Cannot redirect the ouput of hwclock -r command - bash

I am implementing a shell script and I want to analyse the output shown by hwclock -r (--show) command which displays the RTC time and date.
To do that I tried things like: hwclock -r | grep -v "grep" | grep "error" > /dev/null
to see if an error happened while reading RTC registers.
The problem is that output is only and always forwarded to console. I tried to forward output to a file then analyse its content and I also tried to use tee -a command to direct output to both console and a file, but with no success.
Is there a solution to that or an explanation to what is happening with hwclock -r command.
In advance Thank you.

I just solved it by forwarding error messages to a file then make the analysis.
hwclock -r 2> file.txt; grep -v "grep" | grep "error" > /dev/null will do the job.
You omitted file.txt in the first grep.
If you just want to check for "error", with a not too old bash this will also do, in a shorter way:
hwclock -r |& grep error >/dev/null


Bash Script - tail to file

I have the following in a bash script file
grep ERROR $ExampleLogFile > $ErrorLogFile
When I run this, it copied the lines from ExampleLogFile to ErrorLogFile that contain ERROR successfully.
I need to make it so it continually monitors the ExampleLogFile for changes and writes those to the ErrorLogFile.
I was thinking of doing the following, but this doesn't work:
tail -f grep ERROR $ExampleLogFile > $ErrorLogFile
It does write some of the lines, but its not the ones containing ERROR.
tail: grep: No such file or directory
tail: ERROR: No such file or directory
Any advise please.
You can use tee command here.
tail -f $ExampleLogFile | grep --line-buffered ERROR | tee $ErrorLogFile
It will store and print to stdout at the same time.
You need:
while :; do grep ERROR $ExampleLogFile > $ErrorLogFile; sleep 2; done
This should achieve what you want without needing the tail command.
If the file will ever be cleared though this will not work as you might expect because the grep will pull only current entries in the $ErrorLogFile.
You can arrange the tail/grep in a pipe
tail -f $ExampleLogFile | grep ERROR > $ErrorLogFile
Remember that this command will never exit by itself (tail will continue to look for additional data). You will have to arrange for some other exit condition (e.g., timeout, explicit kill, etc).
tail -f $ExampleLogFile | grep --line-buffered ERROR > $ErrorLogFile
or paranoic:
stdbuf -oL tail -f $ExampleLogFile | stdbuf -oL grep --line-buffered ERROR > $ErrorLogFile
But most probably you want to include existing lines too. In that case:
tail -n +1 -f $ExampleLogFile | grep --line-buffered ERROR > $ErrorLogFile

Bash output from expect script to two different files

I am trying to output to two different files using tee. My first file will basically be tail -f /myfile and my second output will be a subset of the first file. I have looked online that they were saying we can use `|
tee >(proc1) >(proc2)
I have tried the above but both my files are blank.
Here is what i have so far:
ssh root#server 'tail -f /my/dir/text.log' | tee >(/mydir/my.log) >(grep 'string' /mydir/my.log > /mydir/mysecond.log)
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set pass password
spawn /my/dir/
expect {
"key fingerprint" {send "yes/r"; exp_contiue}
"assword: " {send "$pass\r"}
In your script, there are some problems in the usage of tee,
tee >(/mydir/my.log): can be substitute with tee /mydir/my.log, since tee would write to stdout and files, i.e. /mydir/my.log
grep 'string' /mydir/my.log > /mydir/mysecond.log: as I mentioned, tee would also write to stdout, so no need to grep the string from file, you can grep from stdout directly. Use pipeline to do it.
So the whole command shall be modified as followed,
ssh root#server 'tail -f /my/dir/text.log | tee /mydir/my.log | grep --line-buffered "string" > /mydir/mysecond.log'
For your further question
The command would hang because of tail -f was still waiting for output the growing file. If you don't want the command hanged, try to remove -f for tail.
Depends on the option -f existed for tail, you shall use two different way to allow the grep write file.
For tail case: grep can successfully write file
For tail -f case: --line-buffered for grep would use line buffering on output

bash command to grep something on stderr and save the result in a file

I am running a program called stm. I want to save only those stderr messages that contain the text "ERROR" in a text file. I also want the messages on the console.
How do I do that in bash?
Use the following pipeline if only messages containing ERROR should be displayed on the console (stderr):
stm |& grep ERROR | tee -a /path/to/logfile
Use the following command if all messages should be displayed on the console (stderr):
stm |& tee /dev/stderr | grep ERROR >> /path/to/logfile
Edit: Versions without connecting standard output and standard error:
stm 2> >( grep --line-buffered ERROR | tee -a /path/to/logfile >&2 )
stm 2> >( tee /dev/stderr | grep --line-buffered ERROR >> /path/to/logfile )
This looks like a duplicate of How to pipe stderr, and not stdout?
Redirect stderr to "&1", which means "the same place where stdout is going".
Then redirect stdout to /dev/null. Then use a normal pipe.
$ date -g
date: invalid option -- 'g'
Try `date --help' for more information.
$ (echo invent ; date -g)
invent (stdout)
date: invalid option -- 'g' (stderr)
Try `date --help' for more information. (stderr)
$ (echo invent ; date -g) 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep inv
date: invalid option -- 'g'
To copy the output from the above command to a file, you can use a > redirection or "tee". The tee command will print one copy of the output to the console and second copy to the file.
$ stm 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep ERROR > errors.txt
$ stm 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep ERROR | tee errors.txt
Are you saying that you want both stderr and stdout to appear in the console, but only stderr (not stdout) that contains "ERROR" to be logged to a file? It is that last condition that makes it difficult to find an elegant solution. If that is what you are looking for, here is my very ugly solution:
touch stm.out stm.err
stm 1>stm.out 2>stm.err & tail -f stm.out & tail -f stm.err & \
wait `pgrep stm`; pkill tail; grep ERROR stm.err > error.log; rm stm.err stm.out
I warned you about it being ugly. You could hide it in a function, use mktemp to create the temporary filenames, etc. If you don't want to wait for stm to exit before logging the ERROR text to a file, you could add tail -f stm.err | grep ERROR > error.log & after the other tail commands, and remove the grep command from the last line.

Truncating File in Bash

I am writing the output of a command into a bash file. The command gradually produces output, and I am using grep to retrieve part specific lines, and tee to write it to the file. Right now, the command is writing all the lines into the file. I want the file to be truncated everytime the bash command has some output, such that there is always one line in the file. How can I achieve such an effect?
The command I am using is:
2>&1 zypper -x -n in geany | grep -o --line-buffered "percent=\"[0-9]*\"" | tee /var/log/oneclick.log
This produces output like percent="10" and so on. Each time, only one line should exist in the file
If you need to overwrite the file for each line:
2>&1 zypper -x -n in geany |
grep -o --line-buffered "percent=\"[0-9]*\"" |
while read line; do
echo "$line" > /var/log/oneclick.log
echo "$line"

Write mplayer's output to fifo and read it

I'm trying write simple notify app in bash. I want to read output from mplayer, parse it and display through notify-send.
I can get desired info from mplayer using this:
mplayer <url> | grep ICY
and then parse in using sed.
I create named pipe, tell mplayer to write it and then I'm reading from it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Here's my script:
mkfifo $fifo
mplayer <url> 2>/dev/null | grep ICY 1> $fifo &
while read line < $fifo; do
echo $line
Program keeps waiting to input from $fifo. I tried following in other terminal, while this script is running:
echo "Test" > .rp/fifo
Terminal with running script shows "Test"
echo "ICY" | grep ICY > .rp/fifo
also works.
mplayer <url> | grep ICY > .rp/fifo
and it doesn't work.
Is I said above, the combination of mplayer | grep works fine. grep > $fifo works fine. I don't understand why mplayer | grep > $fifo doesn't work.
I suspect you might be experiencing the C library's fully buffered mode for streams. You don't say that you're running the GNU userspace, but if you are, you can look into stdbuf(1) to modify the buffering regime.
You might try first running just grep as a child of stdbuf(1), like this:
mplayer <url> | stdbuf -o L grep ICY > .rp/fifo
If that doesn't work, moar is bettar!
stdbuf -o 0 mplayer <url> | stdbuf -o L grep ICY > .rp/fifo
And if that still doesn't work, then it's possible that mplayer isn't writing to stdout, but directly to /dev/tty. In which case, you will need to read up on expect(1).
You could do unbuffered grep with:
$ mplayer ... 2>&1 | grep --line-buffered "ICY"
or better:
$ mplayer ... 2>&1 | sed -une 's/^.*ICY[^:]*: //p'
or even, why not (sed is very nice for grep and formatting),
this will grep ICY lines and even split line containing - in a first field of 30 chars length separed by a : from a second field:
$ mplayer ... 2>&1 |
sed -une "
s/^\(.*\) - /\1 - /;
s/^\(.\{30\}\) *- /\1: /;
could give something like:
Artist name : Song title
Other artist : Other song
Unsplited line
Artist : Title
I start mplayer in slave mode, using FIFO file.
mkfifo /tmp/mpfifo
mplayer -slave -input file=/tmp/mpfifo video.mp4
I am able to control the video player from another terminal.
echo "pause" >> /tmp/mpfifo
echo "volume 50" > /tmp/mpfifo
I want to get value (for example current position of playing video). So I tried:
echo "get_time_pos" > /tmp/mpfifo
But no value returned.
I searched for hours, but no success.
Then I thought to redirect mplayer output to a file:
mplayer -slave -input file=/tmp/mpfifo video.mp4 > /tmp/mpout.txt
After that when like following commands executed:
echo "get_time_pos" > /tmp/mpfifo
echo "get_property length" > /tmp/mpfifo
The outputs in /tmp/mpout.txt was like:
If the result of each command would return to the command line would be very nice. Even it may need some works, the output file can be parsed, though.
