Understanding the Instruments Time Profiler column headings - xcode

I'm running an application through the profiler with a sampling rate of 1 ms, but I'm having trouble understanding what the column headers mean. The documentation seems to be lacking the definitions for most of the columns headings, though I managed to decipher Self, # Self and Self % from the answer here. This is what I have so far:
Total Samples: The total number of (1 ms) samples where the program was in a given function
Total Time: The total time spent in a function (corresponds to total samples using a 1ms sampling rate)
Self: Explained in the linked question, but how does it differ from total time? I should be able to figure out the meaning of # Self and Self % from this.
Total %: Total samples as a percentage of the total running time
The rest of the column headings seem to combinations of the above (perhaps due to the 1ms sampling rate) or are self-explanatory. For example, I have a function that takes 647621ms of total time (89.4%), but has a Self/# Self of 9. Does that mean the function is called often, but takes little time to execute? On the other hand, another function takes 15559ms of total time (2.1%) but Self/# Self is 13099, which would mean that it is called less often, but takes much longer to complete. Am I on the right track?

Recent versions of Instruments don't have a Total Samples column, but I'll explain the difference between total samples, total time, and self because it explains how the Time Profiler instrument works. The Time Profiler instrument records the call stack periodically, every millisecond by default. The Total Samples column tells you the number of samples a method was in the call stack. The Total Time column tells you the amount of time the method was in the call stack. The Self column tells you the number of samples a method was at the top of the call stack, which means your app was in the method when Instruments recorded the sample.
The Self column is much more important than the Total Samples and Total Time columns. Your main() function is going to have a high total samples count and high total time because main() is in the call stack the entire time your application is running. But spending time optimizing the main() function in a Cocoa/Cocoa Touch application is a waste of time because all main() does is launch the application. Focus on methods that have a high Self value.
Recent versions of Instruments have a Running Time column. Each listing in the column has two values: a time and a percentage. The time corresponds to the Total Time in your question. The percentage corresponds to the Total % in your question.
Let me answer the question on your function examples in the last paragraph. Your application isn't spending much time inside the function in your first example (I'll call it Function A) because its Self entry is only 9. That means there were only 9 samples where your application was inside Function A. The high total time means your application spent a lot of time inside functions that Function A calls. Function A is in the call stack often, but not at the top of the call stack often.
In your second example the application is spending more time in the function, Function B, because its Self entry is 13099. The application does not spend a lot of time in functions that Function B calls because the total time is much smaller. Function B is at the top of the call stack more often than A and in the call stack less often than A. If you had a performance issue in your application, Function B would be the function to examine for ways to improve its performance. Optimizing Function A would not help much because its Self entry is only 9.


Fluctuations in execution time, is this normal?

I'm trying to implement some sort of template matching which requires me calling a function more than 10 thousand times per frame. I've managed to reduce the execution time of my function to a few microseconds. However, about 1 in 5 executions will take quite longer to run. While the function usually runs in less than 20 microseconds these cases can even take 100 microseconds.
Trying to find the part of the function that has fluctuating execution time, I realized that big fluctuations appear in many parts, almost randomly. And this "ghost" time is added even in parts that take constant time. For example, iterating through a specific number of vectors and taking their dot product with a specific vector fluctuates from 3 microseconds to 20+.
All the tests I did seem to indicate that the fluctuation has nothing to do with the varying data but instead it's just random at some parts of the code. Of course I could be wrong and maybe all these parts that have fluctuations contain something that causes them. But my main question is specific and that's why I don't provide a snippet or runtime data:
Are fluctuations of execution time from 3 microseconds to 20+ microseconds for constant time functions with the same amount of data normal? Could the cpu occasionally be doing something else that is causing these ghost times?

Why actual runtime for a larger search value is smaller than a lower search value in a sorted array?

I executed a linear search on an array containing all unique elements in range [1, 10000], sorted in increasing order with all search values i.e., from 1 to 10000 and plotted the runtime vs search value graph as follows:
Upon closely analysing the zoomed in version of the plot as follows:
I found that the runtime for some larger search values is smaller than the lower search values and vice versa
My best guess for this phenomenon is that it is related to how data is processed by CPU using primary memory and cache, but don't have a firm quantifiable reason to explain this.
Any hint would be greatly appreciated.
PS: The code was written in C++ and executed on linux platform hosted on virtual machine with 4 VCPUs on Google Cloud. The runtime was measured using the C++ Chrono library.
CPU cache size depends on the CPU model, there are several cache levels, so your experiment should take all those factors into account. L1 cache is usually 8 KiB, which is about 4 times smaller than your 10000 array. But I don't think this is cache misses. L2 latency is about 100ns, which is much smaller than the difference between lowest and second line, which is about 5 usec. I suppose this (second line-cloud) is contributed from the context switching. The longer the task, the more probable the context switching to occur. This is why the cloud on the right side is thicker.
Now for the zoomed in figure. As Linux is not a real time OS, it's time measuring is not very reliable. IIRC it's minimal reporting unit is microsecond. Now, if a certain task takes exactly 15.45 microseconds, then its ending time depends on when it started. If the task started at exact zero time clock, the time reported would be 15 microseconds. If it started when the internal clock was at 0.1 microsecond in, than you will get 16 microsecond. What you see on the graph is a linear approximation of the analogue straight line to the discrete-valued axis. So the tasks duration you get is not actual task duration, but the real value plus task start time into microsecond (which is uniformly distributed ~U[0,1]) and all that rounded to the closest integer value.

How to interpret cpu profiling graph

I was following the go blog here
I tried to profile my program but it looks a bit different. (Seems that go has moved from sampling to instrumentation?)
I wonder what these numbers mean
Especially showing nodes accounting for 2.59s, 92.5% of 2.8
What does total sample = 2.8s mean? The sample is drawn in an interval of 2.8 seconds?
Does it mean that only nodes that are running over 92.5% of sample
time are shown?
Also I wonder these numbers are generated. In the original go blog, the measure is how many times the function is detected in execution among all samples. However, we are dealing with seconds here. How does go profiling tool know how many seconds a function call takes.
Any help will be appreciated
Think of the graph as a graph of a resource, time. You'll start at the top with, for example, 10 seconds. Then you'll see that 5 seconds went to time.Sleep and 5 went to encoding/json. The particular divides in that time is represented by the arrows, so they show that 5 went to each part of the program. So now we have 3 nodes, the first node 10 seconds, time.Sleep 5 seconds, and encoding/json 5 seconds. Then those 5 seconds in encoding/json are broken down even further into the functions that took up most the time. The 0.01s (percentage) out of 0.02s (larger percentage) means that this function took 0.01s of processing time out of a total of 0.02s of the block of time (the arrow with the number) total by this particular call stack. The percentage represents the overall percentage of execution time this part took up from the whole pie. So you'll see that encoding/json string/encoder took 0.36 percent of the total execution time/resources of your program.

Measuring accurate GPU computation time

I'm working on a code in which I have to perform a vector-matrix multiplication on a chunk of data, copying the results back to CPU and then start multiplying another chunk. I perform the vector to matrix multiplication using cublas library (following code).
clock_t a,b;
a = clock();
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
cublasSgemv(handle,CUBLAS_OP_T,m,k,&alpha, dev_b1+((i+1)*m), m, dev_b1+(i*m),1, &beta,out,1);
cudaMemcpy(b3,dev_b3, sizeof(float)*(cor_size), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
b = clock();
cout<<"Running time is: "<<(double)(b-a)/clocks_per_sec;
I have to measure the running time of this for loop. I read something about CudaEvent but in my case, I want to measure the time of total loop not a kernel so I used clock function. I am wondering is this a correct way to measure the time for this chunk of code or there are more accurate ways to do that?
I know that for measuring elapsed time we have to repeat running the code multiple times and take the average of elapsed times of all runs, so another question is that is there any trade-off for the number of times that running code should be repeated?
cudaMemcpy synchronizes host and device, so a CPU timer such as clock_t should give results that are identical with those produced by a CUDA timer, making the necessary allowances for the granularity/resolution of clock_t.
As regards the accuracy of the measurements is concerned, from what I have seen, the first iteration timings could be disregarded in the calculations. Subsequent timing measurements should yield numbers depending on factors such as load imbalance in the algorithm being run, which might decide on whether we get the same numbers at every iteration. I would reckon that that would not be an issue here, with Sgemm.
You can still use CUDA events to measure the entire loop runtime, by recording two events (one before starting the loop, one after the end, i.e. in the positions where you are currently using clock()), synchronizing on the second event and then getting the elapsed time using cudaEventElapsedTime(). This should have the advantage of being more accurate than clock().

Measuring execution time of selected loops

I want to measure the running times of selected loops in a C program so as to see what percentage of the total time for executing the program (on linux) is spent in these loops. I should be able to specify the loops for which the performance should be measured. I have tried out several tools (vtune, hpctoolkit, oprofile) in the last few days and none of them seem to do this. They all find the performance bottlenecks and just show the time for those. Thats because these tools only store the time taken that is above a threshold (~1ms). So if one loop takes lesser time than that then its execution time won't be reported.
The basic block counting feature of gprof depends on a feature in older compilers thats not supported now.
I could manually write a simple timer using gettimeofday or something like that but for some cases it won't give accurate results. For ex:
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
//do some work here
Now here I want to measure the total time spent in the inner loop and I will have to put a call to gettimeofday inside the first loop. So gettimeofday itself will get called a 1000 times which introduces its own overhead and the result will be inaccurate.
Unless you have an in circuit emulator or break-out box around your CPU, there's no such thing as timing a single-loop or single-instruction. You need to bulk up your test runs to something that takes at least several seconds each in order to reduce error due to other things going on in the CPU, OS, etc.
If you're wanting to find out exactly how much time a particular loop takes to execute, and it takes less than, say, 1 second to execute, you're going to need to artificially increase the number of iterations in order to get a number that is above the "noise floor". You can then take that number and divide it by the number of artificially inflated iterations to get a figure that represents how long one pass through your target loop will take.
If you're wanting to compare the performance of different loop styles or techniques, the same thing holds: you're going to need to increase the number of iterations or passes through your test code in order to get a measurement in which what you're interested in dominates the time slice you're measuring.
This is true whether you're measuring performance using sub-millisecond high performance counters provided by the CPU, the system date time clock, or a wall clock to measure the elapsed time of your test.
Otherwise, you're just measuring white noise.
Typically if you want to measure the time spent in the inner loop, you'll put the time get routines outside of the outer loop and then divide by the (outer) loop count. If you expect the time of the inner loop to be relatively constant for any j, that is.
Any profiling instructions incur their own overhead, but presumably the overhead will be the same regardless of where it's inserted so "it all comes out in the wash." Presumably you're looking for spots where there are considerable differences between the runtimes of two compared processes, where a pair of function calls like this won't be an issue (since you need one at the "end" too, to get the time delta) since one routine will be 2x or more costly over the other.
Most platforms offer some sort of higher resolution timer, too, although the one we use here is hidden behind an API so that the "client" code is cross-platform. I'm sure with a little looking you can turn it up. Although even here, there's little likelihood that you'll get better than 1ms accuracy, so it's preferable to run the code several times in a row and time the whole run (then divide by the loop count, natch).
I'm glad you're looking for percentage, because that's easy to get. Just get it running. If it runs quickly, put an outer loop around it so it takes a good long time. That won't affect the percentages. While it's running, get stackshots. You can do this with Ctrl-Break in gdb, or you can use pstack or lsstack. Just look to see what percentage of stackshots display the code you care about.
Suppose the loops take some fraction of time, like 0.2 (20%) and you take N=20 samples. Then the number of samples that should show them will average 20 * 0.2 = 4, and the standard deviation of the number of samples will be sqrt(20 * 0.2 * 0.8) = sqrt(3.2) = 1.8, so if you want more precision, take more samples. (I personally think precision is overrated.)
