Strange warning and computation result in constraint logic program - prolog

First, sorry for posting the whole program, but as I don't know were the problem is I don't know which parts are irrelevant. These are two slightly different implementations of the same logic puzzle in SWI-Prolog, the first one succeeds the second one fails and I can't find the reason for the failure.
The puzzle:
4 persons are having a diner:
Donna, Doreen, David, Danny
the woman (Donna,Doreen) are sitting vis-a-vis.
the men (David,Danny) are sitting vis-a-vis.
Each of them picked a unique meal and beverage.
1) Doreen sits next to the person that ordered risotto.
2) the salad came with a coke.
3) the person with the lasagna sits vis-a-vis the person with the milk.
4) david never drinks coffee.
5) donna only drinks water.
6) danny had no appetite for risotto.
who ordered the pizza?
I choose the following approach
table with positions:
4 O 2
domain: positions{1,2,3,4}
variables: persons, meals, beverages
First the inefficient succeeding implementation:
solution(Pizza, Doreen, Donna, David, Danny) :-
% assignment of unique positions to the variables
% general setting
% the six constraints
Salad = Coke,
\+ David = Coffee,
Donna = Water,
\+ Danny = Risotto.
unique(X1,X2,X3,X4) :-
\+ X1 = X2,
\+ X1 = X3, \+ X2 = X3,
\+ X1 = X4, \+ X2 = X4, \+ X3 = X4.
next_to(X,Y) :- right(X,Y).
next_to(X,Y) :- right(Y,X).
This works and gives the right result. But when I try to reorder the clauses of the solution procedure to be more efficient (this is the second implementation)
solution(Pizza, Doreen, Donna, David, Danny) :-
% general setting
% the six constraints
Salad = Coke,
\+ David = Coffee,
Donna = Water,
\+ Danny = Risotto,
% assignment of unique positions to the variables
%% all other predicates are like the ones in the first implementation
I get a unassigned variable warning when trying to load the file:
Warning: /home/
Singleton variable in \+: Coffee
and the computation returns false. But shouldn't it return the same result?
I see no reason for the difference...

the warning is due to the fact that Coffe and Risotto are unbound when the negation is executed. If you replace \+ David = Coffee, by David \= Coffee, you will avoid the warning, but the solution cannot will not be computed. Should be clear indeed that since Coffee is unbound, David \= Coffee will always fail. You can use dif/2, the solution will work and will be more efficient. I've named solution1/2 your first snippet, and solution2/5 this one (using dif/2):
solution2(Pizza, Doreen, Donna, David, Danny) :-
% general setting
% the six constraints
next_to(Doreen,Risotto), % note: you forgot this one
Salad = Coke,
dif(David, Coffee),
Donna = Water,
dif(Danny, Risotto),
% assignment of unique positions to the variables
a small test:
?- time(aggregate_all(count,solution1(P,A,B,C,D),N)).
% 380,475 inferences, 0.058 CPU in 0.058 seconds (100% CPU, 6564298 Lips)
N = 8.
?- time(aggregate_all(count,solution2(P,A,B,C,D),N)).
% 10,626 inferences, 0.002 CPU in 0.002 seconds (100% CPU, 4738996 Lips)
N = 8.


STRIPS Planner loops indefinitely

I defined in Prolog a STRIPS Planner to solve logic problems. After a few tryouts with other simpler problems I set out to see if it could solve a more complex one. I gave him a STRIPS definition of the peg solitaire, the english version and considering we cant do diagonal moves and the last ball will end up in the center of the board and tried it, to which the program broke into a loop. Here's the problem:
Here's my solution:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
accao(nome : move(Xi,Yi,Xf,Yf),
condicoes : [empty(Xf,Yf),ball(Xi,Yi), ball(Xm,Ym)],
efeitos : [ball(Xf,Yf), -ball(Xm,Ym),-ball(Xi,Yi), empty(Xi,Yi), empty(Xm,Ym), -empty(Xf,Yf)],
restricoes : [abs(Xf-Xi)+abs(Yf-Yi)=:=2, abs(Xf-Xi)*abs(Yf-Yi)=:=0, Xi=<Xm, Xm=<Xf, Yi=<Ym, Ym=<Yf]).
inicial([empty(5,5), ball(1,4), ball(1,5), ball(1,6),
ball(2,4), ball(2,5), ball(2,6),
ball(3,4), ball(3,5), ball(3,6),
ball(4,1), ball(4,2), ball(4,3),ball(4,4), ball(4,5), ball(4,6),ball(4,7), ball(4,8), ball(4,9),
ball(5,1), ball(5,2), ball(5,3),ball(5,4), ball(5,6),ball(5,7), ball(5,8), ball(5,9),
ball(6,1), ball(6,2), ball(6,3),ball(6,4), ball(6,5), ball(6,6),ball(6,7), ball(6,8), ball(6,9),
ball(7,4), ball(7,5), ball(7,6),
ball(8,4), ball(8,5), ball(8,6),
ball(9,4), ball(9,5), ball(9,6)]).
objectivos([ball(5,5), empty(1,4), empty(1,5), empty(1,6),
empty(2,4), empty(2,5), empty(2,6),
empty(3,4), empty(3,5), empty(3,6),
empty(4,1), empty(4,2), empty(4,3),empty(4,4), empty(4,5), empty(4,6),empty(4,7), empty(4,8), empty(4,9),
empty(5,1), empty(5,2), empty(5,3),empty(5,4), empty(5,6),empty(5,7), empty(5,8), empty(5,9),
empty(6,1), empty(6,2), empty(6,3),empty(6,4), empty(6,5), empty(6,6),empty(6,7), empty(6,8), empty(6,9),
empty(7,4), empty(7,5), empty(7,6),
empty(8,4), empty(8,5), empty(8,6),
empty(9,4), empty(9,5), empty(9,6)]).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PRINT FUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
printExec([A,E|T]) :- write("Action performed: "),
write("Situation: "),
writeExec([I|T]):- write("Initial Situation"),
write("Goal: "),
write(" satisfied."),nl.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AUXILIAR FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
sub([H|T],L):- member(H,L),
remove(E1, [E2|T], T):- E1 == E2, !.
remove(E,[H|T1],[H|T2]):- remove(E,T1,T2).
add(E1,[E2|T],[E1,E2|T]):- E1 \== E2, !.
effects([-H|Fx],S,N) :-!,
effects([H|Fx],S,N) :- !,
restriction([R|T]) :- R,
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLAN EXECUTE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
satisfiedGoal(E):- objectivos(Fn),!,
testPlan(Plan,[I|Exec]) :- inicial(I),
testPlan([H|T],S,[H,N|Exec],Fn) :- accao(nome:H, condicoes:C,efeitos:E, restricoes:R),
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIND PLAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
plano(P) :- progressivePlan(P, 0).
progressivePlan(P, N) :- createPlan(P,_,0,N).
progressivePlan(P, N) :- \+ createPlan(P,_,0,N),
NewN is N + 1,
progressivePlan(P, NewN).
createPlan(Plan,[I|Exec],N,Max) :- inicial(I),
createPlan([],Fn,[],Fn,Max,Max):- !.
createPlan([H|T],S,[H,N|Exec],Fn,Acc, Max) :- accao(nome:H, condicoes:C, efeitos:E, restricoes:R),
NewAcc is Acc+1,
createPlan(T,N,Exec,Fn,NewAcc, Max).
I've tried simplifying the goal by just doing one or two moves, which works for the one and when the two moves don't contradict each other, like moving a marble on through one that was already moved, entering the loop with two moves when they do, like with said objective:
objectivos([ball(4,5), empty(3,5), empty(5,5), empty(6,5)]).
I've tried tracing and debugging but I cant seem to find the issue, although I believe it to be located in the formulation of the problem as opposed to the Planner itself. Any Ideas?
There is at least one logical error in your code, and some simple performance tweaks are possible. This gives a partial solution to your problem.
First, for the logical error: The intended solution for the goal objectivos([ball(4,5), empty(3,5), empty(5,5), empty(6,5)]) seems to be the plan P = [move(3, 5, 5, 5), move(6, 5, 4, 5)]. But the second of these moves is not legal with your definition of restricoes: For this move you have Xi = 6, Xf = 4, and conditions requiring that 6 =< Xm and Xm <= 4, but this is impossible. The idea of these constraints is to ensure that ball(Xm,Ym) is between the other two balls in the move. Here is an alternative formulation that ensures this:
restricoes : [abs(Xf-Xi)+abs(Yf-Yi) =:= 2,
abs(Xf-Xi)*abs(Yf-Yi) =:= 0,
abs(Xf-Xm)+abs(Yf-Ym) =:= 1,
abs(Xi-Xm)+abs(Yi-Ym) =:= 1]
This also excludes a case that confused me before, when tracing the code: Previously it was legal to have ball(Xi,Yi) = ball(Xm,Ym).
Second, to improve performance, exchange the goals effects(E,S,N) and restriction(R) in the definition of createPlan/6. Previously you computed the effects of moves before checking their legality! Because most moves proposed by the planner are illegal, this wastes a lot of time.
Then, to make the whole thing nicer to use, you can change the definitions of plano/1 and createPlan/4 to:
plano(P) :-
length(P, PlanLength),
createPlan(P, _, 0, PlanLength).
createPlan(Plan,[I|Exec],N,Max) :- inicial(I),
N =< Max,
This is simpler than the definition you had before, and it also behaves more nicely. We can pass in a complete plan to check whether it is legal, or just pass in a list of fixed length to ask what plans of that length exist:
?- P = [_,_], plano(P).
P = [move(3, 5, 5, 5), move(6, 5, 4, 5)] ;
false. % no more solutions
With your definition, this would go on looping and counting up the Max counter, searching for further solutions that cannot exist.
With this formulation we can switch to your big goal and try to search for a solution (this is partly specific to SWI-Prolog):
?- length(P, N), format('searching for solutions of length ~w~n', [N]), time(plano(P)).
searching for solutions of length 0
% 58 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (71% CPU, 2171959 Lips)
searching for solutions of length 1
% 9,709 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (100% CPU, 9123980 Lips)
searching for solutions of length 2
% 79,789 inferences, 0.009 CPU in 0.009 seconds (100% CPU, 8778416 Lips)
searching for solutions of length 3
% 477,230 inferences, 0.051 CPU in 0.051 seconds (100% CPU, 9409315 Lips)
searching for solutions of length 4
% 3,412,088 inferences, 0.361 CPU in 0.361 seconds (100% CPU, 9453315 Lips)
searching for solutions of length 5
% 30,967,699 inferences, 3.503 CPU in 3.503 seconds (100% CPU, 8840598 Lips)
searching for solutions of length 6
I had to interrupt the search at this point, it becomes too slow. More tweaks are certainly possible, and I might keep looking at this.

Prolog STRIPS planner never completes

Following examples by Ivan Bratko on Artificial Intelligence in Prolog through his book:
"Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence - 3rd Edition" (ISBN-13: 978-0201403756) (1st edition 1986 by Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-14224-4)
I've noticed that a lot of the examples do not run to completion but instead seem to get stuck. I have tried several different implementations following it to the letter, but with no luck. Would anyone be willing to take a gander at the code to see if they can spot where there is faulty logic or if I made a mistake?
This is the complete program of a STRIPS style planner for a blocks world as illustrated in the book:
% This planner searches in iterative-deepening style.
% A means-ends planner with goal regression
% plan( State, Goals, Plan)
plan( State, Goals, []) :-
satisfied( State, Goals). % Goals true in State
plan( State, Goals, Plan) :-
append( PrePlan, [Action], Plan), % Divide plan achieving breadth-first effect
select( State, Goals, Goal), % Select a goal
achieves( Action, Goal),
can( Action, Condition), % Ensure Action contains no variables
preserves( Action, Goals), % Protect Goals
regress( Goals, Action, RegressedGoals), % Regress Goals through Action
plan( State, RegressedGoals, PrePlan).
satisfied( State, Goals) :-
delete_all( Goals, State, []). % All Goals in State
select( State, Goals, Goal) :- % Select Goal from Goals
member( Goal, Goals). % A simple selection principle
achieves( Action, Goal) :-
adds( Action, Goals),
member( Goal, Goals).
preserves( Action, Goals) :- % Action does not destroy Goals
deletes( Action, Relations),
not((member( Goal, Relations),
member( Goal, Goals))).
regress( Goals, Action, RegressedGoals) :- % Regress Goals through Action
adds( Action, NewRelations),
delete_all( Goals, NewRelations, RestGoals),
can( Action, Condition),
addnew( Condition, RestGoals, RegressedGoals). % Add precond., check imposs.
% addnew( NewGoals, OldGoals, AllGoals):
% OldGoals is the union of NewGoals and OldGoals
% NewGoals and OldGoals must be compatible
addnew( [], L, L).
addnew( [Goal | _], Goals, _) :-
impossible( Goal, Goals), % Goal incompatible with Goals
fail. % Cannot be added
addnew( [X | L1], L2, L3) :-
member( X, L2), !, % Ignore duplicate
addnew( L1, L2, L3).
addnew( [X | L1], L2, [X | L3]) :-
addnew( L1, L2, L3).
% delete_all( L1, L2, Diff): Diff is set-difference of lists L1 and L2
delete_all( [], _, []).
delete_all( [X | L1], L2, Diff) :-
member( X, L2), !,
delete_all( L1, L2, Diff).
delete_all( [X | L1], L2, [X | Diff]) :-
delete_all( L1, L2, Diff).
can( move( Block, From, To), [clear(Block), clear(To), on(Block,From)]) :-
To \== Block,
object( From),
From \== To,
Block \== From.
adds( move(X,From,To),[on(X,To),clear(From)]).
deletes( move(X,From,To),[on(X,From), clear(To)]).
object(X) :-
impossible( on(X,X), _).
impossible( on( X,Y), Goals) :-
member( clear(Y), Goals)
member( on(X,Y1), Goals), Y1 \== Y % Block cannot be in two places
member( on( X1, Y), Goals), X1 \== X. % Two blocks cannot be in same place
impossible( clear( X), Goals) :-
member( on(_,X), Goals).
I added 7 blocks and 4 locations and tested it with a representation where all the blocks are alphabetically stacked from a through g on position 1, and the goal is to stack them in the same order on position 2.
To run the program call plan(StartState,GoalState, Sol).
plan([on(a,1), on(b,a), on(c,b), on(d,c), on(e,d), on(f,e), on(g,f),
clear(g), clear(2), clear(3)],
[clear(1), on(a,2), on(b,a), on(c,b), on(d,c), on(e,d), on(f,e),
on(g,f), clear(g), clear(3)],
~ ~
g g
f f
e e
d ---> d
c c
b b
a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Definition of move:
End means planner with goal regression:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
In the end, the code is correct but the combinatorial explosion kills it.
3 places, 3 blocks succeeds with 5 moves after 9'755 calls to plan/3.
4 places, 3 blocks succeeds with 5 moves after 98'304 calls to plan/3.
3 places, 4 blocks succeeds with 7 moves after 915'703 calls to plan/3.
3 places, 5 blocks succeeds with 9 moves after 97'288'255 calls to plan/3.
There is no sense trying with more, especially not with 4 places, 7 blocks. It is clear that heuristics, exploitation of symmetry, etc. are needed to go further. All of those need larger amounts of memory. Here, memory used remains small in all cases: only one path down the iteratively deepened (and stored on stack) search tree is live at any time. We don't remember any states visited or anything, it's a very simple search.
Below the updated code (LONG, 337 lines)
Changes (important ones marked with 'FIX' in the code)
library(list) predicates have been used where possible, getting rid of some code.
Debugging output generation using format/2 added.
Assertions (see here) using assertion/1 added to check that what happens is what I think happens.
Predicates and variables renamed to better reflect their intended meaning.
run/0 predicate added which initializes the State and Goal, calls plan/3 and prettyprints the Plan.
can/2 confusingly combined two separate aspects: instantiating an Action and determining its Preconditions. Separated into two predicates instantiate_action/1 and preconditions/2.
select_goal/2 looked like it depended on State, but really didn't. Cleaned up.
Note the trick for making this an "iterative deepening" search. It is very clever but on second thoughts, it is too clever by half as it is based on the predicate run/3 behaving differently when being called with Plan an unbound variable than with Plan being a bound variable. The first case occurs only at the very top node of the implied search tree. This may be further explained in the textbook, which I don't have, and it took some time to realize what is actually happening in this code.
If the pruning expression ((nonvar(Plan), Plan == []) -> fail ; true ) that I put at the start of the search branch of plan/3 irritates, then so should the iterative deepening trick. IMHO, better use tree depth counters and return the Plan via an accumulator. Especially if someone will be tasked to maintain such code in a production system (that is, a "system in production", not a "forward-chaining rule-based system").
% Based on
% Exercise 17.5 on page 429 of "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence"
% by Ivan Bratko, 3rd edition
% The text says:
% "This planner searches through the state space in iterative-deepening style."
% See also:
% The "iterative deepening" trick is all in the "Plan" list structure.
% If you remove it, the search becomes depth-first and no longer terminates!
% ----------
% Encapsulator to be called by user from the toplevel
% ----------
run :-
% Setting up
% TODO: Build predicates that verify that State and Goal are actually validly constructed
% Or choose better representations
nb_setval(glob_plancalls,0), % global variable for counting calls (non-backtrackable)
b_setval(glob_depth,0), % global variable for counting depth (backtrable)
% plan/3 is backtrackable and generates different/successively longer plans on backtrack
% it may however generate the same plan several times
plan(State, Goals, Plan),
% ----------
% Writing out a solution found
% ----------
dump_plan([P|R],N) :-
% TODO: Verify that the plan indeed works!
format('Plan step ~w: ~w~n',[N,P]),
NN is N+1,
% The representation of the blocks world (see below) is a bit unfortunate as places and blocks
% have to be declared separately and relationships between places and blocks, as well
% as among blocks themselves have to declared explicitely and consistently.
% Additionally we have to specify which elements have a view of the sky (i.e. are clear/1)
% On the other hand, the final state and end state need not be specified fully, which is
% interesting (not sure what that means exactly regarding solution finding)
% The atoms used in describing places and blocks must be distinct due to program construction!
start_state([on(a,1), on(b,a), on(c,b), clear(c), clear(2), clear(3), clear(4)]).
final_state([on(a,2), on(b,a), on(c,b), clear(c), clear(1), clear(3), clear(4)]).
% ----------
% Representation of the blocks world
% ----------
% We have BLOCKs identified by atoms a,b,c, ...
% Each of those is identified by block/1 attribute.
% A block/1 is clear/1 if there is nothing on top of it.
% A block/1 is on(Block, Object) where Object is a block/1 or place/1.
% We have PLACEs (i.e. columns of blocks) onto which to stack blocks.
% Each of these is identified by place/1 attribute.
% A place/1 can be clear/1 if there is nothing on top of it.
% (In fact these are like special immutable blocks and should be modeled as such)
% OBJECTs are place/1 or block/1.
object(X) :- place(X) ; block(X).
% ACTIONs are terms "move( Block, From, To)".
% "Block" must be block/1.
% "From" must be object/1 (i.e. block/1 or place/1).
% "To" must be object/1 (i.e. block/1 or place/1).
% Evidently constraints exist for a move/3 to be possible from or to any given state.
% STATEs are sets (implemented by lists) of "goal" terms.
% A goal term is "on( X, Y)" or "clear(Y)" where Y is object/1 and X is block/1.
% ----------
% plan( +State, +Goals, -Plan)
% Build a "Plan" get from "State" to "Goals".
% "State" and "Goals" are sets (implemented as lists) of goal terms.
% "Plan" is a list of action terms.
% The implementation works "backwards" from the "Goals" goal term list towards the "State" goal term list.
% ----------
% ___ Satisfaction branch ____
% This can only succeed if we are at the "end" of a Plan (the Plan must match '[]') and State matches Goal.
plan( State, Goals, []) :-
% Debugging output
NP is P+1,
ND is D+1,
format('plan/3 call ~w at depth ~d (stack ~d)~n',[NP,ND,STACK]),
% If the Goals statisfy State, print and succeed, otherwise print and fail
( satisfied( State, Goals) ->
format(' Goals: ~w~n', [Goals_s]),
format(' State: ~w~n', [State_s]),
format(' *** SATISFIED ***~n'))
format(' --- NOT SATISFIED ---~n'),
% ____ Search branch ____
% Magic which generates the breath-first iterative deepening search:
% In the top node of the call tree (the node directly underneath "run"), "Plan" is unbound.
% At point "XXX" "Plan" is set to a list of as-yet-unbound actions of a given length.
% At each backtrack that reaches up to "XXX", "Plan" is bound to list longer by 1.
% In any other node of the call tree than the top node, "Plan" is bound to a list of fixed length
% becoming shorter by 1 on each recursive call.
% The length of that list determines how deep the search through the state space *must* go because
% satisfaction can only be happen if the "Plan" list is equal to [] and State matches Goal.
% So:
% On first activation of the top, build plans of length 0 (only possible if Goals passes satisfied/2 directly)
% On second activation of the top, build plans of length 1 (and backtrack over all possibilities of length 1)
% ...
% On Nth activation of the top, build plans of length N-1 (and backtrack over all possibilities of length N-1)
% A slight improvement is to fail the search branch immediately if Plan is a nonvar and is equal to []
% because append( PrePlan, [Action], Plan) will fail...
plan( State, Goals, Plan) :-
% The line below can be commented out w/o ill effects, it is just there to fail early
((nonvar(Plan), Plan == []) -> fail ; true ),
% Debugging output
NP is P+1,
ND is D+1,
format('plan/3 call ~w at depth ~d (stack ~d)~n',[NP,ND,STACK]),
format(' goals ~w~n',[Goals]),
% Even more debugging output
( var(Plan) -> format(' Top node of plan/3 call~n') ; true ),
( nonvar(Plan) -> (length(Plan,LP), format(' Low node of plan/3 call, plan length to complete: ~w~n',[LP])) ; true ),
% prevent runaway behaviour
% assertion(NP < 1000000),
% append/3 is backtrackable.
% For the top node, it will generate longer completely uninstantiated PrePlans on backtracking:
% PrePlan = [], Plan = [Action] ;
% PrePlan = [_G981], Plan = [_G981, Action] ;
% PrePlan = [_G981, _G987], Plan = [_G981, _G987, Action] ;
% PrePlan = [_G981, _G987, _G993], Plan = [_G981, _G987, _G993, Action] ;
% For lower nodes, Plan is instantiated to a list of length N already, and PrePlan will therefore necessarily
% be the prefix list of length N-1
append( PrePlan, [Action], Plan),
% Backtrackably select some concrete Goal from Goals
select_goal( Goals, Goal), % FIX: In the original this seems to depend on State, but it really doesn't
format( ' Depth ~d, selected Goal: ~w~n',[ND,Goal]),
% Check whether Action achieves the Goal.
% As Action is free, what we actually do is instantiate Action backtrackably with something that achieves Goal
achieves( Action, Goal),
format( ' Depth ~d, selected Action: ~w~n', [ND,Action]),
% Fully instantiate Action backtrackably
% FIX: Passed "conditions", the precondition for a move, which is unused at this point: broken up into two calls
instantiate_action( Action),
format( ' Depth ~d, action instantiated to: ~w~n', [ND,Action]),
% Check that the Action does not clobber any of the Goals
preserves( Action, Goals),
% We now have a ground Action that "achieves" some goals in Goals while "preserving" all of them
% Work backwards from Goals to a "prior goals". regress/3 may fail to build a consistent GoalsPrior!
regress( Goals, Action, GoalsPrior),
plan( State, GoalsPrior, PrePlan).
% ----------
% Check
% ----------
assert_goal(X) :-
assertion((X = on(A,B), block(A), object(B) ; X = clear(C), object(C))).
% ----------
% A State (a list) is satisfied by Goals (a list) if all the terms in Goals can also be found in State
% ----------
satisfied( State, Goals) :-
subtract( Goals, State, []). % Set difference yields empty list: [] = Goals - State
% ----------
% Backtrackably select a single Goal term from a set of Goals
% ----------
select_goal( Goals, Goal) :-
member( Goal, Goals).
% ----------
% When does an Action (move/2) achieve a Goal (clear/1, on/2)?
% This is called with instantiated Goal and free Action, so this actually instantiates Action
% with something (partially specified) that achieves Goal.
% ----------
achieves( Action, Goal) :-
would_add( Action, GoalsAdded),
member( Goal, GoalsAdded).
% ----------
% Given a ground Action and ground Goals, will Action from a State leading to Goals preserve Goals?
% ----------
preserves( Action, Goals) :-
would_del( Action, GoalsDeleted),
intersection( Goals, GoalsDeleted, []). % "would delete none of the Goals"
% ----------
% Given existing Goals and an (instantiated) Action, compute the previous Goals
% that, when Action is applied, yield Goals. This may actually fail if no
% consistent GoalsPrior can be built!
% ** It is actually not at all self-evident that this is right and that we get a valid
% "GoalsPrior" via this method! ** (prove it!)
% FIX: "Condition" replaced by "Preconditions" which is what this is about.
% ----------
regress( Goals, Action, GoalsPrior) :-
would_add( Action, GoalsAdded),
subtract( Goals, GoalsAdded, GoalsPriorPass), % from the "lists" library
preconditions( Action, Preconditions),
% All the Preconds must be fulfilled in Goals2, so try adding them
% Adding them may not succeed if inconsistencies appear in the resulting set of goals, in which case we fail
add_preconditions( Preconditions, GoalsPriorPass, GoalsPrior).
% ----------
% Adding preconditions to existing set of goals and checking for inconsistencies as we go
% Previously named addnew/3
% New we use union/3 from the "lists" library and the modified "consistent"
% ----------
add_preconditions( Preconditions, GoalsPriorIn, GoalsPriorOut) :-
add_preconditions_recur( Preconditions, GoalsPriorIn, GoalsPriorIn, GoalsPriorOut).
add_preconditions_recur( [], _, GoalsPrior, GoalsPrior).
add_preconditions_recur( [G|R], Goals, GoalsPriorAcc, GoalsPriorOut) :-
consistent( G, Goals),
union( [G], GoalsPriorAcc, GoalsPriorAccNext),
add_preconditions_recur( R, Goals, GoalsPriorAccNext, GoalsPriorOut).
% ----------
% Check whether a given Goal is consistent with the set of Goals to which it will be added
% Previously named "impossible/2".
% Now named "consistent/2" and we use negation as failure
% ----------
consistent( on(X,Y), Goals ) :-
\+ on(X,Y) = on(A,A), % this cannot ever happen, actually
\+ member( clear(Y), Goals ), % if X is on Y then Y cannot be clear
\+ ( member( on(X,Y1), Goals ), Y1 \== Y ), % Block cannot be in two places
\+ ( member( on(X1,Y), Goals), X1 \== X ). % Two blocks cannot be in same place
consistent( clear(X), Goals ) :-
\+ member( on(_,X), Goals). % if something is on X, X cannot be clear
% ----------
% Backtrackably instantiate a partially instantiated Action
% Previously named "can/2" and it also instantiated the "Condition", creating confusion
% ----------
instantiate_action(Action) :-
assertion(Action = move( Block, From, To)),
Action = move( Block, From, To),
block(Block), % will unify "Block" with a concrete block
object(To), % will unify "To" with a concrete object (block or place)
To \== Block, % equivalent to \+ == (but = would do here); this demands that blocks and places have disjoint sets of atoms
object(From), % will unify "From" with a concrete object (block or place)
From \== To,
Block \== From.
% ----------
% Find preconditions (a list of Goals) of a fully instantiated Action
% ----------
preconditions(Action, Preconditions) :-
Action = move( Block, From, To),
Preconditions = [clear(Block), clear(To), on(Block, From)].
% ----------
% would_del( Move, DelGoals )
% would_add( Move, AddGoals )
% If we run Move (assuming it is possible), what goals do we have to add/remove from an existing Goals
% ----------
would_del( move( Block, From, To), [on(Block,From), clear(To)] ).
would_add( move( Block, From, To), [on(Block,To), clear(From)] ).
Running the above produces lots of output and eventually:
plan/3 call 57063 at depth 6 (stack 98304)
Goals: [clear(2),clear(3),clear(4),clear(c),on(a,1),on(b,a),on(c,b)]
State: [clear(2),clear(3),clear(4),clear(c),on(a,1),on(b,a),on(c,b)]
Plan step 1: move(c,b,3)
Plan step 2: move(b,a,4)
Plan step 3: move(a,1,2)
Plan step 4: move(b,4,a)
Plan step 5: move(c,3,b)
See also
STRIPS automatic planner
Iterative deepening depth-first search
Blocks World

Solving a puzzle with Prolog, throws error "Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated"

I'm trying to solve the following problem using logical constraints:
The packer has to place 5 crates onto a long lorry. The 5 crates
contain chickens, barley, foxes, rat poison and wheat. The crates need
to be arranged in a long line without any gaps between them so that:
• the chickens are separated from the foxes;
• the rat poison is not next to the barley;
• the rat poison is not next to the wheat.
Find out
how may different ways there are of arranging these crates subject to
these packing constraints.
This is what I have so far:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
position(Crates) :-
Crates = [Chicken, Barley, Foxes, RatPoison, Wheat],
Regions ins 1..5,
Chicken #\= Foxes,
RatPoison #\= Barley,
RatPoison #\= Wheat,
labeling([], Regions).
It throws the error "Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated" when I try to run it.
I'm very new to Prolog so any help would be appreciated.
Firstly you are restricting Regions to 1..5 and than labeling it. But you want to know the possible positions for the 5 crates. So restrict and label Crates. Note that Regions is a free variable when you restrict it to values between 1 and 5 and the length of the list Regions is not restricted at all, thus the error when you try to label it. In this version, in the last goal of the predicate position/1, the list Crates is already restricted to a fixed length (=5) and to values between 1 and 5 when being labeled.
Then you want the chicken and the foxes to not be in the same crate: Chicken #\= Foxes. But according to the task description they are in different crates anyway. You rather want them to be not in adjacent crates. The same goes for ratpoison/barley and ratpoison/wheat. Also no two crates can be in the same position: you can use all_distinct/1 form library(clpfd) for that. Putting this all together you get something like:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
position(Crates) :-
Crates = [Chicken, Barley, Foxes, RatPoison, Wheat],
Crates ins 1..5,
labeling([], Crates).
not_adjacent(X,Y) :-
X #\= Y+1,
Y #\= X+1.
Now try to query position/1:
?- position(Crates).
Crates = [1,2,4,5,3] ? ;
Crates = [1,3,4,5,2] ? ;
Crates = [1,4,3,2,5] ?
If you don't want to go through all solutions interactively you can use findall/3 and length/2 to show all solutions and to count them:
?- findall(Crates,position(Crates),L),length(L,X).
L = [[1,2,4,5,3],[1,3,4,5,2],[1,4,3,2,5],[1,5,3,2,4],[2,1,4,3,5],[2,1,4,5,3],[2,3,4,1,5],[2,3,4,5,1],[2,3,5,1,4],[2,4,5,1,3],[2,5,4,1,3],[2,5,4,3,1],[3,1,5,4,2],[3,2,5,4,1],[3,4,1,2,5],[3,5,1,2,4],[4,1,2,3,5],[4,1,2,5,3],[4,2,1,5,3],[4,3,1,5,2],[4,3,2,1,5],[4,3,2,5,1],[4,5,2,1,3],[4,5,2,3,1],[5,1,3,4,2],[5,2,3,4,1],[5,3,2,1,4],[5,4,2,1,3]],
X = 28
My model gives different result WRT #tas answer. Maybe I don't fully understand the phrase
the chickens are separated from the foxes
that I translate like
abs(Chicken - Foxes) #> 2
Anyway, the full model
position(Crates) :-
Crates = [Chicken, Barley, Foxes, RatPoison, Wheat],
Crates ins 1..5,
abs(Chicken - Foxes) #> 2,
abs(RatPoison - Barley) #> 1,
abs(RatPoison - Wheat) #> 1,
?- aggregate(count,Cs^position(Cs),N).
N = 8.

Limiting Prolog solutions based on rules

I have a Prolog program that says whether people like various types of fruit:
There are a number of these types of fruit available:
A user can each fruit if they like the fruit and there is enough of their liked fruit available:
can_eat(Person,Fruit) :- likes(Person, Fruit),
N > 0.
So you can do:
?- can_eat(X,Y).
X = bob,
Y = apple ; <-- single apple
X = bob,
Y = peach ;
X = alice,
Y = apple. <-- single apple, again
?- can_eat(alice,X).
X = apple. <-- Alice has apple
?- can_eat(bob,X).
X = apple ; <-- Bob has apple
X = peach.
Both Alice and Bob are allowed the apple but there is only one apple. How can I tell Prolog that only Alice or Bob are allowed the apple, not both. I think I need a way of keeping track of the number of apples that are left depending on the solution Prolog is giving me.
You can represent the set of available fruits and make relations update it according to the actions performed by people. Something along can_eat(Person, Fruit, Env) where Env contains (Fruit, Count) couples, for example.
An updated environment New_Env is based on an old one where for some old (Fruit, X), there is a (Fruit, Y) item where Y is X - 1. You could represent this relation with clpfd, Y #= X - 1, and Y #>= 0.
First, you should post your exact database, since right now bob doesn't like apples. So we get
?- setof(F-P, can_eat(F,P), L).
L = [alice-apple, bob-peach, bob-pear].
Anyway, as long as can_eat/2 arguments are atomic, there is no way to solve your problem. The required interpretation implies a change of state, an assignment.
For instance
can_eat(A) :-
findall(F-N, count(F, N), L),
assign(L, A).
assign(L, [P-Fruit|As]) :-
likes(P, Fruit),
select(Fruit-N, L, R),
N > 0, M is N-1,
assign([Fruit-M|R], As).
assign(_, []).
that yields a long solution list,exactly
?- aggregate(count,A^can_eat(A),N).
N = 945.

Prolog Use of Cuts

I am re-writing the following function in Prolog:
f(X,Y):- X < 2, Y is X+1.
f(X,3):- 2 =< X, X < 5.
f(X,Y):- 5 =< X, Y is 8-X.
As V2:
f(X,Y) :-
X < 2,
Y is X + 1.
f(X,Y) :-
X >= 2,
X < 5,
Y is 3.
f(X,Y) :-
X >= 5,
Y is 8-X.
I then wanted to experiment with cuts. For green cuts (V3):
f(X,Y) :-
X < 2, !,
Y is X + 1.
f(X,Y) :-
X >= 2,
X < 5, !,
Y is 3.
f(X,Y) :-
X >= 5,
Y is 8-X.
For red cuts (V4):
f(X,Y) :-
X < 2, !,
Y is X + 1.
f(X,Y) :-
X < 5, !,
Y is 3.
f(X,Y) :-
Y is 8-X.
However, I don't understand their advantage, as deleting the cuts would allow the same behaviour of the code... Any help?
All your versions V1..V4 are observationally equivalent, so you got some reasoning right. Still, there are differences.
Avoiding superfluous choice points
In many implementations, V1 and V2 might be particularly less efficient, for, internally, they "leave open a choice point". This is so because such Prologs do not look any further to the other rules. So each goal f(1,X) consumes a bit of memory that can be freed only on backtracking (or using !). Here is a simple way to try this out yourself:
loop(Goal) :-
Here is what I get in SWI:
?- time(loop(f1(1,2))).
% 5,991,554 inferences, 81.282 CPU in 81.443 seconds (100% CPU, 73713 Lips)
ERROR: Out of local stack
?- time(loop(f2(1,2))).
% 5,991,553 inferences, 85.032 CPU in 85.212 seconds (100% CPU, 70462 Lips)
ERROR: Out of local stack
Whereas V3 and V4 seem to run indefinitely - at least much longer than 85s. Experiments such as this one are funny for very tiny programs but are not very practical for bigger ones. Fortunately, there is a simple way to tell in many Prologs whether or not a query is executed determinately. To see if your system does this, enter:
?- X = 1.
X = 1.
For your variations:
?- f1(1,2).
; % <== Prolog asked for another answer
false. % <== only to conclude that there is none.
?- f2(1,2).
; false. % same again
?- f3(1,2).
true. % <== Prolog knows there will be no further answer
?- f4(1,2).
Avoiding recalculations - making cuts red
While V3 avoids superfluous choice points, V4 now even avoids superfluous calculations. So it should be the most efficient. But it comes at the price of fixing the order of the clauses.
However, V3 was only possible, because two necessary conditions for green cuts coincided:
Non-overlapping conditions. That should be obvious to you.
Safe testing of instantiations. This is far from obvious. Please note that the goal X < 2 has an implicit test for a correct instantiation attached! It produces an instantiation error should X be an uninstantiated variable. It is because of this very test that the cut in V3 happens to be a green cut. Without that testing, it would be a red cut.
Note also that V1 and V2 would not be equivalent, if the second rule would be alone! For the goal f(X,5). would fail in V1 but it would produce an error in V2.
As you noted the first version shows green cuts and the second red cuts.
It is not necessary that you will feel the difference between these two versions.
a) one reason can be efficiency, but for toy codes with fast machines you hardly notice it.
b) shuffling the rules should not change code's behavior in case of green cuts, and that's true for the first code. But in the second code, if you put the second clause before the first one than the behavior changes: f(0,3) is true, but initially it was false. Therefore you would feel difference if you shuffle the rules.
Advantage of shuffling is that you don't care about order but content - that's one of the points declarative programing.
