JSF,Spring,Hibernate Integration.Showing error in applicationContext.xml - spring

I am trying to integrate JSF,Spring and Hibernate.I created bean id for one class in spring .But applicationContext.xml file showing a ClassNotFound exception for the class in Spring project.


Instantiating Spring boot bean from Spring applicationContext

I am trying to autowire a bean created in spring boot jar in my spring application and when i try to run the app that bean throws error as bean not found. Now since we do not have ComponentScan in spring application, is there any way we can create a bean from spring boot app in classic spring app.

Spring Boot Bean 'Required bean of type that could not be found'

I have been working on learning how to use spring data and I have created a very simple project to test it. The folder structure and applicationcontext.xml is shown here:applicationcontext.xml and folder structure
The error I am getting is shown here:console error output
I have the applicationContext on my classpath and have a bean of that class declared, any idea as to what my problem could be ? Thank you.
I have updated my post to show the main class and the dao class, as well as my pom.xml contents (as at this point, I am wondering if I need to include another dependency . . . )
main class
dao (repository)
I miss the following line in your application log:
... o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader : Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [applicationContext.xml]
So I assume your applicationContext.xml file is not loaded at all.
Either add
to your application class or add the
annotation to your UserRepository class.
In my opinion you should avoid mixing Java and XML Spring configuration if possible.

Error when using #StepScope with Spring Batch Admin

I'm using Spring Batch Admin to launch batches from a batch module of my main project.
The batch module compile as a JAR addedstrong text in the dependency of the Spring Batch Admin project as follow:
Since I added "#StepScope" on one of my reader classes, I get the following error when deploying Spring Batch Admin
Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy71]: Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot subclass final class class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy71
I had the same error when running my unit test on the batch module (without Spring Batch Admin) but I resolved it using the following bean declaration in my test configuration:
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.scope.StepScope">
<property name="autoProxy" value="false" />
But I don't find how to use similar declaration to prevent the error in the Spring Batch Admin project.
I tried to add the bean into a configuration on the module side or on the SBA project side but nothing seems to work.
As far as I can see this error not caused by SBA. This is usual attempt of spring to proxify your bean. Please check your class annotated with #StepScope and remove final from class definition and public method definitions.

Not able to get bean when loading application context from jar

I am loading my application context from a jar file. The jar file contains all class files of war that is been created from maven by using attachclasses=true. The war file uses <mvc:annotation-driven /> and <context:component-scan />. The components inside are annotated by #Component,#Service and #Autowired is also used. When I am doing
ApplicationContext applicationContext=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath*:web-controller-application.xml");
It says no qualified bean of this type is found where as the same works fine as spring mvc web-application.

No matching factory method found: factory method 'aspectOf() when deploy Spring application in Weblogic

Current application works fine in tc-server/Tomcat and Jboss, but when deployed in Websphere (12), I get
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'applicationAspect' defined in
ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/spring/app-context.xml]: No matching factory method found: factory method 'aspectOf()'
and its merely a bean I defined in the context for the aspect
<bean id="applicationAspect" class="com.my.app.myaspects" factory-method="aspectOf" />
This is all happens when I import and deploy the war file in Weblogic Oracle Enterprise pack for Eclipse.
I didn't change class-loader. just add a class path in in weblogic.xml for JPA purpose
Here I really want to understand why WebLogic behave so differently on Spring aspect, is it because I was deploying in a war file? I doubted.
