How to generate comment inside a method with JCodeModel - jcodemodel

I need something like this
public void method() {
//TODO generated sources
Here is how I generate a class and a method
JCodeModel cm = new JCodeModel();
JDefinedClass dc = cm._class("MyClass");
JMethod method = dc.method(JMod.PUBLIC, cm.VOID,"method");

adding method.body().directStatement("//TODO generated sources"); worked


NSubstitute if-else condition

Good day! I need your help, I have next tests:
public void SetUp()
controller = Substitute.For<IApplicationController>();
view = Substitute.For<ICamerasView>();
presenter = new CamerasPresenter(controller, view);
argument = InitializeDevicesList();
private List<string> InitializeDevicesList()
List<string> devicesList = new List<string>();
Device device = new Device();
return devicesList;
public void RunIfDeviceListIsNotEmpty()
which actually tests next code
public override void Run(List<string> argument)
connectedCameras = argument;
if(connectedCameras.Count == 0)
And my issue is that FillCamerasListView method isn't calling in test. But as it expected it called in Run method in this case. So, I can't imagine what is the problem, so I will be very appreciated for your help. Thanks for your time!
This example passes. The problem appears to be something in your example that is changing the argument passed to FillCamerasListView as discussed in the comments.
A few options:
Modify the code to match the test's expectation. i.e. pass the argument given to Run on to FillCamerasListView.
Use view.ReceivedWithAnyArgs().FillCamerasListView(null) to assert a call was made without worry about the specifics of the argument passed.
Use view.Received().FillCamerasListView(Arg.Is<List<string>>(x => Matches(x, argument)), where Matches is your own code which determines whether the argument given is correct based on the argument passed to Run.

Passing dataProvider parameter inside testng method

I have two #DataProviders:
#DataProvider(name = "smallNumbers")
#DataProvider(name = "bigNumbers")
Variables in pom.xml
Accesing parameter:
String sizeNumbers = System.getProperty("dataP");
And my test:
dataProvider in test method have to be:
a constant expression
Any idea how to pass variable inside #Test(dataProvider= ?
You cant do this. It is only possible to pass dataprovider directly to method.
Why you choose that way to inject data from dataprovider? Show a bit more about your code architecture cause that's look strange.
You can check this way:
#DataProvider(name = "dp")
public static Object[][] dataInject(){
return new Object[][]{
And inside "dp" you can also make some validation for ex. "isNull" etc.
Then in test
#Test(dataProvider = "dp", dataProviderClass = Xyz.class)
public void testFirst(String input){

The best way to modify a WebAPI OData QueryOptions.Filter

I am using the OData sample project at In the Get I want to be able to change the Filter in the QueryOptions of the EntitySetController:
public class ProductsController : EntitySetController<Product, int>
ProductsContext _context = new ProductsContext();
public override IQueryable<Product> Get()
var products = QueryOptions.ApplyTo(_context.Products).Cast<Product>();
return products.AsQueryable();
I would like to be able to find properties that are specifically referred to. I can do this by parsing this.QueryOptions.Filter.RawValue for the property names but I cannot update the RawValue as it is read only. I can however create another instance of FilterQueryOption from the modified RawValue but I cannot assign it to this.QueryOptions.Filter as this is read only too.
I guess I could call the new filter's ApplyTo passing it _context.Products, but then I will need to separately call the ApplyTo of the other properties of QueryOptions like Skip and OrderBy. Is there a better solution than this?
I tried the following:
public override IQueryable<Product> Get()
IQueryable<Product> encryptedProducts = _context.Products;
var filter = QueryOptions.Filter;
if (filter != null && filter.RawValue.Contains("Name"))
var settings = new ODataQuerySettings();
var originalFilter = filter.RawValue;
var newFilter = ParseAndEncyptValue(originalFilter);
filter = new FilterQueryOption(newFilter, QueryOptions.Context);
encryptedProducts = filter.ApplyTo(encryptedProducts, settings).Cast<Product>();
if (QueryOptions.OrderBy != null)
encryptedProducts = QueryOptions.ApplyTo(encryptedProducts).Cast<Product>();
var unencryptedProducts = encryptedProducts.Decrypt().ToList();
return unencryptedProducts.AsQueryable();
and it seems to be working up to a point. If I set a breakpoint I can see my products in the unencryptedProducts list, but when the method returns I don't get any items. I tried putting the [Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions=AllowedQueryOptions.All)] back on again but it had no effect. Any ideas why I am not getting an items?
Update 2
I discovered that my query was being applied twice even though I am not using the Queryable attribute. This meant that even though I had items to return the List was being queried with the unencrypted value and therefore no values were being returned.
I tried using an ODataController instead:
public class ODriversController : ODataController
//[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<Products> Get(ODataQueryOptions options)
and this worked! Does this indicate that there is a bug in EntitySetController?
You would probably need to regenerate ODataQueryOptions to solve your issue. Let's say if you want to modify to add $orderby, you can do this like:
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
url += "&$orderby=name";
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
ODataModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var options = new ODataQueryOptions<Product>(new ODataQueryContext(modelBuilder.GetEdmModel(), typeof(Product)), request);

Mstest Controller and Service Layer With Dependency Injection (Autofac) and Automapper

I'm trying to bring test layer to my project but I'm not getting there :( hope someone can help me.
Controller (based on Automapper mapping and Dependency Injection Container):
public virtual ActionResult SearchCategories(string keywords)
var result = _categoryService.SearchCategories(keywords);
var resultViewModel = Mapper.
return View(resultViewModel);
Service Layer:
public IList<SearchCategoriesDto> SearchCategories(String keywords)
// Find the keywords in the Keywords table
var keywordQuery = _keywordRepository.Query;
foreach (string keyword in splitKeywords)
keywordQuery = keywordQuery.Where(p => p.Name == keyword);
// Get the Categories from the Search
var keywordAdCategoryQuery = _keywordAdCategoryRepository.Query;
var categoryQuery = _categoryRepository.Query;
var query = from k in keywordQuery
join kac in keywordAdCategoryQuery on k.Id equals kac.Keyword_Id
join c in categoryQuery on kac.Category_Id equals c.Id
select new SearchCategoriesDto
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name,
SearchCount = keywordAdCategoryQuery
.Where(s => s.Category_Id == c.Id)
.GroupBy(p => p.Ad_Id).Count(),
ListController = c.ListController,
ListAction = c.ListAction
var searchResults = query.Distinct().ToList();
return searchResults;
Test maded but not working:
public void Home_SearchCategories_Test()
// Setup
var catetoryService = new CategoryService(
// Act
var result = catetoryService.SearchCategories("audi");
// Add verifications here
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0);
I am assuming you want to create an integration test for your category service, using real repositories and database. (as oposed to an unit test where you would use stub\mocks for those repositories and test the service class in isolation)
So you would have a seaparated test assembly where you will add your integration tests, for example having a class for the integration tests at the service level.
On that class you will then create instances of all the repositories and the CategoryService before running each test, on a method with the attribute [TestInitialize]. (A method with this attribute will be run by msTest before each test)
As you are also truly working with the database you would like to be sure that any resources used are disposed. For example, disposing an entity framework context. In that case you would add a method with an attribute [TestCleanup] where you will perform any cleanup logic needed. (A method with this attribute will be run by msTest after each test)
With those methods you will make sure you have a fresh service and repositories instances on each test. Then you will implement each individual integration test following the AAA pattern (Arrange, Act, Assert)
So an example of your integration test class with that single test may look like:
public class CategoryServiceIntegrationTest
//dependencies of your class under test
private ICategoryRepository _categoryRepository;
private IKeywordRepository _keywordRepository;
private IKeywordAdCategoryRepository _keywordAdCategoryRepository;
//your class under test
private CategoryService _categoryService;
public void InitializeBeforeRunningATest()
//manually create instances of the classes implementing the repositories
//I donĀ“t know about how they are implemented but I guess
//you would need to provide the name of a connection string in the config file (in that case this should be in a config file of the test project)
//,the connection string itself
//or maybe you need to initialize an entity framework context
_categoryRepository = new CategoryRepository( /*whatever you need to provide*/);
_keywordRepository = new KeywordRepository( /*whatever you need to provide*/);
_keywordAdCategoryRepository = new KeywordAdCategoryRepository( /*whatever you need to provide*/);
//Create the class under test with all repositories dependencies
//as it is an integration test, they are your real objects and not mocks\stubs
_categoryService = new CategoryService(_categoryRepository,
public void CleanDatabaseResources()
//just in case you need to do something like disposing an EF context object
public void Home_SearchCategories_Test()
// Arrange
var keywords = "audi";
// Act (the _categoryService instance was created in the initialize method)
var result = _categoryService.SearchCategories(keywords);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0);
Solution to build an Integration test for a Service (in this case, Category Service), using Autofac, Automapper (not necessary in this Service but if it would be necessary, you would need to put in the TestInitialize method as you can see in the coment line in the following solution) and Entity Framework with Daniel J.G. help (thanks Daniel):
First of all I created a separated Test Project using MSTest (only because there is a lot of documentation about it).
Second you need to put the connection string for the Entity Framework where the test data is:
<add name="DB" connectionString="Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Database=DBNAME;UID=DBUSER;pwd=DBPASSWORD;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
In the < configuration > section after the < / configSections >
Third you create the class for the test:
namespace Heelp.Tests
public class CategoryServiceIntegrationTest
// Respositories dependencies
private IRepository<Category> _categoryRepository;
private IRepository<Keyword> _keywordRepository;
private IRepository<KeywordAdCategory> _keywordAdCategoryRepository;
// Service under test: Category Service
private CategoryService _categoryService;
// Context under test: HeelpDB Connection String in app.config
private HeelpDbContext db;
public void InitializeBeforeRunningATest()
// IoC dependencies registrations
// IN MY PROJECT I USE AutoMapperConfiguration.Configure();
// IT'S LOCATED IN THE App_Start FOLDER IN THE AutoMapperConfig.cs CLASS
// Database context initialization
db = new HeelpDbContext();
// Repositories initialization
_categoryRepository = new Repository<Category>(db);
_keywordRepository = new Repository<Keyword>(db);
_keywordAdCategoryRepository = new Repository<KeywordAdCategory>(db);
// Service initialization
_categoryService = new CategoryService(_categoryRepository,
public void CleanDatabaseResources()
// Release the Entity Framework Context for other tests that will create a fresh new context.
// With this method, we will make sure that we have a fresh service and repositories instances on each test.
public void Home_SearchCategories_Test()
// Arrange
var keywords = "audi";
// Act (the _categoryService instance was created in the initialize method)
var result = _categoryService.SearchCategories(keywords);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0);
Now you just have to run the test to see if it passes.
To garantee integration tests, I would recomend a second database identical from the original/production database in terms of tables, but with only your test data.
This will ensure that the tests results will remain the same based on your test data.
The only drawback is that you will need to keep sincronized the tables, but you can use SQL Admin Studio Freeware Tool from Simego to achieve that.

How to set the default namespace or how to define the #key values when using google-api and using Atom serialization/parser

I'm having trouble with Atom parsing/serializing - clearly something related to the namespace and the default alias - but I can;t figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I have two methods - one that I'm trying to do a GET and see if an album is defined and what that tries to do a POST to create the album (if it does not exist).
The GET I managed to get working - although there too I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong because it is different from the PicasaAndroidSample. Specifically, if I define:
public class EDAlbum {
public String title;
public String summary;
public String access;
public EDCategory category = EDCategory.newKind("album");
Then the following code does indeed get all the albums:
PicasaUrl url = PicasaUrl.relativeToRoot("feed/api/user/default");
HttpRequest request = EDApplication.getRequest(url);
HttpResponse res = request.execute();
EDAlbumFeed feed = res.parseAs(EDAlbumFeed.class);
boolean hasEDAlbum = false;
for (EDAlbum album : feed.items) {
if (album.title.equals(EDApplication.ED_ALBUM_NAME)) {
hasEDAlbum = true;
But - if instead I have:
public class EDAlbum {
public String title;
public String summary;
public String access;
public EDCategory category = EDCategory.newKind("album");
Then the feed has an empty collection - i.e. the parser does not know that this is Atom (my guess).
I can live with the android:title in my classes - I don;t get it, but it works.
The problem is that I can't get the POST to wok (to create the album). This code is:
EDAlbum a = new EDAlbum();
a.access = "public";
a.title = EDApplication.ED_ALBUM_NAME;
a.summary = c.getString(R.string.ed_album_summary);
AtomContent content = new AtomContent();
content.entry = a;
content.namespaceDictionary = EDApplication.getNamespaceDictionary();
PicasaUrl url = PicasaUrl.relativeToRoot("feed/api/user/default");
HttpRequest request = EDApplication.postRequest(url, content);
HttpResponse res = request.execute();
The transport and namespace are:
private static final HttpTransport transport = new ApacheHttpTransport(); // my libraries don;t include GoogleTransport.
private static HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory(final HttpTransport transport) {
return transport.createRequestFactory(new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) {
AtomParser parser = new AtomParser();
parser.namespaceDictionary = getNamespaceDictionary();
public static XmlNamespaceDictionary getNamespaceDictionary() {
if (nsDictionary == null) {
nsDictionary = new XmlNamespaceDictionary();
nsDictionary.set("", "");
nsDictionary.set("atom", "");
nsDictionary.set("exif", "");
nsDictionary.set("gd", "");
nsDictionary.set("geo", "");
nsDictionary.set("georss", "");
nsDictionary.set("gml", "");
nsDictionary.set("gphoto", "");
nsDictionary.set("media", "");
nsDictionary.set("openSearch", "");
nsDictionary.set("xml", "");
return nsDictionary;
If I use
public String title;
then I get an exception that it does not have a default namespace:
W/System.err( 1957): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unrecognized alias: (default)
W/System.err( 1957): at
W/System.err( 1957): at
W/System.err( 1957): at
and if I use
public String title;
then it does serialize but each element has the atom: prefix and the call fails - when I to a tcpdump on it I see something like
.`....<? xml vers
ion='1.0 ' encodi
ng='UTF- 8' ?><at
om:entry xmlns:a
tom="htt p://www. 005/Atom
"><atom: category
scheme= "http://
schemas. google.c
om/g/200 5#kind"
term="ht tp://sch
photos/2 007#albu
m" /><at om:gphot
o:access >public<
/atom:gp hoto:acc
What do I need to do different in order to use
public String title;
and have both the GET and the POST manage the namespace?
It looks you are adding either duplicate dictonary keys or keys that are not understood by the serializer.
Use the following instead.
static final XmlNamespaceDictionary DICTIONARY = new XmlNamespaceDictionary()
.set("", "")
.set("activity", "")
.set("georss", "")
.set("media", "")
.set("thr", "");
Removing the explicit set for the "atom" item namespace solved this issue for me.
