click button (not in form) with mechanize/nokogiri - ruby

I'd like to be able to click a single button (not in a form) with mechanize/nokogiri.
I just don't get how I could do this.
<button class="ui-FollowButton" type="button">
<span class="buttonText">Folgen</span>
Hope somebody could help me! :)

You can probably use "watir" insteed. It can mimic the actions (such as clicking, rolling the page) in a browser.


Article loads in same position the link is and not the whole page

I'm using Joomla 3.7
I have a link in the home page that redirects to an article. But when i click it, it redirects to same home page and the article loads in the position where the link is. I noticed that this is happening when the article doesn't have a menu item.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you in advance
Edit: Same thing is happening again using DJ-Image Slider. Now using the solution below doesn't work.
I got the solution to my answer.
It was a problem of href property on a tag.
In order to redirect to an article, i'm using the Article Button located at the TinyMCE Joomla Editor.
I just entered into code editor, and changed this:
<a class="btn btn-primary" style="border-radius: 10px;" href="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=2">Asociarse</a>
To this:
<a class="btn btn-primary" style="border-radius: 10px;" href="?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=2">Asociarse</a>
And it worked.

Click button on webpage that doesn't have id tag

I'm working on a vbscript and need some assistance with clicking a button on a website. How would I click a button on a website with no id? Here is what's available:
<INPUT class=Button type=submit value="Log In">
I found a solution:
For Each btn In IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
If btn.type = "submit" Then btn.Click()

Code that allows a keyboard to navigate internal page links with OSX?

I have the following code on my Mac:
Skip navigation
<div id="content">Lots of code here, with more links.</div>
In OSX Chrome and Safari, I can tab to the top link, press enter, and the screen scrolls down to the <div id="content">. However, when I press the tab button again, it turns out the first link is still active, and I end up tabbing through the navigation.
In Windows, this code works as expected (i.e. I use the link to successfully avoid having to tab through the navigation at the top of the page).
Can anyone tell me what code I need to make the page's internal links properly navigable with a keyboard on OSX?
Okay, here is the answer, after a flash of inspiration.
You need to have an href="#" on the target <a id="content">. This will make it correctly navigable-to using a Mac's keyboard.
Skip navigation
<a id="content" href="#"></a>
<div>Lots of code here, with more links.</div>
Obviously, this is not ideal, as it introduces extra mark-up, but it is the only way I could find to get it working.

How can I open new link in same window

I have this html:
<a href="javascript:" />
Everytime, I do link.Click(), the page opens up a dialog window. I want it to open in this same page, and not in a dialog window. Any idea how to do that?
The target tag will help you do this. Below sample will open the page in same page.
<a target="_self" href="javascript:" />
For more details please refer to this link

Issues with popup window in IE8

We have a catalog browser for products were the user can click and it opens a window to show the product details, this works fine in Chrome, but when tried on IE8 the popup window close button is not showing, i still can click on it, but it is not visible.
Here is my code:
<div class="k-window-titlebar k-header" style="margin-top: -32px;"> <span class="k-window-title" id="productView_wnd_title" style="right: 30px;"></span><div class="k-window-actions"><a role="button" href="#" class="k-window-action k-link"><span role="presentation" class="k-icon k-i-close">Close</span></a></div></div>
We are using .net asp mvc and kendoui.
Any ideas on what to do for fixing it?
Edit: found a reference to similar issue on kendo forums: window-widget-problems-on-ie8
Already found the issue, the bundle for css had missing the kendo version on path.
