Creating a public function inside a controller in Laravel - laravel

I'm trying to create a public/private function inside my controller (say PostController) to tidy up certain code.
I wrote something like this:
class PostController extends BaseController
public function store()
$startdate = dateformatchange(Input::get('startdate'));
public function dateformatchange($date)
$dateString = DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-Y', $date);
$dateNew = $dateString->format('Y/m/d');
return $dateNew;
But I'm getting some error. Call to undefined function dateformatchange()
Am I doing it wrong? please advice where I went wrong. Sorry if it is a silly mistake.

You need to do it like this:
$startdate = $this->dateformatchange(Input::get('startdate'));


Setting getKeyRouteName dependant on route (web or api)

Tried looking for the answer to this everywhere but having no luck so far...
Basically I want my web route to use a slug for its URL, but I want to use ID for the API route. So...
Have tried various combinations of things in the getRouteKeyName method (if(Request::route()->named('myapiroute'), if(Request::isJson() etc...) but I think these might be being checked against the page it's running on, rather than the route I'm trying to generate?
I'm thinking maybe I need to extend the base model to have a separate one to use with my API maybe?
So I'd have...
class Chapter extends Model
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
and then...
class ApiChapter extends Chapter
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'id';
But not sure how I'd structure this in the most "Laravel" way? Or is there a better/tidier solution?
define your route for example like
Route::get('chapters/{chapter}','ChapterController#show'); // find by slug
Route::get('api/chapters/{chapter}','ApiChapterController#show'); // find by id
for web controller
class ChapterController extends Controller
public function show(Request $request,$slug)
$instance = Model::whereSlug($slug)->first();
for api
class ApiChapterController extends Controller
public function show(Request $request,$id)
$instance = Model::find($id);
You can define 2 different routes for that but unfortunatelly you will not be able to use model binding and you will have to look for the model like:
public function show(Request $request,$slug) {
$instance = Model::whereSlug($slug)->first();
as shown below:

How to call BaseController public function from child classes in Laravel (4)?

I have a CustomController. For not to repeat myself, I defined getVars function in BaseController. I want to call getVars function from some functions in CustomController.
However, Laravel returns 404 error without any exception. What is wrong?
class BaseController extends Controller {
public function getVars($var1, $var2, $var3=Null, $var4=Null) {
return [];
class CustomController extends BaseController {
public function doBla1($var1, $var2) {
$vars = $this->getVars();
public function doBla2() {
$vars = $this->getVars();
public function doBla3() {
$vars = $this->getVars();
Sorry :( I found the reason of error. The names of doBla1 and getVars functions are same. This results in a 404 error. Sorry :(
$this is useful when you have method/function defined in same controller.
For functions inside parent controller you can use
Parent::getVars($var1, $var2)

Deciding which controller#action to be called based on a given parameters

I have to build an api.
It has one route. The client is sending a POST request with an XML.
Based on that xml, I have to decide witch controller#action to be called.
And I have a lot of controllers.
Unfortunately I can't modify the client side.
Do you have any suggestion how can i do that in a Laravel way?
For example
POST["body"] =
I want to call a ContentController::index()
Thx for the reflection stuff. It is a big magic, worth the effort to look into it deeper.
I have no problem to parse the xml. So here is a simplier example
URL: /api/request/content/show
Route::get('api/request/{controller}/{action}', 'ApiController#request');
class ApiController extends Controller
public function request($controller, $action)
//some error check
$controller = 'App\Http\Controllers\\' . ucfirst($controller) . 'Controller';
$params = "Put some params here";
$reflectionMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($controller, $action);
$reflectionMethod->invoke(new $controller, $params);
class ContentController extends Controller
public function show($params)
And it is working!
Thx a lot!
A better option is to use App::call(); invoking controller with ReflectionMethod might not let you use response() inside your new forwarded controller and other laravel goodies.
Here is my try on this: /api/request/content/show
Routes web.php or api.php
use App\Http\Controllers\ApiController;
Route::get('api/request/{controller}/{action}', [ApiController::class, 'request']);
class ApiController extends Controller
public function request($controller, $action)
//some error check
return App::call('App\Http\Controllers\\'.ucfirst($controller).'Controller#'.$action);
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class ContentController extends Controller
public function show(Request $request)
This will allow you more freedom.

Laravel OOP: trying to call a var in a function that has been declared in the same class

i'm in my pages controller trying to call a variable in a function that has been declared in the same class, it's not working properly.
When I put the vars back in the function, all works good.
Please let me know what i'm doing wrong:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
class PagesController extends Controller
public $Fname = 'Mobile';
public $Lname ='Store';
public function about()
return view('pages.about', compact('Fname', 'Lname'));
public function contact()
$Fname = 'Mobile';
$Lname ='Store';
return view('', compact('Fname', 'Lname'));
I'm receiving an Undefined variable: Fname error.
first you have to look at this.
this is simple oops concept not a laravel error at all.
public function about()
$Fname = $this->Fname;
$Lname = $this->Lname;
return view('pages.about', compact('Fname', 'Lname'));
Try this in your code:
public function about()
return view('pages.about', compact('Fname', 'Lname'));

Code Igniter controller - can't use uri->segment with function index()?

I'm working with code igniter and for some reason, the url gives me a 404 error but actualy works. Here's what my controller account.php looks like.
class account extends Controller {
function account()
function index()
echo 'hello';
echo $this->uri->segment(2);
Any idea what's wrong?
I just tested a simple account class like you have and it is trying to call 100 as a method of account, instead your URL after index.php should be account/index/100 and it works fine.
This can be solved using routing for example.
$route['account/(:num)'] = "accounts/index/$1";
is what you are looking for. You can look over the URI Routing user guide
for more info.
CodeIgniter requires that your controller name be capitalized, and the filename lowercase so try changing your controller to.
class Account extends Controller { }
and your filename account.php
Add this route and you are good
$route['account/(:any)'] = "account/index/$1";
This is not working because when you request, it looks index() method.
But when you request, is looking for 100() method. Which is not present.
You may tweak the code like this.
class account extends Controller {
public function account()
public function index()
echo 'hello';
public function id(){
echo $this->uri->segment(2);
public function alternative($id){
echo $id;
you'll call url like this:
or you can do like this
