Trying to run a shell script using AppleScript - bash

This might be a bit of a dumb question as I'm new to AppleScript, but I'm trying to run a very simple shell script in terminal using AppleScript. The code I'm currently using is:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "videoLoop"
end tell
but I keep getting the error
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Could I also just type "" into terminal using AppleScript?
Any help would be appreciated

If you need it to open a terminal window use something like this:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "/Users/youruser/testdir/"
end tell
Else, if you just want it to run the script do something like this:
do shell script "/Users/youruser/testdir/"
You need the full path, and your script needs execute permissions.
My examples just echo the standard Hello World text but the same should work for most other scripts provided they're written properly.


Apple Script execute Unix executable

I'm currently pulling my hair out trying to make an apple script execute a shell script / Unix executable, so that I can drag it into the dock. I don't have much experience with AS, so this is propably an easy fix for many of you guys.
Here's the whole script:
to run
do shell script "/Users/MyUserName/Documents/cmus/2.7.1_1/bin/cmus"
end run
Cmus is a terminal music program that is a Unix executable.
When I try to run it, I get this error message:
error "Error opening terminal: unknown." number 1
What is the problem? Pls help...
I am guessing your program is curses based and needs a Terminal window, so try this:
to run
tell application "Terminal"
do script "/Users/MyUserName/Documents/cmus/2.7.1_1/bin/cmus"
end tell
end run
#TheUnderBrony don't use do shell script but use do script. do shell script is part of the standard addition.osax which open an shell in the background do script is part of the terminal which will execute the string in a terminal window.- dj bazzie wazzie
This solved my problem, thank you! But Only one slight problem is left: The terminal starts and opens the program, but it opens it in the background, aka, I need to click on the terminal icon to show the window. Do I need to activate the window? If so, how? But already thanks a bunch :)

applescript do shell command "command not found"

I am new to applescript and command line tools.
I installed a command line tool to control the brightness of the iMac in Terminal. I installed the following:
After installing, I noticed a new exec file in /usr/local/bin/ called "brightness".
The Internet told me, that applescript only knows the command lines found in /bin/sh. "brightness" is not found there, and I can't copy the exec file to this directory. So it makes sense, that I get the error "sh: brightness: command not found", when executing the following applescript:
do shell script "brightness 0.7"
Now the big question, what do I have to do in order to get the shell command working?
In Terminal, the command works fine. I know I could do the following:
tell application "Terminal"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "brightness 0.7"
keystroke return
end tell
But this always makes the terminal window active, and I want to run the command silently.
I am glad for detailed instructions. I searched the internet for days, but hey, I am a beginner.
Provide the full path
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/brightness 0.7"

AppleScript: execution error -10810 when launching certain applications from shebang'ed scripts

I'm running OS X 10.10.2. I'm facing a weird issue where AppleScript won't launch applications from shebang'ed scripts while working fine everywhere else (Script Editor, piping to osascript, etc.). Specifically, consider the following example script named launch-app:
launch application "TextEdit"
When TextEdit is not running and I do
I get
./launch-app:0:29: execution error: An error of type -10810 has occurred. (-10810)
When I do
<launch-app osascript
Well, it works just fine; which means the following Bash script will also work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
osascript <<EOF
launch application "TextEdit"
Really weird. (By the way, a tell ... activate ... end tell block results in the same error. I'm using launch here just to keep to example minimal.)
I have some old scripts that involve activating an application (well, practically all my old scripts involve tell ... activate ... end tell) that definitely worked in the past. I can't tell when things began to fall apart because when I run those scripts, most often the applications to activate are already launched. I have the impression that the issue dates back at least to 10.10.1.
I have looked at several related posts here on SO, e.g., this one, but they don't help. I also tried to understand error -10810 by reading articles like this one, but my problem definitely doesn't look like a filled process table (otherwise why does directly calling osascript works while running osascript from a shebang doesn't?).
Update: The bug has been fixed in OSX 10.10.3.
Just to provide a state-of-the-union post:
The behavior observed is a bug in OSX 10.10 still unresolved as of OSX 10.10.2 (as of 10 Mar 2015):
Anyone interested in getting this fixed should file their own bug at
It applies to executable scripts that are directly or indirectly passed to osascript - whether:
explicitly (osascript launch-app)
or implicitly, via the shebang line, by direct invocation (./launch-app)
The specific form of the shebang line is irrelevant (whether #!/usr/bin/osascript or #!/usr/bin/env osascript or #!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript or ...), what matters is whether the file has the executable bit (permission) set (e.g., via chmod +x).
As suggested by the OP, feed the file to osascript via stdin: osascript < launch-app
This has side effects; for instance, name of me will report msng instead of the name of the script.
Remove the executable bit from the script and invoke it explicitly with osascript:
chmod -x launch-app # a one-time operation
osascript launch-app # with the executable bit unset, this should work
Looking at the man page for osascript, when you send lines of applescript code you should put the "-e" option infront of each separate line.
So here's what I tested. I made a bash script with the -e option...
osascript -e 'launch application "TextEdit"'
And one without.
osascript 'launch application "TextEdit"'
The one without the -e option does not run. As such I think this could be a cause of your problem... there's no -e option in your code.
Note that I tested your code too and got the same error as you. There's a command line utility "/usr/bin/macerror" and I entered your error code into that. Here's the result.
Unknown error (-10810) at /usr/bin/macerror5.18 line 40, <DATA> line 1.
Good luck.
There is no need for using osascript to launch applications. There is a built in command line utility named open, that will open your app from the terminal commandline, or a shebanged script. For doucumentation, enter "man open" in a terminal window. It is a really nifty utility, with a lot of options. :)
The open utility, will lauch applications that are not running, but I also wonder out of curiosity: have you tried "tell application appname to run", or just "tell application appname to activate"?
The osascript below, works for me, on 10.9
tell application "TextEdit" to launch
I guess you'll have to commmand the app to do something, and not just try to "launch" it. Maybe "tell me to launch application appname also works".
I prefer to use open -b "", because then I also get the front window of textEdit, brought to front.
By the way, with the open -e command, you can open a textfile directly into TextEdit from the commandline. open is not totally as good as the plumb utility of plan-9, but it is really nifty.

Mac: gnome-terminal equivalent for shell script

I am trying to run a shell script in a MAC terminal. I want to open a new terminal window that will execute the script separate from the program that is running. In Fedora, there is a gnome-terminal command which lets me execute a script in another terminal shell.
Does anyone know an equivalent on MAX OSX and how to use it?
For example say I have a script and I want to call this from a program that is executing but in a separate terminal from the one which is currently executing the program.
I like DigitalTrauma's answer but I found for my use, this worked better
open -a
Thanks for the answers.
One way to do it is to use an xterm instead of a terminal window:
xterm -e
If you want the xterm to stay open after the script completes, use the -hold option to xterm.
But if you really need to do this in a terminal, you can do it with applescript:
tell application "Terminal"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using command down
repeat while contents of selected tab of window 1 starts with linefeed
delay 0.1
end repeat
do script "" in window 1 -- make sure the path to your script is right
end tell
(Credit to the answer here

Is there a way to convert ruby scripts to executable(linuxmint)

Hey guys, I run LinuxMint and I have some scripts which I want to run without terminal, can you tell me how?
You need to:
Put as the first line of your ruby script the following shebang line (so bash knows what program to use to run this file)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Make your ruby file executable. In a console you can do this:
chmod 700 my_ruby_file.rb
Test that your ruby file is now executable. In a console write:
Notice that we are no longer calling "ruby my_ruby_file.rb", but instead just call the file directly "./my_ruby_file.rb"
If your ruby program executed normally, then everything is going well. If it does not execute and shows you an error, then something is not well done from the previous steps (and post your error)
In your desktop, create an application link, and point it to the my_ruby_file.rb
Once you have the application icon created and shown in your desktop, you can doble-clickit and it will run your application.
Tell us how it went- cheers
