go get gopkg.in/gomail.v1 cannot get gomail module - go

I am trying to get gomail via gopkg.in/gomail.v1 but my connection just stays hanging. In other words, on my console, when I type:
[developer#machine gocode]$ go get gopkg.in/gomail.v1
I get nothing
However in the /gocode/src/gopkg.in directory, I see a directory named gomail.v1 with nothing inside..

I hope this will help others. I spent almost 3 hours figuring this out. Apparently,
[developer#machine gocode]$ go get gopkg.in/wantedpackage
will not not work with git version <
The trick is to upgrade your git version. I upgraded my git version to and it works.

go get does not not display anything while downloading and installing libraries. So as long as you are connected to the internet just wait. If there are troubles connecting to the server it will display an error.
Depending on your platform: Check if you have installed git and hg.


How to solve "The procedure entry point GetHostNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dil" when command "heroku create"

I get "The procedure entry point GetHostNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dil" error when I command Heroku create . I already installed Heroku cli on my computer. For the first time (first project) it (Heroku create) worked fine.
But the 2nd time when I gave this command it gave me an error.
After a long research on the internet I could not get rid of this error.
Now please tell me how I can solve this problem ? Note: My OS is Windows 7
You cannot. GetHostNameW is only available in Windows 8 and above.
see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-gethostnamew
Heroku CLI current latest version (as of July 2022) is 7.60.2, which was forced by auto-update onto our machine regardless of our OS version; this CLI version somehow used WS2_32.dll with GetHostNameW API that only applicable to Windows 8+. Error:
Node.exe - The procedure entry point GetHostNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dll
No Heroku problem-ticket was open as far as I know (and Heroku PROHIBITS me from opening a new ticket!)
This is a "hack" (temporary) solution until - hopefully - Heroku addresses this issue! Basically we will force our local machine Heroku CLI to use the previous version that was working before the latest update.
Open: [YourLocalUserFolder]\AppData\Local\heroku\autoupdate.log => Go to the last update log (typically the LAST line at the bottom of the file), and see which version that was working before the latest updates who broke it. Example:
waiting until 2022-07-23T22:40:33.199Z to update
time to update
heroku: Updating CLI...
heroku: Updating CLI from 7.59.2 to 7.60.2... done
From this log, we found that the currently used CLI is v. 7.60.2. This version is the one broke my CLI on Windows 7, causing the error. The solution here is to go back and use the previously working version: 7.59.2
Go to and make backup of the following:
Folder [YourLocalUserFolder]\AppData\Local\heroku\client\7.59.2 => As: [YourLocalUserFolder]\AppData\Local\heroku\client\7.59.2_BACKUP_20220723. Why? This is the WORKING CLI version, so we want to preserve it from Heroku auto-delete!
(Optional) File [YourLocalUserFolder]\AppData\Local\heroku\client\bin\heroku.cmd => As: [YourLocalUserFolder]\AppData\Local\heroku\client\bin\heroku.cmd_ORIG_20220723. Why? This is the original CMD file containing the latest syntax after Heroku latest update. We are going to modify this file.
Modify file: [YourLocalUserFolder]\AppData\Local\heroku\client\bin\heroku.cmd => with the following:
"%~dp0..\7.59.2\bin\heroku.cmd" %*
What it is: To modify the last line only, change from whatever latest version to "7.59.2" version. By doing this, when we run heroku CLI again, it shall use this version, and not the latest one.

Why can't SnowSQL 1.2.2 find a version to download?

First thing I do after unpacking the SnowSQL Linux client is try to upgrade it. This has worked very well through at least v1.1.84. Today I downloaded v1.2.2, installed it, and got an error:
$ ~/bin/snowsql -Uv
No snowsql is available for download: url=https://sfc-repo.snowflakecomputing.com/snowsql, version=1.2
The error comes from this download. Has something changed? I get the same error even when I just try to use it with no options at all, or trying to connect by passing my account code and username.
The curl above was missing https and hence gave the wrong impression of 403 forbidden.
Some times due to a caching issue with the downloads it will not autoupgrade. There are two main components, one being bootstrap and the other one being the main snowsql component. The one you see the issue with is the main component (it is auto-downloaded when you run snowsql).
You can force new version download using snowsql -v 1.2.2 as an exmaple.
You can delete/move the .snowsql directory (~/.snowsql or ~/bin/.snowsql) to ensure a new main component version is downloaded by the new bootstrap.
You may also try using the newer versions for which the rpm is available at
I noticed Snowflake has some weird firewall configs and similar errors can either happen consistently or intermittently.
The only option I'm aware of that can help if it happens consistently is to use --noup flag with your commands. This will not check for snowsql updates of course, but you can always manually download a newer version via your browser(with VPN is needed).

Apache Flink Installation 1.6.2 on Mac with Homebrew

I am trying to use Apache Flink for the first time for a school project, but I'm running into some trouble after installation. I have tried to follow the Quicksetup on the site, but I keep running into the same problem.
Console Output
The brew installation seems to work fine, this is where I ran into the first inconsistency however. Next the guide tells me to execute the following line
$ ./bin/start-cluster.sh # Start Flink
which doesn't work without installing a binary from here though
So I did that (I downloaded the Flink 1.6.2 with Hadoop 2.7 binary) and was then able to find the file and execute it. After doing this I'm supposed to go the the web frontend, and verify that a task is running. However when I go there nothing is shown.
Console Output
Web Dashbord
I started by executing the stop-cluster file, because for some reason I'm constantly getting the INFO Message
[INFO] 1 instance(s) of standalonesession are already running on Moritzs-MBP.fritz.box.
So far I have tried to to look into the flink-conf.yaml file which does set the numberOfTaskSlots to 1, so the problem does not seem to lie there. Otherwise I didn't really know where to look from there however and only tried to uninstall the and reinstall everything with no results however.
Sorry that the images are not shown, previously I had been able to fix all my code problems with existing posts and thus I can't directly post them yet. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance,
By using brew installation, the start-cluster.sh should be able to found in:
I'm not sure why start-cluster.sh isn't succeeding in starting up a taskmanager, but you can always (try to) start another one by hand with
$ ./bin/taskmanager.sh start

Nothing happens when running go get github.com/astaxie/beego

warning: noob question ahead :-)
I was trying to run go get github.com/astaxie/beego but it does nothing. I have been running examples I picked up from the internet and I installed gotour successfully. Any idea why?
Turns out my setup was messed up. I purged everything and installed golang using this nifty script: https://github.com/moovweb/gvm. It takes care of everything. Thanks #peterSO for the help.
If it doesn't show anything, it doesn't mean nothing works. Try doing the same with '-v' flag
go get -v github.com/astaxie/beego
Besides, all your downloads will be saved (most probably) somewhere to your '~' directory ('~/go/src' in my case), not in your current terminal directory
if on Ubuntu/Debian?, try the golang package for installing go. it seems to work for me quite well.

Unable to install Git using Homebrew

I have been trying to install Git using Homebrew on OSX Lion for over a week now, with no luck. Other installs have been fine, what am I doing wrong please?
MacBookPro:Rails pingu$ brew install git
==> Downloading http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 503
Error: Failure while executing: /usr/bin/curl -f#LA Homebrew\ 0.8\ (Ruby\ 1.8.7-249;\ Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7) http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git- -o /Users/pingu/Library/Caches/Homebrew/git-
If you follow the link that 'brew install git' spits out - you will find that the website is "Down for maintenance". That's why it is not working!
A clever SO'er found the solution to this problem by using a mirror for the tar. You can read his instructions in this answer
If you go to the URL yourself you will notice the huge Maintenance warning. This is probably connected with the recent security breach on kernel.org.
Just try again later when the kernel.org admins are sure that the systems are save.
It is worth keeping a chart of the major status codes, handy. A good source is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
404's are well known enough, but the 500 series, as indicated, reflect a server problem. Good web developers should also be looking at their logs, and if, for example, they are getting regular hits from a link to a location that they now no longer use, they should return a '301' (Moved Permanently), which may trigger the referring linker to update their link (or not).
