changes of db details in local.xml not affecting - magento

I recently moved my magento store to Amazon cloud server and database to RDS database server.
I made the necessary changes in local.xml and cleared the var/cache and var/session folder.
But I don't know how the magento is still picking the old database details which I was using on old server.
I think its not picking the details from local.xml but from some other cache stored somewhere else other than var/cache.
I have even tried by renaming and deleting the local.xml file but still result is the same.
Where else could be the configuration cached data be stored ?
Please help.

Make sure there are no local.xml.extra or local.xmlanything files in app/etc directory. (This happened with me sometimes. I had a habit of renaming old local.xml file to local.xml2 and Magento picks that local.xml2 file as a configuration file. So you should delete the old file or move it to some different location.)
Make sure the Magento Caching/ Any other caching is disabled. There can be Full Page Cache Extensions installed in your Magento Setup.
Refer this link Magento cache not getting cleared


Magento Products are not listed on fronend

I downloaded a old magento site and installed it on my local server.
My admin panel is working perfect but products are not listed in frontend.
Links on the front end page are also not working.
When you say that you 'downloaded an old magento site', do you mean that you just copied down the folder structure?
If so, this won't have copied the product database, which is an entirely separate entity to the php/js/html/css that comprises the file structure.
Try reindexing and clearing the cache. Also, did you make sure the Base urls were updated in core_config_data database table?

Locking Out Admin After Migration - Magento

So I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle and need assistance from StackOverflow Gods.
We're trying to transfer a Magento site from one server (Godaddy) to another (Private Virtual Server) for the purpose of becoming a test site.
I'm not familiar with Magento (my first mistake) but I researched migration, and I ran across an article that said all you need to transfer is the database, theme files, catalog files and skin files.
So that's just what we did. We setup a fresh install, added the files and the site ( looks like it's got some formatting errors. We figured we could fix those after adding the database.
As soon as we connected the database through the local.xml file, the theme changed to a generic one (I imagine a fallback) and we were locked out of the admin.
I tried a number of the solutions offered for this very problem, which included:
Clearing the var/cache and var/session folders.
Altering the core config data values for the unsecure and secure web base urls.
Deleting the unsecure and secure web base urls and cookie values form the database.
Changing the sessions save CDATA from "files" to "db"
Changing the install date to the original
Altering the varien file
...and nothing seems to work.
At this point, I'm just wondering if doing a fresh transfer of the site from one server to another, instead of transferring specific files into a fresh install, would work
Did you use the same encryption key as the previous installation? The encryption key is set in the local.xml file and needs to be the same on both extensions. When you did a fresh install it would have given you a new encryption key and this could be why you are unable to login.
just my quick list for transferring sites...
1. run files backup and mysql dump (from source)
2. Copy local.xml (from Target)
3. Restore backup and mysql dump (to Target)
4. Restore local.xml(from step 2 to Target)
5. Correct base_url (in Target)
The only time I have ever had a problem with this is when I run things locally for dev in that case there is varien specific check that monks with admin login(but, sounds like you know this).
I am on 1.14 and the posters suggestion essentially is the same fix I found. Of course the responder is totally correct on the horror of this solution but, since this is a test site as long as you leave yourself the right notes you should be able to undo this when you move to production.

Moved magento site to another host, redirecting to the old site

We have moved out magento site to another host. But it is redirecting to the old site
We did following changes before moving the site
1. DB backup
2. files are zipped and copied to another host.
after moving the site to another host
1. changed the /web/secure and /web/unsecure values in the DB.
2. In magento files /app/etc/local.xml changed the database name.
3. cleared the var/cache
4. cleared the var/tmp
5. cleared the var/session.
but still the magento site is redirected to old site.
Can any one help me with this.
Several steps involved in cloning or moving a website.
NOTE: It's common practice to empty the var/cache, var/session directories before copying to new location. Clearing cache is mentioned below as it's necessary to clear the cached config after you've run through the list and properly set database access, BaseURL, etc.
Copy application files to new location and import database into MySQL. (best to do this with a tarball and database dump sql file, ftp has issues with things like getting .htaccess files to transfer, case to matter, etc.) Note: more sophisticated Magento admins use rsync, it's far easier.
(important!!) Make sure file/folder permissions and owner/group are correct so that var/ folder system is writable. Otherwise the Magento cache gets written in system /tmp instead of Magento var/ and only a server reboot or manual deletion will clear Magento cache out of /tmp . Also, not having var/ writable means that any drastic errors that write a file to var/report/ will fail to write any stack traces, compounding your installation heartburn.
Make sure app/etc/local.xml points to the proper database and make sure if you back up the original local.xml that it doesn't end in .xml -> needs to be something like local.xml.sv1
Change your database entries Unsecure BaseUrl for and Secure BaseURL to point to your new location ( and if ssl cert installed respectively). Use phpmyadmin to look for the paths web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url in the core_config_data table. (Note: entries will exist for each scope set, minimum is Global)
Manually clear your cache by deleting all the mage--? subfolders in var/cache
If you were using the compiler on the previous site, disable compiler with SSH command line php shell/compiler.php disable from the Magento root.
Attempt to load your admin backend, you should be on the new server URL now.
Following these steps should clear all the hiccups that cause Magento to adamantly redirect back to the old server. And believe me, I've had them all happen.

Subdomains with Magento

THis is probably a dumb question, but I am currently moving to a new install of Magento. I'm on a Ubuntu server with nginx. The current installation is at /var/www, but I moved it to /var/wwwOLD so that the new site could be at /var/www. Is there a way to access the old site without renaming the new directory one to something else and the old one back to /var/www?
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense or is a common sense question that I should already know.
You setup a duplicated version of Magento in a separate folder by doing the following.
Configure a subdomain that points to the old folder. Example:
Duplicate the Magento database to a new database
Edit the core_config_data table in the duplicated Magento database and edit the records with the path values web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url to the domain value.
Edit the app/etc/local.xml file to point to your duplicated database (the one with your updated urls in the core_config_data table)
Delete everything in the var/cache folder.

Error when duplicating Joomla setup

I have a Joomla installation set up on my local server. I have duplicated with a new name the top-level Joomla folder so that all the information I have already put into the database can be edited slightly, whilst still keeping the original intact.
I have copied the database files over to a new database and made the relevant changes in Joomla admin. I've opened up configuration.php and changed all the file paths to the new one.
However, now I'm getting a server error when trying to access the web page and admin area. Are there any other files I need to edit with the new path to enable it to work under the new parent folder?
You shouldn't have to edit any files with any paths to make it work other than the tmp and log folders and the root folder line in htaccess if you have SEF URLs turned on. Turn off SEF URLs and see if the site starts working, if it does, then you need to edit htaccess. Since your admin is not working, my guess is that you messed up your configuration.php. Copy over the original unedited version to the copy site, it should work. You can then adjust the tmp and log paths within the admin in the global configuration.
