Creating link to hidden menus changes siteappearence in Joomla - joomla

I followed this tutorial to create some hidden aritcles with a hidden menue assigned to them ... _menu_item
If you go on this site you will see a picture. Clicking on the paw in the picture (bottom left) is supposed to result so show a new picture, with the same appearence of the site. But clicking on the link, the site changes completly. The top images goes away as well as the menu on the left.
I assigned the same modules which are assigned to "El agua" to the hidden menue as you can see on this screenshot
In fact, both menus have the same modules assigned as you can see here
Hidden Menu
El Agua
Why is it not displaying? Working on Joomla 2.5 here.

Solved it.
AS you can see in the screenshot the Menu Item is not published.
In order to work properly, it needs to be published.
Do not assign any moduls to the Menu (but to the menu item). That way, the menu stays hidden while with the assignment of the modules to the menuitem position and appereance can be controled.
Hope that will help someone in the future.


Gantry Framework is hiding the wrong menu on mobile in Joomla 3.7. How do i get it to hide the correct one?

The site I'm working on has its main menu in the "Navigation" section in gantry. I have another 2 menus on the page (in the "header" area), though they don't actually link anywhere. They exist as "text separators" that show a module in the dropdown box that shows when the "link" is hovered over (so one is a spyglass that shows the search module in the dropdown).
When i shrink the screen size, gantry eventually causes the menu to disappear an then enables the mobile menu, accessed by the burger button.
The problem is, instead of hiding the actual main menu in the navigation section, it's hiding the first "fake" menu search button in the header section.
I can't see anywhere to set which menu is the one that should be hidden. How do i do this?
Been stuck on this since yesterday. Finally caved and post about it on this site then find the answer 20 minutes later, naturally.
I needed to check the box marked "Mobile Target" on the menu i want to be the one to be hidden. I thought this did something else so never tried using it but it seems so obvious now.

Joomla 3 Show Title issue. Hide page-header

I turned Show Title option for articles to Hide in global settings. So it works for each my page good instead of home page. So the title is still appear, even if I switched it to hide in article that correspond to Home page content.
I suppose maybe something wrong with menu.
So I have next menu:
Each menu content single article, but only Home shows title...
I am using joomla 3
on the screenshot below Home header that I don't need.
on the screenshot below Videos header that set as Show tile in menu item
on the screenshot below Videos header that set as Hide tile in menu item
I am making the same for Home but it does not work the Home tile is still visible.
I tapped on menu items then on home items which is single article:
then I modify visibility options:
save and close - and then update the index page in browser, but nothing happen the header Home is still on the page (
The solution is next:
Click on the “Menus” menu and select “Main Menu”.
Click on the menu item that represents your home page (usually “Home” or something similar)
On the right side, click on “Page Display Options”
Set “Show Page Heading” to “No”
Click on “Save”
You have an option to show or hide the title of Articles and also Menus. Usualy is "Home" also the dafault "Frontpage" of the site, having the option to show the title.
Go to Menus -> Default "Home" Menu and under options you should have Show Title and hide it.
This should work, i tested it right now on my page to be sure.
in joomla 3.x it will be possible by combination of backend settings and source code change.
Login to your joomla control panel.
Go to Global\Articles and turn the "Show Title" and "Article info Title" to Hide.
Go to Global\Menus and turn the "Show Page Heading" to Hide.
Login to your host and go to your public html directory then go to "\templates**[your template]**\html\com_content\article" directory.
open default.php in editor and find
php if $this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1) :
and change the 1 to 0 then save it.
I suggest you to backup default.php file before any changes.
You can disable the Page Heading in the Menu Item options as showed below in my screenshot:
if this don't work, try to go to MENUS - MANAGE - (press the button OPTIONS to the right of the page)
In browser page title press one space , the set the second voice to NO:
Then save and press the REBUILD button.
This happens when you have a multi language site. The "Show Page Heading" option inside the languages home menu doesn´t works at all in this case. It is overrided by the Main Menu home options (that one without any languages assigned to it, that is mandatory in Joomla).
So if you change the "Show Page Heading" option inside the Main Menu home options, it will work.
Bizarre. But, it´s the way that Joomla 3 works.

Joomla! 3 menu drop-down behavior without showing new article possible?

The Joomla! 3 administrative console in my installed version (Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable) plus at least a Joomla! demo web site showcase menus that don't switch to an article if you press them, but present only the drop-down menu at first. The rendered article (i.e. the content below the menu) only changes once a menu-item is selected/clicked.
For instance, visit The content below the menu reads "Joomla! is a free, open source content management system ..." Now if you press e.g. "Joomla!" inside the menu, a drop-down list appears, but the cited text does not change yet. Only if you press a particular menu item it changes (currently e.g. to "Joomla! 2.5.16 Released ...").
I would like to accomplish the same behavior in a Joomla! 3-powered web site but haven't yet been able to do so. On my site (sorry, not yet available to the public) clicking a menu of this kind brings up the article, and so far I have found no way to prevent that. I'm referring to articles because my menus are of type "Single Article". I've looked at other menu item types too but they did not seem to offer a solution either.
So can the behavior the demo site's menus be accomplished (without installing further extensions), and if so how? After all, the demos are surely hosted on Jooma! servers :) Perhaps this is a matter of choosing an appropriate template? But then, the solution does not seem obvious and googling reveals different opinions as to whether this is/was possible at all.
UPDATE The following is a depiction of what I get when changing the menu item type for "Open Source" from "Articles | Single Article" to "System Links | Text Separator": it now looks odd and no longer seems to function as a menu (no drop-down effect). In the HTML source the CSS classes assigned to the three menu items are "item-x current active", "item-y divider parent", and "item-z parent" respectively. (Why isn't "Open Source" marked active?)
UPDATE I am using the protostar template (marked as Default for Site under Extensions | Type Manager).
Create the top-level menus as System - Separator; this means they have no link attached, but only serve the purpose of organizing (sub)menu links.
Then when you click them, based on the setup of your menu module, they will show the sub-items. Beware, the most common behaviour is not to wait until clicked, but simply show the submenu items when hovered (when you bring the mouse over them). But the event they respond to depends on the module (mod_menu), its template override, and other scripts your template may load.
If you're using mod_menu, in the module list it will be listed as Menu; if you were using another menu module, I guess you would remember installing it :-)
I am not a protostar / twitter bootstrap fan so I can't help you much on it, but dropdown menus are definitely supported, I just tried putting the menu in the position navigation, with
"Menu Class Suffix" = " nav-pills nav-dropdown"
and it worked correctly with dropdowns on hover. As per having dropdowns on click instead of hover, look at this guide

Dropdown menu in Joomla

Iam have some problems with a drop down menu. I have asigned a drop down menu to the menu item "test 1". But when iam on the default page it wont show the drop down menu, when i hover the item. It only works when click on the menu item "test 1".
I need the dropdown menu to be showed, no matter witch page you are watching.
Can some one help me? I guess it is a simple styling, but cant seem to figure it out.
You can see the website here
What module are you using for the menu system?
You may try using a different menu extension that the one being used currently.
It may be a CSS issue.

navigation module not showing on sub page in joomla

I tried adding some pages in joomla but the navigation on the left disappears when following the newly add link. Please have a look here and notice the left navigation bar not showing under the "Test Menu Item" (left bottom).
I have literally copied all parameters from another menu item (e.g. "MILIEU") but it doesnt seem to affect the behavior. In stead the "news archive" item is always listed in the left navigation area.
How to remove the news archive link and have the normal navigation shown?
Please help!
Joomla 1.5.25
Check the menu assignment of the module you want to show when a menu item is selected. Check this:
