Barcode implementation on product items - barcode

I have a product multiple items, i want to put barcode on them as it is required to sale them in local markete in Pakistan. For this reason i searched on internet to have solutions and i am still a little confused in it. Note: purpose is to sale my product in a local markete and they tell me to put barcode on it.
Do i really have to register my product with GS1 pk to get barcode
Through internet search i found a software named Really Simple Barcode it make some barcode but not very attractive and also ask me about GS1 barcode number.
There is another mobile app named QuickMart is an excellent app to scan different kind of barcode images and also create QR code for free. but i think that's also not what i need.
What kind of barcode i actually need for selling my product in local
markete? codebar is suitable or not?
Do i need only one barcode image which will b placed on all the itmes
of similar product? or i need to have separate barcode image for every
single item of a single product?
Tell me if there is any way to avoid GS1 registration?
Once i will get my barcode image ready, then how to place it on my
product? any simple and effective method?
Thanks in advance.

Do I really have to register my product with GS1 pk to get barcode number?
Yes. GS1 owns the numbers. Each GS1 office has its own rules but generally you need to join GS1
to obtain the numbers. They issue you with a set of numbers which you allocate to products as you need them. It has to be co-ordinated by a central authority (GS1) - same as car registration.
What kind of barcode do I actually need for selling my product in local markete? Is codebar suitable or not?
EAN/UPC 13-digit product code. Using GS1 Databar is not suitable. All systems in use nowadays world-wide are supposed to be able to read EAN/UPC 13-digit codes. If you produce your codes using any other standard, the equipment at the end-user sales location may not be able to read the code you are using.
Do I need only one barcode image which will b placed on all the itmes of similar product? or i need to have separate barcode image for every single item of a single product?
If you produce a million 400g can of beans in tomato sauce then each one will carry the same barcode number. If you produce 400g can of beans in worcester sauce then each one of those will carry another barcode number - it will be a different number from the barcode printed on your 400g can of beans in tomato sauce as it is a different product. Every 825g can of beans in tomato sauce you produce will carry a third number because it is a different size even if it is the same fundamental product.
Tell me if there is any way to avoid GS1 registration?
You can't avoid GS1 registration in some form. Some administrations will allow a single barcode number or a small set to be issued to a small manufacturer. Best idea is to telephone GS1 ( +92 21 2628213 in Karachi) and ask them. I have heard that they don't bite.
Once i will get my barcode image ready, then how to place it on my product? any simple and effective method?
GS1 can advise - it's their job and mission. Your label manufacturer will be familiar with the routine and can guide. All you need to do is worry about location on your product. Black bars on a white background are best, but other colour combinations are possible (and some are prohibited because the scanner equipment has difficulty reading the code.) GS1 can advise - it's their job and mission (I may have said that before.) GS1 will often want you to provide them with a sample of your proposed label for verification and will normally allow you a number of verifications as part of your membership. Again, they will advise what needs to be changed about your label if it has to be modified for any reason.
If you are producing individual labels using a barcode printer, then printing the barcodes is incorporated into the basic functionality of the printer. From there, it depends on whether you are constructing your labels by using the Printer Control Language for your printer (with which you should be familiar) or whether you are using label-designer software where you can no doubt simply drop a barcode onto your form in the same way as any text or graphic.
Tips: Look a similarly-shaped products already on the market for how to arrange your label. For instance, on small cans with a small circumference (like soft-drink cans,) the bars are probably best rotated so that the code is horizontal.


How to read a specific prefix information from gs1 barcode, with scanner?

I am working with products that contains gs1 barcodes where are many application identrifiers (AI) or prefix, like (01)....(17).....(10).... . The scanner I 've got its called honeywell ms5145 and when I scann the barcode it prints as output the numbers of (01) identifier and ends before the AI (17). After a bit of searching I found some configuration barcodes where one of them is for usb full speed. When I scan this config and after that the barcode of the product the output was defferent and it was printing all the information of the barcode from (01) to (10). The (10) application identifier is for batch lot numbers and thats I want to scan. For example lets say that the barcode in one product is (01)98923424(17)99933333(10)111111B. If I scan without the usb full speed config the output will be 98923424 which is the contex of the (10) application identifier and if I scan with the config of usb full speed the output will be 9892342499933333111111B,without of course the AI.My question is, is there any way without any software configuration to extract only the batch lot number of the gs1 barcode. Genneraly is it possible to extract what ever application identifier I want with one scan ?
Notice that valid GS1 codes must contain 01 identifier, and must not repeat same identifier.
If you have a GS1 structured code like (01)12345678901238(17)231220(10)987654 you most likely scan everything.
But, your scanner can be configured to manipulate the data using the MetroSet2 software. Look at data formatting.
I have not tried it since I do not have said scanner, but typically formatting is some variant of substring. This will work if the barcodes your work with have same length. GS1 structures may switch order though, this will cause your substring to be incorrect.
An alternative could be scanners that are programmable in Javascript such as those from Code Corporation I am not affiliated with CodeCorp in any way, but work with barcodes)

Converting small barcode into longer

Working on a Point of Sale system and trying to understand how to convert a smaller barcode to its longer registered one:
Example is for Coca-Cola Classic, 20 Oz. Bottle whose barcode shows as 04904403 and getting it to its correct UPC 049000000443 (
That is the UPC-E code. You are looking to convert UPC-E code to UPC-A.
See more about Universal Product codes here:
You can also look at this already answered question: How to convert a UPC-E barcode to a UPC-A barcode?
You might also want to look at this website:

Best barcodes and how/what to generate barcodes from, and how to store it the best way?

I am writing an webapp for a used thrift store. We are planning to add all items to a database, and I will be using Laravel and MySQL for this.
We also want to get a barcode scanner in order to scan and add items.
But I've never worked with barcodes before and info regarded this for a website like mine is hard to find info on, so is the barcode-scanners so I'm asking help from someone with experience.
I'm not sure which barcodes we should use, but I'm thinking a 3D one, like QR would do good. I've found several qr-generators, but I'm unsure on how I should create them properly from items.
Say the store is named Brukten. And it has items, with number IDs. Should I then generate barcodes out of "Brukten_53" or something, or just the ID, or how is a smart way? Because I can use an option like this instead of storing the generated barcode, right, and its better to generate a QR each time instead of storing the data about it?
At first we will use a web interface to add items, and later on we want to get a barcode-scanner to help scan things, so I'm guessing it would be nice with a scanner that could take pictures and add to database. So we want the DB to be ready for this, and properly made to work with such systems. So I'm wondering also if anyone can recommend me a device for this. I've seen several but unsure what to choose. 2d, 3d, something with camera, or is there other devices we could use?
What we want a device for is:
We want to store in the db: Old things, new things
We want to retrieve: all things
We want to alter info: edit things, sell, check things
Something easier than going around with a laptop, phone or a tablet and entering stuff.
Building the site is no problem for me, PHP, MySQL, Laravel framework and all is old stuff, but barcodes is a new world for me.
You only have to make sure that every single distinct physical item has a unique ID.
A simple way to accomplish this is using category ids as prefixes.
Suppose your "used men clothes category" is ID 25, and when you enter a pair on jeans of that category into the system, you app assign them ID 12345.
You can reference that item as 002500012345. You only need to calculate the 13rd digit using this function ( and you have a full-fledged EAN13 barcode you can print using this font ( and read with virtually any code scanner.
The other approach is generating a unique url for each product:
And embed the url into a QR code.
You can generate the image for the QR code using this library:

Kofax Seperate Main Invoice from Supporting Document without using Seperator sheet

When a batch gets created documents should get separated automatically without using separator sheet or Barcode separator.
How can I classify documents for Invoice and supporting document.
In our project we get many invoices with supporting document so the scanning person has to insert the separator sheets manually, so to avoid this we want to automatically classify the supporting documents.
In general the concept would be that you would enable separation in the project and then train your classes with examples to be used for the layout or content classifiers.
However, as I'm sure you've seen, the obstacle with invoices is that they are different enough between vendors that it would not reliably classify all to an Invoice class. Similarly with "Supporting Documents" which are likely to be very different from each other, so unfortunately there isn't a completely easy answer without separator sheets (or barcode stickers affixed to supporting docs).
What you might want to do is write code in the one of the separation events like Document_AfterSeparate event. Despite the name, the document has not yet been split at this point, but the classifiers have run. See Scripting Help topic "Server Script Events Sequence > Document Separation > Standard Document Separation" for more detail. Setting the SplitPage property on the CDocPage (pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.ItemByIndex(lPage).SplitPage) will allow you to use your own logic to determine which pages to separate.
For example if you know that you will always have single page invoices, you can split on the first page and classify accordingly. Or you can try to search for something that indicates the end of the invoice like "Total" or other characteristics. There is an example of how you can use locators to help separation in the Scripting Help topic "Script Samples > Use Locator Results for Standard Document Separation". The example uses a Barcode Locator, but the same concept works if you wanted to try it with a Format Locator or anything else.
Without Separator sheets you will need a smart classification software like Kofax Transformation Module (KTM). Its kind of expensive. you will need to verify the cost saving and ROI.

Localizing spreadsheet cell names

I'm working on an application that has a spreadsheet-like interface. There is a grid of cells. Rows are numbered, and letters are used for the columns. So "names" like A2 and Q17 refer to cells in the grid.
I know I can use GetLocaleInfo(Ex) with LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS to get the appropriate digits for the user's locale, so I can format the row numbers. But I don't see something comparable for the locale-appropriate "alphabet".
I could imagine the same question arising for things like word processors that have an outline mode and need to be able to enumerate some list items with letters.
I've been pouring through the Windows NLS APIs, and I don't see anything like LOCALE_SNATIVEALPHABET nor do I see an API like EnumLocaleAlphabet. Am I missing such an API or am I stuck rolling my own?
Personally I haven't heard of such API. The closest to what you are asking would be ICU uchar's UBlockCode but it still won't give you concrete alphabet.
By the way, I don't think it is actually localize cell names unless you localize the whole User Interface. But in such case you may simply ask translators to provide valid cell symbols.
And this probably what you should do, because some writing systems do not have concept of alphabet at all. That is, it is called script, not alphabet. For example, I don't think it would be good idea to use Arabic for cell symbol (which glyph variant in such case?) nor I would use Chinese (all possible ideograms?).
My suggestion is: leave it to translators, if they want to localize it, that is OK, if they don't, just trust them, they really should know their craft.
