Interrupt handling in Device Driver - linux-kernel

I have written a simple character driver and requested IRQ on a gpio pin and wrtten a handler for it.
err = request_irq( irq, irq_handler,IRQF_SHARED | IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, INTERRUPT_DEVICE_NAME, raspi_gpio_devp);
static irqreturn_t irq_handler(int irq, void *arg);
now from theory i know that Upon interrupt the interrupt Controller with tell the processor to call do_IRQ() which will check the IDT and call my interrupt handler for this line.
how does the kernel know that the interrupt handler was for this particular device file
Also I know that Interrupt handlers do not run in any process context. But let say I am accessing any variable declared out side scope of handler, a static global flag = 0, In the handler I make flag = 1 indicating that an interrupt has occurred. That variable is in process context. So I am confused how this handler not in any process context modify a variable in process context.

The kernel does not know that this particular interrupt is for a particular device.
The only thing it knows is that it must call irq_handler with raspi_gpio_devp as a parameter. (like this: irq_handler(irq, raspi_gpio_devp)).
If your irq line is shared, you should check if your device generated an IRQ or not. Code:
int irq_handler(int irq, void* dev_id) {
struct raspi_gpio_dev *raspi_gpio_devp = (struct raspi_gpio_dev *) dev_id;
if (!my_gpio_irq_occured(raspi_gpio_devp))
return IRQ_NONE;
/* do stuff here */
The interrupt handler runs in interrupt context. But you can access static variables declared outside the scope of the interrupt.
Usually, what an interrupt handler does is:
check interrupt status
retrieve information from the hardware and store it somewhere (a buffer/fifo for example)
wake_up() a kernel process waiting for that information
If you want to be really confident with the do and don't of interrupt handling, the best thing to read about is what a process is for the kernel.
An excellent book dealing with this is Linux Kernel Developpement by Robert Love.

The kernel doesn't know which device the interrupt pertains to. It is possible for a single interrupt to be shared among multiple devices. Previously this was quite common. It is becoming less so due to improved interrupt support in interrupt controllers and introduction of message-signaled interrupts. Your driver must determine whether the interrupt was from your device (i.e. whether your device needs "service").
You can provide context to your interrupt handler via the "void *arg" provided. This should never be process-specific context, because a process might exit leaving pointers dangling (i.e. referencing memory which has been freed and/or possibly reallocated for other purposes).
A global variable is not "in process context". It is in every context -- or no context if you prefer. When you hear "not in process context", that means a few things: (1) you cannot block/sleep (because what process would you be putting to sleep?), (2) you cannot make any references to user-space virtual addresses (because what would those references be pointing to?), (3) you cannot make references to "current task" (since there isn't one or it's unknown).
Typically, a driver's interrupt handler pushes or pulls data into "driver global" data areas from which/to which the process context end of the driver can transfer data.

This is to reply your question :-
how does the kernel know that the interrupt handler was for this particular >device file?
Each System-On-Chip documents will mention interrupt numbers for different devices connected to different interrupt lines.
The Same Interrupt number has to be mentioned in the Device Tree entry for instantiation of device driver.
The Device driver's usual probe function parses the Device tree data structure and reads the IRQ number and registers the handler using the register_irq function.
If there are multiple devices to a single IRQ number/line, then the IRQ status register(for different devices if mapped under the same VM space) can be used inside the IRQ handler to differentiate.
Please read more in my blog


Registering interrupt with irq from pci_irq_vector(9) function results in "No irq handler for this function"?

I am writing a device driver that services the interrupts from the device. The device has only one MSI interrupt vector, so I poll the irq with pci_irq_vector(dev, 0), receive the irq, and register the interrupt. This is shown in the following code snippet (equivalent to what I have minus error handling):
retval = pci_alloc_irq_vectors(dev, 1, 1, PCI_IRQ_MSI);
irq = pci_irq_vector(dev, 0);
retval = request_irq(irq, irq_fnc, 0, "name", dev);
This all completes successfully and without warning (at least with dmesg). Yet when the interrupt comes in, I get the error.
kernel:do_IRQ: No irq handler for this vector (irq -1)
The xxx appears to be an arbitrary number that changes every time the driver is loaded, but does not match the irq number. Instead, it matches the last two hex digits of the message data sent with the MSI interrupt as read from the MSI capability structure. Trying to request an irq of this number returns EINVAL which I think means that it's not associated with any PCI device. What does this number mean anyway?
Something that may be important to note, I am actually manually triggering this interrupt from the host side due to limitations with the device. I am reading the interrupt address and data from the capability structure then instructing the device to write the data to that address.
How would I go about further debugging this? Does anything from my description stand out as suspicious? Any help would be appreciated.
Does this particular irq show when you type cat /proc/interrupts? Maybe you can get the correct irq number from there, as well as other info like where it is attached and what driver is associated with this interrupt line!
So the problem ended up being in the order of things. To manually create the interrupt, I had read the config space for the interrupt address and data before allocating interrupts. While obvious in retrospect, allocating the irq vectors for the device writes the appropriate data to the config space. Hence, using the preexisting value in the message data field would point to an irq vector that does not exist.

What request_irq() does internally?

As I know it "allocate an interrupt line", but
> what is happening after request_irq()?
> How a particular handler is getting called on receiving interrupt?
Can anybody explain it with code snipet?
what is happening after request_irq()?
A device driver registers an interrupt handler and enables a given interrupt line for handling by calling request_irq().
the call flow is :-
request_irq() -> setup_irq() to register the struct irqaction.
setup_irq() -> start_irq_thread() to create a kernel thread to service the interrupt line.
The thread’s work is implemented in do_irqd(). Only one thread can be created per interrupt line, and shared interrupts are still handled by a single thread.
through request_irq() use ISR(Interrupt handler) is passed to start_irq_thread(). start_irq_thread() create a kernel thread that call your ISR.
How a particular handler is getting called on receiving interrupt?
when an interrupt occur, PIC controller give interrupt info to cpu.
A device sends a PIC chip an interrupt, and the PIC tells the CPU an interrupt occurred (either directly or indirectly). When the CPU acknowledges the "interrupt occurred" signal, the PIC chip sends the interrupt number (between 00h and FFh, or 0 and 255 decimal) to the CPU. this interrupt number is used an index of interrupt vector table.
A processor typically maps each interrupt type to a corresponding pointer in low memory. The collection of pointers for all the interrupt types is an interrupt vector. Each pointer in the vector points to the ISR for the corresponding interrupt type (IRQ line)." An interrupt vector is only ONE memory address of one interrupt handler. An interrupt vector table is a group of several memory addresses."
for further reading

How do I write to a __user memory from within the top half of an interrupt handler?

I am working on a proprietary device driver. The driver is implemented as a kernel module. This module is then coupled with an user-space process.
It is essential that each time the device generates an interrupt, the driver updates a set of counters directly in the address space of the user-space process from within the top half of the interrupt handler. The driver knows the PID and the task_struct of the user-process and is also aware of the virtual address where the counters lie in the user-process context. However, I am having trouble in figuring out how code running in the interrupt context could take up the mm context of the user-process and write to it. Let me sum up what I need to do:
Get the address of the physical page and offset corresponding to the virtual address of the counters in the context of the user-process.
Set up mappings in the page table and write to the physical page corresponding to the counter.
For this, I have tried the following:
Try to take up the mm context of the user-task, like below:
/* write to counters. */
This apparently causes the entire system to hang.
Wait for the interrupt to occur when our user-process was the
current process. Then use copy_to_user().
I'm not much of an expert on kernel programming. If there's a good way to do this, please do advise and thank you in advance.
Your driver should be the one, who maps kernel's memory for user space process. E.g., you may implement .mmap callback for struct file_operation for your device.
Kernel driver may write to kernel's address, which it have mapped, at any time (even in interrupt handler). The user-space process will immediately see all modifications on its side of the mapping (using address obtained with mmap() system call).
Unix's architecture frowns on interrupt routines accessing user space
because a process could (in theory) be swapped out when the interrupt occurs. 
If the process is running on another CPU, that could be a problem, too. 
I suggest that you write an ioctl to synchronize the counters,
and then have the the process call that ioctl
every time it needs to access the counters.
Outside of an interrupt context, your driver will need to check the user memory is accessible (using access_ok), and pin the user memory using get_user_pages or get_user_pages_fast (after determining the page offset of the start of the region to be pinned, and the number of pages spanned by the region to be pinned, including page alignment at both ends). It will also need to map the list of pages to kernel address space using vmap. The return address from vmap, plus the offset of the start of the region within its page, will give you an address that your interrupt handler can access.
At some point, you will want to terminate access to the user memory, which will involve ensuring that your interrupt routine no longer accesses it, a call to vunmap (passing the pointer returned by vmap), and a sequence of calls to put_page for each of the pages pinned by get_user_pages or get_user_pages_fast.
I don't think what you are trying to do is possible. Consider this situation:
(assuming how your device works)
Some function allocates the user-space memory for the counters and
supplies its address in PROCESS X.
A switch occurs and PROCESS Y executes.
Your device interrupts.
The address for your counters is inaccessible.
You need to schedule a kernel mode asynchronous event (lower half) that will execute when PROCESS X is executing.

For a shared interrupt line how do I find which interrupt handler to use?

For a shared interrupt line,I can have several interrupt handlers. The kernel will sequentially invoke all the handlers for that particular shared line.
As far as I know, each handler, when invoked informs the kernel whether it was the correct handler to be invoked or not.
My questions is how is this determined,is there a way it checks a memory mapped register that tells status of a particular device or is there some other hardware mechanism ? How does the handler know that the corresponding device is indeed the one that issued the interrupt or not ?
Is this information relayed through the interrupt controller that is between the devices and the processor interrupt line ??
The kernel will sequentially invoke all the handlers for that particular shared line.
Exactly. Say Dev1 and Dev2 shares the IRQ10. When an interrupt is generated for IRQ10, all ISRs registered with this line will be invoked one by one.
In our scenario, say Dev2 was the one that generated the interrupt. If Dev1's ISR is registered first, than its ISR (i.e Dev1's ISR) only called first. In that ISR, the interrupt status register will be verified for interrupt. If no interrupt bit is set (which is the case, cause Dev2 raised the interrupt) then we can confirm that interrupt was not generated by Dev1 - so Dev1's ISR should return to the kernel IRQ_NONE - which means:"I did not handled that interrupt", so on the kernel continues to the next ISR (i.e Dev2's ISR), which in turn, will indeed verify that its corresponding device generated the interrupt, thus, this handler should handle it and eventually return IRQ_HANDLED - which means:"I handled this one".
See the return values IRQ_NONE/IRQ_HANDLED for more information.
How does the handler know that the corresponding device issued the interrupt or not ?
By reading the Interrupt status register only.
Is this information relayed through the interrupt controller that is between the devices and the processor interrupt line ??
I'm not sure about this. But the OS will take care of calling ISRs based on the return values from ISR.

Trap Dispatching on Windows

I am actually reading Windows Internals 5th edition and i am enjoying, although isn't a easy book to read and understand.
I am confused about IRQLs and IDT Table.
I read that windows implement custom priorization levels with IRQL and the Plug and Play Manager maps IRQ from devices to IRQL.
Alright, so, IRQLs are used for Software and Hardware interrupts, and for exceptions is used the Exception Dispatch handler.
When one device generates an interrupt, the interrupt controller pass this information to the CPU with the IRQ.
So Windows takes this IRQ and translates to IRQL to schedule when to execute the routine (routine that IDT[IRQ_VALUE] is pointing to?
Is that what is happening?
Yes, on a very high level.
Everything starts with a kernel trap. Kernel trap handler handles interrupts, exceptions, system service calls and virtual memory pager.
When an interrupt happens (line based - using dedicated pin or message based- writing to an address) windows uses IRQL to determine the priority of the interrupt and uses this to see if the interrupt can be served or not during that time. HAL does the job of translating the IRQ to IRQL.
It then uses IRQ to get an index of the IDT to find the appropriate ISR routing to invoke. Note there can be multiple ISR associated for a given IRQ. All of them execute in order.
Each processor has its own IDT so you could potentially have multiple ISR's running at the same time.
Exception dispatch, as I mentioned before, is also handled by the kernel trap but the procedure for it is different. It usually starts by checking for any exception handlers by stack unwinding, then checking for debugger port etc.
