How can I generate a makefile for my project from within Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

I need to be able to produce the makefile for my C++ project, although I cannot find how to do this within visual studio.

The common solution to this type of problem is to use a cross-platform build system that can generate platform appropriate build files. CMake is one example of this. It can be used to generate Solution and Project files on Windows and make files for Linux. It can also generate make files for mingw32. Note that this will be a fairly significant departure from your current set up and can take some time to get working correctly.


Visual Studio, CMake and Toolchain Files

before I explain my current problem with Visual Studio in combination with CMake, I try to explain what I want to accomplish as there might be a better solution.
At our company we have a huge code base mainly written in C for QNX. For development we are using the standard IDE QNX momentics. As this is based on a quite old eclipse version ... the whole IDE sucks.
I'm currently evaluating to use Visual Studio as a replacement. With a really simple HelloWorld-programm I was able to build and debug the project from within VS using CMake and a CMakeSettings.json.
As our code base is basically organized in a tree-like structure, I've created a typical hierarchy of CMakeLists.txt which allows me to build single/multiple projects.
As QNX delivers its own compiler I've created a toolchain file, this is running fine so far, the required toolchain is invoked once a build is triggered via cmake.
Now for the part that I'm struggling with:
How to use this CMake setup in order to develop/debug code from VS?
I had two ideas in mind which don't really work or I'm doing something wrong.
Use the CMake generator for VS 2019 and generate a complete solution. Problem: The toolchain file is not "used" as all projects will be setup with the internal VS compilers. Is there any way to get this working? I thought calling cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$FILE would do the job. Additionally: how would I incorporate the debugger configuration? With this solution the CMakeSettings.json seems to be ignored as VS solutions are used.
Use File->Open->CMake to open the root project. Shouldn't this show all "contained" projects which also include a CMakeLists.txt as projects? I can only see the folder tree in the Solution Explorer. Build a single project from the solution explorer is also not possible ... there is simply no option.
Anyone with experience on this topic?
Minor comment please limit questions to 1 question in the future. Multiple questions clutters questions and makes search results worse.
I'll answer question #1 this part of question number 1.
"Use the CMake generator for VS 2019 and generate a complete solution. Problem: The toolchain file is not "used" as all projects will be setup with the internal VS compilers. Is there any way to get this working? I thought calling cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$FILE would do the job."
Instead of using Visual Studio as your generator try using "Ninja" instead. Ninja will work if your toolchain code is correct. Toolchains and visual studio are complicated to say the least. If you wanna go down that rabbit hole I can help but that's a separate question
Basically try switching to Ninja instead of Visual Studio as your generator for CMakeSettings.json. Ninja is very easy to write toolchains for.
"Additionally: how would I incorporate the debugger configuration?"
The MSDN articles are actually quite good. I figured it out this week. In my opinion the debugger configurations are more powerful with the CMake approach than vanilla visual studio.
Configure CMake debugging sessions
"Tutorial: Debug a CMake project on a remote Windows machine"
Trust me once it clicks you'll love it.

LLVM: How to get up and running and use files in include/llvm/?

I've downloaded the binary for Windows (here:, but this doesn't include any of the files, e.g., "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h", that many tutorials use.
Now, I've downloaded the LLVM source (here:, but instructing Visual Studio to look up include files in "include/llvm" results in lots of errors: header files cannot be opened, because they have a cmake suffix.
How do I get up and running fast without too much configuration?
You will need to run CMake before you can do anything. That will create Visual Studio solution files, which you can then use the build the LLVM binary files from sources. Only after you have build the binary files, you will be able to develop further applications linking to LLVM.
There is a platform independent guide here, also there used to be a windows specific guide too, which I could look for later.
For a first-time user of CMake I would recommend CMake-GUI, as it is much less of a hassle to use.
I think for starters one can use default settings. Just make sure to select the correct Version of Visual Studio, otherwise you might end up with incompatible solution files

What is the benefit of building with CMake?

I am working on SFML and I am curious about the option that I can compile it myself. I found it in tutorials, but from the first line I became confused:
CMake is an open-source meta build system. Instead of building SFML, it builds what builds SFML: Visual Studio solutions ...
There is a build option in visual studio too, is there any difference between that build and CMake build?
What does it mean that it builds what builds SFML? It means library files?
Visual studio solutions? What does it mean? As far as i know, when i open a new project it is within a solution and i can add new projects to this solution (I am confused about why there must be more than one project in a solution too!).
What does it mean that CMake builds a solution? And what is it for?
There is sourcecode. People want to compile it. It is difficult and annoying to type the compile commands into a terminal.
People invent build systems, to make 1.) more easy. For example make files or what Visual Studio integrates and stores in its files, called solution.
There are projects, that are cross-platform. They could provide make files, solution files, files for Xcode, Eclipse and so on. This becomes difficult and annoying.
People invent systems, that creates build system to ease 3.). From a common set of files, several different build systems can be steered.
In your actual case: CMake creates the solution file, you can open the solution file and built SFML with that.
CMake is a wonderful tool for cross-platform development without the hassle of maintaining separate build utilities. On Windows, CMake can create a Visual Studio solution file based on its CMakeLists.txt file. On Linux, generally CMake outputs a makefile. CMake is compatible with many build tools, I recommend reading more of there documentation on their website to gain more information.
Edit: Just to be more clear. CMake literally builds what builds SFML since it creates the Visual Studio solution used to build SFML.
A build in VS for a solution is building the library itself. A CMake build generates the VS solution with which you would use to build the library.
See 1.
A VS solution is the full buildable setup containing 1 or more projects. Solutions can contain multiple projects since VS has a limitation on only 1 output per project. If you want multiple outputs (e.g. 4 dlls) each output needs it's own project.

How to compile all CPP file without building the whole project in VS2010

Is it possible that I can just compile all CPP files under a project and without linking etc. the project?
The only way I know to do this is by specify the /c switch when you compile the code. Unfortunately, this option is not available from within the Visual Studio development environment, so you'll need to build your code on the command line by calling cl.exe directly. To make things easy on yourself, use the Visual Studio Command Prompt to do so.
Not sure if it's possible to get MSBuild to do this, the documentation is unclear whether the limitation is Visual Studio itself or if it's a limitation of MSBuild. I haven't actually tried for myself.
Alternatively, you can build individual source files from within the IDE by pressing Ctrl+F7 (at least, assuming the default C++ development settings). If that fails, it's also available as the "Compile" option located in the "Build" menu.
I'm not sure whether this will do what you need, but may be worth a try: create a project for an executable (rather than a library) and include all cpp files in it. Add a main() function that just returns zero. Set the C++ optimisation option to 'optimise references' (/OPT:REF). This may just compile all the cpp files but effectively ignore them during the link stage since none of them are referenced by the application.
You don't say why you need to do this - is it because linking takes a huge amount of time?

How to use Omake build system for a Visual studio 2010 project

I have a project, which works fine in VS-2010. And runs fine.
But I want to create a make-file by using Omake. How to build the same in Omake.
I have gone through all the documentation of Omake, but it does not say how to make it.
My VS-2010 project contains .c, .cpp, .h, .rc MFC and many subdirectories too.
There is no direct way to convert a project from VS to Omake: you have to write the 'OMakefile's by hand since the two build systems (MSBuild is behind VS) and concepts are somewhat different. Once the OMakefile's are working, you can always create a Visual Studio project of type "Makefile" that calls the omake utility behind the scene.
If the reason for change is that you want to make the projet multi-platform (well, I doubt so since you use MFC), you may consider CMake, a widely-used project generation tool. CMake can generate both Makefiles (GNU) and VS projects, depending on the platform, from a project description.
