Board Assembly with constraints - prolog

I am doing this problem but I am completely new to Prolog and I have no idea how to do it.
Nine parts of an electronic board have square shape, the same size and each edge of every part is marked with a letter and a plus or minus sign. The parts are to be assembled into a complete board as shown in the figure below such that the common edges have the same letter and opposite signs. Write a planner in Prolog such that the program takes 'assemble' as the query and outputs how to assemble the parts, i.e. determine the locations and positions of the parts w.r.t. the current positions so that they fit together to make the complete board.
I have tried solving it and I have written the following clauses:
% Configuration of boards, (board,left,top,right,bottom)
assemble([A,B,C,E,D,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R]) :-
A in 1..3, B in 1..3, C in 1..3, D in 1..3, E in 1..3,
F in 1..3, G in 1..3, H in 1..3, I in 1..3, J in 1..3,
K in 1..3, L in 1..3, M in 1..3, N in 1..3, O in 1..3,
P in 1..3, Q in 1..3, R in 1..3,
% this is where I am stuck, what to write next
I don't know even if they are correct and I am not sure how to proceed further to solve this problem.

Trivial with CLP(FD):
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
board(Board) :-
Board = [[A1,A2,A3],
maplist(top_bottom, [A1,A2,A3], [B1,B2,B3]),
maplist(top_bottom, [B1,B2,B3], [C1,C2,C3]),
maplist(left_right, [A1,B1,C1], [A2,B2,C2]),
maplist(left_right, [A2,B2,C2], [A3,B3,C3]),
maplist(board_piece(Board), Ps).
top_bottom([_,_,X,_], [Y,_,_,_]) :- X #= -Y.
left_right([_,X,_,_], [_,_,_,Y]) :- X #= -Y.
pieces(Ps) :-
Ps = [[-2,3,4,-1], [1,4,-3,-4], [-3,2,4,-4],
[-4,-3,4,2], [2,-3,-1,4], [-1,-4,3,2],
[-2,3,2,-1], [-1,-3,1,2], [-2,1,4,-3]].
board_piece(Board, Piece) :-
member(Row, Board),
member(Piece0, Row),
rotation(Piece0, Piece).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [A,B,C,D]).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [B,C,D,A]).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [C,D,A,B]).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [D,A,B,C]).
Example query and its result:
?- time(board(Bs)), maplist(writeln, Bs).
11,728,757 inferences, 0.817 CPU in 0.817 seconds
[[-3, -4, 1, 4], [-1, -2, 3, 4], [4, -4, -3, 2]]
[[-1, 4, 2, -3], [-3, 4, 2, -4], [3, 2, -1, -4]]
[[-2, 1, 4, -3], [-2, 3, 2, -1], [1, 2, -1, -3]]
This representation uses 1,2,3,4 to denote positive a,b,c,d, and -1,-2,-3,-4 for the negative ones.

This is only a tiny improvement to #mat's beautiful solution. The idea is to reconsider the labeling process. That is maplist(board_piece,Board,Ps) which reads (semi-procedurally):
For all elements in Ps, thus for all pieces in that order: Take one piece and place it anywhere on the board rotated or not.
This means that each placement can be done in full liberty. To show you a weak order, one might take: A1,A3,C1,C3,B2 and then the rest. In this manner, the actual constraints are not much exploited.
However, there seems to be no good reason that the second tile is not placed in direct proximity to the first. Here is such an improved order:
TilesOrdered = [B2,A2,A3,B3,C3,C2,C1,B1,A1],
tiles_withpieces(TilesOrdered, Ps).
tiles_withpieces([], []).
tiles_withpieces([T|Ts], Ps0) :-
rotation(P, T),
tiles_withpieces(Ts, Ps1).
Now, I get
?- time(board(Bs)), maplist(writeln, Bs).
% 17,179 inferences, 0.005 CPU in 0.005 seconds (99% CPU, 3363895 Lips)
and without the goal maplist(maplist(tile), Board),
% 11,010 inferences, 0.003 CPU in 0.003 seconds (100% CPU, 3225961 Lips)
and to enumerate all solutions
?- time((setof(Bs,board(Bs),BBs),length(BBs,N))).
% 236,573 inferences, 0.076 CPU in 0.154 seconds (49% CPU, 3110022 Lips)
BBs = [...]
N = 8.
previously (#mat's original version) the first solution took:
% 28,874,632 inferences, 8.208 CPU in 8.217 seconds (100% CPU, 3518020 Lips)
and all solutions:
% 91,664,740 inferences, 25.808 CPU in 37.860 seconds (68% CPU, 3551809 Lips)

In terms of performance, the following is no contender to #false's very fast solution.
However, I would like to show you a different way to formulate this, so that you can use the constraint solver to approximate the faster allocation strategy that #false found manually:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
board(Board) :-
Board = [[A1,A2,A3],
maplist(top_bottom, [A1,A2,A3], [B1,B2,B3]),
maplist(top_bottom, [B1,B2,B3], [C1,C2,C3]),
maplist(left_right, [A1,B1,C1], [A2,B2,C2]),
maplist(left_right, [A2,B2,C2], [A3,B3,C3]),
foldl(piece_with_id, Ps0, Pss, 0, _),
append(Pss, Ps),
append(Board, Bs0),
maplist(tile_with_var, Bs0, Bs, Vs),
tuples_in(Bs, Ps).
tile_with_var(Tile, [V|Tile], V).
top_bottom([_,_,X,_], [Y,_,_,_]) :- X #= -Y.
left_right([_,X,_,_], [_,_,_,Y]) :- X #= -Y.
pieces(Ps) :-
Ps = [[-2,3,4,-1], [1,4,-3,-4], [-3,2,4,-4],
[-4,-3,4,2], [2,-3,-1,4], [-1,-4,3,2],
[-2,3,2,-1], [-1,-3,1,2], [-2,1,4,-3]].
piece_with_id(P0, Ps, N0, N) :-
findall(P, (rotation(P0,P1),P=[N0|P1]), Ps),
N #= N0 + 1.
rotation([A,B,C,D], [A,B,C,D]).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [B,C,D,A]).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [C,D,A,B]).
rotation([A,B,C,D], [D,A,B,C]).
You can now use the "first fail" strategy of CLP(FD) and try the most constrained elements first. With this formulation, the time needed to find all 8 solutions is:
?- time(findall(t, (board(B), term_variables(B, Vs), labeling([ff],Vs)), Ts)).
2,613,325 inferences, 0.208 CPU in 0.208 seconds
Ts = [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t].
In addition, I would like to offer the following contender for the speed contest, which I obtained with an extensive partial evaluation of the original program:
The 8 solutions are found very rapidly with this formulation:
?- time(findall(t, solution(B), Ts)).
19 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds
Ts = [t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t].


Arithmetics in Prolog, represent a number using powers of 2

I have two numbers, let's name them N and K, and I want to write N using K powers of 2.
For example if N = 9 and K = 4, then N could be N = 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 (2^0 + 2^1 + 2^1 + 2^2).
My program should output something like N = [1,2,2,4].
I am used to C++. I can't find a way to solve this problem in Prolog. Any help will be appreciated!
I thought this would be a few-liner using CLP(FD), but no dice. Can it be done simpler?
So here is the complete solution.
Don't think I came up with this in one attempt, there are a few iterations and dead ends in there.
:- use_module(library(debug)).
% ---
% powersum(+N,+Target,?Solution)
% ---
% Entry point. Relate a list "Solution" of "N" integers to the integer
% "Target", which is the sum of 2^Solution[i].
% This works only in the "functional" direction
% "Compute Solution as powersum(N,Target)"
% or the "verification" direction
% "is Solution a solution of powersum(N,Target)"?
% An extension of some interest would be to NOT have a fixed "N".
% Let powersum/2 find appropriate N.
% The search is subject to exponential slowdown as the list length
% increases, so one gets bogged down quickly.
% ---
powersum(N,Target,Solution) :-
((integer(N),N>0,integer(Target),Target>=1) -> true ; throw("Bad args!")),
length(RS,N), % create a list RN of N fresh variables
MaxPower is floor(log(Target)/log(2)), % that's the largest power we will find in the solution
propose(RS,MaxPower,Target,0), % generate & test a solution into RS
reverse(RS,Solution), % if we are here, we found something! Reverse RS so that it is increasing
my_write(Solution,String,Value), % prettyprinting
format("~s = ~d\n",[String,Value]).
% ---
% propose(ListForSolution,MaxPowerHere,Target,SumSoFar)
% ---
% This is an integrate "generate-and-test". It is integrated
% to "fail fast" during proposal - we don't want to propose a
% complete solution, then compute the value for that solution
% and find out that we overshot the target. If we overshoot, we
% want to find ozut immediately!
% So: Propose a new value for the leftmost position L of the
% solution list. We are allowed to propose any integer for L
% from the sequence [MaxPowerHere,...,0]. "Target" is the target
% value we must not overshoot (indeed, we which must meet
% exactly at the end of recursion). "SumSoFar" is the sum of
% powers "to our left" in the solution list, to which we already
% committed.
propose([L|Ls],MaxPowerHere,Target,SumSoFar) :-
(SumSoFar=Target -> false ; true), % a slight optimization, no solution if we already reached Target!
propose_value(L,MaxPowerHere), % Generate: L is now (backtrackably) some value from [MaxPowerHere,...,0]
NewSum is (SumSoFar + 2**L),
NewSum =< Target, % Test; if this fails, we backtrack to propose_value/2 and will be back with a next L
NewMaxPowerHere = L, % Test passed; the next power in the sequence should be no larger than the current, i.e. L
propose(Ls,NewMaxPowerHere,Target,NewSum). % Recurse over rest-of-list.
propose([],_,Target,Target). % Terminal test: Only succeed if all values set and the Sum is the Target!
% ---
% propose_value(?X,+Max).
% ---
% Give me a new value X between [Max,0].
% Backtracks over monotonically decreasing integers.
% See the test code for examples.
% One could also construct a list of integers [Max,...,0], then
% use "member/2" for backtracking. This would "concretize" the predicate's
% behaviour with an explicit list structure.
% "between/3" sadly only generates increasing sequences otherwise one
% could use that. Maybe there is a "between/4" taking a step value somewhere?
% ---
propose_value(X,Max) :-
propose_value(X,Max) :-
Max>0, succ(NewMax,Max),
% ---
% I like some nice output, so generate a string representing the solution.
% Also, recompute the value to make doubly sure!
% ---
my_write([L|Ls],String,Value) :-
Value is ValueOnTheRight + 2**L,
with_output_to(string(String),format("2^~d + ~s",[L,StringOnTheRight])).
my_write([L],String,Value) :-
Value is 2**L.
:- begin_tests(powersum).
% powersum(N,Target,Solution)
test(pv1) :- bagof(X,propose_value(X,3),Bag), Bag = [3,2,1,0].
test(pv2) :- bagof(X,propose_value(X,2),Bag), Bag = [2,1,0].
test(pv2) :- bagof(X,propose_value(X,1),Bag), Bag = [1,0].
test(pv3) :- bagof(X,propose_value(X,0),Bag), Bag = [0].
test(one) :- bagof(S,powersum(1,1,S),Bag), Bag = [[0]].
test(two) :- bagof(S,powersum(3,10,S),Bag), Bag = [[0,0,3],[1,2,2]].
test(three) :- bagof(S,powersum(3,145,S),Bag), Bag = [[0,4,7]].
test(four,fail) :- powersum(3,8457894,_).
test(five) :- bagof(S,powersum(9,8457894,S), Bag), Bag = [[1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 23]]. %% VERY SLOW
:- end_tests(powersum).
rt :- run_tests(powersum).
Running test of 2 minutes due to the last unit testing line...
?- time(rt).
% PL-Unit: powersum ....2^0 = 1
.2^0 + 2^0 + 2^3 = 10
2^1 + 2^2 + 2^2 = 10
.2^0 + 2^4 + 2^7 = 145
..2^1 + 2^2 + 2^5 + 2^7 + 2^9 + 2^10 + 2^11 + 2^16 + 2^23 = 8457894
. done
% All 9 tests passed
% 455,205,628 inferences, 114.614 CPU in 115.470 seconds (99% CPU, 3971641 Lips)
EDIT: With some suggestive comments from repeat, here is a complete, efficient CLP(FD) solution:
powersum2_(N, Target, Exponents, Solution) :-
length(Exponents, N),
MaxExponent is floor(log(Target) / log(2)),
Exponents ins 0..MaxExponent,
chain(Exponents, #>=),
maplist(exponent_power, Exponents, Solution),
sum(Solution, #=, Target).
exponent_power(Exponent, Power) :-
Power #= 2^Exponent.
powersum2(N, Target, Solution) :-
powersum2_(N, Target, Exponents, Solution),
labeling([], Exponents).
Ordering exponents by #>= cuts down the search space by excluding redundant permutations. But it is also relevant for the order of labeling (with the [] strategy).
The core relation powersum2_/4 posts constraints on the numbers:
?- powersum2_(5, 31, Exponents, Solution).
Exponents = [_954, _960, _966, _972, _978],
Solution = [_984, _990, _996, _1002, _1008],
_954 in 0..4,
_960 in 0..4,
_966 in 0..4,
_972 in 0..4,
_978 in 0..4,
_1008 in 1..16,
_984 in 1..16,
_990 in 1..16,
_996 in 1..16,
_1002 in 1..16.
And then labeling searches for the actual solutions:
?- powersum2(5, 31, Solution).
Solution = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1] ;
This solution is considerably more efficient than the other answers so far:
?- time(powersum2(9, 8457894, Solution)).
% 6,957,285 inferences, 0.589 CPU in 0.603 seconds (98% CPU, 11812656 Lips)
Solution = [8388608, 65536, 2048, 1024, 512, 128, 32, 4, 2].
Original version follows.
Here is another CLP(FD) solution. The idea is to express "power of two" as a "real" constraint, i.e, not as a predicate that enumerates numbers like lurker's power_of_2/1 does. It helps that the actual constraint to be expressed isn't really "power of two", but rather "power of two less than or equal to a known bound".
So here is some clumsy code to compute a list of powers of two up to a limit:
powers_of_two_bound(PowersOfTwo, UpperBound) :-
powers_of_two_bound(1, PowersOfTwo, UpperBound).
powers_of_two_bound(Power, [Power], UpperBound) :-
Power =< UpperBound,
Power * 2 > UpperBound.
powers_of_two_bound(Power, [Power | PowersOfTwo], UpperBound) :-
Power =< UpperBound,
NextPower is Power * 2,
powers_of_two_bound(NextPower, PowersOfTwo, UpperBound).
?- powers_of_two_bound(Powers, 1023).
Powers = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256|...] ;
... and then to compute a constraint term based on this...
power_of_two_constraint(UpperBound, Variable, Constraint) :-
powers_of_two_bound(PowersOfTwo, UpperBound),
maplist(fd_equals(Variable), PowersOfTwo, PowerOfTwoConstraints),
constraints_operator_combined(PowerOfTwoConstraints, #\/, Constraint).
fd_equals(Variable, Value, Variable #= Value).
constraints_operator_combined([Constraint], _Operator, Constraint).
constraints_operator_combined([C | Cs], Operator, Constraint) :-
Constraint =.. [Operator, C, NextConstraint],
constraints_operator_combined(Cs, Operator, NextConstraint).
?- power_of_two_constraint(1023, X, Constraint).
Constraint = (X#=1#\/(X#=2#\/(X#=4#\/(X#=8#\/(X#=16#\/(X#=32#\/(X#=64#\/(X#=128#\/(... #= ... #\/ ... #= ...))))))))) ;
... and then to post that constraint:
power_of_two(Target, Variable) :-
power_of_two_constraint(Target, Variable, Constraint),
?- power_of_two(1023, X).
X in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512 ;
(Seeing this printed in this syntax shows me that I could simplify the code computing the constraint term...)
And then the core relation is:
powersum_(N, Target, Solution) :-
length(Solution, N),
maplist(power_of_two(Target), Solution),
list_monotonic(Solution, #=<),
sum(Solution, #=, Target).
list_monotonic([], _Operation).
list_monotonic([_X], _Operation).
list_monotonic([X, Y | Xs], Operation) :-
call(Operation, X, Y),
list_monotonic([Y | Xs], Operation).
We can run this without labeling:
?- powersum_(9, 1023, S).
S = [_9158, _9164, _9170, _9176, _9182, _9188, _9194, _9200, _9206],
_9158 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9164 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9170 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9176 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9182 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9188 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9194 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9200 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512,
_9206 in ... .. ... \/ 4\/8\/16\/32\/64\/128\/256\/512 ;
And it's somewhat quick when we label:
?- time(( powersum_(8, 255, S), labeling([], S) )), format('S = ~w~n', [S]), false.
% 561,982 inferences, 0.055 CPU in 0.055 seconds (100% CPU, 10238377 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
% 1,091,295 inferences, 0.080 CPU in 0.081 seconds (100% CPU, 13557999 Lips)
Contrast this with lurker's approach, which takes much longer even just to find the first solution:
?- time(binary_partition(255, 8, S)), format('S = ~w~n', [S]), false.
% 402,226,596 inferences, 33.117 CPU in 33.118 seconds (100% CPU, 12145562 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
% 1,569,157 inferences, 0.130 CPU in 0.130 seconds (100% CPU, 12035050 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
% 14,820,953 inferences, 1.216 CPU in 1.216 seconds (100% CPU, 12190530 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
% 159,089,361 inferences, 13.163 CPU in 13.163 seconds (100% CPU, 12086469 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
% 1,569,155 inferences, 0.134 CPU in 0.134 seconds (100% CPU, 11730834 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
% 56,335,514 inferences, 4.684 CPU in 4.684 seconds (100% CPU, 12027871 Lips)
S = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
^CAction (h for help) ? abort
% 1,266,275,462 inferences, 107.019 CPU in 107.839 seconds (99% CPU, 11832284 Lips)
% Execution Aborted % got bored of waiting
However, this solution is slower than the one by David Tonhofer:
?- time(( powersum_(9, 8457894, S), labeling([], S) )), format('S = ~w~n', [S]), false.
% 827,367,193 inferences, 58.396 CPU in 58.398 seconds (100% CPU, 14168325 Lips)
S = [2,4,32,128,512,1024,2048,65536,8388608]
% 1,715,107,811 inferences, 124.528 CPU in 124.532 seconds (100% CPU, 13772907 Lips)
?- time(bagof(S,powersum(9,8457894,S), Bag)).
2^1 + 2^2 + 2^5 + 2^7 + 2^9 + 2^10 + 2^11 + 2^16 + 2^23 = 8457894
% 386,778,067 inferences, 37.705 CPU in 37.706 seconds (100% CPU, 10258003 Lips)
Bag = [[1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16|...]].
There's probably room to improve my constraints, or maybe some magic labeling strategy that will improve the search.
EDIT: Ha! Labeling from the largest to the smallest element changes the performance quite dramatically:
?- time(( powersum_(9, 8457894, S), reverse(S, Rev), labeling([], Rev) )), format('S = ~w~n', [S]), false.
% 5,320,573 inferences, 0.367 CPU in 0.367 seconds (100% CPU, 14495124 Lips)
S = [2,4,32,128,512,1024,2048,65536,8388608]
% 67 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (100% CPU, 2618313 Lips)
So this is now about 100x as fast as David Tonhofer's version. I'm content with that :-)
Here's a scheme that uses CLP(FD). In general, when reasoning in the domain of integers in Prolog, CLP(FD) is a good way to go. The idea for this particular problem is to think recursively (as in many Prolog problems) and use a "bifurcation" approach.
As David said in his answer, solutions to problems like this don't just flow out on the first attempt. There are preliminary notions, trial implementations, tests, observations, and revisions that go into coming up with the solution to a problem. Even this one could use more work. :)
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
% Predicate that succeeds for power of 2
power_of_2(N) :-
N #> 1,
NH #= N // 2,
N #= NH * 2,
% Predicate that succeeds for a list that is monotonically ascending
ascending([X1,X2|Xs]) :-
X1 #=< X2,
% Predicate that succeeds if Partition is a K-part partition of N
% where the parts are powers of 2
binary_partition(N, K, Partition) :-
binary_partition_(N, K, Partition),
ascending(Partition). % Only allow ascending lists as solutions
binary_partition_(N, 1, [N]) :- % base case
binary_partition_(N, K, P) :-
N #> 1, % constraints on N, K
K #> 1,
length(P, K), % constraint on P
append(LL, LR, P), % conditions on left/right bifurcation
NL #> 0,
NR #> 0,
KL #> 0,
KR #> 0,
NL #=< NR, % don't count symmetrical cases
KL #=< KR,
N #= NL + NR,
K #= KL + KR,
binary_partition_(NL, KL, LL),
binary_partition_(NR, KR, LR).
This will provide correct results, but it also generates redundant solutions:
2 ?- binary_partition(9,4,L).
L = [1, 2, 2, 4] ;
L = [1, 2, 2, 4] ;
As an exercise, you can figure out how to modify it so it only generates unique solutions. :)
U #>= 2^P,
P #=< U,
P #>=0.
Y #= 2^X.
?- N=9,K=4,
chain(Answer, #=<),
sum(Answer, #=, N),
Answer = [1, 2, 2, 4],
K = 4,
N = 9

Infinite loop in prolog? Or just very slow?

I'm trying to figure out if I have an infinite loop in my Prolog program, or if I just did a bad job of writing it, so its slow. I'm trying to solve the square sum chains problem from the dailyprogrammer subreddit. Given a number N, find an ordering of the numbers 1-N (inclusive) such that the sum of each pair of adjacent numbers in the ordering is a perfect square. The smallest N that this holds for is 15, with the ordering [8, 1, 15, 10, 6, 3, 13, 12, 4, 5, 11, 14, 2, 7, 9]. This is the code that I'm trying to use to solve the problem:
is_square(Num):- is_square_help(Num, 0).
is_square_help(Num, S):- Num =:= S * S.
is_square_help(Num, S):-
Num > S * S,
T is S+1,
is_square_help(Num, T).
is_square_help(Num, S):- Num < S * S, fail.
contains(_, []):- fail.
contains(Needle, [Needle|_]).
contains(Needle, [_|Tail]):- contains(Needle, Tail).
nums(0, []).
nums(Num, List) :- length(List, Num), nums_help(Num, List).
nums_help(0, _).
nums_help(Num, List) :-
contains(Num, List),
X is Num - 1,
nums_help(X, List).
square_sum(Num, List) :-
nums(Num, List),
square_sum_help([X, Y|T]) :-
Z is X + Y,
Currently, when I run square_sum(15, List)., the program does not terminate. I've left it alone for about 10 minutes, and it just keeps running. I know that there are problems that take a long time to solve, but others are reportedly generating answers in the order of milliseconds. What am I doing wrong here?
SWI-Prolog allows this compact implementation
square_sum(N,L) :-
adj_squares([],L,R) :- reverse(L,R).
adj_squares(T,[S|Ss],L) :-
that completes really fast for N=15
edit as suggested, building the list in order yields better code:
square_sum(N,L) :-
adj_squares(T,S,[S|L]) :-
the code above becomes too slow when N grows. I've changed strategy, and attempt now to find an Hamiltonian path into the graph induced by the binary relation. For N=15 it looks like
(here is the code to generate the Graphviz script:
square_pairs(N,I,J) :-
I1 is I+1,
square_pairs_graph(N) :-
format('graph square_pairs_N_~d {~n', [N]),
forall(square_pairs(N,I,J), format(' ~d -- ~d;~n', [I,J])),
and here the code for lookup a path
hamiltonian_path(N,P) :-
extend_front(N,N,_,P,P) :- !.
extend_front(Len,Tot,G,[Node|Ins],P) :-
Len1 is Len+1,
struct_N_of_E(N,E,S) :-
square_pairs_struct(N,G) :-
forall(square_pairs(N,I,J), (edge(G,I,J),edge(G,J,I))).
edge(G,I,J) :-
arg(I,G,A), B=[J|A], nb_setarg(I,G,B).
Here is a solution using Constraint Logic Programming:
squares_chain(N, Cs) :-
numlist(1, N, Ns),
phrase(nums_partners(Ns, []), NPs),
group_pairs_by_key(NPs, Pairs),
same_length(Ns, Pairs),
pairs_values(Pairs, Partners),
maplist(domain, Is0, Partners),
labeling([ff], Is0),
phrase(chain_(D, [_|Is0]), Cs).
chain_(1, _) --> [].
chain_(Pos0, Ls0) --> [Pos],
{ Pos0 #> 1, Pos #= Pos0 - 1,
element(Pos0, Ls0, E) },
chain_(E, Ls0).
plus_one(A, B) :- B #= A + 1.
domain(V, Ls0) :-
maplist(plus_one, Ls0, Ls),
foldl(union_, Ls, 1, Domain),
V in Domain.
union_(N, Dom0, Dom0\/N).
nums_partners([], _) --> [].
nums_partners([N|Rs], Ls) -->
partners(Ls, N), partners(Rs, N),
nums_partners(Rs, [N|Ls]).
partners([], _) --> [].
partners([L|Ls], N) -->
( { L + N #= _^2 } -> [N-L]
; []
partners(Ls, N).
Sample query and answers:
?- squares_chain(15, Cs).
Cs = [9, 7, 2, 14, 11, 5, 4, 12, 13|...] ;
Cs = [8, 1, 15, 10, 6, 3, 13, 12, 4|...] ;
A longer sequence:
?- time(squares_chain(100, Cs)).
15,050,570 inferences, 1.576 CPU in 1.584 seconds (99% CPU, 9549812 Lips)
Cs = [82, 87, 57, 24, 97, 72, 28, 21, 60|...] .
What you are doing wrong is mainly that you generate the whole list before you start testing.
The two clauses that call fail are pointless. Removing them will not change the program. The only reason for doing that is if you do something side-effect-y, like printing output.
Your code for generating the list, and all permutations, seems to work, but it can be done much simpler by using select/3.
You don't seem to have a base case in square_sum_help/1, and you also seem to only check every other pair, which would have lead to problems in some years or whatever when your program had gotten around to checking the correct ordering.
So, by interleaving the generation and testing, like this
square_sum(Num,List) :-
square_sum_helper(X1,Rest0,List0,List) :-
Z is X1 + X2,
square_sum_helper(_,[],List0,List) :- reverse(List0,List).
is_square(Num,S) :-
Sqr is S * S,
( Num =:= Sqr ->
; Num > Sqr,
T is S + 1,
is_square(Num,T) ).
upto(N,List0,List) :-
( N > 0 ->
M is N - 1,
; List = List0 ).
the correct result is produced in around 9 msec (SWI Prolog).
?- ( square_sum(15,List), write(List), nl, fail ; true ).
?- time(square_sum(15,_)).
% 37,449 inferences, 0.009 CPU in 0.009 seconds (100% CPU, 4276412 Lips)
Edit: fixed some typos.
clause contains(_, []):- fail. is buggy and redundant at best.
you should type in the body !, fail.
But it's not needed because that what is unprovable shouldn't be mentioned (closed world assumption).
btw contains/2 is in fact member/2 (built-in)

Puzzle taken from Gardner

I'm trying to solve the following puzzle in Prolog:
Ten cells numbered 0,...,9 inscribe a 10-digit number such that each cell, say i, indicates the total number of occurrences of the digit i in this number. Find this number. The answer is 6210001000.
This is what I wrote in Prolog but I'm stuck, I think there is something wrong with my ten_digit predicate:
%count: used to count number of occurrence of an element in a list
count(X,[X|T],N) :-
N is 1 + N2.
count(X,[Y|T],Count) :-
X \= Y,
%check: f.e. position = 1, count how many times 1 occurs in list and check if that equals the value at position 1
check(Pos,List) :-
X == Count.
%valueOf: get the value from a list given the index
valueOf(I,[_|T],Z) :-
I2 is I-1,
%ten_digit: generate the 10-digit number
ten_digit([Nul|Rest],Digits) :-
How do I solve this puzzle?
Check out the clpfd constraint global_cardinality/2.
For example, using SICStus Prolog or SWI:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
ten_cells(Ls) :-
numlist(0, 9, Nums),
pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Nums, Ls),
global_cardinality(Ls, Pairs).
Sample query and its result:
?- time((ten_cells(Ls), labeling([ff], Ls))).
1,359,367 inferences, 0.124 CPU in 0.124 seconds (100% CPU, 10981304 Lips)
Ls = [6, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] ;
319,470 inferences, 0.028 CPU in 0.028 seconds (100% CPU, 11394678 Lips)
This gives you one solution, and also shows that it is unique.
CLP(FD) rules... solving this puzzle in plain Prolog is not easy...
length(Xs, 10),
assign(Xs, Xs, 0).
assign([], _, 10).
assign([X|Xs], L, P) :-
member(X, [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]),
count(L, P, X),
Q is P+1,
assign(Xs, L, Q),
count(L, P, X).
count(L, P, 0) :- maplist(\==(P), L).
count([P|Xs], P, C) :-
C > 0,
B is C-1,
count(Xs, P, B).
count([X|Xs], P, C) :-
X \== P,
C > 0,
count(Xs, P, C).
this is far less efficient than #mat solution:
?- time(ten_digit(L)),writeln(L).
% 143,393 inferences, 0.046 CPU in 0.046 seconds (100% CPU, 3101601 Lips)
L = [6, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0|...] ;
% 11,350,690 inferences, 3.699 CPU in 3.705 seconds (100% CPU, 3068953 Lips)
count/3 acts in a peculiar way... it binds free variables up to the current limit, then check no more are bounded.
edit adding a cut, the snippet becomes really fast:
assign(Xs, L, Q),
!, count(L, P, X).
?- time(ten_digit(L)),writeln(L).
% 137,336 inferences, 0.045 CPU in 0.045 seconds (100% CPU, 3075529 Lips)
L = [6, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0|...] ;
% 3 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (86% CPU, 54706 Lips)
Sorry, I could not resist. This problem can also be conveniently expressed as a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model. A little bit more mathy than Prolog.
The results are the same:
---- VAR n digit i
digit0 -INF 6.0000 +INF .
digit1 -INF 2.0000 +INF .
digit2 -INF 1.0000 +INF .
digit3 -INF . +INF .
digit4 -INF . +INF .
digit5 -INF . +INF .
digit6 -INF 1.0000 +INF .
digit7 -INF . +INF .
digit8 -INF . +INF .
digit9 -INF . +INF .

On solving project Euler #303 in with Prolog / clpfd

Here comes Project Euler Problem 303, "Multiples with small digits".
For a positive integer n, define f(n) as the least positive multiple of n that, written in base 10, uses only digits ≤ 2.
Thus f(2)=2, f(3)=12, f(7)=21, f(42)=210, f(89)=1121222.
Also, .
Find .
This is the code I have already written / that I want to improve:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
n_fn(N,FN) :-
F #> 0,
FN #= F*N,
length(Ds, _),
digits_number(Ds, FN),
Ds ins 0..2,
labeling([min(FN)], Ds).
That code already works for solving a small number of small problem instances:
?- n_fn(2,X).
X = 2
?- n_fn(3,X).
X = 12
?- n_fn(7,X).
X = 21
?- n_fn(42,X).
X = 210
?- n_fn(89,X).
X = 1121222
What can I do to tackle above challenge "find: sum(n=1 to 10000)(f(n)/n)"?
How can I solve more and bigger instances in reasonable time?
Please share your ideas with me! Thank you in advance!
It is slow on 9's and there is a pattern..
But i'm sure it would be nicer to have the prolog find this patten and adapt the search.. not sure how you would do that though!
In general it must be recalculating a lot of results..
I cannot spot a recurrence relation for this problem. So, initially I was thinking that memoizing could speed it up. Not really...
This code, clp(fd) based, is marginally faster than your...
n_fn_d(N,FN) :-
F #> 0,
FN #= F*N,
digits_number_d([D|Ds], Ts),
D in 1..2,
Ds ins 0..2,
scalar_product(Ts, [D|Ds], #=, FN),
labeling([min(FN)], [D|Ds]).
digits_number_d([_], [1]).
digits_number_d([_|Ds], [T,H|Ts]) :-
digits_number_d(Ds, [H|Ts]), T #= H*10.
When I used clp(fd) to solve problems from Euler, I stumbled in poor performance... sometime the simpler 'generate and test' paired with native arithmetic make a difference.
This simpler one, 'native' based:
n_fn_e(N,FN) :-
0 =:= FN mod N.
digits_e(N) :-
length([X|Xs], _),
maplist(code_e, [X|Xs]), X \= 0'0,
number_codes(N, [X|Xs]).
it's way faster:
test(N) :-
?- test(999).
% 473,671,146 inferences, 175.006 CPU in 182.242 seconds (96% CPU, 2706593 Lips)
% 473,405,175 inferences, 173.842 CPU in 178.071 seconds (98% CPU, 2723188 Lips)
% 58,724,230 inferences, 25.749 CPU in 26.039 seconds (99% CPU, 2280636 Lips)

Bridge crossing puzzle with clpfd

I have tried to solve the 'Escape from Zurg' problem with clpfd.
Toys start on the left and go to the right. This is what I have:
%two toys cross, the time is the max of the two.
%one toy crosses
%Two toys travel left to right
%One toy has to return with the flash light
Querying ?-solve(M,T) or ?-solve(Moves,T), labeling([min(T)],[T]). I get a solution but not one =< 60. (I cant see one either..)
How would I do this with clpfd? Or is it best to use the method in the link?
FYI: I have also found this
Which has a DCG solution. In it the constraint Time=<60 is built in, it does not find the lowest time.
Here is a CLP(FD) version, based on the code you linked to.
The main difference is that in this version, Limit is a parameter instead of a hardcoded value. In addition, it also uses the flexibility of CLP(FD) constraints to show that, compared to low-level arithmetic, you can much more freely reorder your goals when using constraints, and reason about your code much more declaratively:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
toy_time(buzz, 5).
toy_time(woody, 10).
toy_time(rex, 20).
toy_time(hamm, 25).
moves(Ms, Limit) :-
phrase(moves(state(0,[buzz,woody,rex,hamm],[]), Limit), Ms).
moves(state(T0,Ls0,Rs0), Limit) -->
{ T1 #= T0 + max(Time1,Time2), T1 #=< Limit,
select(Toy1, Ls0, Ls1), select(Toy2, Ls1, Ls2),
Toy1 #< Toy2,
toy_time(Toy1, Time1), toy_time(Toy2, Time2) },
moves_(state(T1,Ls2,[Toy1,Toy2|Rs0]), Limit).
moves_(state(_,[],_), _) --> [].
moves_(state(T0,Ls0,Rs0), Limit) -->
{ T1 #= T0 + Time, T1 #=< Limit,
select(Toy, Rs0, Rs1),
toy_time(Toy, Time) },
moves(state(T1,[Toy|Ls0],Rs1), Limit).
Usage example, using iterative deepening to find fastest solutions first:
?- length(_, Limit), moves(Ms, Limit).
Limit = 60,
Ms = [left_to_right(buzz, woody), right_to_left(buzz), left_to_right(hamm, rex), right_to_left(woody), left_to_right(buzz, woody)] ;
Limit = 60,
Ms = [left_to_right(buzz, woody), right_to_left(woody), left_to_right(hamm, rex), right_to_left(buzz), left_to_right(buzz, woody)] ;
Limit = 61,
Ms = [left_to_right(buzz, woody), right_to_left(buzz), left_to_right(hamm, rex), right_to_left(woody), left_to_right(buzz, woody)] ;
Note that this version uses a combination of CLP(FD) constraints (for pruning and arithmetic) and built-in Prolog backtracking, and such a combination is perfectly legitimate. In some cases, global constraints (like automaton/8 mentioned by CapelliC) can express a problem in its entirety, but combining constraints with normal backtracking is a good strategy too for many tasks.
In fact, just posting CLP(FD) constraints is typically not enough anyways: You typically also need a (backtracking) search, provided by labeling/2 in the case of CLP(FD), to obtain concrete solutions. So, this iterative deepening is similar to the search that labeling/2 would otherwise perform if you succeed to express the problem deterministically with CLP(FD) constraints alone.
Nicely, we can also show:
?- Limit #< 60, moves(Ms, Limit).
EDIT: Since the thirst for automaton/8 seems to be almost unquenchable among interested users of CLP(FD) constraints, which is nice, I have also created a solution with this powerful global constraint for you. If you find this interesting, please also upvote #CapelliC's answer, since he had the initial idea to use automaton/8 for this. The idea is to let each possible (and sensible) movement of either one or two toys correspond to a unique integer, and these movements induce transitions between different states of the automaton. Notice that the side of the flash light also plays an important role in states. In addition, we equip each arc with an arithmetic expression to keep track of the time taken so far. Please try out ?- arc(_, As). to see the arcs of this automaton.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
toy_time(b, 5).
toy_time(w, 10).
toy_time(r, 20).
toy_time(h, 25).
toys(Toys) :- setof(Toy, T^toy_time(Toy, T), Toys).
arc0(arc0(S0,M,S)) :-
state0_movement_state(S0, M, S).
arcs(V, Arcs) :-
findall(Arc0, arc0(Arc0), Arcs0),
maplist(arc0_arc(V, Ms), Arcs0, Arcs).
arc0_arc(C, Ms, arc0(S0,M,S), arc(S0, MI, S, [C+T])) :-
movement_time(M, T),
nth0(MI, Ms, M).
movement_time(left_to_right(Toy), Time) :- toy_time(Toy, Time).
movement_time(left_to_right(T1,T2), Time) :-
Time #= max(Time1,Time2),
toy_time(T1, Time1),
toy_time(T2, Time2).
movement_time(right_to_left(Toy), Time) :- toy_time(Toy, Time).
state0_movement_state(lrf(Ls0,Rs0,left), left_to_right(T), lrf(Ls,Rs,right)) :-
select(T, Ls0, Ls),
sort([T|Rs0], Rs).
state0_movement_state(lrf(Ls0,Rs0,left), left_to_right(T1,T2), S) :-
state0_movement_state(lrf(Ls0,Rs0,left), left_to_right(T1), lrf(Ls1,Rs1,_)),
state0_movement_state(lrf(Ls1,Rs1,left), left_to_right(T2), S),
T1 #< T2.
state0_movement_state(lrf(Ls0,Rs0,right), right_to_left(T), lrf(Ls,Rs,left)) :-
select(T, Rs0, Rs),
sort([T|Ls0], Ls).
movements(Moves) :-
findall(Move, movement(Toys, Move), Moves).
movement(Toys, Move) :-
member(T, Toys),
( Move = left_to_right(T)
; Move = right_to_left(T)
movement(Toys0, left_to_right(T1, T2)) :-
select(T1, Toys0, Toys1),
member(T2, Toys1),
T1 #< T2.
state(lrf(Lefts,Rights,Flash)) :-
phrase(lefts(Toys), Lefts),
foldl(select, Lefts, Toys, Rights),
( Flash = left ; Flash = right ).
lefts([]) --> [].
lefts([T|Ts]) --> ( [T] | [] ), lefts(Ts).
And now, at long last, we can finally use automaton/8 which we so deeply desire for a solution we truly deem worthy of carrying the "CLP(FD)" banner, orgiastically mixed with the min/1 option of labeling/2:
?- time((arcs(C, Arcs),
length(Vs, _),
automaton(Vs, _, Vs, [source(lrf([b,h,r,w],[],left)),
Arcs, [C], [0], [Time]),
labeling([min(Time)], Vs))).
857,542 inferences, 0.097 CPU in 0.097 seconds(100% CPU, 8848097 Lips)
Arcs = [...],
Time = 60,
Vs = [10, 1, 11, 7, 10] ;
I leave translating such solutions to readable state transitions as an easy exercise (~3 lines of code).
For extra satisfaction, this is much faster than the original version with plain Prolog, for which we had:
?- time((length(_, Limit), moves(Ms, Limit))).
1,666,522 inferences, 0.170 CPU in 0.170 seconds (100% CPU, 9812728 Lips)
The moral of this story: If your straight-forward Prolog solution takes more than a tenth of a second to yield solutions, you better learn how to use one of the most complex and powerful global constraints in order to improve the running time by a few milliseconds! :-)
On a more serious note though, this example shows that constraint propagation can pay off very soon, even for comparatively small search spaces. You can expect even larger relative gains when solving more complex search problems with CLP(FD).
Note though that the second version, although it propagates constraints more globally in a sense, lacks an important feature that is also related to propagation and pruning: Previously, we were able to directly use the program to show that there is no solution that takes less than 60 minutes, using a straight-forward and natural query (?- Limit #< 60, moves(Ms, Limit)., which failed). This follows from the second program only implicitly, because we know that, ceteris paribus, longer lists can at most increase the time taken. Unfortunately though, the isolated call of length/2 did not get the memo.
On the other hand, the second version is able to prove something that is in a sense at least equally impressive, and it does so more efficiently and somewhat more directly than the first version: Without even constructing a single explicit solution, we can use the second version to show that any solution (if there is one) takes at least 5 crossings:
?- time((arcs(C, Arcs),
length(Vs, L),
automaton(Vs, _, Vs, [source(lrf([b,h,r,w],[],left)),
Arcs, [C], [0], [Time]))).
331,495 inferences, 0.040 CPU in 0.040 seconds (100% CPU, 8195513 Lips)
L = 5
... .
This works by constraint propagation alone, and does not involve any labeling/2!
I think that modelling with CLPFD this puzzle could be done with automaton/8.
In Prolog I would write
escape_zurg(T,S) :-
aggregate(min(T,S), (
solve([5,10,20,25], [], S),
sum_timing(S, T)), min(T,S)).
solve([A, B], _, [max(A, B)]).
solve(L0, R0, [max(A, B), C|T]) :-
select(A, L0, L1),
select(B, L1, L2),
append([A, B], R0, R1),
select(C, R1, R2),
solve([C|L2], R2, T).
sum_timing(S, T) :-
aggregate(sum(E), member(E, S), T).
that yields this solution
?- escape_zurg(T,S).
T = 60,
S = [max(5, 10), 5, max(20, 25), 10, max(10, 5)].
well, automaton/8 is well beyond my reach...
let's start simpler: what could be a simple representation of state ?
on left/right we have 4 slots, that can be empty: so
escape_clpfd(T, Sf) :-
L0 = [_,_,_,_],
Zs = [0,0,0,0],
L0 ins 5\/10\/20\/25,
now, since the problem it's so simple, we can 'hardcode' the state change
lmove(L0/Zs, 2/2, L1/R1, T1), rmove(L1/R1, 1/3, L2/R2, T2),
lmove(L2/R2, 3/1, L3/R3, T3), rmove(L3/R3, 2/2, L4/R4, T4),
lmove(L4/R4, 4/0, Zs/ _, T5),
the first lmove/4 must shift 2 elements from left to right, and after it have done, we will have 2 zeros at left, and 2 at right. The timing (T1) will be max(A,B), where A,B are incognite by now.
rmove/4 is similar, but will 'return' in T2 the only element (incognito) it will move from right to left. We are encoding the evolution asserting the number of 0s on each side (seems not difficult to generalize).
Let's complete:
T #= T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5,
Sf = [T1,T2,T3,T4,T5].
Now, rmove/4 is simpler, so let's code it:
rmove(L/R, Lz/Rz, Lu/Ru, M) :-
move_one(R, L, Ru, Lu, M),
count_0s(Ru, Rz),
count_0s(Lu, Lz).
it defers to move_one/5 the actual work, then applies the numeric constraint we hardcoded above:
count_0s(L, Z) :-
maplist(is_0, L, TF),
sum(TF, #=, Z).
is_0(V, C) :- V #= 0 #<==> C.
is_0/2 reifies the empty slot condition, that is makes countable the truth value. It's worth to test it:
?- count_0s([2,1,1],X).
X = 0.
?- count_0s([2,1,C],1).
C = 0.
?- count_0s([2,1,C],2).
Coding move_one/5 in CLP(FD) seems difficult. Here Prolog nondeterminism seems really appropriate...
move_one(L, R, [Z|Lt], [C|Rt], C) :-
select(C, L, Lt), is_0(C, 0),
select(Z, R, Rt), is_0(Z, 1).
select/3 it's a pure predicate, and Prolog will backtrack when labeling will need...
There is no minimization, but that is easy to add after we get the solutions.
So far, all seems 'logical' to me. But, of course...
?- escape_clpfd(T, S).
So, here be dragons...
?- spy(lmove),escape_clpfd(T, S).
% Spy point on escape_zurg:lmove/4
* Call: (9) escape_zurg:lmove([_G12082{clpfd = ...}, _G12164{clpfd = ...}, _G12246{clpfd = ...}, _G12328{clpfd = ...}]/[0, 0, 0, 0], 2/2, _G12658/_G12659, _G12671) ? creep
Call: (10) escape_zurg:move_one([_G12082{clpfd = ...}, _G12164{clpfd = ...}, _G12246{clpfd = ...}, _G12328{clpfd = ...}], [0, 0, 0, 0], _G12673, _G12674, _G12661) ? sskip
... etc etc
Sorry, will post a solution if I'll get some spare time to debug...
edit there were several bugs... with this lmove/4
lmove(L/R, Lz/Rz, Lu/Ru, max(A, B)) :-
move_one(L, R, Lt, Rt, A),
move_one(Lt, Rt, Lu, Ru, B),
count_0s(Lu, Lz),
count_0s(Ru, Rz).
at least we start getting solutions (added variables to interface to label from outside...)
escape_clpfd(T, Sf, L0) :- ...
?- escape_clpfd(T, S, Vs), label(Vs).
T = 85,
S = [max(5, 10), 10, max(10, 20), 20, max(20, 25)],
Vs = [5, 10, 20, 25] ;
T = 95,
S = [max(5, 10), 10, max(10, 25), 25, max(25, 20)],
Vs = [5, 10, 25, 20] ;
the code above works, but is painfully slow:
?- time((escape_clpfd(60, Sf, L0),label(L0))).
% 15,326,054 inferences, 5.466 CPU in 5.485 seconds (100% CPU, 2803917 Lips)
Sf = [max(5, 10), 10, max(20, 25), 5, max(5, 10)],
L0 = [5, 10, 20, 25]
with this change to move_one/5:
move_one([L|Ls], [R|Rs], [R|Ls], [L|Rs], L) :-
L #\= 0,
R #= 0.
move_one([L|Ls], [R|Rs], [L|Lu], [R|Ru], E) :-
move_one(Ls, Rs, Lu, Ru, E).
I have better performance:
?- time((escape_clpfd(60, Sf, L0),label(L0))).
% 423,394 inferences, 0.156 CPU in 0.160 seconds (97% CPU, 2706901 Lips)
Sf = [max(5, 10), 5, max(20, 25), 10, max(5, 10)],
L0 = [5, 10, 20, 25]
then, adding to lmove/4
... A #< B, ...
i get
% 233,953 inferences, 0.089 CPU in 0.095 seconds (94% CPU, 2621347 Lips)
Sf = [max(5, 10), 5, max(20, 25), 10, max(5, 10)],
the whole it's still a lot slower than my pure Prolog solution...
other small improvements:
?- time((escape_clpfd(60, Sf, L0),maplist(#=,L0,[5,10,20,25]))).
% 56,583 inferences, 0.020 CPU in 0.020 seconds (100% CPU, 2901571 Lips)
Sf = [max(5, 10), 5, max(20, 25), 10, max(5, 10)],
where all_different/1 has been replaced by
chain(L0, #<),
Another improvement: counting both side for zeros is useless: removing (arbitrarly) one side in both lmove and rmove we get
% 35,513 inferences, 0.014 CPU in 0.014 seconds (100% CPU, 2629154 Lips)
Sf = [max(5, 10), 5, max(20, 25), 10, max(5, 10)],
Just for fun, here is the same pure (except aggregation) Prolog solution, using a simple deterministic 'lifting' of variables (courtesy 'lifter'):
:- use_module(carlo(snippets/lifter)).
solve([A, B], _, [max(A, B)]).
solve(L0, R0, [max(A, B), C|T]) :-
solve([C|select(B, select(A, L0, °), °)],
select(C, append([A, B], R0, °), °),
btw, it's rather fast:
?- time(escape_zurg(T,S)).
% 50,285 inferences, 0.065 CPU in 0.065 seconds (100% CPU, 769223 Lips)
T = 60,
S = [max(5, 10), 5, max(20, 25), 10, max(10, 5)].
(the absolute timing is not so good because I'm running a SWI-Prolog compiled for debugging)
I think #mat has come up with a good answer for what I was originally trying to do but I did try and also use automaton/4, alongside backtracking search to add arcs. This is as far I got. But I get the error ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated when calling bridge/2. Just posting here if anyone has any comments on this approach or knows why this would come up with this error, or if I am using automaton/4 completely wrong!
fd_length(L, N) :-
N #>= 0,
fd_length(L, N, 0).
fd_length([], N, N0) :-
N #= N0.
fd_length([_|L], N, N0) :-
N1 is N0+1,
N #>= N1,
fd_length(L, N, N1).
LenR #=4-LenL,
L0 ins 5\/10\/20\/25,
R0 ins 5\/10\/20\/25,
Before =[L0,R0],
Cost #=max(A,B),
Arc =arc(Before,Cost,After).
LenR #=4-LenL,
L0 ins 5\/10\/20\/25,
R0 ins 5\/10\/20\/25,
Arc =arc(After,Cost,Before).
Arcs =[ArcLR,ArcRL].
This is not an answer for using CLP(FD) but just to show the two solutions that exist for this puzzle with cost equal or lower than 60 (the text is too big to put in a comment).
There are several variations of this puzzle. Logtalk includes one, in its searching/bridge.lgt example, with different set of characters and corresponding times to cross the bridge. But we can patch it to solve instead for the variation in this question (using the current Logtalk git version):
?- set_logtalk_flag(complements, allow).
?- {searching(loader)}.
% (0 warnings)
?- create_category(patch, [complements(bridge)], [], [initial_state(start, ([5,10,20,25], left, [])), goal_state(end, ([], right, [5,10,20,25]))]).
?- performance::init, bridge::initial_state(Initial), hill_climbing(60)::solve(bridge, Initial, Path, Cost), bridge::print_path(Path), performance::report.
5 10 20 25 lamp _|____________|_
20 25 _|____________|_ lamp 5 10
5 20 25 lamp _|____________|_ 10
5 _|____________|_ lamp 10 20 25
5 10 lamp _|____________|_ 20 25
_|____________|_ lamp 5 10 20 25
solution length: 6
state transitions (including previous solutions): 113
ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.05309734513274336
minimum branching degree: 1
average branching degree: 5.304347826086956
maximum branching degree: 10
time: 0.004001000000000032
Initial = ([5, 10, 20, 25], left, []),
Path = [([5, 10, 20, 25], left, []), ([20, 25], right, [5, 10]), ([5, 20, 25], left, [10]), ([5], right, [10, 20, 25]), ([5, 10], left, [20, 25]), ([], right, [5|...])],
Cost = 60 ;
5 10 20 25 lamp _|____________|_
20 25 _|____________|_ lamp 5 10
10 20 25 lamp _|____________|_ 5
10 _|____________|_ lamp 5 20 25
5 10 lamp _|____________|_ 20 25
_|____________|_ lamp 5 10 20 25
solution length: 6
state transitions (including previous solutions): 219
ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.0273972602739726
minimum branching degree: 1
average branching degree: 5.764705882352941
maximum branching degree: 10
time: 0.0038759999999999906
Initial = ([5, 10, 20, 25], left, []),
Path = [([5, 10, 20, 25], left, []), ([20, 25], right, [5, 10]), ([10, 20, 25], left, [5]), ([10], right, [5, 20, 25]), ([5, 10], left, [20, 25]), ([], right, [5|...])],
Cost = 60 ;
