Ruby: replacing a matching element in a multidimensional array? - ruby

Could someone tell me how I can achieve replacing an element in this 2D array? I tried each, include and replace and wasn't able to figure out where I am going wrong. Thank you in advance for any help.
class Lotto
def initialize
#lotto_slip = {Array({rand(1..60)})}
def current_pick
#number = rand(1..60).to_s
puts "The number is #{#number}."
def has_number
#prints out initial slip
#lotto_slip.each {|x| p x}
#Prints slip with an "X" replacing number if is on slip
#Ex: #number equals 4th number on slip --> 1, 2, 3, X, 5, 6
#lotto_slip.each do |z|
if z.include?(#number)
z = "X"
p #lotto_slip
z = z
p #lotto_slip
test =

Let me know if this works out (tried to reduce the variations from 1 to 10 in order to be able to test easier):
class Lotto
def initialize
#lotto_slip = {Array({rand(1..10)})}
def current_pick
#number = rand(1..10)
puts "The number is #{#number}."
def has_number
#prints out initial slip
#lotto_slip.each {|x| p x}
#Prints slip with an "X" replacing number if is on slip
#Ex: #number equals 4th number on slip --> 1, 2, 3, X, 5, 6
#lotto_slip.each do |z|
if z.include?(#number)
p "#{#number} included in #{z}"! { |x| x == #number ? 'X' : x}
test =
p test.has_number
The problems I saw with your code are:
You don't need the to_s for this line #number = rand(1..60).to_s, else how are you going to compare the numbers produced by the array with an actual string?
You need to re-generate the array instead of re-assigning, that's why I've replaced all of that code with! { |x| x == #number ? 'X' : x} which basically re-generates the entire array.

Not necessary iterate with each, use map:
#lotto_slip = {Array({rand(1..60)})}
#=> [[25, 22, 10, 10, 57, 17], [37, 4, 8, 52, 55, 7], [44, 30, 58, 58, 50, 19], [49, 49, 24, 31, 26, 28], [24, 18, 39, 27, 8, 54]]
#number = 24{|x|{|x| x == #number ? 'X' : x}}
#=> [[25, 22, 10, 10, 57, 17], [37, 4, 8, 52, 55, 7], [44, 30, 58, 58, 50, 19], [49, 49, "X", 31, 26, 28], ["X", 18, 39, 27, 8, 54]]


Remove groups of consecutive numbers from array in Ruby

I have an array:
[1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 23, 34, 35, 36, 45, 50, 51, ...]
I'm trying to remove each group of consecutive numbers so I end up with:
[6, 23, 45, ...]
I am looking for anomalies in serial ids. Does anyone have suggestions?
My initial attempt only checks for the id before each element:
non_consecutive_ids = []
ids.each_with_index do |x, i|
unless x == ids[i-1] + 1
non_consecutive_ids << x
The thing I think I was missing was to also check to see if the next element in the array is 1 more than the current.
Other option:
array.chunk_while { |i, j| i + 1 == j }.select { |e| e.size == 1 }.flatten
#=> [6, 23, 45]
The good of Enumerable#chunk_while is that it takes two params. The core doc has just an example of a one-by-one increasing subsequence.
You can use select and check the surrounding values:{ |x, index| (array[index-1] != x-1) && (array[index+1] != x+1)}

How to add to an array with an if method

I have an array of numbers like so...
a= [28, 67, 20, 38, 4, 39, 14, 84, 20, 64, 7, 24, 17, 8, 7, 6, 15, 52, 4, 26]
I need to check if each of the numbers is greater than 30 and if so then I want to count that number and get a count of how many numbers are greater than 30. I have this but it is not working so far
def late_items
total_late = []
if { |i| i > 30}
total_late << i
self.late_items = total_late.count
The count method can be passed a block to specify what kind of elements should be counted. Elements for which the block returns false or nil are ignored.
In your case, it would boil down to this:
array.count { |element| element > 30 }
You can use select to get all elements greater than 30.{|b| b > 30}.count
# => 6
Is is much simpler in Ruby:
a = [28, 67, 20, 38, 4, 39, 14, 84, 20, 64, 7, 24, 17, 8, 7, 6, 15, 52, 4, 26]{ |e| e > 30 }
It seems like you also want the index of each item that is over 30, if that is the case, this will work:
a= [28, 67, 20, 38, 4, 39, 14, 84, 20, 64, 7, 24, 17, 8, 7, 6, 15, 52, 4, 26]
count = 0
pos = []
a.each_with_index do |num, i|
if num > 30
count += 1
pos << i
puts count
print pos
#=> 6 [1,3,5,7,8,17]
You may also check the inject method. Within it you can easily get the sum of numbers greater than 30:
a.inject(0) { |sum, n| n > 30 ? sum += n : sum }
Or, if you have an array of numbers greater than 30, you can use reduce to summarize its items. Within your a variable it will look like:{ |n| n > 30 }.reduce(&:+)

Array select to get true and false arrays?

I know I can get this easily:
array = [45, 89, 23, 11, 102, 95]
lower_than_50 ={ |n| n<50}
greater_than_50 ={ |n| !n<50}
But is there a method (or an elegant manner) to get this by only running select once?
[lower_than_50, greater_than_50] = array.split_boolean{ |n| n<50}
over, under_or_equal = [45, 89, 23, 11, 102, 95].partition{|x| x>50 }
Or simply:
result = array.partition{|x| x>50 }
p result #=> [[89, 102, 95], [45, 23, 11]]
if you rather want the result as one array with two sub-arrays.
Edit: As a bonus, here is how you would to it if you have more than two alternatives and want to split the numbers:
my_custom_grouping = -> x do
case x
when 1..50 then :small
when 51..100 then :large
else :unclassified
p [-1,2,40,70,120].group_by(&my_custom_grouping) #=> {:unclassified=>[-1, 120], :small=>[2, 40], :large=>[70]}
The answer above is spot on!
Here is a general solution for more than two partitions (for example: <20, <50, >=50):
arr = [45, 89, 23, 11, 102, 95]
arr.group_by { |i| i < 20 ? 'a' : i < 50 ? 'b' : 'c' }
=> [[11], [45, 23], [89, 102, 95]]
This can be very useful if you're grouping by chunks (or any mathematically computable index such as modulo):
arr.group_by { |i| i / 50 }
=> [[45, 23, 11], [89, 95], [102]]

Every Other 2 Items in Array

I need a ruby formula to create an array of integers. The array must be every other 2 numbers as follows.
[2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19...]
I have read a lot about how I can do every other number or multiples, but I am not sure of the best way to achieve what I need.
Here's an approach that works on any array.
def every_other_two arr do |_, idx|
idx % 4 > 1
every_other_two((0...20).to_a) # => [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19]
# it works on any array
every_other_two %w{one two three four five six} # => ["three", "four"]
array = []
#Change 100000 to whatever is your upper limit
100000.times do |i|
array << i if i%4 > 1
This code works for any start number to any end limit
i = 3
j = 19
x =[]
(i...j).each do |y|
x << y if (y-i)%4<2
puts x
this should work
For fun, using lazy enumerables (requires Ruby 2.0 or gem enumerable-lazy):
(2..Float::INFINITY).step(4) { |x| [x, x+1] }.first(8)
#=> => [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15]
here's a solution that works with infinite streams:
enum = do |y|
(2...1/0.0).each_slice(4) do |slice|
slice[0 .. 1].each { |n| y.yield(n) }
enum.first(10) #=> [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19]
enum.each do |n|
puts n
Single Liner:
(0..20).to_a.reduce([0,[]]){|(count,arr),ele| arr << ele if count%4 > 1;
[count+1,arr] }.last
Starts the reduce look with 0,[] in count,arr vars
Add current element to array if condition satisfied. Block returns increment and arr for the next iteration.
I agree though that it is not so much of a single liner though and a bit complex looking.
Here's a slightly more general version of Sergio's fine answer
module Enumerable
def every_other(slice=1)
mod = slice*2
res = select.with_index { |_, i| i % mod >= slice }
block_given? ?{|x| yield(x)} : res
irb> (0...20).every_other
=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19]
irb> (0...20).every_other(2)
=> [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19]
irb> (0...20).every_other(3)
=> [3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17]
irb> (0...20).every_other(5) {|v| v*10 }
=> [50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190]

How to interleave arrays of different length in Ruby

If I want to interleave a set of arrays in Ruby, and each array was the same length, we could do so as:
However, how do we solve this problem if the arrays can be different sizes?
We could do something like:
def interleave(*args)
raise 'No arrays to interleave' if args.empty?
max_length = args.inject(0) { |length, elem| length = [length, elem.length].max }
output =
for i in 0...max_length
args.each { |elem|
output << elem[i] if i < elem.length
return output
But is there a better 'Ruby' way, perhaps using zip or transpose or some such?
Here is a simpler approach. It takes advantage of the order that you pass the arrays to zip:
def interleave(a, b)
if a.length >= b.length
interleave([21, 22], [31, 32, 33])
# => [21, 31, 22, 32, 33]
interleave([31, 32, 33], [21, 22])
# => [31, 21, 32, 22, 33]
interleave([], [21, 22])
# => [21, 22]
interleave([], [])
# => []
Be warned: this removes all nil's:
interleave([11], [41, 42, 43, 44, nil])
# => [11, 41, 42, 43, 44]
If the source arrays don't have nil in them, you only need to extend the first array with nils, zip will automatically pad the others with nil. This also means you get to use compact to clean the extra entries out which is hopefully more efficient than explicit loops
def interleave(a,*args)
max_length =
padding = [nil]*[max_length-a.size, 0].max
Here is a slightly more complicated version that works if the arrays do contain nil
def interleave(*args)
max_length =
pad =
args ={|a| a.dup.fill(pad,(a.size...max_length))}
Your implementation looks good to me. You could achieve this using #zip by filling the arrays with some garbage value, zip them, then flatten and remove the garbage. But that's too convoluted IMO. What you have here is clean and self explanatory, it just needs to be rubyfied.
Edit: Fixed the booboo.
def interleave(*args)
raise 'No arrays to interleave' if args.empty?
max_length =
output = []
max_length.times do |i|
args.each do |elem|
output << elem[i] if i < elem.length
a = [*1..5]
# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
b = [*6..15]
# => [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
c = [*16..18]
# => [16, 17, 18]
# => [1, 6, 16, 2, 7, 17, 3, 8, 18, 4, 9, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
Edit: For fun
def interleave(*args)
raise 'No arrays to interleave' if args.empty?
max_length =
# assumes no values coming in will contain nil. using dup because fill mutates{|e| e.dup.fill(nil, e.size...max_length)}.inject(:zip).flatten.compact
# => [1, 6, 16, 2, 7, 17, 3, 8, 18, 4, 9, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
