Passing parameters to i18n model within XML view - internationalization

How can we pass parameters to the i18n model from within a XML view?
Without parameters
<Label text="{i18n>myKey}"/>
works but how can we pass a parameter in that expression?
The only piece of information I've found so far is I really hope that this is not the proper way to do it since this looks more like a (ugly) hack to me.

The trick is to use the formatter like this
<Label text="{parts:['i18n>myKey', 'someModel>/someProperty'],
formatter: ''}"/>
This will take the value /someProperty in the model someModel and just stick it in myKey of your i18n resource bundle.
Edit 2020-05-19: is deprecated as of UI5 version 1.58. Please use sap/base/strings/formatMessage. See this answer on usage instructions.

At the moment this is not possible. But you can use this simple workaround, that works for me.
First of all we create a general i18n handler in our Component.js. We also create a JSONModel with a simple modification, so that immediatly the requested path is returned.
], function(UIComponent, JSONModel) {
"use strict";
return UIComponent.extend("your namespace", {
* Add a simple "StringReturnModel" to the components' models
init: function() {
// [...] your other code in the init method
// String Return Model
var stringModel = new JSONModel({});
stringModel.getProperty = function(sPath) {
return sPath;
this.setModel(stringModel, "string");
* Reads out a string from our text domain.
* The model i18n is defined in your manifest.json
* #param param text parameter
* #param arr array for parameters
* #return string
i18n: function(param, arr) {
var oBundle = this.getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle();
return oBundle.getText(param, arr);
Now, a model with the context {string>} exists. To use the i18n function in the XML view, we create a formatter function. This function parses the parts of the binding and returns the localized string.
], function() {
"use strict";
var formatter = {
* First argument must be the property key. The other
* one are the parameters. If there are no parameters, the
* function returns an empty string.
* #return string The localized text
i18n: function() {
var args = [];
if (args.length > 1) {
var key = args.shift();
// Get the component and execute the i18n function
return this.getOwnerComponent().i18n(key, args);
return "";
return formatter;
How To Use:
Together with the string-model you can use the formatter to pass paramaters to your i18n:
<Text text="{ parts: ['string>yourProperty', 'string/yourFirstParamter', 'anotherModel/yourSecondParamter'], formatter: '.model.formatter.i18n' }" />
You can pass how many paramaters as you want, but be sure that the first "part" is the property key.

What is written at the link is correct for complex formatting case.
But if you want to combine two strings you can just write
<Label text="{i18n>myKey} Whatever"/>
<Label text="{i18n>myKey1} {i18n>myKey2}"/>

create file formatter.js
], function (formatMessage) {
"use strict";
return {
formatMessage: formatMessage
parts: [
formatter: '.formatter.formatMessage'
var oBundle = this.getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle();"systemSettingsLastLoginTitle"), "sInfo1", "sInfo2"));
systemSettingsLastLoginTitle=You are logged in as: {0}\nLast Login: {1}

As ugly as it may seem, the answer given in the link that you mentioned is the way to go. However it may seem complicated(read ugly), so let's break it down..
Hence, you can use the following for passing a single parameter,
<Label text="{path: 'someParameter', formatter: '.myOwnFormatter'}"/>
Here, the someParameter is a binding of a OData model attribute that has been bound to the whole page/control, as it is obvious that you wouldn't bind a "hardcoded" value in a productive scenario. However it does end with this, as you see there isn't a place for your i18n text. This is taken care in the controller.js
In your controller, add a controller method with the same formatter name,
myOwnFormatter : function(someParameter)
/* the 'someParameter' will be received in this function */
var i18n = this.i18nModel; /* However you can access the i18n model here*/
var sCompleteText = someParameter + " " + i18n.getText("myKey")
/* Concatenate the way you need */
For passing multiple parameters,
<Label text="{parts:[{path : 'parameter1'}, {path :'parameter2'}], formatter : '.myOwnFormatter'}" />
And in your controller, receive these parameters,
myOwnFormatter : function(parameter1, parameter2) { } /* and so on.. */
When all this is done, the label's text would be displayed with the parameter and your i18n text.

In principle it is exactly as described in the above mentioned SCN-Link. You need a binding to the key of the resource bundle, and additional bindings to the values which should go into the parameters of the corresponding text. Finally all values found by these bindings must be somehow combined, for which you need to specify a formatter.
It can be a bit shortened, by omitting the path-prefix inside the array of bindings. Using the example from SCN, it also works as follows:
<Text text="{parts: ['i18n>PEC_to',
formatter: 'retail.promn.promotioncockpit.utils.Formatter.formatDatesString'}"/>
Under the assumption, that you are using {0},{1} etc. as placeholders, a formatting function could look like the following (without any error handling and without special handling of Dates, as may be necessary in the SCN example):
formatTextWithParams : function(textWithPlaceholders, any_placeholders /*Just as marker*/) {
var finalText = textWithPlaceholders;
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var argument = arguments[i];
var placeholder = '{' + (i - 1) + '}';
finalText = finalText.replace(placeholder, arguments[i]);
return finalText;


knockout validator with dynamic message

I want my knockout validator to have a message that depends on the validation of the input. It seems like a very common use case but I can't find any way of doing it... here's a simplistic example of what I'd like to do
ko.validation.rules.dumb = {
validator: function( value )
if (value.startsWith( "s")) return {isValid:true}
return {isValid:false, message: value + " needs to start with an s"}
some_field.extend({dumb: {}});
This sort of works:
ko.validation.rules.sort_of_works = {
validator: function( value)
if (value.startWith("s")) return true;
ko.validation.rules.message = value + needs to start with an s";
return false;
but it really doesn't - because it only works if you only have one field using that validator :(
I tried accessing "this" in the function, but the this is the this of the validator function - which isn't useful, as it doesn't have a message on it. Also - I've seen people make message a function, so it depends on the input itself - but my validation is expensive (think something like parsing, where you want to say exactly where the error is in the string) - and I don't want to do it once for the validation, and then again for the message.
What I want works perfectly with the async validation callback function - in fact that's sort of what I'm mimicking, the validation actually happens on the server - but unfortunately the rest of the app (not written by me) is not really setup to support IsValidating - so I can't use async.
I think the library is designed to chain multiple validations using extend.
So, instead of having one validator function that checks a ton of cases, you create a set of validators that all do one simple check that corresponds to a single error message:
ko.validation.rules.startsWith = {
validator: (val, param) => val?.startsWith(param),
message: 'The field must start with {0}'
ko.validation.rules.endsWith = {
validator: (val, param) => val?.endsWith(param),
message: 'The field must end with {0}'
const myValue = ko.observable()
.extend({ startsWith: "s" })
.extend({ endsWith: "p" });
ko.applyBindings({ myValue });
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Input a word that starts with an <code>s</code> and ends with a <code>p</code><br>
<input data-bind="value: myValue">

using a function defined in a kendo model later in that model

OK, I'm obviously not understanding how functions are used in javascript. Given the below code snippet, mozilla firefox is telling me that calcUpper is not defined. Basically I want to define a function and use that function later on in the view on different fields. I tried moving the function definition outside of the kendo model, but with no better results. Can someone show me how I can achieve this?
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
calcUpper: function (fieldName) {
var value = this.get(fieldName);
if (value == "")
return "";
return parseInt(value) - 1;
jobNum: '',
SRCPerif: '',
SRCOnTargetUpper: calcUpper('SRCPerif'),
SRCOnTargetLower: '',
SRCConcernUpper: calcUpper('SRCOnTargetLower'),
//...other fields...

Knockoutjs Validation

I am facing a problem with my validation
Here is my field with extend property
self.searchText = ko.observable("")
.extend({ pattern: { params: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\åäöÅÄÖ]+$/g, message: "Invalid symbols."} });
Regex is well to not allow special symbols But, in runtime I can enter any symbol
What's wrong in my code?
Assuming the problem you're actually trying to solve is "use knockout to prevent special characters", not "use knockout to tell them that they've used special characters", then you'll want something like this:
var allowedChars = /[a-zA-Z0-9\åäöÅÄÖ]/;
var _noSpecialCharacters = ko.observable("");
self.searchText = ko.computed({
read: function () {
//read underlying observable
return _noSpecialCharacters();
write: function (newVal) {
//filter disallowed characters
var filtered = newVal.split("").filter(function (char) {
return allowedChars.test(char)
//write to underlying observable
You could also wrap this functionality into a custom knockout extension pretty easily, which would let you use syntax like what you're trying to use in the question.

d3 selector for immediate children

I can obviously do this:
But what if I'm using a DOM node or existing D3 selection:'ul')
will get me all descendent ULs. So, if
var div ='div')
got me this node:
var uls = div.selectAll('ul')
will get me two ULs. I guess I could distinguish a top level one like:
uls.filter(function() { return this.parentNode === div.node() }
So, I've answered my own question. Maybe it will be useful to someone. Or maybe someone can recommend a less ugly solution.
Even better, Alain Dumesny, whose answer below is belatedly selected as correct, posted this as an issue to D3 and got the problem fixed, kludge-free, at the source! (I would copy it in here for convenience, but then people might not scroll down and cast greatly deserved upvotes for his heroic feat.)
I wouldn't have expected this to work, but it looks like D3 will sub-select any element that is a child of the selection and matches the selector - so this works:'div > ul');
If anyone is still interested, was helping me to solve my problem for picking all immediate children. Alternatively, you can use{
return this.childNodes;
d3 selection v2.0 should now have this built in with new selection.selectChildren() / selection.selectChild() methods - see
#nrabinowitz's solution doesn't work all the time.
In my case, I was trying to do".childNode > *").
So I was trying to get all the immediate children of .childNode. The problem is that this was a nested stack, so .childNode could also appear in the children, which was causing problems.
The best way I found is:
var child =".childNode");
var sel =".childNode > *").filter(function() {
return this.parentNode == child.node();
The selectAll method relies on the querySelectorAll native method (in v4 at least).
It means you can use the :scope pseudo selector :
var uls = div.selectAll(':scope > ul')
the :scope pseudo selector is currently a draft specification and is not supported in all browsers yet. More information on :scope pseudo selector available on MDN
Based on the solution by Sigfrid, here is something I added to the prototype, in a project I work on.
* Helper that allows to select direct children.
* See
* #param {string} selector
* #returns {Selection}
d3.selectAll('__nonexisting__').__proto__.MYPREFIX_selectChildren = function (selector) {
var expectedParent = this.node();
return this.selectAll(selector).filter(
function() {
return this.parentNode === expectedParent;
The way that I grab the prototype object looks a bit clumsy. Perhaps there is a better way.
The "MYPREFIX_" is meant to prevent name clashes.
The jsdoc #returns {Selection} is ambiguous, unfortunately this type is declared within a closure and has no global name referenceable by jsdoc (afaik).
Once this file is included, you can then do this:'#some_id').MYPREFIX_selectChildren('ul')
Looks like d3 used to have some functions built to address this exact problem- but for one reason or another they were removed.
By pasting this code into your program, you can add them back in again:
function childMatcher(selector) {
return function(node) {
return node.matches(selector);
function children() {
return this.children;
function childrenFilter(match) {
return function() {
return, match);
* Runs the css selector only on the immediate children.
* See:
* Use:
* Example Input: selectChildren("form")
d3.selection.prototype.selectChildren = function(match) {
return this.selectAll(match == null ? children
: childrenFilter(typeof match === "function" ? match : childMatcher(match)));
function childFind(match) {
return function() {
return, match);
function childFirst() {
return this.firstElementChild;
* Runs the css selector only on the immediate children and returns only the first match.
* See:
* Use:
* Example Input: selectChild("form")
d3.selection.prototype.selectChild = function(match) {
return == null ? childFirst
: childFind(typeof match === "function" ? match : childMatcher(match)));
If you are using typescript, then here is the function declaration you can include in the same file:
declare module "d3" {
interface Selection<GElement extends d3.BaseType, Datum, PElement extends d3.BaseType, PDatum> {
selectChild(match: string | null | Function): Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
selectChildren(match: string | null | Function): Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
Here's a fiddle that implements this:
For whatever it's worth after four years, ​d3.selectAll('#id > *') can be used, e.g. in ​d3.selectAll('#id > *').remove() to remove all children of an element with id=id

How to use Zend Framework Form Hash (token) with AJAX

I have included Zend_Form_Element_Hash into a form multiplecheckbox form. I have jQuery set to fire off an AJAX request when a checkbox is clicked, I pass the token with this AJAX request. The first AJAX request works great, but the subsequent ones fail.
I suspect it may be once the token has been validated it is then removed from the session (hop = 1).
What would be your plan of attack for securing a form with Zend Framework Hash yet using AJAX to complete some of these requests?
I finally abandoned using Zend_Form_Element_Hash and just created a token manually, registered it with Zend_Session and then checked it upon submission.
$myNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('authtoken');
$myNamespace->authtoken = $hash = md5(uniqid(rand(),1));
$auth = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('authtoken');
$mysession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('authtoken');
$hash = $mysession->authtoken;
if($hash == $data['authtoken']){
print "success";
} else {
print "you fail";
This seems to work and still keeps things relatively sane and secure. I'd still rather use the Hash element, but I can't seem to make it work with AJAX.
Thanks all.
That's how to handled hash field in ajax form :
class AuthController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
$contextSwitch = $this->_helper->getHelper('contextSwitch');
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('index', 'json')
public function loginAction()
$form = new Application_Form_Login();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
// some code ..
} else {
// some code ..
// Regenerate the hash and assign to the view
$this->view->hash = $reservationForm->hash->getValue();
$this->view->form = $form;
And then in your view script ..
<? $this->dojo()->enable()
->onLoadCaptureStart() ?>
function() {
var form = dojo.byId("login_form")
dojo.connect(form, "onsubmit", function(event) {
var xhrArgs = {
form: this,
handleAs: "json",
load: function(data) {
// assign the new hash to the field
dojo.byId("hash").value = dojox.json.query("$.hash", data);
// some code ..
error: function(error) {
// some code ..
var deferred = dojo.xhrPost(xhrArgs);
<? $this->dojo()->onLoadCaptureEnd() ?>
Hope it's not too late :D
There is a solution:
Create, besides the form that will contain the data, a form without elements. From the controller you instantiate the two forms. Also in the controller, you add the element hash to the empty form. Both forms should be sent to the vision. Then, in the condition "if ($ request-> isXmlHttpRequest ())" in the controller you render the empty form. Then, you take the hash value with the method "getValue ()". This value must be sent in response by Ajax and then use JavaScript to replace the hash value that is already obsolete. The option to create an empty form for the hash is to avoid problems with other elements such as captcha that would have its id generated again if the form were rendered, and would also need to have the new information replaced. The validation will be done separately because there are two distinct forms. Later you can reuse the hash (empty) form whenever you want. The following are examples of the code.
//In the controller, after instantiating the empty form you add the Hash element to it:
$hash = new Zend_Form_Element_Hash('no_csrf_foo');
$hash_form->addElement('hash', 'no_csrf_foo', array('salt' => 'unique'));
//Also in the controller, within the condition "if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest())" you render the form (this will renew the session for the next attempt to send the form) and get the new id value:
$hash_value['hash'] = $hash_form->getElement('no_csrf_foo')->getValue();//The value must be added to the ajax response in JSON, for example. One can use the methods Zend_Json::decode($response) and Zend_Json::encode($array) for conversions between PHP array and JSON.
//In JavaScript, the Ajax response function:
document.getElementById("no_csrf_foo").value = data.hash;//Retrieves the hash value from the Json response and set it to the hash input.
Form hashes are great in principle and a bit of a nightmare in practice. I think the best way to handle this is to return the new hash with the response when you make a request, and update the form markup or store in memory for your javascript as appropriate.
The new hash may be available from the form object, or you can read it from the session.
You hinted at the right answer in your question: increase the hop count.
There was specific mention of this in the ZF manual online, but they updated their manuals and now i can't find it (grin)- otherwise i would have posted the link for you.
If you want to use form validator in ajax side use following code :
class Application_Form_Myform extends Zend_Form
# init function & ...
public function generateform($nohash = false)
# Some elements
$temp_csrf = new Zend_Session_Namespace('temp_csrf');
$my_hash = new Zend_Form_Element_Hash ( 'my_hash' );
$this->addElement ( $my_hash , 'my_hash');
$temp_csrf->hash = $my_hash->getHash();
# Some other elements
class AjaxController extends Zend_Controller_Action
// init ...
public function validateAction()
# ...
$temp_csrf = new Zend_Session_Namespace('temp_csrf');
if($temp_csrf->hash == $params['received_hash_from_client'])
$Myform = new Application_Form_Myform();
# Form data is valid
# Form invalid
# Received hash from client is not valid
# ...
