How to uniquely identify a control within a window? - windows

I write some automation software. I want to be able to send a message to a particular control of an application. I can find an application, but I need HWND of the control. How can I tell my software to pick that edit over here or that button over there, for example? I inspected several controls with Spy++, but I found no unique persistent properties, see images below:
The only idea I have now is to check control position, but even this is not 100% reliable, since several controls on different tabs of a tab view may have the same position!
What else could I do? How do GUI automation test suits solve this task?

pywinauto automation framework is able to identify control by index like app.SomeDialog.ChildWindow(class_name='Button', ctrl_index=0).ClickInput() which is persistent for each concrete moment if test sequence is deterministic. Also it allows more complicated matching criteria: app.SomeDialog.ChildWindow(title='&Next', class_name='Button', parent=SomeViewContol, predicate_func=SomeFunc).ClickInput().


GUI adapter for old DOS application

I have an old DOS application which accepts some files as input, does some calculations and saves results into file system. This app uses terminal as sort of GUI, where you can choose input files, types of calculations to perform and choose where to save the result. I don't know the logics behind calculations and am not able to reuse them in a new project.
The problem is that the users of this app want a modern looking GUI which will be easier to work with.
That is why, I have an idea to create an adapter which will translate button clicks into commands in DOS and grab text output to show in modern GUI.
Is it possible and where should I start from?
It is possible. How to start from depends on your programming Tools. If you use a RAD tool like Delphi or Lazarus or Visual Besic or ... then make your GUI design first and define Events after. For a Button click it is ButtonXClick(); In the RAD tool you will find a object inspector with properties and ther values and Events and their values. Go to Events page there, look for onClick-event. Double click there in the value line and you will get an empty Event handler, wehre you can write your Code for your application.
If you dont have or use such RAD tool, take a GUI Framework for DOS. Create your frontend and write your Code which is to call in Dependance of your button clicks.

Handle GUI window changes

I'm doing an automation script for installation wizards using AutoIt. I'm trying to handle window changes in some way.
Can some one explain how these GUI's work?
When I click on the Next button it looks just like the components in the GUI is beeing changed. Is this tha case? Or is a new window created and the old destroyed?
I've noticed that the process ID is the same for all windows.
I'm sure there is some way to know which "state" the GUI is in, or which step?
By the way. All the windows has the same title.
This will be dependant on the program you are automating.
The easiest approach would be to look at what changes in the GUI between stages, likely candidates are if there is a label that is giving instructions for that step, or a button that has text changing (e.g. if the button says "Finish" then you know your at the end).
Most installer programs have child windows for grouping the controls of each stage. These are typically implemented as dialog resources (as can be seen when using something like reshacker on them). So although the window remains the same, the panels are being created/destroyed as appropriate. This is a very neat method of doing it, for the obvious reason that you don't need to have to code to create/destroy a lot of controls. Resource created dialogs don't have nice class names like windows sometimes do though, so this may not be a reliable way to check the state.

Is there a way to parent a standard Windows dialog inside another form?

I know it's possible to take a dialog that you built yourself and parent it on another form. But is it possible to parent a standard Windows system dialog on a form that you designed?
Specifically, I'm trying to set up a form with multiple tabs that provide different ways to obtain a reference to data used by the program. One of those tabs should represent the file system, and the ideal way to do this would be with the standard Open dialog that can be instantiated with the COM identifier CLSID_FileOpenDialog.
Is there any way to take a system dialog and cause it to appear parented on another window, without the border, title bar, etc?
There are ways to use a hook, either via SetWindowsHookEx() or SetWinEventHook(), to grab a system dialog's HWND, then you can do whatever you want with it, such as call SetParent(). But just because you CAN does not mean you SHOULD. System dialogs are designed to run as their own windows, not embedded in someone else's window. A better solution might be to use the same Shell display components that are used by Windows Explorer (and system dialogs) via IShellFolder::CreateViewObject() or SHCreateShellFolderView(), or find a third-party solution that does the hard work of interacting with the Shell for you.

Creating quick GUI front ends

I wanted to have a GUI front-end for a script that accepts numerous command-line options, most of them are UNIX paths. So I thought rather than typing them in (even with auto-completion) every time, I'd create a GUI front end which contains text boxes with buttons beside them, which when clicked will invoke the file browser dialogue. Later, I thought I'd extend this to other scripts which would sure require a different set of GUI elements. This made me think if there's any existing app that would let me create a GUI dialog, after parsing some kind of description of the items that I want that window should contain.
I know of programs like Zenity, but I think it's doesn't give me what I want. For example, if I were to use it for the first script, it'll end up flashing sequence of windows in succession rather than getting everything done from a single window.
So, basically I'm looking at some corss-platform program that lets me create a window from a text description, probably XML or the like. Please suggest.
Mozilla's XUL is a cross platform application framework - . You could write an app as a Firefox plugin or a standalone XUL application.
mono and monodevelop could work for this. Or even something super simple like shoes.

Controlling multiple Internet Explorer windows?

We've got several web-based applications that are launched from our ERP system (SAP R/3 in this case, but since we're using ShellExec, I don't consider this a SAP issue). The problem is that we can either set the IE to "open every URL passed from the ERP system in a new window" or to "reuse any one of the existing IE windows" (same problem with tabs). Both settings are not acceptable for our users: one of the web applications is a rather bulky medical image viewer applet that wreaks havoc if invoked multiple times. The other option is a no-go either because this way opening the image browser for a patient automatically displaces the lab result display for the very same patient and vice versa.
I'd like to have some control over which window may or may not be reused. My idea would be a kind of "window tag" and a helper program that checks if a window with that tag exists - if it does, reuse it, if not create it. So basically
would open a new window and tag it as SEARCH.
IELauncher DEVEL
would open a second window, tagging it as DEVEL. Then
would replace the contents of the first (google) window only.
Is this possible at all? Do you have any pointers for me where to start? I don't even know what to look for...
I had to resort to some rather ugly methods - dynamically assembling a HTML page that uses JavaScript and to open and access a window by name, then close the page executing the JavaScript. Ugly, but at least this way you get the additional benefit of being able to control certain aspects of the browser window like switching of the menu bar, toolbar and location bar.
