How to install firefox developer edition? - firefox

I downloaded firefox developer edition and extracted it from tar.bz2, tryid to install it by running this ./firefox command but it opens it only temporarily but I wnat to install it to my computer. I use Linux Mint 17 cinnamon

Download it from here -
Save the folder somewhere and open the file called "firefox" (the one next to firefox-bin)

As a linux Mint user this is the most effective method I have found. It allows me to keep stock Firefox separate from developer.
Download from here
Extract and move.
$ tar xjf firefox-45.0a2.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
$ sudo mv firefox /usr/local/firefox_dev
Create a desktop entry at ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop
on some distros here /usr/share/applications/...
Formatted Like...
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Developer
GenericName=Firefox Developer Edition
Comment=Firefox Developer Edition Web Browser.
Should show up in the app panel promptly.

I have upgraded my firefox to firefox-developer using the steps below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox/trusty

In Fedora 23, you can intall firefox developer edition, run it like so:
curl -L | sh

1 File manager nautilus, nemo etc
2 gnome-panel
Download the firefox developer edition here:
Open nautilus file manager in sudo mode by using following command
sudo nautilus
Make Folder firefox-developer inside /opt to save extracted files
a. Using command line
sudo mkdir /opt/firefox-developer
b. Using GUI
Extract the tar file and add firefox folder to /opt/firefox-developer/
a. Using command line
cd /opt/firefox-developer
tar xvjf path_of_tar_file
b. Using archieve manager
Change permission for /opt/firefox-developer folder
a. Using terminal
sudo chmod 777 -R /opt/firefox-developer
we are using -R for repetitive changing because we have to change
permissions for contents inside folders also.
Open /opt/firefox-developer/firefox using nautilus file manager
a. Select file named firefox
b. Open Properties>>Permissions tab >> Allow Executing file as program >> Close
Open Nautilus:
a. Click on files icon at upper-left corner of screen >> Preferences >> Behaviour tab
b. click on “Run executable text files when they are opened”
Open terminal because we have to create launcher for opening application:
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/.local/share/applications --create-new
new dialog-box will be appeared
a. Name>> Give any suitable name for shortcut e.g. Firefox-Developer
b. Command>> Click on Browse and select path of /opt/firefox-developer/firefox/firefox file
c. Comment>> Add suitable comment for more-info about application
d. icon>> Click on icon at left side box and select your custom icon.

The Firefox Developer Edition is available as part of Ubuntu Make:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make
After that just run the Firefox installer without sudo (Choose installation path then language and it's Done ):
umake web firefox-dev


How to get Anaconda icon on Ubuntu 18 in application viewer

I have to open anaconda each & every time by typing these commands
$ source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate root
$ anaconda-navigator
can you please tell me how to get the application icon in search application to open it directly
& I am also not able to add this to my favorites on launcher pad.
Thanks to all...
Try making a desktop launcher for your anaconda icon.
check the path where you have installed your application by using which myapplication_name. you will get the installation path which you will need futher to make .desktop file.
cd && vim anaconda.desktop
Copy the below code
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Name of Application
you can get the **path/to/execution** by which command navigate to path/to/bin/
move your .desktop to usr/share/application
using below command
sudo mv anaconda.desktop usr/share/application
hope this link helps you.

How to create a desktop-entry for anaconda on Ubuntu 17.10?

I've recently installed anaconda3 in Ubuntu 17.10 (system environment). To run anaconda-navigator, I've to activate root for each time as
Source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate root
And to run it I've to write each time
Now I am wanted to create a desktop entry but I'm having errors at multiple stages. Can you please explain from beginning how to create a desktop-entry for anaconda3 on Linux?
EDIT: I've tried using this post on AskUbuntu. But, it failed for me. It is not showing on dock-bar as well as in /usr/share/applications. I'm really frustrated.
First, check if anaconda3 is installed on your system or not (Sometime the package may be broken due to network issues during installation (Not worked for me)). And whether you are able to launch anaconda-navigator without a desktop entry.
For creating a desktop entry
Step 1. Open your text editor and save the following content as Anaconda.desktop to your home directory.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Scientific Python Development Environment - Python3
Take care with the Python version. in $HOME/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anaconda_navigator/static/images/anaconda-icon-256x256.png change python3.8 if needed
Step 2. Copy your Anaconda.desktop to /usr/share/applications/ as root (Because you might need permission to copy at /usr/share/applications/)
sudo cp Anaconda.desktop /usr/share/applications
This will create a desktop entry named Anaconda in /usr/share/applications/.
Step 3. add this line export PATH="$HOME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" to your /etc/profile or $HOME/.bashrc
Step 4. Check if Anaconda is added to your application dock. If you didn't find it, search it in search-bar. Or you can run directly from /usr/share/applications/Anaconda.desktop.

wkhtmltopdf opens an application on OSX and doesn't finish its job till I focus this application

As far as I read wkhtmltopdf is using a patched version of Qt so that it can be executed WITHOUT using a graphical server such as Xorg, etc but when I run it in my OSX, it opens an application, it's visible in dock and when I press Command-Tab it's visible in list of applications shown, the icon of this app is a text "exec" in a black background. As soon as I focus this app it gets closed and wkhtmltopdf finishes its job but if I don't focus it, it doesn't finish its job at all.
Any ideas what can I do? I want it to run in background and respond automatically, I can't sit behind the system and Command-Tab each time a request is sent.
I tried it with an Ubuntu Server and it raises this error:
wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server localhost:10.0
when I try to run wkhtmltopdf directly in command line. Isn't it against to whole purpose of patching Qt so that it doesn't need an X server?
It got solved after I faced the problem in Ubuntu, by searching the error raised in Ubuntu I could find this post wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server which seems led me to install the package from sourceforge (both in OSX and Ubuntu) and it solved my problem (both in OSX and Ubuntu)
You must copy it into directory : /usr/local/bin, make sur it's executable and add symlink of like :
1- the command :
brew cask install wkhtmltopdf
2 - insert the binary in directory /usr/bin so the browser can't have permission to execute in this directory.
You must copy the to directory /usr/local/bin cause the browser have permission in this directory like:
sudo cp /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
3 - After make sur the binary have permission of execution like :
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/
4 - so now you can test, it's work like:
/usr/local/bin/ google.pdf
it make download the pdf in the current directory in your terminal
5 - Optional
now you can add symlink in your directory /usr/local/bin like
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf
6 - copy to the /usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage into /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage like:
sudo cp usr/local/wkhtmltoimage usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage
8- make sur this is executable too:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage
I Hope it's help you

How do I install IBM i Access for Mac?

IBM now has IBM i Access for Mac, with 5250 emulator being a very desirable feature, but the default install approach isn't the "Mac way" where users would expect it to exist in /Applications. How can I get it installed like a normal Mac app with an icon/application in the /Applications folder?
This is what worked for me. First download the zip file from here
Open up Mac's Terminal app (Cmd+Space and type Terminal)
cd into where the zip file now exists:
cd ~/Downloads
Use unzip to get the zip file contents into the /Applications folder:
unzip -d "/Applications/IBM i Access Client"
cd into the following folder where now exists:
cd /Applications/IBM\ i\ Access\ Client\
Now unzip the file into /Applications which will add content to /Applications/IBM i Access Client
unzip -d /Applications
You should now have "IBM i Access Client Solutions" with an icon in the /Applications folder, as shown below. Double click to start or do Cmd+Spacebar to open Spotlight and type "ibm" to locate it, as shown below.

I can't get ShoesRB to install in Ubuntu 14. Is the issue the .run or .install file types?

Whenever I attempt to open the ShoesRB install files for Linux, which are both "" and "script.install" files, they open in a text editor instead of an installer. When I attempt to run them in the terminal, I'm getting strange root authentication errors. I know the root password is correct.
Does anybody know how to correctly install ShoesRB in Ubuntu 14?
First of all download the executable from according to your linux machine. This you have already done. On double clicking the downloaded .run file (say, you might not be able to run it because it would not be having executable permission -
This you can change by right clicking the script -> properties -> permissions -> Check the 'Allow executing file permission'
from terminal by
chmod +x
Next you need to run this by:
sudo ./
Enter correct root password and you are good to go. This script actually make a hidden .shoes directory in your home and all shoes related files and executable are present in there. It also copies a desktop entry for shoes to /user/share/application, which you open to open shoes applications.
Moreover you can copy that desktop entry to your desktop and make it executable by:
cp /usr/share/applications/shoes.desktop ~/Desktop/shoes.desktop
chmod +x ~/Desktop/shoes.desktop
All done! Just double click the shoes icon on your desktop you can open your shoes apps now.
Hope it Helps :)
