Ruby/Rails playing with arrays from multilevel nested associations - ruby

I have nested models, all mongoid documents :
class Project { ... has_many :tasks ...}
class Task
has_many :attributions, class_name: "TaskAttribution"
belongs_to :project
class TaskAttribution
belongs_to :task
belongs_to :user
I want to get an array of all TaskAttribution from a given project.
I'm sure I can do it with
class Project
def attributions
attris =
self.tasks.each do |task|
task.attributions.each do |attri|
attris << attri
Is the compiler doing any improvements, or should I manually do some eager loading ?
Same thing with an extra level of nesting ? (If I want an array of every user participating to the project)
class Project
def participating_users
users =
self.tasks.each do |task|
task.attributions.each do |attri|
attris << attri.user
EDIT : removed other questions because they were judged too subjective/not in the spirit of StackOverflow


ActiveRecord get all + associated details

I am trying to retrieve a list of all tasks, where each task has a developer and reviewer. I am able to retrieve the list but it contains developer_id and reviewer_id. How do I retrieve a list containing developer name and retriever name?
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
class Unread_Object < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
class Developer < Person
has_many :tasks
class Reviewer < Person
has_many :tasks
has_many :unread_objects
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :developer
belongs_to :reviewer
has_many :documents
after_save :add_task_to_unread_objects
def add_task_to_unread_objects
Person.find_each do |person|
:person_id =>,
:internal_object_id => self.internal_object_id,
:unread_cause => 'Create')
Things I have tried.
get '/taskslist' do
#Task.includes([:developer, :reviewer]).all.to_json
#Task.joins(:developer,:reviewer).select("tasks.*, people.*").to_json #works somewhat but only shows one name
#Task.includes(, #"undefined method `name' for :reviewer:Symbol"
#Task.find(:all, :include => {:people => :name}).to_json #Couldn't find all Tasks with 'id': (all, {:include=>{:people=>:name}})
I hope to get Tasks json with nested json for developer, reviewer and other objects.
This question is follow up of this.
After some searching found as_json(include: <association>)
So this works
Task.includes(:developer,:reviewer).all.as_json(include: [:developer,:reviewer]).to_json
But other alternatives need to be seen.

ruby remove common element collections

I have three classes: User, Subscription and Plan. I want to load all of the Plans that the User doesn't have. What's the best way to do it in Rails?
I have two collections: current_user.subscriptions and Plan.where(active: true)
And i am using mongoid
def dashboard
#plans = Plan.where(active: true)#.each { #plans.delete_if has_current_user_plan subscription.title }
def has_current_user_plan(name)
current_user.subscriptions.where(title: name, active: true).exists?
class User
has_many :subscriptions
class Subscription
belongs_to :plan
belongs_to :user
class Plan
has_many :subscriptions
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subscriptions
has_many :plans, through: :subscriptions # !!!
Plan.where(active: true).where.not(id: current_user.plans)
I'm not really sure what's the best approach for Mongoid because I've never used it. From what I've gather from the documentation, something like the following might work although I'm not running the code.
Plan.where(active: true).not_in(_id: Subscription.where(user_id:

Rails nested form on many-to-many: how to prevent duplicates?

I've setup a nested form in my rails 3.2.3 app, it's working fine, my models are:
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :description, :excerpt, :date, :ingredient_lines_attributes
has_and_belongs_to_many :ingredient_lines
accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredient_lines
class IngredientLine < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :ingredient_id, :measurement_unit_id, :quantity
has_and_belongs_to_many :recipes
belongs_to :measurement_unit
belongs_to :ingredient
As above, a Recipe can have multiple IngredientLines and vice versa.
What I'm trying to avoid is record duplication on IngredienLine table.
For example imagine that for recipe_1 an IngredientLine with {"measurement_unit_id" => 1, "ingredient_id" => 1, "quantity" => 3.5} is associated, if for recipe_5 the IngredientLine child form is compiled by the user with the same values, I don't want a new record on IngredientLine table, but only a new association record in the join table ingredient_lines_recipes.
Note that currently I dont't have any IngredientLine controller as saving and updating IngredientLines is handled by nested form routines. Even my Recipe controller is plain and standard:
class RecipesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html
def new
#recipe =
def create
#recipe =[:recipe])
flash[:notice] = 'Recipe saved.' if
def destroy
#recipe = Recipe.find(params[:id])
def edit
respond_with(#recipe = Recipe.find(params[:id]))
def update
#recipe = Recipe.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = 'Recipe updated.' if #recipe.update_attributes(params[:recipe])
My guess is that should be enough to override the standard create behavior for IngredientLine with find_or_create, but I don't know how to achieve it.
But there's another important point to take care, imagine the edit of a child form where some IngredientLines are present, if I add another IngredientLine, which is already stored in IngredientLine table, rails of course should not write anything on IngredientLine table, but should also distinguish between child records already associated to the parent, and the new child record for which needs to create the relation, writing a new record on the join table.
in Recipe model redefine method
def ingredient_lines_attributes=(attributes)
self.ingredient_lines << IngredientLine.where(attributes).first_or_initialize
Old question but I had the same problem. Forgot to add :id to white list with rails 4 strong_parameters.
For example:
def widget_params
params.require(:widget).permit(:name, :foos_attributes => [:id, :name, :_destroy],)
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :foos, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :foos, allow_destroy: true
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :widget
I have run into a similar situation and found inspiration in this answer. In short, I don't worry about the duplication of nested models until save time.
Translated to your example, I added autosave_associated_records_for_ingredient_lines to Recipe. It iterates through ingredient_lines and performs a find_or_create as your intuition said. If ingredient_lines are complex, Yuri's first_or_initialize approach may be cleaner.
I believe this has the behavior you're looking for: nested models are never duplicated, but editing one causes a new record rather than updating a shared one. There is the strong possibility of orphaned ingredient_lines but if that's a serious concern you could choose to update if that model has only one recipe with an id that matches the current one.

Many-to-Many Uniqueness Constraint Test Not Working

I have a many-to-many relationship with a join table in my Rails application. I'm using the has_many :through idiom in my models. To keep things simple, lets call my first class Student, my second class Course, and the join table class Enrollment (which contains fields student_id and course_id). I want to make sure that a given Student is associated with a given Course at most once (i.e. the {student_id, course_id} tuple should be unique in the enrollment table).
So I have a migration a that enforces this uniqueness.
def change
add_index :enrollments, [:student_id, :course_id], :unique => true
In addition my model classes are defined as such:
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :enrollments
has_many :courses, :through => :enrollment
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :enrollments
has_many :students, :through => :enrollment
class Enrollment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :course
validates :student, :presence => true
validates :course, :presence => true
validates :student_id, :uniqueness => {:scope => :course_id}
In a rails console, I can do the following:
student = Student.first
course = Course.first << course
#... succeeds << course
#... appropriately fails and raises an ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception
In my RSpec test, I do the exact same thing and I get no exception with the following code: << #course
expect { << #course }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
And so my test fails and reports:
expected ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid but nothing was raised
What's going on here? What could I be doing wrong? How do I fix it?
Rails uses model level validation, if you want strict checking for uniquiness you need to use database level - foreign keys for example. But in this case you need to catch exceptions from database connector.
This is strange because in my code (very similar to your) validation for unique raises exception.
There's a couple of things here that could be happening:
#courses has changed between uses.
#student has changed between uses.
By using let you'll protect these values from changing between expectations.
let(:course) { Course.first }
let(:student) { Student.first }
subject{ << course << course }
it { should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) }
Or, there could just be something wrong with your code :)

Rails3: Nested model - child validates_with method results in "NameError - uninitialized constant [parent]::[child]"

Consider the following parent/child relationship where Parent is 1..n with Kids (only the relevant stuff here)...
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
# !EDIT! - was missing this require originally -- was the root cause!
require "Kid"
has_many :kids, :dependent => :destroy, :validate => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :kids
validates_associated :kids
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
# for simplicity, assume a single field: #item
validates_presence_of :item, :message => "is expected"
The validates_presence_of methods on the Kid model works as expected on validation failure, generating a final string of Item is expected per the custom message attribute supplied.
But if try validates_with, instead...
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
validates_with TrivialValidator
class TrivialValidator
def validate
if record.item != "good"
record.errors[:base] << "Bad item!"
...Rails returns a NameError - uninitialized constant Parent::Kid error following not only an attempt to create (initial persist) user data, but also when even attempting to build the initial form. Relevant bits from the controller:
def new
#parent = # NameError, validates_* methods called within
def create
#parent =[:parent]) # NameError, validates_* methods called within
The error suggests that somewhere during model name (and perhaps field name?) resolution for error message construction, something has run afoul. But why would it happen for some validates_* methods and not others?
Anybody else hit a wall with this? Is there some ceremony needed here that I've left out in order to make this work, particularly regarding model names?
After a few hours away, and returning fresh -- Was missing require "Kid" in Parent class. Will edit.
