Checking First Character of a String with Blade Template - laravel

Right now, in my controller, I'm passing some alphabetized data to my explore view.
public function browse()
return View::make('explore')
->with('artists', Artist::orderBy('artist', 'ASC')->get());
And then in the view, I'm using Blade to loop through that information.
#foreach($artists as $artist)
<li>{{ $artist->artist }}</li>
I want to run a conditional that checks the first letter of each artist so I can further group the data under the correct starting letter. How would you do that with Blade? I saw the helper "starts_with" but I'm not quite sure how to implement that into a conditional.

This logic really belongs somewhere other than the view/template layer. A View Composer could be a better location, or perhaps even a model method to return your data separated by starting letter - thus returning a hash of arrays containing artists under each letter.
Example code:
class Artist extends Eloquent
public static function allByFirstCharacter()
$artists = Artist::orderBy('artist', 'ASC')->get();
return $artists->reduce(function($sortedArtists, $artist) {
$firstChar = $artist->artist[0];
if (!isset($sortedArtists[$firstChar])) {
$sortedArtists[$firstChar] = [];
$sortedArtists[$firstChar][] = $artist;
return $sortedArtists;
}, []);
// Controller
$sortedArtists = Artist::allByFirstCharacter(); // Then pass it to the view
// In view
#foreach ($sortedArtists as $letter => $artists)
<!-- Some menu item or something similar here -->
#foreach ($artist as $artist)
<!-- Print out details of artist -->
Note that this example only fills in existing first characters. If you'd like to have all characters in the alphabet/numbers you'd need to prepopulate the hash and then reduce it.


Use vue to access a Laravel model method in a v-for loop

I am learning how to use vue with laravel. I have basic loops working well to pull direct model relationships, but I can't figure out how to access model methods in a loop. Many of my Larvel models have basic information formulated with a method pulling data from related models. I've tried to research it and think the answer might be some combination of eager loading, preformating the answer as a json response or maybe something with axios, but the snipits I've found aren't clear on what goes where, or what needs to be in place for them to work correctly. I've tried both eager loading and using a json response and neither has worked. I can access methods in simple vue components that are just text, but not in a loop where the variable isn't part of the page.
Example: I want to use Vue to display a list of ingredients on a recipe's page. The ingredient "title" is a method pulling the information from a related model.
public function show(Recipe $recipe)
$ingredients = $recipe->ingredients;
$view = $this->view('');
//(variable in the view, variable defined in current function)
$view->with('recipe', $recipe);
$view->with('ingredients', $ingredients);
return $view;
public function ingredients()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Ingredient', 'recipe_id', 'recipe_id');
public function title()
$title = $this->item->title();
return $title;
public function vueTitle()
$title = Ingredient::title()->get();
return response()->json($title );
v-for="ingredient in {{ $ingredients }}"
v-bind:title= "ingredient.vueTitle"
I'd prefer to reuse the same methods, but created a new one to try converting to json first but that didn't work (or I'm doing it wrong). I tried eager loading, but it either did nothing, or generated an error (Call to a member function on null) if I tried to eager load the specific method. I've tried various combinations of binding and not binding the title component. I've also tried title= "{{ingredient->title()}}" but that syntax errors.
How can I get the result of the Laravel method in a Vue loop?
After more searching, I found this post which described how to add an accessor to a model. Doing so allowed me to access my custom method as if it were a standard direct relationship. It was a straightforward modification and will reduce complexity in a number of places. I made the following modifications:
Added the get..Attribute() function and appended the array
protected $table = 'ingredients';
protected $appends = array('title');
// Access methods as direct relationships
public function getTitleAttribute()
return $this->title();
Bound the title prop to the ingredient title as if it were a direct relationship.
v-for="ingredient in {{ $ingredients }}"
v-bind:title= "ingredient.title"
Another example, hope one may find it helpful:
* Accessor for Age.
protected $appends = ['age'];
public function getAgeAttribute()
return Carbon::parse($this->attributes['dob'])->age;
<span v-bind:age="user.age"> {{user.age}} </span>

How to ignore html if data is empty in Laravel?

I am trying to retrieve data from database and check if the data is empty or not. What problem I am facing is that html is showing even if the data is empty. I want to ignore the html tag like example ul li. Here how i tried is like
<li> My Skill is : {{ \App\skill::where('id',$jobseekers->skill_1)->pluck('name')->first() }}</li><br/>
I want to ignore "My Skill is " if the data is empty. I don't want to show anything.
When using ->get() you can't simply use any of the below:
if (empty($jobseekers->skill_1)) { }
if (!$jobseekers->skill_1) { }
if ($jobseekers->skill_1) { }
But, When you are getting data with first() method, You can simply use all above methods.
Because if you dd($jobseekers->skill_1); you'll notice an instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection is always returned, even when there are no results.
I think you are using !empty() on data with ->get() method which will always return true even data is empty. You need to use other way.
To determine if there are any results you can do any of the following:
if (!$jobseekers->skill_1->isEmpty()) { }
if ($jobseekers->skill_1->count()) { }
if (count($jobseekers->skill_1)) { }
If you get $jobseekers with get() method you can not use empty($jobseekers )
instead of empty you can use other conditions :
#if($jobseekers->skill_1 != '')
in this condition you check skill_1 as empty string
and etc
replace your code with below code and check it:
#if($jobseekers->skill_1 != '')
<li> My Skill is : {{ \App\skill::where('id',$jobseekers->skill_1)-pluck('name')->first() }}</li><br/>
you should use isset()
<li> My Skill is : {{ \App\skill::where('id',$jobseekers->skill_1)->pluck('name')->first() }}</li><br/>
you can use count method
<li> My Skill is : {{ \App\skill::where('id',$jobseekers->skill_1)-pluck('name')->first() }}</li><br/>
//write your code which you want to show if data is available

how construct route pattern for an unknown number of tags - Laravel & Conner/Taggable

I have a blog and a quotationfamous sayings repository on one site.
The quotations are tagged and the entries are tagged too.
I use this rtconner/laravel-tagging package.
Now, what I want to do is to display ALL Quotation models which share the same tags as article.
The Eloquent syntax is simple, as the original docs provide an example:
possible solution
Optional routing parameters. The asker-picked answer in this question gives a solution:
//in routes.php
Route::get('/{book?}/{chapter?}/{topic?}/{article?}', 'controller#func');
//in your controller
public function func($book = null, $chapter = null, $topic = null, $article = null) {
my problem
In my app the shared tags might count more than 3 or 5. I will soon get an example with even 10 tags. Possibly more
My question
Does it mean that I have to construct an URL with 10 optional routing parameters? Do I really need sth like this:
Route::get('quotations/tags/{tag1?}/{tag2?}/{tag3?}/{tag4?}/{tag5?}/{tag6?}/{tag7?}', 'controller#func');
my question rephrased
I could create a form with only a button visible, and in a hidden select field I could put all the tags. The route would be a POST type then and it would work. But this solution is not URL-based.
I think you could process the slashes, as data:
Route::get('quotations/tags/{tagsData?}', 'controller#func')
->where('tagsData', '(.*)');
public function controller($tagsData = null)
Ok, this is my solution. As I have a tagged model, I dont't need to iterate through tags in url to get the whole list of tags.
The enough is this:
// Routes file:
Route::get('quotations/all-tags-in/{itemtype}/{modelid}', 'QuotationsController#all_tagged_in_model');
Then in my controller:
public function all_tagged_in_topic($itemtype, $id) {
if($itemtype == 'topic') {
$tags = Topic::find($id)->tags->pluck('name')->all();
$topic = Topic::find($id);
if($itemtype == 'quotation') {
$tags = Quotation::find($id)->tags->pluck('name')->all();
$quotation = Quotation::find($id);
// dd($tags);
$object = Quotation::withAnyTag($tags)->paginate(100);;
And it is done.
Now, the last issue is to show tags in the URL.
TO do that, the URL should have an extra OPTIONAL parameter tags:
// Routes file:
Route::get('quotations/all-tags-in/{itemtype}/{modelid}/{tags?}', 'QuotationsController#all_tagged_in_model');
And in the {url?} part you can just write anything which won't break the pattern accepted by route definition.
In your view you might generate an URL like this:
// A button to show quotes with the same set of tags as the article
// generated by iteration through `$o->tags`
$manual_slug = 'tag1-tag2-tag3-tag4`;
<a href="{{ URL::to('quotations/all-tags-in/article/'.$o->id.'/'.$manual_slug) }}" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-tags icon"></i> Tagi:

Laravel - get id from the right database record

I have laravel project. When I click my view button, I want to see full description of my record. But I don't know how to pass the right id. My database table is called - csstable.
I have model:
class CssTable extends Eloquent
protected $table = 'csstable';
View button on each post (I get all of my posts from database, so each of them have id):
<div class="view">
<a href="{{ action('CssController#show') }}" ></a>
CssController with this show function:
public function show()
$csstable = CssTable::all();
return View::make('cssposts/right_post', compact('csstable'));
My Route:
Route::get('/css/id_of_right_post', 'CssController#show' );
Right_post, where I want information from description column from row, with id, that i clicked (In this field, I see just last record's description:
<h1 style="color:#fff">{{ $css->description }}</h1>
I have tried to put something like this
public function show($id)
$csstable = CssTable::find($id);
return View::make('cssposts/right_post', compact('csstable'));
But then there is an error - missing 1 argument in show function. So I want to know, how to pass correct id!
The way to do this involves three steps. First let's go for the route:
Route::get('css/{id}', 'CssController#show');
The {id} there means it's a matching parameter - it'll match a full URI segment (basically anything between slashes) and use that to pass into he method passed. So on to the controller:
class CssController
public function show($id)
$csstable = CssTable::findOrFail($id);
return View::make('cssposts/view', compact('csstable));
That controller method accepts a (required) single parameter. You can call it whatever you want, but here I'm going for id as it's an ID for a model. Finally, the last part of the puzzle is how to link to such a route:
// view button for each csstable
<div class="view">
{{ link_to_action('CssController#show', $item->title, array($item->getKey())) }}
As you can see, I'm using the link_to_action helper, but your method with <a href="{{{ action('CssController#show', array($item->getKey())) }}}"> will work too. After the controller action name, you pass an array that contains all of the parameters in the URI to fill in (in order). In our case we have one parameter, to it's an array with one item. I think in these cases you could also use a string and Laravel will turn it into an array with one element for you. I prefer to be explicit.
Hopefully that's helped you work out how to use the parameter-based routing system in Laravel.

model relationship and routes get model id

i have the following route:
Route::get('notes/main', function(){
$destinations = Destination::where('show', '=','1')->get();
$notes = Destination::find($destination->id)->notes()->get();
return View::make('notes.main')
->with('destinations', $destinations);
//the relationship models:
class Destination extends Eloquent {
public function notes()
return $this->has_many('Note');
class Note extends Eloquent
public function destination()
return $this->belongs_to('Destination');
#foreach( $destinations as $destination)
{{ $destination->name}}<br>
{ $notes->destination->text }} // this isn't echoed
what's the correct way to filter this and define $destination->id
How would i Filter the notes in an if statement inside the loop ?
#if (isset($note->title) != 'shorttext')
<p> {{ $note->text }} </p>
You use $destination->id in your Route but it seems to be not defined yet. The question is, what do you want to achieve with your code?
$destinations = Destination::where('show', '=','1')->get();
$notes = Destination::find($destination->id)->notes()->get();
you are getting only the Notes of one specific destination (so far, $destination is not defined. You could use Destination::all()->first() to get the first, or Destination::find(id), with ID being replaced with the primary key value of the destination you need).
But I guess you don't want it that way. From your Output it seems like you want to have an output with each destination and below each destination the corresponding Notes.
//gets all the destinations
$destinations = Destination::where('show', '=','1')->get();
return View::make('notes.main')
->with('destinations', $destinations);
#foreach( $destinations as $destination)
{{ $destination->name}}<br>
#foreach($destination->notes as $note)
{{ $note->text }} <br>
Didn't test this, but this way your View would show you all your Destinations and for each Destination all the Notes.
In your route, your not sending $notes variable to the view.
How I would do it:
$destinations = Destination::where('show', '=','1')->get();
$destinations->notes = Destination::find($destination->id)->notes()->get();
Then in view:
#foreach( $destinations as $destination)
{{ $destination->name}}<br>
{{ $destination->notes->text }}
So first you asked a question, I gave you a correct answer.
You marked my answer as accepted, but later on you edit your initial question to add another question (for which you should create a new thread instead).
Then you create your own answer which is only answering part of your initial question and mark that as the good solution?
I could tell you why your isset and empty did not work, but why should I if you don't value my help at all?
for the last part this worked out at the end
function isset and empty didn't work , strange:
#if ($note->title == 'shorttext')
