Spring SAML - Globally Unique EntityIds? - spring-saml

Please forgive my ignorance - I am fairly new to SAML - I have read that entity IDs are to be globally unique. In the Spring SAML documentation, it is suggested that should be added to spring configuration in order to enable automatic metadata generation. This generator seems to run with the very first request to hit spring security, before an application has had a chance to initiate any kind of session that would provide information to uniquely identify a user. With this being the case, how can a globally unique entity ID be generated? It seems as if two users interacting with my application would be given the same entity when they go to view my application's metadata.
It stands to reason that one of my assumptions here is wrong, but I'm not sure which. How can globally unique entity ids be generated?

The entity ID doesn't uniquely identify users, but your application. Therefore you don't need to identify any user in order to define it. Typically, entity ID corresponds to deployment URL of your application.
Entity IDs also don't have to be unique globally, but they must be unique among all service providers and identity providers in a single federation (aka circle of trust).


What is the best way to make Jhipster auto generated application have SAAS model?

Like Jhipster generated app has out of box user management, I want to create a company/organization concept in JHipster so that every data is associated with its own organization/company
What is the best approach to handle it?
Have someone done it before?
First, for the database you should look at multitenancy in Hibernate and precisely at the discriminator column approach described in
https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/current/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#multitenacy and https://www.baeldung.com/hibernate-5-multitenancy
Then, for the REST layer, you should consider implementing a Spring MVC interceptor to map authenticated user to tenant id. For debugging purpose, you should also consider setting the tenant id in logback MDC so that you can see it in logs.
Finally, you got to think at the admin part, administrators should probably be able to access all data from all tenants. If admins should not be allowed to do so, you should consider encrypting data with a key per tenant.
There's a blueprint but it's not working for current JHipster 7 and team is looking for contributors. However, there are examples generated that you could look at for inspiration, https://sonalake.com/latest/multi-tenant-applications-with-jhipster/

Using Spring ACL in a complicated access setup for an entity

I am developing a spring boot application with spring-data-rest being one of the core dependencies. As such, in order to secure the auto generated and manual endpoints I have been using a role based approach and a custom PermissionEvaluator to handle object specific auth checks. This works but is too cumbersome and fails when I need a filtered and paginated response. So, I am planning to implement ACL. Now, I have a rather complicated flow of authorisation for an entity.
The users are mapped to a profile entity(MANY TO MANY). The target entity is also mapped to a separate profile entity(MANY TO MANY) and these 2 profile entities are mapped to each other(MANY TO MANY). To check if a particular user has permission over a target entity object, I need to go through the relationships in my application logic, in my PermissionEvaluator.
Now, if I decide to implement this in ACL only, I am confused as to how to best to do this. The preliminary idea that I had is to create the object list directly in the ACL tables for each user(principle). This would mean that I would need to update the ACL tables everytime with new objects if a permission is changed. Is this a correct approach? Is there a better way to do this? Is it even ok to modify the ACL tables frequently?
Summary: If the logic to check if a user has access over an object is complicated and requires data from other tables, how do I handle it efficiently using ACL?
I'm working on an ACL extension for Spring Data JPA/Rest which handles all of your problems - and many more. It take some time to learn how does it work, but it still needs much less time than creating all of these features for yourself.
You can set up the access rules using annotations in the entity classes - and that's all. it will affect the auto-generated and manual endpoints and even the Data JPA repository-methods.
Spring Data JPA ACL

Spring Security Domain Model Authorization

Spring Security has this basic idea of a Principal and GrantedAuthority. I've implemented Spring Security and read this stackoverflow and understand at a basic level that a "ROLE" is nothing more than a GrantedAuthority prefixed with "ROLE_".
What I don't understand is why have this convention in the first place? Why have #PreAuthorize("hasRole('XYZ')") be equivilant to #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_XYZ')")?
What's so special about segregating Granted Authorities like this? What's the purpose?
Additionally, what is the best convention for applying these "ROLES" to specific instances of a Domain Model. Take for example a system that keeps track of projects and you want to explicitly give users access to view and edit certain projects. I could create ROLE_EDIT_PROJECT and ROLE_VIEW_PROJECT but that's application-wide. Where would you make the relationship of a ROLE to a specific project? A join table? Would you even involve Spring Security into this or build this type of security from scratch within your application?
I unfortunately don't know why this convention is used, probably just legacy code I would guess.
For the second part of your question, I would suggest using "hasPermission(project, 'view')" and define your own PermissionEvaluator.
more information can be found here

Using ServiceLocatorFactoryBean of Spring

I am creating third part login system for my web application using Oauth2 and have to support various third party Oauth2.0 service provider like
I have already working code for these.Each service provider have a certain set of configuration which need to be created before starting Oauth process.I was thinking about using ServiceLocatorFactoryBean of Spring and create few services for each Oauth provider and based on what user has selected can fetch that specific service.
Is my approach is good enough or is it like a overuse / overcomplicated one
As per one answer, We can create a single bean with singleton scope and inject Map of required services to it so as we can fetch services from Map based on what user has selected, though approach is fine but won't that force us to load every services in Memory and no matter if we will use them or not, they will remain in Memory
Using ServiceLocatorFactoryBean is a way to do it and solves the problem of getting a bean (implementing an interface) based on a String key lookup.
The javadoc says that the class is meant mostly for injecting prototype scoped beans, but also works for other scopes altough they don't advise it.
The javadoc gives an indication that is not the use case for which the ServiceLocatorFactoryBean was created, another solution that gives the same work is to just create a singleton bean OAuthServiceProvider that returns the correct service depending on a string using just some if/elses or a map.
In the long run it would more readable, the use of the ServiceLocatorFactoryBean seems not to buy us much compared to that.

Change data source dynamically on user login

I have a project that has the following requeriments:
Allow users to login in the same Web Application using different schemas following a criteria;
Dynamically route the datasource against a rule - for example, users in Company A should access schema A, users in Company B should access schema B;
The business logic which authenticates the user`s should be in a business component - EJB, because new applications can be added and this logic must be outside the Web Application.
I read about using Dynamic Data Source Routing. The CustomerContextHolder has a field which is ThreadLocal. Is ThreadLocal a guarantee that the user A will access the schema A following my criteria? Will the code be thread safe?
The way i understand is that you need multi tenency for spring along with datasource.
Probably you have have a look to spring extension which might help
