Libraries
As you can see there is a compile.bat
Of course you have to cd to your source folder. From an folder outside the source a compile.bat will not work.
if in your source there is no compile download it here.

CMake: wrong zlib found - how to build zlib from src (with main project CMakeLists.txt) and link it?

// brief version
How can I make CMake to use my supplied zlib (which it also has to build from source) instead of the one found by the finder without breaking the finder for other libs (OpenGL)?
ZLib needs to be used by the main project and also libPNG which comes as source as well.
Primary target platform is Windows.
// longer version:
In my project I need to link against libpng, zlib and OpenGL. With libpng being dependent on zlib. But zlib is also required by the main project.
I need to supply sourcecode for all libs except OpenGL, and build those libraries along with
the main project to assert linking the correct version and simplify building on Windows.
I found ways to do all this with custom libraries where no built-in finder exists, but I can't override the finder properly for just zlib. If I change the search path for libs, then OpenGL is not found.
However I can't get cmake to use my supplied zlib instead of a rouge zlib.DLL that the package finder finds somewhere in my system. (The one from tortoise git)
I tried to set ZLIB_LIBRARY to a specific filepath, but that only works on MinGW, and I also think this is not the way to do it.
(And also I had to explicitly link to png16_static instead of just libpng, for an inexplicable reason.)
Any help on this is much appreciated. Maybe I'm taking this on the wrong way?
Target&Development Platform:
Visual Studio 2010
and MinGW (both need to work)
My (simplified example) CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (MyProject)
add_executable(MyProject main.cpp)
include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} "external_libs/lpng162")
include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} "external_libs/zlib-1.2.8")
include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/external_libs/zlib-1.2.8")
link_directories(${LINK_DIRECTORIES} "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/external_libs/zlib-1.2.8")
# libpng will not build correctly if this not set
set (ZLIB_ROOT "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/external_libs/zlib-1.2.8")
# manually set this to prevent cmake from finding the tortiose-git zlib.dll first
# DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY, only with mingw32
set (ZLIB_LIBRARY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/external_libs/zlib-1.2.8/libzlib.dll")
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyProject png16_static zlib ${OPENGL_LIBRARY})
Project (simplified example) structure:
./external_libs/zlib-1.2.8/ <- contains respective source
./external_libs/lpng162/ <- contains respective source
Third-party libraries most likely call FindZLIB.cmake to determine the location of CMake. You already had the right idea by setting the ZLIB_LIBRARY manually, but were not quite getting it right:
set(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR "<path_to_zlib_src_dir>" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/<path_to_zlib_build_dir>")
set(ZLIB_LIBRARY zlib)
The include directory needs to contain both src and build path as zconf.h is build by CMake
The library name is only the CMake-target name, not the complete path to the resulting file.
On Windows dlls are not automatically copied by CMake. You might want to add some additional code to make sure that the zlib and lpng dlls end up in the right place.
You can call find_package(zlib) yourself to make sure it behaves as expected
In the rare case that a third-party lib does not use the find script, you will have to dig into that project's CMakeLists to find out what is going on

code::blocks linking doesn't work for lib files

I just had a fresh new version of Code::Blocks(12.11) and tried to make a glut example project, but the generated code has some linking issues.
The minGW settings are is set to the correct values, since I successfully linked ad compiled a glfw project from *.a files. My problem is the linker just can't handle .lib files for some reason. I always get undefined reference errors, despite of the linking of the correct libraries.
I just don't know what to do/link...
How can I link *.lib files in the new Code::blocks?
IF I cannot, are there any glut binaries in the format of *.a files, or should I build it myself?
Finally I found this link, used this package, and did a clean build(rebuild) of the project, instead of Build. Works like a charm!
