Searching within column using awk - bash

I am making a contact system through a bashscript. The text file I am inputting contacts in looks like this:
Sally May,,344-555-4930,Friend
In a search option provided I ask (after they pick the column):
echo -e"What would you like to search for:\c";;
read search
From here I would like to use the variable $search to go through the FIRST column and give me those lines in a formatted fashion. For example:
If they type in (Bill), then it should return
Name Email Phone Category
Bill 344-555-6543 Co-Worker
If they type in (ll), then it should return
Name Email Phone Category
Bill 344-555-6543 Co-Worker
Sally May 344-555-4930 Friend
The line of code I have been working on so far is this:
awk -F, '{ if ($1 ~/$search/) print $0 }' contacts.txt | awk -F, 'BEGIN{printf "%-25s %-25s %-25s %-25s\n","Name","Email","Phone","Category"} {printf "%-25s %-25s %-25s %-25\n",$1,$2,$3,$4}' ;;
It is giving me an error when I run it. Could someone help me fix this! I appreciate it

You need to pass variable to awk using -v option and need to simplify your formatting:
awk -F, -v s="$s" '$0 ~ s{$1=$1; print}' file | column -t
Sally May 344-555-4930 Friend
Bill 344-555-6543 Co-Worker
awk -F, -v s="$s" '$0 ~ s{$1=$1; print}' file | column -t
Bill 344-555-6543 Co-Worker

read -p "What would you like to search for? :" patt
awk -F, 'BEGIN{printf "%-25s%-25s%-25s%-25s\n","Name","Email","Phone","Category"} $1~/'$patt'/{printf("%-25s%-25s%-25s%-25s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4)}' file


How to awk to find and replace string in 2,3,4 and 5th column if matching pattern exist

My text file consist of 5 columns. Based on the user input want to search only in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th column and replace it.
for example
So want to find all the exact match of oldstring and replace the same with newstring.
Column one should be untouched even if there is a match.
Browsed and found that awk will do but I am able to change in one particular column.
bash script
$ cat testfile
a,b,c Old_word,d,e
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, -v oldstring="Old_word" -v newstring="New_Word" '{
for (i=2; i<=5; i++) { gsub(oldstring,newstring,$i) }
}' testfile
a,b,c New_Word,d,e
For more information about awk read the awk info page
Another way, similar to Glenn Jackman's answer is :
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, -v old="Old_word" -v new="New_word" '{
s=$1; $1=""; gsub(old,new,$0); $1=s
print }' <file>

Need to use awk to get a specific word or value after another specific word?

I need to use awk to get a specific word or value after another specific word, I tried some awk commands already but after many other filters like grep and sed. The file that I need to get the word from is having the same line more than one time like the below line:
Configuration: number=6 model=MSA SNT=4 IC=8 SIZE=16384MB NRF=24 meas=2.00
If need 24 I used
grep IC file | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}'
If need 16384MB I used
grep IC file | awk -F'SIZE=' '{ print $2 }'|awk '{ print $1 }'
We need to get any word from that line using awk? what I used can get what is needed but we still need a minimized awk command.
I am sure we can use one single awk to get the needed info from one line minimized command?
sed -r 's/.*SIZE=([^ ]+).*/\1/' input
sed -r 's/.*NRF=([^ ]+).*/\1/' input
grep way :
grep -oP 'SIZE=\K[^ ]+' imput
awk way :
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i ~ /SIZE=/) split($i,a,"=");print a[2]}' input
You could use an Awk with multi-character de-limiter as below to get this done. Loop through the fields, match the pattern you need and print the next field which contains the field value.
awk -F'[:= ]' -v option="${match}" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ option) {print $(i+1)}}' file
awk -F'[:= ]' -v option="${match}" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ option) {print $(i+1)}}' file
awk -F'[:= ]' -v option="${match}" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ option) {print $(i+1)}}' file
awk -F'[:= ]' -v option="${match}" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ option) {print $(i+1)}}' file
here is a more general approach
... | awk -v k=NRF '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) {split($i,a,"="); m[a[1]]=a[2]} print m[k]}'
code will stay the same just change the key k.
If you have GNU awk you could use the third parameter of match:
$ awk 'match($0,/( IC=)([^ ]*)/,a)&& $0=a[2]' file
Or get the meas:
$ awk 'match($0,/( meas=)([^ ]*)/,a)&& $0=a[2]' file
Should you use some other awk, you could use this combination of split, substr and match:
$ awk 'split(substr($0,match($0,/ IC=[^ ]*/),RLENGTH),a,"=") && $0=a[2]' file

awk pattern match for a line with two specific words

Using AWK, want to print last line containing two specific words.
Suppose I have log.txt which contains below logs
log1|Amy|Call to Bob for Food
log2|Jaz|Call to Mary for Toy and Cookies
log3|Ron|Call to Jerry then Bob for Book
log4|Amy|Message to John for Cycle
Now, Need to extract last line with "Call" and "Bob".
I tried with-
check=$(awk -F'|' '$3 ~ "/Call.*$var/" {print NR}' $log | tail -1)
echo "Value:$check"
so Value:3 (3rd record) should be printed.
But it's not printed.Please suggest. I have to use awk.
With GNU awk for word delimiters to avoid "Bob" incorrectly matching "Bobbing":
$ awk -v var="Bob" -F'|' '$3 ~ "Call.*\\<" var "\\>"{nr=NR; rec=$0} END{if (nr) print nr, rec}' file
3 log3|Ron|Call to Jerry then Bob for Book
See If Bob is already saved in a shell variable named var then use awk -v var="$var" ....

how to make bash script that takes in one text files and outputs the data in an organised file?

I haven't done any major scripting before, but basically I'm trying to make a script that takes in a file called people.txt with data that looks like this:
Steve Wozniak:Engineer:USA:1950
And makes a new file with that data organised like this:
Name: Steve Wozniak
Occupation: Engineer
Country: USA
Date of Birth: 1950
I've given it a try using this:
cat people.txt | awk -v RS=":" '{print "Name: " $1}'
This gives me a list of every field with the title name How do I separate it?
I've got a couple more 'features' I plan on adding in, but I'm hoping I'll be able to figure those out. Would anybody be able to help me out and/or point me in the right direction?
FS is the field separator, not RS. You can set it using the -F option to awk
awk -F: '{
print "Name:", $1;
print "Occupation:", $2;
print "Country:", $3;
print "Date of Birth:", $4
}' input.txt
at least this is one way:
kent$ paste <(echo "Name\nOcuupation\nCountry\nDate of Birth") <(awk -v RS=":" '$1=$1' <<<"Steve Wozniak:Engineer:USA:1950")
Name Steve Wozniak
Ocuupation Engineer
Country USA
Date of Birth 1950
awk alone can do it too. for example, -F: -v OFS=":" '{print "Name",$1;print "Occ..",$2; print ...}'
This would work:
while IFS=: read name job home dob
echo -e "Name: $name \nOccupation: $job \nCountry: $home \nDate of Birth: $dob"
echo " "
done < "$1"
Usage: % filename

how can I insert a character at a certain position in a csv line

How should I go about inserting a character at a certain point in a csv line? For instance, if I had the following:
How could I insert ,,,,, at the spot where the 5 (fifth field) is, so it would look like
I found a link for how to do this for java, but unfortunately I did not have much luck finding out how to do it with bash. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
You can use awk to change a specific field:
awk -F"," '{OFS=","; a=$5; $5=",,,,,",a; print $0}' file
The idea is to update the field 5 with the desired values and then print the whole line.
echo "1,2,3,4,5,6,7" | awk -F"," '{a=$5; $5=",,,,,"a; OFS=","; print}'
would print:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$5=",,,,,"$5;print}' your_file
tested below:
> echo "1,2,3,4,5,6" | awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$5=",,,,,"$5;print}'
or you can do it using perl:
> echo "1,2,3,4,5,6" | perl -F, -lane '$F[4]=~s/^/,,,,,/g;print join(",",#F)'
