I have two labels in my batch file. The initial label MAIN shall stay in control, so it Calls the second label, which ends with exit /b.
My script's Main label Calls the other, passing it arguments, which will be used to search strings wothin a text file.
When returning to the Calling label, it slways receives an empty return string.
I think this has something to do with the variable expansion in a loop. Who knows?
Here is the Script:
#echo off
call :getReturnValue "1234 0815 4321 12815" "readBackVal"
if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
echo readback=!readBackVal!
echo readback=%readBackVal%
exit /b 0
REM Function, which checks if the give return value is in a specific textfile (line for line check)
set "myExpectedValueList=%~1"
set "retval=%~2"
set "file=textexample.txt"
for %%i in (%myExpectedValueList%) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%file%) do (
echo %%a|findstr /r "^.*%%i$"
if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
set /a "%retval%=%%i")
exit /b 0
exit /b 1
Here is the sample textfile textexample.txt:
Setup returns with errorcode=0815
Here is the answer i looked for:
Hi, first i want to inform that i made some changes due to the Answer of
#OJBakker. This changes are listed at the bottom of the script.
The problem was to return a value from a called function/label to the calling function/label. The stich here is, that the magic
is done in the (endlocal...) section of the called function/label -> means the return of the variable.
Before the endlocal command is executed, the compiler replaces the variables in this section by their values and afterwards executes the command´s from left to right. Means following:
First, the compiler sees following:
if "%retval%" neq "" (call set /a %retval%=%%i)
Second, the compiler replaces the variables by their values:
if "readBackVal" neq "" (set /a "readBackVal"=1815)
Third: This command is executed
if "readBackVal" neq "" (set /a "readBackVal"=1815)
Now here is my complete script (i also fixed some other problems with it which i commented at the bottom of the script
#echo off
call :getReturnValue "1234 1815 4321 12815" "readBackVal"
if "!errorlevel!" equ "0" (
echo readback=!readBackVal!
exit /b 0
REM Function, which checks if the give return value is in a specific textfile (line for line check)
set "myExpectedValueList=%~1"
set "retval=%~2"
set "file=textexample.txt"
for %%i in (%myExpectedValueList%) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%file%) do (
echo %%a|findstr /r "^.*%%i$" >NUL
if "!errorlevel!" equ "0" (
if "%retval%" neq "" (set /a %retval%=%%i)
exit /b 0
exit /b 1
REM Changes to initial posting:
REM Added "setlocal" keyword to the function "getReturnValue"
REM Corrected an invalid paranthesis in the (endlocal...) section
REM Changed the file "textexample.txt" -> 0815 to 1815 to remove leading zero (findstr. Problem),
REM Added check, if parameter "retval" has been passed to the called function e.g. is not empty
REM FINAL -> applied double variable expansion (call set /a ...) to return the value proper
REM to the :MAIN function.
#echo off
call :getReturnValue "1234 0815 4321 12815" "readBackVal"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (echo readback=%readBackVal%)
exit /b 0
REM Function, which checks if the give return value is in a specific textfile (line for line check)
set "myExpectedValueList=%~1"
set "retval=%~2"
set "file=textexample.txt"
for %%i in (%myExpectedValueList%) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%file%) do (
echo %%a| >con 2>&1 findstr /r "^.*%%i$"
if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
set /a "%retval%=%%i"
exit /b 0
exit /b 1
rem changes:
rem endlocal moved to main.
rem check for errorlevel moved to within the commandblock of the inner for-loop.
rem 'exit /b 0' moved to within the if. This exit line stopped the for after the first item.
rem redirection added to findstr command. Now the output shows the remaining problem.
rem Invalid number. Numeric constants are either decimal (17), hexadecimal (0x11), or octal (021).
rem Findstr really does not like the value 0815, especially the starting zero.
rem I am not sure how to change the regexp so findstr won't barf at the leading zero.
rem Maybe someone else can solve this remaining problem.
I faced with problem using windows cmd. I need found and replace last found substring. For instance I have a string - # I need to replace the last colon with a slash and recieve #
How can I do this?
It looks like you have a fairly well defined format: IPAddress:Number:SID, so this could be treated as replacing the 2nd : with a /
#echo off
set val=#
for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims=:" %%a in ("%val%") do set newval=%%a:%%b/%%c
echo %newval%
yourcommand %newval%
You can optimize if the format is always the same (e.g. always the 4th char from the end) but as a general solution I would code it like below.
set result=
set left=
set right=#
call :sub1 "%right%"
if %result% equ 1 goto :loop
#echo %left%/%right%
goto :eof
for /f "delims=: tokens=1*" %%i in ("%~1") do (
if ["%%j"]==[""] (
set /a result=0
goto :eof
if ["%left%"]==[""] (
set left=%%i
) else (
set left=%left%:%%i
set /a result=1
set right=%%j
goto :eof
The code in sub1 splits the argument on the first colon from the left unless there is no colon in the argument - in this case it sets the result to 0 and returns.
The left part is added to the left-variabel, the right part is set to the right-variable.
The main loop calls the sub sub1 until there is no more split and you're done.
set checker=0
for %%a in (%namelist%) do (
findstr "completed" %%a_Logs.txt
IF %checker%==120 (
set checker=0
goto endLoop
set /a checker=%checker%+1
#ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
findstr "ERROR" %%a_Logs.txt
echo Waiting 1 second before rechecking (Max 2 mins)
echo time elapsed %checker% seconds
goto startLoop
findstr "ERROR" %%a_Logs.txt
echo ERROR: %%a Error found
goto endLoop
findstr "completed" %%a_Logs.txt
echo %%a completed
The above piece of code is to do the following:
Parse the variable namelist(where the contents are separated by spaces)
Check if "completed" is present in the %%a_Logs.txt file
If it is present, then iteration over, If it is not, then check for the string "ERROR" in same file
If ERROR is present, then output ERROR MSG and end iteration
If ERROR is not found, keep rechecking for the next 120 seconds before ending iteration
I keep getting the following output
FINDSTR: Cannot open %a_Logs.txt
You are attempting to GOTO a label within a FOR loop - that simply doesn't work. The moment a FOR loop executes GOTO, the loop is terminated, and the FOR context is lost. So your %%a FOR variable is no longer defined. A similar issue happens with IF statements, as described at (Windows batch) Goto within if block behaves very strangely.
You also have a problem when you attempt to expand %checker% within the same parenthesized code block that sets the value. That expansion occurs at parse time, and the entire block is parsed at once. So the value you see will always be the value that existed before the block was entered. The solution is to enable delayed expansion and use !checker! instead of %checker%.
Personally, I would probably make significant changes to your code. But I believe the following minimal changes can make your code work, assuming there are no other bugs:
enable delayed expansion
Move your DO loop code to a routine outside of the loop, and then have the loop CALL that routine with %%a as a parameter. CALL does not break the loop.
Substitute %1 for %%a in the routine
Substitute exit /b for goto endLoop. Also put exit /b at end of the routine
Make sure the code does not fall into the routine when the FOR loop finishes. I used a GOTO after the FOR loop
Substitute !checker! for %checker%
EDIT -The ) in the ECHO statement must be escaped
Here is the modified code (untested)
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set checker=0
for %%a in (%namelist%) do call :startLoop %%a
goto continue
findstr "completed" %1_Logs.txt
IF !checker!==120 (
set checker=0
exit /b
set /a checker=checker+1
#ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
findstr "ERROR" %1_Logs.txt
echo Waiting 1 second before rechecking (Max 2 mins^)
echo time elapsed !checker! seconds
goto startLoop
findstr "ERROR" %1_Logs.txt
echo ERROR: %1 Error found
exit /b
findstr "completed" %1_Logs.txt
echo %1 completed
exit /b
I think the labels inside your for loop are messing it up. I just tried it moving the contents of the loop into a separate "subroutine" and that gets rid of the error you mention.
Try this:
set checker=0
for %%a in (foo bar baz) do (
call :loop %%a
goto :eof
set basename=%1
findstr "completed" %basename%_Logs.txt
IF %checker%==120 (
set checker=0
goto endLoop
set /a checker=%checker%+1
#ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
findstr "ERROR" %basename%_Logs.txt
echo Waiting 1 second before rechecking (Max 2 mins)
echo time elapsed %checker% seconds
goto startLoop
findstr "ERROR" %basename%_Logs.txt
echo ERROR: %basename% Error found
goto endLoop
findstr "completed" %basename%_Logs.txt
echo %basename% completed
goto :eof
I need to execute a command 100-200 times, and so far my research indicates that I would either have to copy/paste 100 copies of this command, OR use a for loop, but the for loop expects a list of items, hence I would need 200 files to operate on, or a list of 200 items, defeating the point.
I would rather not have to write a C program and go through the length of documenting why I had to write another program to execute my program for test purposes. Modification of my program itself is also not an option.
So, given a command, a, how would I execute it N times via a batch script?
Note: I don't want an infinite loop
For example, here is what it would look like in Javascript:
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
console.log( i );
What would it look like in a batch script running on Windows?
for /l is your friend:
for /l %x in (1, 1, 100) do echo %x
Starts at 1, steps by one, and finishes at 100.
WARNING: Use %% instead of %, if it's in a batch file, like:
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 100) do echo %%x
(which is one of the things I really really hate about windows scripting.)
If you have multiple commands for each iteration of the loop, do this:
for /l %x in (1, 1, 100) do (
echo %x
copy %x.txt z:\whatever\etc
or in a batch file
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 100) do (
echo %%x
copy %%x.txt z:\whatever\etc
/l denotes that the for command will operate in a numerical fashion, rather than operating on a set of files
%x is the loops variable
(starting value, increment of value, end condition[inclusive] )
And to iterate on the files of a directory:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set MYDIR=C:\something
for /F %%x in ('dir /B/D %MYDIR%') do (
set FILENAME=%MYDIR%\%%x\log\IL_ERROR.log
echo =========================== Search in !FILENAME! ===========================
c:\utils\grep motiv !FILENAME!
You must use "enableDelayedExpansion" and !FILENAME! instead of $FILENAME$. In the second case, DOS will interpret the variable only once (before it enters the loop) and not each time the program loops.
Template for a simple but counted loop:
set loopcount=[Number of times]
[Commands you want to repeat]
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop
goto loop
Example: Say "Hello World!" 5 times:
#echo off
set loopcount=5
echo Hello World!
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop
goto loop
This example will output:
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Press any key to continue . . .
You could also try this instead of a for loop:
set count=0
set /a count=%count%+1
(Commands here)
if %count% neq 100 goto loop
(Commands after loop)
It's quite small and it's what I use all the time.
You could do something to the following effect avoiding the FOR loop.
set counter=0
echo "input commands here"
SET /A counter=%counter%+1
if %counter% GTR 200
(GOTO exit) else (GOTO loop)
Or you can decrement/increment a variable by the number of times you want to loop:
SET counter=200
IF %counter% NEQ 0 (
echo %x
copy %x.txt z:\whatever\etc
SET /A counter=%counter%-1
GOTO Beginning
) ELSE (
SET counter=
Obviously, using FOR /L is the highway and this is the backstreet that takes longer, but it gets to the same destination.
Very basic way to implement looping in cmd programming using labels
#echo off
SET /A "index=1"
SET /A "count=5"
if %index% leq %count% (
echo The value of index is %index%
SET /A "index=index + 1"
goto :while
You can do this without a for statement ^.^:
#echo off
IF !COUNTP1! EQU 200 goto 2
) ELSE (
goto 1
It has basic understanding. Just give it a test. :P
DOS doesn't offer very elegant mechanisms for this, but I think you can still code a loop for 100 or 200 iterations with reasonable effort. While there's not a numeric for loop, you can use a character string as a "loop variable."
Code the loop using GOTO, and for each iteration use SET X=%X%# to add yet another # sign to an environment variable X; and to exit the loop, compare the value of X with a string of 100 (or 200) # signs.
I never said this was elegant, but it should work!
I use this. It is just about the same thing as the others, but it is just another way to write it.
#ECHO off
set count=0
if %count%==[how many times to loop] goto end
::[Commands to execute here]
set count=%count%+1
goto Loop
The answer really depends on how familiar you are with batch, if you are not so experienced, I would recommend incrementing a loop variable:
#echo off
set /a loop=1
echo Hello World!
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if %loop%==<no. of times to repeat> (
goto escapedfromrepeat
goto repeat
echo You have come out of the loop
But if you are more experienced with batch, I would recommend the more practical for /l %loop in (1, 1, 10) do echo %loop is the better choice.
(start at 1, go up in 1's, end at 10)
for /l %[your choice] (start, step, end) do [command of your choice]
a completely flawless loop
set num=0
:: insert code
set /a num=%num%+1
if %num% neq 10 goto loop
::insert after code code
you can edit it by changing the 10 in line 5 to any number to represent how many time you want it to loop.
Not sure if an answer like this has already been submitted yet, but you could try something like this:
#echo off
set /a var+=1
if %var% EQU 100 goto end
:: Code you want to run goes here
goto start
echo var has reached %var%.
The variable %var% will increase by one until it reaches 100 where the program then outputs that it has finished executing. Again, not sure if this has been submitted or something like it, but I think it may be the most compact.
Use FOR /l and make sure to use %% instead of %
It will save you headaches.
And try to Set the loop.
(EDITED) I made it so it stops after 100 times
#echo off
goto actual
set /a loopcount=0
set /a loopcount=%loopcount% + 1
echo %random% %random% %random% %random%
timeout 1 /nobreak>nul
if %loopcount%== 100 goto stop
goto actual
This will generate 4 random numbers ever 1 second 100 times.
Take out the "timeout 1 /nobreak>nul" to make it go super fast.
I have 2 answers
Methods 1:
Insert Javascript into Batch
#if (#a==#b) #end /*
:: batch portion
cscript /e:jscript "%~f0"
:: JScript portion */
Input Javascript here
( I don't know much about JavaScript )
Method 2:
Loop in Batch
#echo off
set loopcount=5
echo Hello World!
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop
goto loop
(Thanks FluorescentGreen5)
I'm experimenting with a Windows batch file to perform a simple operation which requires the user to enter a non-negative integer. I'm using simple batch-file techniques to get user input:
SET /P UserInput=Please Enter a Number:
The user can enter any text they want here, so I would like to add some routine to make sure what the user entered was a valid number. That is... they entered at least one character, and every character is a number from 0 to 9. I'd like something I can feed the UserInput into. At the end of the routine would be like an if/then that would run different statements based on whether or not it was actually a valid number.
I've experimented with loops and substrings and such, but my knowledge and understanding is still slim... so any help would be appreciated.
I could build an executable, and I know there are nicer ways to do things than batch files, but at least for this task I'm trying to keep it simple by using a batch file.
You're probably not doing this in a DOS batch file. Or at least, support for set /p is unheard of for me in DOS :-)
You could use substrings. In fact I have written a parser for a specific regular language that way once, but it's cumbersome. The easiest way would probably be to assign the contents of %userinput% to another variable, using set /a. If the result comes out as 0 you need to check whether the input itself was 0, otherwise you can conclude it was a non-number:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p UserInput=Enter a number:
set /a Test=UserInput
if !Test! EQU 0 (
if !UserInput! EQU 0 (
echo Number
) else (
echo Not a number
) else (
echo Number
However, this works only for numbers in the range of Int32. If you just care for any number (possibly floating-point as well) then you need to resort to the loop-based approach of dissecting it.
NOTE: Updated to solve the space issues. However, there is still a problem lurking: Entering 123/5 yields "number", since set /a can evaluate this ...
Thanks all. I was trying to make it harder for myself looking at loops and string manipulation. I used your tips on math evaluation and comparison. Here's what I finally came up with as my concept script:
ECHO ---------------------------------------
SET /P UserInput=Please Enter a Number:
ECHO UserInput = %UserInput%
SET /A Evaluated=UserInput
ECHO Math-Evaluated UserInput = %Evaluated%
if %Evaluated% EQU %UserInput% (
ECHO Integer
IF %UserInput% GTR 0 ( ECHO Positive )
IF %UserInput% LSS 0 ( ECHO Negative )
IF %UserInput% EQU 0 ( ECHO Zero )
REM - Other Comparison operators for numbers
REM - LEQ - Less Than or Equal To
REM - GEQ - Greater Than or Equal To
REM - NEQ - Not Equal To
) ELSE (
REM - Non-numbers and decimal numbers get kicked out here
ECHO Non-Integer
This method catches all numbers and can detect whether it's positive, negative, or zero. Any decimal or string will be detected as non-integers. The only edge case I've found is a string with spaces. For example, the text "Number 1" will cause the script to crash/close when the user input is evaluated as math. But in my situation, this is fine. I don't want my script to go on with invalid input.
You can also use a quite simple trick:
echo %userinput%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (echo not a number) else (echo number)
This uses findstr's regular expression matching capabilities. They aren't very impressive but useful at times.
This is the same idea as that of Johannes..
SET /A sets a numeric value. If the input is not a number, it changes it to 0.
That's what you can exploit here to do your check.
SET /P UserInput=Please Enter a Number:
SET /A UserInputVal="%UserInput%"*1
IF %UserInputVal% GTR 0 ECHO UserInput "%UserInputVal%" is a number
IF %UserInputVal% EQU 0 ECHO UserInput "%UserInputVal%" is not a number
ECHO Invalid user input
As an alternative, you could always create a little javascript file and call it from your batchfile. With parseInt() you could force the input to be an integer, or you could roll your own function to test the input.
Writing the javascript is just as fast as the batchfile, but it's much more powerful. No IDE or compiler required; notepad will do. Runs on every windows box, just like your batchfiles. So why not make use of it?
You can even mix batchfiles and javascript. Example:
contents of sleep.js:
var SleepSecs=WScript.Arguments.Item(0);
contents of sleep.cmd:
cscript /nologo sleep.js %1
You can now call this from a batchfile to make your script sleep for 10 seconds. Something like that is difficult to do with just a plain batchfile.
sleep 10
As pointed out by ghostdog74, the answers posted by Joey Mar 26 '09 (score 10) and Wouter van Nifterick Mar 26 '09 (score 5) don't work.
The answer posted by Joey Mar 25 '10 (score 2) does work, except that redirection symbols and '&' cause syntax errors.
I think the best and simplest solution is the one posted by Sager Oct 8 '14 (score 0). Unfortunately, it has a typo: ‘"%a"’ should be ‘"%a%"’.
Here's a batch file based on Sager's answer. Redirection symbols and '&' in the input don't cause problems. The only problems I could find were caused by strings containing double quotes.
#echo off & setlocal enableextensions & echo.
set /p input=Enter a string:
SET "x=" & for /f "delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%input%") do set x=%%i
if defined x (echo Non-numeral: "%x:~0,1%") else (echo No non-numerals)
In addition to the remark about the error that occures when spaces are part of the users input. You can use errorlevel errorlevel=9165. It can be used for the spaces in a string or for the error handling of 'no' input.
Kind Regards,
You might also like this one - it's short and easy. This one use the multiplication trick to set TestVal. Comparing TestVal against UserInput allows all numeric values to get through including zeroes, only non-numerics will trigger the else statement. You could aslo set ErrorLevel or other variables to indicate a failed entry
SET TestVal=0
SET /P UserInput=Please Enter a Number:
SET /A TestVal="%UserInput%"*1
If %TestVal%==%UserInput% (
ECHO You entered the number %TestVal%
) else ECHO UserInput "%UserInput%" is not a number
I know this is years old, but just to share my solution.
set /p inp=Int Only :
:: Check for multiple zeros eg : 00000 ::
set ch2=%inp%-0
if %inp% EQU 0 goto :pass
if [%inp%]==[] echo Missing value && goto :eof
if %inp:~0,1%==- echo No negative integers! && goto :eof
set /a chk=%inp%-10>nul
if %chk%==-10 echo Integers only! && goto :eof
echo You shall pass
Tested and working on Windows 8.
you can reinvent the wheel and grow a few white hairs doing string validation in batch, or you can use vbscript
strInput = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
If IsNumeric(strInput) Then
WScript.Echo "1"
WScript.Echo "0"
End If
save it as checkdigit.vbs and in your batch
#echo off
for /F %%A in ('cscript //nologo checkdigit.vbs 100') do (
echo %%A
rem use if to check whether its 1 or 0 and carry on from here
You can validate any variable if its number:
SET "var="&for /f "delims=0123456789" %i in ("%a") do set var=%i
if defined var (echo."NIC">nul) else (echo."number")
If you want some sort of a loop and default set up for that particular question, then here's my method for doing this.
Notes on the code within.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "ans1_Def=2"
set /p "ans1=Opt 1 of 1 [Value 1-5 / Default !ans1_Def!]: "
:: If not defined section. This will use the default once the ENTER key has been
:: pressed and then go to :Q2.
if not defined ans1 (
echo/ & echo ENTER hit and the default used. Default is still: !ans1_Def! & echo/
set "ans1=!ans1_Def!" && goto :Q2 )
:: This section will check the validity of the answer. The "^[1-5]$" will work
:: for only numbers between one and five in this example but this can be changed
:: to pretty much suit the majority of cases. This section will also undefine
:: the ans1 variable again so that hitting the ENTER key at the question
:: will work.
echo %ans1%|findstr /r /c:"^[1-5]$" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo/ & echo At errorlevel 1. Wrong format used. Default is still: !ans1_Def! & echo/
set "ans1=" && goto Q1
) else ( echo Correct format has been used. %ans1% is the one. && goto :Q2 )
echo -----------------------------
echo Now at the next question
echo !ans1!
Try this:
set /p numeric=enter a number
(if errorlevel %numeric% break ) 2>nul
echo %numeric% is numeric
echo %numeric% is NOT numeric
Just try this
#echo off
SET constNum=100
Set /p input=Please input a number less than %constNum% :
if "%input%" == "" echo Blank is not allowed & goto LOOP
SET "notNumChar="
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%input%") do set notNumChar=%%i
if defined notNumChar (
echo %input% is a string
goto LOOP
) else (
REM Remove leading 0 if it has. eg: 08→8
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%A IN ("%input%") DO SET inputNum=%%A
REM Compare
if defined inputNum (
echo %inputNum%
if %inputNum% equ %constNum% & goto LOOP
if %inputNum% gtr %constNum% & goto LOOP
if %inputNum% lss %constNum% & goto CONTINUE
:: Your code here
SET /P number= Choose a number [1 or 2]:
IF %number% EQU 1 GOTO ONE
IF %number% NEQ 1 (
IF %number% EQU 2 GOTO TWO
IF %number% NEQ 2 (
ECHO You need to choose a NUMBER: 1 OR 2.
It works fine to me. If he chooses numbers less or greater, strings, floating number etc, he wil receive a message ("You need to choose a NUMBER: 1 OR 2.") and the INPUT will be asked again.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p UserInput=Enter a number:
set /a Test=UserInput
if !Test! EQU 0 (
if !UserInput! EQU 0 (
echo Number
) else (
echo Not a number
) else (
echo Number
yeaph everthing is great
but you forget about one little thing
0 also is a digit
This is more of a user friendly way.
if %userinput%==0 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==1 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==2 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==3 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==4 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==5 (
goto (put place here)
)if %userinput%==6 (
goto (put place here)
)if %userinput%==7 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==8 (
goto (put place here)
if %userinput%==9 (
goto (put place here)
This can be used for any type of user input.
for me this is working for all non-zero values ..should i be cautious of some rare cases?
set /a var = %1
if %var% neq 0 echo "it is number"