hammer.js kills a href on tap event - hammer.js

i´m running into a problem with hammer an it´s tap event.
I´m using this script to display an hidden div on tap event.
Inside of this div construct, i have an a tag with an link, but it break apart, and i don´t know why.
<div id="_news_8_" class="news_latest small-12 medium-6 columns">
<div class="news-info">
<div class="news-info-content table tap-object">
<div class="table-cell align-middle">
<p class="more">> Detail <span class="invisible">Text</span></p>
<div id="_slidesnews_8_" class="_bstretch_">
and the script
$tapObject = $('.tap-object');
[].slice.call($tapObject).forEach(function(element) {
hammertap = new Hammer(element);
hammertap.on('tap', function(event) {
if (event.target !== activeTap) {
if (activeTap !== undefined) {
activeTap = event.target;
so what´s going wrong here?
here´s a live demo: http://holmgallery.com/index.php/collection.html
Down under the Header Gallery, tap on one of the objects

Ok, Got it - so using the jQuery Wrapper Plugin, give´s me more Control over Delegation. Now the a.href work´s as it should.
var $rootObject = $('.news_latest');
[].slice.call($rootObject).forEach(function(element) {
hammertap = new Hammer(element);
$(element).hammer({domEvents:true}).on("tap", '.tap-object', function(event) {
if (event.currentTarget !== lastTap) {
if (lastTap !== undefined) {
lastTap = event.currentTarget;


Showing popup on image click

I'm using this code to show images.
The problem is that it is showing popup only for the first image and not the rest.
Images are loaded from database so they all have the same id.
Is that the problem or something else?
Code :
if (ViewBag.ReceptiSearchAll != null)
<div class="col-6 col-lg">
#foreach (var images in ViewBag.ReceptiSearchImages)
if (images.Image != null)
imagePath = images.Image;
imagePath = images.ImageDefault;
<div class="card mb-3" style="max-width: 400px;border:none">
<div class="row no-gutters">
<div class="col-md-12">
<img id="imgrec" class="card-img-top" src="data:image;base64,#System.Convert.ToBase64String(imagePath)" alt="Slika recepta" width="250" height="200">
// Get the modal
var modal = document.getElementById("myModal");
// Get the image and insert it inside the modal - use its "alt" text as a caption
var img = document.getElementById("imgrec");
var modalImg = document.getElementById("img01");
var captionText = document.getElementById("caption");
img.onclick = function () {
modal.style.display = "block";
modalImg.src = this.src;
captionText.innerHTML = this.alt;
// Get the <span> element that closes the modal
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
// When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the modal
span.onclick = function () {
modal.style.display = "none";
All your images have the same id.
<img id="imgrec" ...
id is meant to be a unique identifier.
var img = document.getElementById("imgrec");
For that reason, only your first image gets this.
img.onclick = function () {
modal.style.display = "block";
modalImg.src = this.src;
captionText.innerHTML = this.alt;

Dynamically Binding the the Oracle jet switcher slot to the oracle jet add and remove tab(Make switcher slot dynamic in oracle jet)

I want to make tab switcher auto decide the slot for the switcher but when I am trying to make it dynamic with the help of observable no data is showing the tab content area until I write the slot area statically. With observable variable, the slot is not getting the selected Slot value.
Please check how I can do this.
slot = [[selectedSlot]] //using for the slot value in html
this.selectedSlot = ko.observable('settings');
<div id="tabbardemo">
<oj-dialog class="tab-dialog hidden" id="tabDialog" dialog-title="Tab data">
<div slot="body">
<oj-input-text id="t1" value="{{newTabTitle}}" label-hint="Title"></oj-input-text>
<div slot="footer">
<oj-button id="idOK" on-oj-action="[[addTab]]">OK</oj-button>
<oj-button id="idCancel" on-oj-action="[[closeDialog]]">Cancel</oj-button>
<oj-button id="addTab" on-oj-action="[[openDialog]]">Add Tab</oj-button>
<oj-tab-bar contextmenu="tabmenu" id="hnavlist" selection="{{selectedItem}}" current-item="{{currentItem}}" edge="top" data="[[dataProvider]]"
<template slot="itemTemplate" data-oj-as="item">
<li class="oj-removable" :class="[[{'oj-disabled' : item.data.disabled}]]">
<a href="#">
<oj-bind-text value="[[item.data.name]]"></oj-bind-text>
<oj-menu slot="contextMenu" class="hidden" aria-label="Actions">
<oj-option data-oj-command="oj-tabbar-remove">
<oj-switcher value="[[selectedItem]]">
<div slot="[[selectedSlot]]"
<div class="demo-tab-content-style">
<h2>Home page content area</h2>
<div slot="tools"
<div class="demo-tab-content-style">
<h1>Tools Area</h1>
<div slot="base"
aria-labelledby="ba`enter code here`se-tab">
<div class="demo-tab-content-style">
<h1>Base Tab</h1>
<p class="bold">Last selected list item:
<span id="results">
<oj-bind-text value="[[selectedItem]]"></oj-bind-text>
JS code below
function (Context, ko, Bootstrap, ArrayDataProvider) { // this callback gets executed when all required modules are loaded
function ViewModel() {
this.data = ko.observableArray([{
name: 'Settings',
id: 'settings'
name: 'Tools',
id: 'tools'
name: 'Base',
id: 'base'
this.selectedSlot = ko.observable('settings'); //Sepecifically mentioned to show what it is the objective
this.dataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider(this.data, { keyAttributes: 'id' });
this.selectedItem = ko.observable('settings');
this.currentItem = ko.observable();
this.tabCount = 0;
this.newTabTitle = ko.observable();
this.delete = (function (id) {
var hnavlist = document.getElementById('hnavlist');
var items = this.data();
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].id === id) {
this.data.splice(i, 1);
.then(function () {
this.onRemove = (function (event) {
this.openDialog = (function () {
this.tabCount += 1;
this.newTabTitle('Tab ' + this.tabCount);
this.closeDialog = function () {
this.addTab = (function () {
var title = this.newTabTitle();
var tabid = 'tid' + this.tabCount;
name: title,
id: tabid
Bootstrap.whenDocumentReady().then(function () {
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), document.getElementById('tabbardemo'));
It is a bit complex to understand when you copy from JET cookbook. You have done almost everything right. Just make the following changes:
1) Remove this:
Bootstrap.whenDocumentReady().then(function () {
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), document.getElementById('tabbardemo'));
Why? The bootstrapping is required once per application, which is done inside your main.js file.
2) Replace require by define
Why? Require block is again maintained in main.js, where your required modules are pre-loaded. All subsequent viewModels have define block
3) Return an instance of your ViewModel
... Your imports
function (Context, ko, Bootstrap, ArrayDataProvider) { // this callback gets executed when all required modules are loaded
function ViewModel() {
// Your code
return ViewModel;

Owl carousel spits out a single item instead of a carousel

I am trying to make a carousel that shows a list of new tutors in a specific area from latest first. I am using laravel 5.6, vue.js and owl carousel.
Below I am using axios to retrieve from the database, and call owl-carousel
export default {
props: {
areaId: null,
data () {
return {
NewTutors: {}
methods: {
getNewTutor () {
var that = this;
axios.get( '/' + this.areaId + '/home/new').then((response) => {
that.NewTutorss = response.data;
.catch(error => {
this.errored = true
mounted () {
$(document).ready(function() {
and here and try and loop through each new tutor in a carousel.
<div class="owl-carousel owl-theme owl-loaded" id="NewTutors">
<div class="owl-stage-outer">
<div class="owl-stage">
<div class="owl-item" v-for="NewTutor in NewTutors>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<div class="card-body">
Image goes here
I get all the cards, with the correct data passed through, but instead of a single row carousel, I get a big blob of cards that move as if there was only one item. I have tried Vue.nexttick, and playing around with a few other things, but nothing seems to work quite right.
Thank you for your help.

Testing divs exist with Jasmine,Webpack and vue.js

In my vue component I have code that conditionally renders a div:
<div v-if="successCriteria()" id="success">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<Commit-chart :data="chartOptions" ></Commit-chart>
<div v-else>
There has been an error with rendering.
and I am trying to test this using jasmine. For example, when the success criteria is met, the success div is present. here is my test:
describe('Graph Tests', () => {
const getComponent = (prop1,prop2) =>{
let vm = new Vue({
template: '<div><graph ref="graph" :label=prop1 :data=prop2></graph></div>',
components: {
return vm;
it('Renders correctly with valid props', () => {
const label = ['j', 'a' ,'c', 'k'];
const data=[1,2,3,4]
var vm = getComponent(label,data).$mount();
When I log vm.$refs.graph.$el I get:
INFO: <!---->
in the console which I am very confused about. Can anyone help me get the div with id "success" ?
Thank you.
The selector for an id of "success" is '#success'. Or you can use getElementById.
However, the output from your program indicates the component is not rendering at all.

Refreshing page - AJAX content away

I have a navigation which load dynamically content via ajax. But if I refresh the page or visit another url and go back the current content is away and I see the old content under the first menu tab.
What is the best way to solve this problem? Can you give me some code?
The index.php include the elements navigation.inc.php and main_container.inc.php
<?php include("inc/incfiles/header_registrated.inc.php"); ?>
if (!isset($_SESSION["userLogin"])) {
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=http://localhost/project\">";
else {
echo "";
<?php include("inc/incfiles/navigation.inc.php"); ?>
<?php include("inc/incfiles/main_container.inc.php"); ?>
<?php include("inc/incfiles/footer.inc.php"); ?>
<div class="navigation">
<li id="1">
<div id="menuImage1" class="menuImage"></div>
<div class="menuText"><p>Punkt 1</p></div>
<div class="navigationDart"></div>
<li id="2">
<div id="menuImage2" class="menuImage"></div>
<div class="menuText"><p>Punkt 2</p></div>
<li id="3">
<div id="menuImage3" class="menuImage"></div>
<div class="menuText"><p>Punkt 3</p></div>
<li id="4">
<div id="menuImage4" class="menuImage"></div>
<div class="menuText"><p>Punkt 4</p></div>
<li id="5">
<div id="menuImage5" class="menuImage"></div>
<div class="menuText"><p>Punkt 5</p></div>
<li id="6">
<div id="menuImage6" class="menuImage"></div>
<div class="menuText"><p>Punkt 6</p></div>
<div class="mainContainer">
<div class="containerHeader">
<div class="contentHeader">
<div class="contentContainer">
<div class="content">
<div class="advertisement">
Now the divs content, cnotentHeader and advertisement (in file main_content.inc.php) is filled via ajax. Also the navigation has some jquery effects which also have to be the same after page refresh.
$(document).ready(function() {
$.get('inc/incfiles/content_container/header/1.php', function(data) {
$.get('inc/incfiles/content_container/content/1.php', function(data) {
$.get('inc/incfiles/content_container/advertisement/1.php', function(data) {
var current = '1.php';
$(".navigation li").click(function() {
var quelle = $(this).attr('id') + ".php";
// the current content doesn't load again
if(current === quelle) {
current = quelle;
// content
$(".content").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).load("inc/incfiles/content_container/content/" + quelle).fadeIn('normal');
// advertisement
$(".advertisement").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).load("inc/incfiles/content_container/advertisement/" + quelle).fadeIn('normal');
// header
$(".contentHeader").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).load("inc/incfiles/content_container/header/" + quelle).fadeIn('normal');
$(".navigation li").click(function() {
$("#1").mousedown(function() {
$("#menuImage1").addClass("menuImageClick1"); // new class on mouse button press
$("#1").mouseup(function() {
$("#menuImage1").removeClass("menuImageClick1"); //remove class after mouse button release
$("#1").click(function() {
$("#2").mousedown(function() {
$("#menuImage2").addClass("menuImageClick2"); // new class on mouse button press
$("#2").mouseup(function() {
$("#menuImage2").removeClass("menuImageClick2"); //remove class after mouse button release
$("#2").click(function() {
$("#3").mousedown(function() {
$("#menuImage3").addClass("menuImageClick3"); // new class on mouse button press
$("#3").mouseup(function() {
$("#menuImage3").removeClass("menuImageClick3"); //remove class after mouse button release
$("#3").click(function() {
$("#4").mousedown(function() {
$("#menuImage4").addClass("menuImageClick4"); // new class on mouse button press
$("#4").mouseup(function() {
$("#menuImage4").removeClass("menuImageClick4"); //remove class after mouse button release
$("#4").click(function() {
$("#5").mousedown(function() {
$("#menuImage5").addClass("menuImageClick5"); // new class on mouse button press
$("#5").mouseup(function() {
$("#menuImage5").removeClass("menuImageClick5"); //remove class after mouse button release
$("#5").click(function() {
$("#6").mousedown(function() {
$("#menuImage6").addClass("menuImageClick6"); // new class on mouse button press
$("#6").mouseup(function() {
$("#menuImage6").removeClass("menuImageClick6"); //remove class after mouse button release
$("#6").click(function() {
top: "16px"
}, 500 );
top: "88px"
}, 500 );
// Get the src of the image
// var src = $(this).css("top");
// Send Ajax request to backend.php, with src set as "img" in the POST data
// $.post("/home.php", {"#2": top});
top: "160px"
}, 500 );
top: "232px"
}, 500 );
top: "304px"
}, 500 );
top: "376px"
}, 500 );
You can use sessions. When you load content through ajax, store that response into a session variable and in your navigation you can add an if condition
if(isset($_SESSION['ajaxresponse'])) etc.
Ok, in your php file which serves your ajax request, please add the following line
// assuming that your contents can be stored in a variable $contents
$_SESSION['mycontent'] = $contents;
Now where you display your ajax response, add the following line of code there
if(isset($_SESSION['mycontent']) && !empty($_SESSION['mycontent']))
echo $_SESSION['mycontent'];
Make sure you are declaring session_start();
Hope this would be helpful! Sorry! If I could not understand the scenario of your problem.
