Why does use of # is not commenting instead getting no. of elements in the following code? - bash

#Declare array with 4 elements
ARRAY=( 'Debian Linux' 'Redhat Linux' Ubuntu Linux )
# get number of elements in the array
# echo each element in array
# for loop
for (( i=0;i<$ELEMENTS;i++)); do
echo ${ARRAY[${i}]}
In the 5th line (ELEMENTS=${#ARRAY[#]}) is getting the element no. How does this happens? Please explain.

It's because of the ${...} expansion. Inside one of them, the # character is not treated as an indicator of a comment. I wanted to know exactly, so I searched the source code of bash. First the part with normal comments in parse.y:
if MBTEST(character == '#' && (!interactive || interactive_comments))
/* A comment. Discard until EOL or EOF, and then return a newline. */
discard_until ('\n');
shell_getc (0);
character = '\n'; /* this will take the next if statement and return. */
If the character is a # the rest of the line is ignored. So far so good.
Now, if we're inside an opened ${...} expansion and the next character is #, the rest of the content until the closing } is interpreted as a variable name. See the relevant part in subst.c:
/* ${#var} doesn't have any of the other parameter expansions on it. */
if (string[t_index] == '#' && legal_variable_starter (string[t_index+1]))
name = string_extract (string, &t_index, "}", SX_VARNAME);

From man bash:
In a non-interactive shell, or an interactive shell in which the interactive_comments option to the shopt builtin is enabled (see SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below), a word beginning with # causes that word and all remaining characters on that line to be ignored. An interactive shell without the interactive_comments option enabled does not allow comments. The interactive_comments option is on by default in interactive shells.
If a word begins with #, that indicates start of the comment. If it is in between the word, it is not.

As #choroba mentioned, read the paragraph Parameter Expansion in the bash manual pages:
The length in characters of the expanded value of parameter is
substituted. If parameter is ‘’ or ‘#’, the value substituted is the
number of positional parameters. If parameter is an array name
subscripted by ‘’ or ‘#’, the value substituted is the number of
elements in the array.


Build a variable made with 2 sub-stings of another variable in bash

Here is a script I use:
for dir in $(find . -type d -name "single_copy_busco_sequences"); do
sppname=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $dir))| sed 's#./##g');
for file in ${dir}/*.faa; do name=$(basename $file); cp $file /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name}; sed -i '' 's#>#>'${sppname}'|#g' /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name}; cut -f 1 -d ":" /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name} > /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name}.1;
The sppname variable is something like Gender_species
do you know how could I add a line in my script to creat a new variable called abbrev which transformes Gender_species into Genspe, the 3 first letters cat with the 3 first letters after _
Homo_sapiens gives Homsap
Canis_lupus gives Canlup
Thank for your help :)
You can achieve this using a regular expression with sed:
echo "Homo_sapiens" | sed -e s'/^\(...\).*_\(...\).*/\1\2/'
start, get 3 chars (to keep in \1), anything, _, anything, get 3 chars (to keep in \2), anything
Replace echo "Homo_sapiens" by your $dir thing
PS: will fail if you have less than 3 chars in one word
You can do it all with bash built-in parameter expansions. Specifically, string indexes and substring removal.
$ a=Homo_sapiens; prefix=${a:0:3}; a=${a#*_}; postfix=${a:0:3}; echo $prefix$postfix
$ a=Canis_lupus; prefix=${a:0:3}; a=${a#*_}; postfix=${a:0:3}; echo $prefix$postfix
Using bash built-ins is always more efficient than spawning separate subshell(s) to invoke utilities to accomplish the same thing.
Your string index form (bash only) allows you to index characters from within a string, e.g.
* ${parameter:offset:length} ## indexes are zero based, ${a:0:2} is 1st 2 chars
Where parameter is simply the variable name holding the string.
(you can index from the end of a string by using a negative offset preceded by a space or enclosed in parenthesis, e.g. a=12345; echo ${a: -3:2} outputs "34")
prefix=${a:0:3} ## save the first 3 characters in prefix
a=${a#*_} ## remove the front of the string through '_' (see below)
postfix=${a:0:3} ## save the first 3 characters after '_'
Your substring removal forms (POSIX) are:
${parameter#word} trim to 1st occurrence of word from parameter from left
${parameter##word} trim to last occurrence of word from parameter from left
${parameter%word} trim to 1st occurrence of word from parameter from right
${parameter%%word} trim to last occurrence of word from parameter from right
(word can contain globbing to expand to a pattern as well)
a=${a#*_} ## trim from left up to (and including) the first '_'
See bash(1) - Linux manual page for full details.

Replace Last Occurrence of Substring in String (bash)

From the bash software manual:
The pattern is expanded to produce a
pattern just as in filename expansion. Parameter is expanded and the
longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with string.
... If pattern begins with ‘%’, it must match
at the end of the expanded value of parameter.
And so I've tried:
local new_name=${file/%old/new}
Where string is an absolute file path (/abc/defg/hij and old and new are variable strings.
However this seems to be trying to match the literal %sb1.
What is the syntax for this?
Expected Output:
/foo/sb1/foo/bar/sb1 should become /foo/sb1/foo/bar/sb2
/foo/foosb1other/foo/bar/foosb1bar should become /foo/foosb1other/foo/bar/foosb2bar
Using only shell-builtin parameter expansion:
src=sb1; dest=sb2
if [[ $old = *"$src"* ]]; then
prefix=${old%"$src"*} # Extract content before the last instance
suffix=${old#"$prefix"} # Extract content *after* our prefix
new=${prefix}${suffix/"$src"/"$dest"} # Append unmodified prefix w/ suffix w/ replacement
declare -p new >&2
...properly emits:
declare -- new="/foo/foosb1other/foo/bar/foosb2bar"

Why does IFS not affect the length of an array in bash?

I have two specific questions about the IFS. I'm aware that changing the internal field separator, IFS, changes what the bash script iterates over.
So, why is it that the length of the array doesn't change?
Here's my example:
echo "the internal field separator is $IFS"
echo "length of strings_to_find is ${#strings_to_find[#]}"
for string in ${strings_to_find[#]}
echo "string is separated correctly and is $string"
But why does the length not get affected by the new IFS?
The second thing that I don't understand is how to make the IFS affect the input arguments.
Let's say I'm expecting my input arguments to look like this:
./executable_shell_script.sh first_arg:second_arg:third_arg
And I want to parse the input arguments by setting the IFS to :. How do I do this? Setting the IFS doesn't seem to do anything. I must be doing this wrong....?
Thank you.
Bash arrays are, in fact, arrays. They are not strings which are parsed on demand. Once you create an array, the elements are whatever they are, and they won't change retroactively.
However, nothing in your example creates an array. If you wanted to create an array out of argument 2, you would need to use a different syntax:
Although your strings_to_find is not an array, bash allows you to refer to it as though it were an array of one element. So ${#strings_to_find[#]} will always be one, regardless of the contents of strings_to_find. Also, your line:
for string in ${strings_to_find[#]}
is really no different from
for string in $strings_to_find
Since that expansion is not quoted, it will be word-split, using the current value of IFS.
If you use an array, most of the time you will not want to write for string in ${strings_to_find[#]}, because that just reassembles the elements of an array into a string and then word-splits them again, which loses the original array structure. Normally you will avoid the word-splitting by using double quotes:
for string in "${strings_to_find[#]}"
As for your second question, the value of IFS does not alter the shell grammar. Regardless of the value of IFS, words in a command are separated by unquoted whitespace. After the line is parsed, the shell performs parameter and other expansions on each word. As mentioned above, if the expansion is not quoted, the expanded text is then word-split using the value of IFS.
If the word does not contain any expansions, no word-splitting is performed. And even if the word does contain expansions, word-splitting is only performed on the expansion itself. So, if you write:
my_function a:b:c
my_function will be called with a single argument; no expansion takes places, so no word-splitting occurs. However, if you use $1 unquoted inside the function, the expansion of $1 will be word-split (if it is expanded in a context in which word-splitting occurs).
On the other hand,
my_function $args
will cause my_function to be invoked with three arguments.
And finally,
my_function a:b:$args
is exactly the same as the first invocation, because there is no : in the expansion.
This is an example script based on #rici's answer :
echo "Total Params : " $#
array1=($1) # Word splitting occurs here based on the IFS ':'
echo "Total elements in array1 : "${#array1[#]}
# Here '#' before array counts the length of the array
array2=("$1") # No word splitting because we have enclosed $1 in double quotes
echo "Total elements in array2 : "${#array2[#]}
IFS=$':' #Changing the IFS
fun a:b:c #Nothing to expand here, so no use of IFS at all. See fun2 at last
fun a b c
fun abc
fun $args # Expansion! Word splitting occurs with the current IFS ':' here
fun "$args" # preventing word spliting by enclosing ths string in double quotes
fun2 a:b:c
Total Params : 1
Total Params : 3
Total Params : 1
Total Params : 3
Total Params : 1
Total elements in array1 : 3
Total elements in array2 : 1
Bash manpage says :
The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the
results of the other expansions into words on these characters.

Bash completion with none space delimited words

I am working on completion for a command that takes argument like "one:two:three".
In the simplest terms, I want ':' to be handled just like a space character is by default. Is there a simple way to do this that I am missing?
I've found the ':' is in COMP_WORDBREAKS, but that the character in COMP_WORDBREAKS are also treated as words as well.
So if the commandline is:
cmd one:tw[TAB]
COMP_CWORD will be 3 and COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1] will be ':'
For comparison, if the commandline is:
cmd one tw[TAB]
COMP_CWORD will be 2 and COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1] will be 'one'
Even worse is that if you hit the [TAB] right after the ':' delimiter it acts mostly like a space:
cmd one:[TAB]
Now COMP_CWORD will be 2 and COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1] will be 'one'.
I can parse the commandline myself from COMP_LINE easily enough, but nicer to find a way to just make ':' act like ' ' in my custom completion. Possible?
Unfortunately, not really. This is actually a 'feature' of bash.
While you could modify COMP_WORDBREAKS, modifying COMP_WORDBREAKS could cause other issues as it is a global variable and will affect the behavior of other completion scripts.
If you take a look at the source for bash-completion, two helper methods exist that can help with this:
_get_comp_words_by_ref with the -n option gets the word-to-complete without considering the characters in EXCLUDE as word breaks
# Available VARNAMES:
# cur Return cur via $cur
# prev Return prev via $prev
# words Return words via $words
# cword Return cword via $cword
# Available OPTIONS:
# -n EXCLUDE Characters out of $COMP_WORDBREAKS which should NOT be
# considered word breaks. This is useful for things like scp
# where we want to return host:path and not only path, so we
# would pass the colon (:) as -n option in this case.
# -c VARNAME Return cur via $VARNAME
# -p VARNAME Return prev via $VARNAME
# -w VARNAME Return words via $VARNAME
# -i VARNAME Return cword via $VARNAME
__ltrim_colon_completions removes colon containing prefix from COMPREPLY items
# word-to-complete.
# With a colon in COMP_WORDBREAKS, words containing
# colons are always completed as entire words if the word to complete contains
# a colon. This function fixes this, by removing the colon-containing-prefix
# from COMPREPLY items.
# The preferred solution is to remove the colon (:) from COMP_WORDBREAKS in
# your .bashrc:
# # Remove colon (:) from list of word completion separators
# See also: Bash FAQ - E13) Why does filename completion misbehave if a colon
# appears in the filename? - http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/FAQ
# #param $1 current word to complete (cur)
# #modifies global array $COMPREPLY
For example:
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur
__ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"
complete -F _thing thing
First take on a custom parsed solution. Love to know if there is a better way:
parms=$(echo "$COMP_LINE" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
words=( $vals )
unset IFS

confusing statement in shell script

while sizes=`sizes $pgid`
set -- $sizes
let peak="sample > peak ? sample : peak"
sleep 0.1
i am confused about the below statement:
could anybody explain this?
The '${#/#/+}' part is a regular expression expansion:
The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in filename expansion.
Parameter is expanded and the longest match of pattern against its value is
replaced with string. If pattern begins with '/', all matches of pattern are replaced
with string. Normally only the first match is replaced. If pattern begins
with '#', it must match at the beginning of the expanded value of parameter.
If pattern begins with '%', it must match at the end of the expanded value of
parameter. If string is null, matches of pattern are deleted and the / following
pattern may be omitted. If parameter is '#' or '*', the substitution operation
is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant
list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with '#' or '*', the
substitution operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the
expansion is the resultant list.
So, it looks like it replaces the empty string at the start of each value in the argument list '$#' with a '+'. It's key merit is that it prefixes each argument in one fell swoop; otherwise, it is similar to "+$var".
The '$(( ... )) part is an arithmetic expression. It performs arithmetic on the expression between the parentheses. So, in context, it adds up the values in the argument list, assuming they are all numeric. Given the expansion, it might yield:
set -- 2 3 5 7 11
sample1=$((+2 +3 +5 +7 +11))
echo $sample = $sample1
and hence '28 = 28'.
Let's take the line from the inside out.
This is a parameter expansion, which expands the $# parameter (which in this case, will be an array of all of the items in $sizes), and then does a pattern match on each item, replacing each matched sequence with +. The # in the pattern matches the beginning of each item in the input; it doesn't actually consume anything, so the replacement by + will just add a + before each item. You can see this in action with a simple test function:
$ function tst() { echo ${#/#/+}; }
$ tst 1 2 3
+1 +2 +3
The result of this is then substituted into $(( )), which performs arithmetic expansion, evaluating the expression within it. The end result is that the variable $sample is set to the sum of all of the numbers in $sizes.
It's an arithmetic expansion of a string replacement.
$(( )) is arithmetic expansion - eg echo $((1 + 2)).
${var/x/y} is a string replacement; in this case, replace the first # in a line with +. $# is a variable that in this case contains $sizes; this will replace the string and then looks like it will add the values in it.
${var/old/new} expands $var, changing any "old" to "new".
${var/#old/new} insists that the match start at the start of the value
${var/#/new} substitutes at the start of every variable
${#/#/new} (and $#) applies to each parameter
$(( 1 + 3 )) replaces with the arithmetic result.
$(( ${#/#/+/ ))
Expands $#, the arguments from set -- $sizes, prepends a "+" to each parameter and runs the result through an arithmetic evaluation. It looks like it is adding all values on each line.
