paste and use a oauth2 access token - ruby

I have an application using ruby and sinatra. I want to be able to paste a token which is in this format:
into a text-area and use it. Now the problem is, the pasted token is in string format. I have tried converting it into an hash and also to json format but it ain't working still.
Here is my code:
post '/tokenize' do
got_token = params[:token] # the pasted token
token_hash = JSON.parse(got_token) #I am not sure if I did this correctly.but it is producing an hash.
token = token_hash.to_json # producing the token in json format as the original token that I pasted.
get_contacts(JSON.parse(token)) # calling the function that should use the token. giving an error since it is not a valid oauth token.
redirect to ("/tokenize/finish")
Error: It is producing an error because the token is not a valid oauth token.
Someone please tell me how I make the token valid and usable.

You can manually instantiate token class OAuth2::AccessToken with params that you have collected full definition of that constructour you can find here.
But eventually you will need OAuth2 client for using that manually instantiated.
For example:
client ='client_id', 'client_secret', :site => '')
token =, collected_token, collected_opts)
response = token.get('/api/resource', :params => { 'query_foo' => 'bar' })


How to read query parameter with ^ in the URL

I'm trying to implement a callback endpoint for eBay. This endpoint is called by eBay to hand the application a user token.
I can define my endpoint as expected
Nothing unusual here. My enpoint looks like this, really basic:
#RequestMapping(path = ["/api/ebay/auth"])
class EbayAuthController {
#GetMapping(path = [""])
fun getAccessToken(#RequestParam code: String) {
println("Auth code: $code")
Now eBay passes the parameter code with the value
When I call my endpoint with this data set, it returns 400 Bad Request. I can reproduce this by adding ^ to any request. I read it's an unsafe character to use - but the issue is: Ebay uses this character to return the user token, so I must read it.
When I pass a sample with http://localhost:8080/api/ebay/auth?code=123 it prints the code as expected.
I've never encountered that problem, can anyone help me or point me in the right direction how to solve this?
According to this answer by Dirk Deyne to the question Spring-boot controller error when url contains braces character, you can specify server.tomcat.relaxed-query-chars in your

Storing JSON from API which has null values

I'm trying to save null value in JSON into postgresql. When I use the following code:
resume = Resume.create!({
parsedres: {"Resume":{"xml:lang":"en","xmlns":"","xmlns:vos":"","ResumeId":{"IdValue":null}}}
I get an error:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `null' for main:Object
The issue is I get API data without "" for null and when I use JSON.parse
resume.parsedres = JSON.parse(response.body)
It throws the
JSON::ParserError: 765: unexpected token at '<ParseResumeResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><Code>Ack</Code><SubCode>Authentication/SubCode><Message>AccountID.</Message><CreditsRemaining>100</CreditsRemaining></ParseResumeResponse>'
Why does JSON.parse not interpret null?
In the first example you provided, the parsedres is not JSON but a Ruby Hash literal. Since the literal is Ruby code, you'd need to use Ruby's nil keyword instead of null:
resume = Resume.create!({
parsedres: {"Resume":{"xml:lang":"en","xmlns":"","xmlns:vos":"","ResumeId":{"IdValue":nil}}}
If you received a JSON string from the API, you should be able to parse it using the code you listed above:
require 'json'
resume = Resume.create!({
parsedres: JSON.parse('{"Resume":{"xml:lang":"en","xmlns":"","xmlns:vos":"","ResumeId":{"IdValue":null}}}')
Based on the exception being thrown, it looks like the response.body is XML data, not JSON.

Ruby Sinatra and JSON objects from toodledo API 2.0

I have a small problem with receiving JSON objects. I'm using Ruby 1.9.3 and my goal is to receive my tasks from an API via RestClient and print them more or less pretty onto the page.
I created a route /test:
get '/test' do
json_ip_url = "*****;modafter=1234567890;fields=folder,star,priority"
ip_details = RestClient.get(json_ip_url)
test = JSON.pretty_generate(ip_details) # => throws exception
The JSON#pretty_generate line throws an error, "only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed". What am I doing wrong here?
I'am now able to output via pretty_generate, but what do I have to do, to get the elements of it. Here is the JSON Data, it seems to me its an Array with Objects inside of it?
[{"num":"18","total":"18"},{"id":"11980343","title":"Add some items to your todo list","modified":1391670256,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"11980345","title":"Visit the Settings section and configure your account","modified":1391670256,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"11980347","title":"Watch our tutorial videos in the Help section","modified":1391670256,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12607789","title":"test","modified":1392285802,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636039","title":"My Task","modified":1392308705,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636041","title":"Another","modified":1392308705,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636143","title":"My Task","modified":1392308789,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636145","title":"Another","modified":1392308789,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636449","title":"My Task","modified":1392308950,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636451","title":"Another","modified":1392308950,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636621","title":"My Task","modified":1392309061,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636623","title":"Another","modified":1392309061,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636665","title":"My Task","modified":1392309085,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636667","title":"Another","modified":1392309085,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12636733","title":"My Task","modified":1392309137,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12636735","title":"Another","modified":1392309137,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"},{"id":"12637135","title":"My Task","modified":1392309501,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"0"},{"id":"12637137","title":"Another","modified":1392309501,"completed":0,"folder":"0","star":"1"}]
The Code I used for pretty_generate:
get '/save' do
jdata = params[:data]
response = RestClient.get '***;modafter=1234567890;fields=folder,star,priority', {:accept => :json}
test = JSON.parse(response)
output = JSON.pretty_generate(test)
puts output
RestClient#get returns the raw response as a string (and not a hash or array) when called without a block, so ip_details isn't a structure that JSON#pretty_generate knows how to handle. You need to use JSON#parse to turn the response into a hash or array first.

Issue on parsing string at JSON.parse

In controller side i am getting params like
class of this is String. I am trying to parse this. Through
JSON::ParserError (757: unexpected token at ',{"violation_date":"sdfdsf","violation_time":"sdfsdf"},{"violation_date":"1233","violation_time":""},{"violation_d
What i am doing wrong here. Any suggestions?
It's not valid json, this will work (use []):
require 'json'
jsn = '[{"violation_date":"sdfsdf","violation_time":""},
JSON.parse(jsn) # => [{"violation_date"=>"sdfsdf", "violation_time"=>""}, {"violation_date"=>"sdfdsf", "violation_time"=>"sdfsdf"}, {"violation_date"=>"1233", "violation_time"=>""}, {"violation_date"=>"test", "violation_time"=>"time"}]
To verify json string you could use:
And basic json structure:
In your case just try this:
JSON.parse('[' + params_gotton + ']')
well, received string does not contain a proper Json structure..
First convert that received param in a proper json structure and then parse it using "JSON.parse(params_gotton)".
In above received data all key and value shud be in a key value pair string format.. remove "\" symbol from received data..
it will definitely work fine..

Stuck with HTTP GET authentication in Ruby

I am trying to write short script to do HTTP authentication using GET request
This makes GET request.
def try_login(u, p)
path1 = '/index.php'
path2 = '?uuser=#{myuser}&ppass=#{mypass}'
r = send_request_raw({
'URI' => "#{path1}#{path2}",
'method' => 'GET'
But this code does not work because error says:
undefined local variable or method `myuser'
--> Basically I am trying to send one (1) GET request with login parameters, and the app responds with a specific data. And I do not know how to put placeholders for user and pass in this GET request.
Next, I am checking the HTTP response. Response comes in as JSON mime like this:
Success response
{"param1":1,"param2"="Auth Success","menu":0,"userdesc":"My User","user":"uuser","pass":"ppass","check":"success"}
Fail response
{"param1":-1,"param2"="Auth Fail","check":"fail"}
--> How can I check the response body for this kind of data.
I have been trying all day now, but stuck totally. Please advice.
I do not understand why some one down voted this question saying little to no research on my part. Until before yesterday morning, I had absolutely zero idea about ruby code & working with it. And then I spent numerous hours looking at many different examples, making my script and testing it out. When it still didn't work, I asked my question here. Please, if you still want to down vote, do it but please, at least share some pointers to solve this as well.
def try_login(u, p)
path1 = '/index.php'
path2 = '?uuser=#{myuser}&ppass=#{mypass}'
r = send_request_raw({
'URI' => "#{path1}#{path2}",
'method' => 'GET'
Should be:
def try_login(u, p)
path1 = '/index.php'
path2 = "?uuser=#{u}&ppass=#{p}"
r = send_request_raw({
'URI' => "#{path1}#{path2}",
'method' => 'GET'
For parsing JSON in Ruby, I would recommend you take a look at this answer to another question.
Edit: The reason try_login(u, p) isn't working as you would expect is because Ruby does not do string interpolation for single quoted (') strings. Additionally, myuser and mypass do not appear to be the correct variables.
